When no voltage is applied to the LCD, polarized
light incident from the back of the LCD is twisted
in various directions by the discretely arranged liquid
crystal molecules, resulting in a state close to unpo-
larized light. Therefore, a portion of the incident light
changes its direction of polarization to a state that al-
lows it to pass through the polarizer on the front sur-
face. On the other hand, when voltage is applied, the
orientation of the liquid crystal molecules is aligned,
and as a result, polarized light incident from the back
enters the front polarizer without changing its direc-
tion. Since the orientation of the two polarizers sand-
wiching the liquid crystal is orthogonal, light that has
passed through the liquid crystal cannot pass through
the polarizers. This makes it possible to control light
passing through the entire liquid crystal display. In
addition, by changing the voltage applied to the liquid
crystal, the alignment of the liquid crystal changes,
making it possible to observe light of various intensi-
Let us consider the case where the polarizer in-
stalled on the front surface is removed. In this case,
polarized light passing through the liquid crystal is
projected directly to the front surface. In other words,
the set of light rays whose intensity is adjusted by
passing through the polarizer is projected as a set of
light rays with different polarization directions. This
makes it possible to project light of various polar-
izations with different directions in the same way as
when projecting light of different intensities using an
ordinary projector. Regardless of the state of the liq-
uid crystal, the amplitude of the polarization, i.e., the
brightness of the observed image, remains almost un-
changed. Therefore, when observed by the naked eye,
an image with almost the same brightness is observed
regardless of the state of polarization. This makes it
possible to change the light source status of a scene
without significantly disturbing human observation.
In this paper, we call such a projector a polarizing
projector and show how to use it to separate scattered
light from reflected light.
Note that polarizing projectors do not directly
control the direction of polarization, but rather con-
trol the degree of polarization of the light that passes
through them, i.e., how close to perfect polarization
or how close to natural light the light is. Therefore, it
is not possible to directly project perfectly polarized
light that is orthogonal to the polarizer mounted on the
back of the liquid crystal. However, considering that
partial polarization and natural light can be expressed
as a linear combination of orthogonal perfect polar-
izations, the partial polarization obtained through the
LCD can be expressed as a linear combination of a
perfect polarization with an orientation equal to that
of the polarizer on the back and an orthogonal per-
fect polarization. Considering the linearity of light,
multiple images taken with varying partial polariza-
tion can easily be linearly combined to produce an
image when irradiated with perfect polarization.
Furthermore, polarization can be adjusted for each
pixel in a polarizing projector. This allows for the
synthesis of various polarizing projections, such as
the synthesis of polarization stripe patterns.
By using this to project various polarization pat-
terns, scattered light in an observed image can be sep-
4.2 Separation of Reflected and
Scattered Light Based on
At first, we consider the case where polarized light is
projected with the same orientation to the scene using
a polarizing projector, as shown in Fig 2.
Figure 2: Single polarized light projection.
As mentioned previously, the first-order scattered
light from the scattering medium and the mirror re-
flection light from the object retain the polarization
property. On the other hand, the compound scattered
light and the diffuse reflected light from the object
surface are natural light. Let us consider the case
where such light is observed by a polarization cam-
era. In this case, the observed light is partially po-
larized light that is a combination of natural light and
perfectly polarized light. Let us assume that the dif-
fuse reflected light and the composite scattered light
are perfect natural light. In this case, the natural light
indicated by the equation Eq.(1) is a combination of
diffuse reflection and complex scattered light. On the
other hand, perfectly polarized light is a composite of
first-order scattered light and specular reflected light.
Both of these two components contain both re-
flected and scattered light from the object. If all light
reflected from an object is diffuse reflected light or if
there is no compound scattered light, it is possible to
separate reflected and scattered light by this method.
Analysis of Scattering Media by High-Frequency Polarized Light Projection Using Polarizing Projector