gories, risk score categories) : S1 {(0),(1-10)} ; S2
{(0),(6-10)} ; S3 {(0-2),(3-10)} and S4 {(0-5),(6-
10)}. In view of the performances, the S2 strategy
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the different modalities. By excluding low scores, it’s
easier to separate the R and R classes. Small scores
are often more open to human interpretation, and tend
to vary between different users, particularly with re-
gard to user-based risk.
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line is based on traditional learning models in image
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vances in the literature for risk analysis. In future
work, we explore more complex decision models bet-
ter adapted to risk assessment, taking into account the
per-modality annotation to assess the general risk.
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SMART-RD: Towards a Risk Assessment Framework for Autonomous Railway Driving