“ease of combat,” and “overall evaluation”. The re-
sults showed that the proposed method was the best
for all items. This result is considered to be voted
by the subjects as an overall evaluation of the above-
mentioned factors.
In this research, we proposed a new single handed
gesture method for instantaneous movement within
VR space. The hand gesture implemented as the
proposed method was designed for action games, re-
specting the user’s initiative and allowing for agile
movement. In order to compare the proposed method
with the existing methods and the methods used in ex-
isting products, users were tested on three stages for
teleportation. Quantitative evaluations such as time
from start to finish, number of actions, accuracy on
each checkpoint NASA-TLX and SUS, as well as
subjective evaluations were conducted. For all the
items, the proposed method obtained positive results,
and we consider that the small turnaround in particu-
lar makes the proposed method more friendly to ac-
tion games.
We would like to discuss some improvements to
the proposed “HandWindow”. First, the problem that
only the floor can be specified as the destination,
making it difficult to move depending on the terrain,
should be resolved. We think it is necessary to take
countermeasures such as making a downward judg-
ment when it hits a wall, or performing a sphere cast
when a ray cast is performed and movement is not
possible. There was an opinion that the UI should
display not only the destination but also a line from
the hand to the destination, which will be improved.
This work was supported by Toyo University Top Pri-
ority Research Program.
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