Cybersecurity Incident Response Readiness in Organisations
Aseel Aldabjan
, Steven Furnell
, Xavier Carpent
and Maria Papadaki
School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K.
College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, K.S.A.
School of Computing and Engineering, University of Derby, Derby, U.K.
Keywords: Cybersecurity Readiness, Organisational Readiness, Cybersecurity Preparedness, Cybersecurity Maturity,
Security Incident Readiness.
Abstract: The number and nature of cyber-attacks is continuously evolving, disrupting the productivity and operations
of organisations worldwide. Timely and effective detection and response to incidents are important, as they
could limit the spread of threats and restrict the risks from compromises. Studies have revealed the level of
preparedness to respond for many organisations is low and varies across different industry sectors. At the
same time, cybersecurity researchers have identified a substantial gap in implementing readiness assessment
frameworks as they are dependent on the type, context and specific requirement of the respective industries.
Moreover, organisations have a gap between their practices and the establishment of the measures. This
highlights the need for a more comprehensive and holistic framework to address this issue. This paper aims
to determine the current state of incident response practices across organisations of different sizes and
capabilities. It further seeks to identify the factors that influence them to reach the desired level of cyber
security readiness.
Cyber security readiness is an organisation’s ability
to respond to incidents in terms of its capabilities,
resources and infrastructure (Cisco, 2023). This
involves having critical policies, procedures and
trained personnel in place to respond to security
incidents. Therefore, cyber security readiness refers
to the degree to which an organisation is aware of,
prepared for and committed to preventing and
responding to all aspects of an incident (Deloitte,
2016). The lack of cyber security readiness can pose
significant challenges for organisations in acquiring
the necessary resources to establish a sufficient level
of cyber security and safeguard their digital assets.
Being prepared to respond to security incidents is
crucial for minimising impacts and restoring
operations. Yet, the readiness and capability to
respond to incidents vary considerably among
organisations. Therefore, this study aims to explore
the existing practice gap in IR readiness across
organisations of different sizes and capability and to
identify the factors that impede their preparedness to
respond to such incidents.
The next section provides insights into the
organisation's security readiness in practice. This is
followed by an overview of influential factors of
cyber security preparedness. Subsequently, the
correlations among these factors are outlined. Finally,
the conclusion and future work are presented.
IR readiness has a wide scope and the related
practices may vary based on the organisation’s size
and its industry. This section examines evidence from
various sources that determine the readiness and
preparedness challenges of organisations.
A survey by IBM (2022) including 17 industries
across 17 countries highlighted that organisations
with dedicated IR teams and proper IR plans saved an
average of $2.66 million compared to those without
these practices. Similarly, Deloitte (2023) conducted
a survey of over 1000 cyber decision-makers across
20 countries, revealing that only 21% reached a high
cyber maturity level, where they meet the leading
practices requirement that ensures IR readiness.
Aldabjan, A., Furnell, S., Carpent, X. and Papadaki, M.
Cybersecurity Incident Response Readiness in Organisations.
DOI: 10.5220/0012487600003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 262-269
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
BakerHostetler (2023) highlighted that the
average response time of an incident from the time of
occurrence to detection is 3 days, followed by 24 days
for forensic investigation, and a further 67 days to
inform the stakeholders. The average time for
recovery is increased for all industries, which may be
attributed to various factors including delays in
detection and responding and inadequate preparation
and planning for business continuity. This data
reveals a frequent occurrence of delays. This means
that it is necessary for organisations to effectively
respond to an incident on time and that any response
delays can potentially lead to higher losses and costs.
The UK Cyber Security Breaches Survey (2023)
includes focus on the consequences of incidents and
breaches, and demonstrates organisations’ current
preparedness in addressing cyber attacks. One of the
concerning findings was that despite the increasing
prevalence of cyber attacks, small organisations tend
to have less priority over preparation to respond to an
incident and allocate less resources to deal with cyber
attacks. This may have a considerable impact on their
overall preparation, capability and readiness to
respond to incidents. Furthermore, organisations that
adopt proper IR plans to address cyber incidents
remain a minority. Larger organisations have a higher
probability of establishing such plans with 64% of
them have established formal IR plans. Furthermore,
the report noted a disconnect in communication
regarding IR between security specialists or IT teams
and other staff, including management boards.
Therefore, the report recommended filling the
existing gap pertaining to establishing constant and
streamlined communication between IT team and
other members of staff.
The Cisco Cybersecurity Readiness Index (2023)
revealed that only 15% of organisations worldwide
have a sufficient level of maturity to prepare against
the actual threat level they encounter. However, the
report also stated that readiness is dependent on the
industry sector. Industries that are more prone to
vulnerability and have a higher potential to suffer
losses tend to have a higher matured level of
readiness, such as the healthcare (18%) and financial
(19%) sectors. It is worth noting that organisations in
the retail sector have the highest percentage of
maturity at 21%. This may be because this industry
has been exposed to a higher number of cyber attacks
over the past years
This review suggests that a significant number of
organisations encounter challenges in filling the
critical gaps in security preparation. These gaps, such
as the lack of planning in responding to potential
incidents, impede rapid detection, effective
mitigation and efficiency in security incident
recovery. Organisations with a lack of proper and
tested plans in place can potentially face higher
significant losses and damages in comparison to those
with established security protocols. In addition, there
is an evident gap between small and large
organisations. The study suggests that bigger
organisations tend to be more prepared than smaller
organisations, leading to the latter experiencing
higher damages when such incidents occur. Overall,
organisations should improve their readiness to
combat such incidents. Therefore, understanding the
factors that impact preparedness in organisations is
crucial, which will be discussed in detail in the next
An organisation's readiness to respond to incidents
can be significantly affected by several factors. Each
of these factors can have substantial impacts on the
organisation's readiness. Therefore, it is essential that
organisations take into consideration all these factors
when evaluating and preparing for a potential
incident. Despite the significance of cybersecurity
readiness, a literature review indicates a lack of
comprehensive examinations of the diverse factors
that can contribute to cybersecurity preparedness, and
their cumulative impact. Furthermore, there is a
shortage of effective methods for evaluating
preparedness. Hence, there is a need for research to
comprehensively identify these factors and examine
their overall contribution within a more holistic
framework. In this research, the identification of
relevant factors was approached through an extensive
review of related literature to establish the situation
from both academic and practitioner perspectives. For
the academic aspect, a comprehensive search was
conducted across scholarly databases (e.g. IEEE
Xplore, ACM Digital Library, and Science Direct)
targeting articles from 2013-2023. An accompanying
search of industry, government and professional
sources was also conducted for the same period.
The search terms that were adopted include
‘cybersecurity factors’, ‘cybersecurity readiness’,
‘organisational readiness’, ‘cybersecurity resilience’,
‘cybersecurity preparedness’, ‘cybersecurity
maturity’, ‘cybersecurity compliance’, and ‘security
incident readiness’. The articles found were
shortlisted and reviewed to determine their suitability
and relevance. The resulting factors identified
Cybersecurity Incident Response Readiness in Organisations
through the review were classified into four
categories (human, organisational, operational, and
external), as depicted in Figure 1. While the factors
themselves are already recognised in the literature,
the framework provides a new basis for
understanding them and their collective influence.
3.1 Human Factors
Several human factors can play a role in an
organisation's readiness. These include security
culture, training and awareness, and communication.
3.1.1 Security Culture
Security culture has a significant impact on readiness.
In several studies, organisational security culture has
been identified as one of the major factors influencing
incident readiness(Berlilana et al. 2021; Hasan et al.
2021) . A lack of security culture can undermine even
the strongest technical measures. Moreover, Frenken
(2020) indicates that cybersecurity culture aims to
protect all organisational assets by developing a risk-
aware mindset throughout organisations. This allows
for improved compliance with regulatory
requirements, as well as improved response times to
cybersecurity threats. When people feel a sense of
responsibility and ownership over the security of an
organisation, they are more likely to take proactive
measures to prevent incidents from occurring and to
response quickly in the event of an incident.
3.1.2 Training and Awareness
Employee training and awareness can significantly
impact an organisation's readiness for cybersecurity
incidents. For instance, studies have demonstrated
that training employees in order to enhance their
response abilities and asset protection capabilities is
important (Hasan et al. 2021). Developing these skills
can help employees to better anticipate potential risks
and respond quickly and effectively when they arise.
Other studies have shown that security awareness is
also an important factor of readiness. Therefore,
ongoing employee training and awareness are likely
to play a significant role, given that hackers regularly
adopt new attack methods (Aldawood and Skinner,
2019a). Furthermore, it has been emphasised that it is
essential for HR departments to include training as a
central part of employee onboarding in order to
ensure a sufficient level of employee proficiency in
dealing with threats and incidents (Aldawood and
Skinner, 2019b). Therefore, providing employees
with the skills and awareness with which to recognise
security risks will improve IR capabilities.
3.1.3 Communication
One fundamental component of an organisational IR
is effective communication. It involves internal
communication with top management, staff,
members of the IR team, and other stakeholders, as
well as external contacts such as clients and suppliers.
Effective communication is paramount to enable
coordinated and swift response actions during and
after crises. An organisation must define roles and
responsibilities and establish information-sharing
protocols and clear communication channels to
implement an effective communication strategy
(Manley and McIntire, 2020). The NIST
Cybersecurity (NIST, 2023) framework highlights
communication as a key component of best practices
for IR, and its recommendations stress the need for
organisations to have comprehensive strategies that
outline how internal and external information will be
shared during incidents. It highlights the significance
of well- structured and proactive communication to
better manage cyber-related incidents.
3.2 Organisational Factors
To ensure that an organisation is ready to respond,
several factors must be taken into consideration
within the organisational context. These factors
include technological infrastructure, IR plan and IR
standards and regulatory compliance.
3.2.1 Technological Infrastructure
Technological infrastructure is a major factor that
affects readiness (Hasan et al. 2021). Researchers
have found that organisations with technological
infrastructure development will be better prepared to
deal with incidents (Berlilana et al. 2021). This entails
having the latest technology, including devices,
programmes, and other elements, along with
knowledge of how to use and maintain it. Therefore,
an up-to-date technological infrastructure is an
essential factor in incident preparedness.
In addition, industry surveys have revealed that
outdated technology poses a significant risk that can
impede a proper IR. For example, Verizon’s DBIR
report (2022) indicated that outdated technology and
applications are the most common incident vectors
that negatively impact the response capability of
organisations. Furthermore, the report noted that
more than half of all system intrusion incidents were
caused by vulnerabilities in partner technology.
Therefore, organisations must not only ensure that
their infrastructure is updated, but also that their
partners and vendors adhere to best practices.
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 1: Cybersecurity readiness factors.
3.2.2 Incident Response Plan
The effectiveness of an organisation’s capacity and
readiness to respond to cyber incidents crucially
depends on its IR plan, which refers to a structured
and documented approach outlining the clear steps,
procedures, and actions that an enterprise should
undertake when it detects a security incident. It is a
vital roadmap for identifying, responding to, and
minimising cyber incidents (Cynet, 2019). Constantly
updating the IR plan and complementing it with
simulated incidents and tabletop exercises ensures the
company’s readiness to tackle cyber incidents (Jalali
et al. 2019). Another study underlined the necessity
of well-documented and regulated tested IR plans,
emphasising the need for organisations to develop an
IR plan and ascertain its ongoing relevance by
regularly updating and testing it (Wertheim, 2019).
Therefore, organisations must develop robust plans
that align with best practices and are required to make
organisations ready to respond.
3.2.3 Regulatory and Standards Compliance
An organisation’s ability to address cybersecurity
risks can be significantly enhanced through
compliance with standards and laws. According to
Berlilana (2021), adhering to industry standards and
government regulations can bolster the ability of an
organisation to tackle cyber-attacks. In this context,
compliance refers to organisations adhering to
specifications, guidelines, regulations, and laws
relevant to their operations and procedures. Industry
standards can improve readiness across a sector.
Several researchers have cited the fact that
organisations that follow industrial standards, such as
the NIST and information security governance
frameworks, are more likely to respond effectively to
cybersecurity incidents (Georgiadou et al. 2022).
3.3 Operational Factors
Various factors affect cybersecurity readiness from
the operational perspective, namely management
support, resource allocation, and a dedicated IR team.
3.3.1 Management Support
Another important factor that influences
cybersecurity readiness lies in leaders’ attitudes and
support (Hasan et al. 2021). Several studies have
demonstrated that leadership is a critical component
of IR readiness and that lack of leadership can reduce
the quality of response (Benz & Chatterjee, 2020).
Similarly, Bahuguna et al. (2019) found that lack of
senior leadership support is one of the challenges
faced by entities in enhancing their cybersecurity
preparedness. Cisco’s Readiness Index (2023) states
that it is the responsibility of business leaders to
develop baseline IR standards across major security
pillars to enhance their organisations’ resilience.
Moreover, researchers have found that organisations
are more vulnerable to the negative impacts of
cybersecurity incidents when leaders are unprepared
Cybersecurity Incident Response Readiness in Organisations
or overconfident. For example, recent studies in the
healthcare industry have found that infrequent
interactions between organisational leaders and chief
information security officers (CISOs) and a lower
resource commitment to IR reduce the level of
preparedness in organisations (Abraham et al. 2019).
Therefore, effective leadership is essential for
ensuring cybersecurity preparedness and resilience.
3.3.2 Resource Allocation
Another crucial factor to take into account is the
availability of adequate resources such as budgets and
personnel, and how they are allocated. Organisations
with inadequate budgets for IR are at high risk, and at
present, nearly 56% of organisations must allocate
more funds to ensure cybersecurity (Cisco, 2023). In
addition to funding, the allocation of resources also
includes the allocation of manpower and personnel
within an organisation. An organisation’s ability to
respond to an incident is greatly influenced by the
availability of sufficient personnel resources (Hasan
et al. 2021). Moreover, Quader and Janeja (2021)
found that lack of investment in the workforce and IT
infrastructure are key impediments to a secure cyber
environment. These resources enable organisations to
detect, investigate, and mitigate incidents more
effectively, enabling quicker and more efficient
response to incidents, and ultimately reducing the
damage caused.
3.3.3 Dedicated Incident Response Team
Another crucial element that significantly impacts an
organisation’s readiness to mitigate or reduce
cybersecurity threats is the presence of a dedicated
cybersecurity IR team. NIST (2011) define the
Computer Incident Response Team as a group of
skilled staff structured to formulate, recommend, and
orchestrate prompt measures for containing,
eliminating, and recovering from cybersecurity
incidents. Rahman and Chao (2015) recognised the
composition of a IR team as a critical component in
the preparation stage. The responsibilities of this team
encompass incident assessment, developing and
implementing response strategies, creating situational
awareness, and incident triage (Ruefle et al. 2014).
Moreover, Ahmad et al. (2020) highlighted the
importance of IR team at the strategic level, which
covers the tools and strategies for securing the digital
assets of an organisation. Through effective policies,
the IR team can enable an organisation to regulate the
use of computing infrastructure, identify and mitigate
risks, and offer training programmes to ensure high
levels of employee awareness.
3.4 External Factors
The final outside an organisation can have a
significant impact on its cybersecurity preparedness.
3.4.1 Vendor / Third-Party Relationship
A vendor/third-party relationship is an essential
factor that impacts an organisation’s capability and
preparedness to respond to cyber incidents.
Organisations should assess and maintain the security
of external entities that interact with their IT
infrastructure. External entities can include service
providers, suppliers, and other third-party providers.
Research has indicated that vendors / third parties
play a pivotal role in an organisation’s cybersecurity
strategy, as they are often involved in or responsible
for many incidents (Keskin et al. 2021). Therefore,
organisations should comprehensively assess their
external partners to ensure that they meet certain
predefined security protocols and standards to
establish high levels of confidence and trust.
Ultimately, this can reduce the risk of a security
breach. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST,
2023) underscores the significance of suppliers and
other external stakeholders as critical components of
IR. It provides best practices and guidelines to help
organisations incorporate vendor risk management
into their cybersecurity approaches and strategies. By
implementing NIST's guidelines, enterprises can lay
a strong foundation for responding to cyber threats
and enhancing their overall preparedness.
3.4.2 Collaboration with External Entities
External collaboration is another crucial element for
enhancing an organisation's preparedness and ability
to address cyber threats (Berlilana et al. 2021). Rajan
et al. (2021) highlight that collaboration with external
entities is one of the best approaches to identifying
cyber vulnerabilities and protecting information. The
authors argued that companies collaborating closely
with external parties can exchange accurate
information, providing larger systems with better
security than traditional, isolated security measures.
Numerous studies have empirically evaluated the
benefits of collaboration with competitors concluded
that organisations can more effectively identify and
mitigate cyber threats when their rivals constantly
update them of emerging attacks (Hasan et al. 2021).
However, this willingness to collaborate can be
attributed to the intense competition and lack of trust
that exists between organisations and the recognition
of information as a critical element in this
competition (Kertysova et al. 2018). In such cases,
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
organisations often hesitate to share information with
their competitors, allowing attackers to target similar
organisations. Therefore, sharing knowledge has the
potential to significantly reduce threats.
Having identified the factors, it is also relevant to
recognise the potential for interrelationships between
them, and their varying levels of influence in different
contexts. Addressing the first of these points, Figure
2 offers an initial attempt to identify key
interrelationships, based upon their representation in
the literature (note that the diagram maintains the
colour-coding from Figure 1, clearly highlighting
relations between factors across different groups).
While space precludes a full discussion of the Figure,
the following paragraphs present some illustrative
discussion of the relationships being depicted.
From this initial assessment, management support
serves as a foundational element influencing most
readiness parameters. For instance, it plays a crucial
role in establishing an organisation-wide security
culture (Huang & Pearlson, 2019; Safitra et al., 2023).
Informed senior executives have a direct influence on
raising awareness and training programs (Yusif &
Hafeez-Baig, 2021). A dedicated management team
ensures proper resource allocation for cybersecurity
initiatives (Daud et al., 2018), preventing ineffective
allocation and enhancing cybersecurity readiness. In
addition, management support is vital for ensuring
standards and regulations compliance, leading to
effective policies and standards implementation
(Berlilana et al., 2021). It is also often essential for
establishing strategic collaborations and alliances
with other organisations, enhancing security
capabilities through information sharing and resource
exchange (Rajan et al., 2021). In essence, the support
of management impacts nearly every facet of
preparedness, improving overall readiness for
cybersecurity incidents. Furthermore, there are
interconnected relationships among other readiness
factors; for instance, technological infrastructure is
both influences and influenced by various other
elements. For example, utilizing cutting-edge
technical systems, such as real-time decision-support
systems, enhances the operational performance of IR
teams by relieving them from manual tasks. This
allows them to focus on addressing critical issues and
potential threats, improving overall efficiency and
effectiveness (Naseer et al., 2021). Research has
Figure 2: Interrelations Among Readiness Factors.
shown that security incidents are often exploited by
attackers due to a lack of communication (Knight &
Nurse, 2020). Therefore, an effective cybersecurity
infrastructure can enable an organisation to establish
an effective corporate communication platform
(Serrano et al., 2023). This ensures organisations
strengthen their communication and incident
response capabilities. On the other hand, the
technological infrastructure is shaped by various
readiness factors. The compliance and adoption of
incident response frameworks such as ISO, NIST, and
others allow the establishment of efficient and robust
cybersecurity infrastructures (Shinde & Kulkarni,
2021). In addition, having adequate resources is
critical in developing and maintaining technological
infrastructures for maintaining and managing
cybersecurity (Berlilana et al., 2021). It is noteworthy
that bringing the security technological infrastructure
up to standard is unlikely to benefit an organisation if
those who work on these systems are neglected.
Enhancing employees' capabilities and skills through
training and awareness is crucial for the proper use of
new systems (Akter et al., 2022).
The interrelations illustrate that preparing for
cybersecurity incidents is not an isolated task, and
requires a suitable blend of multiple factors.
Organisations must understand the interconnections
of these factors to build a robust defence against cyber
threats, ensuring their sustainability and protecting
their stakeholders. We intend to further investigate
the real-world recognition of the factors and their
relative influence, in the next phase of the work, by
means of a survey amongst organisations in practice.
This will target security professionals and IT experts
Cybersecurity Incident Response Readiness in Organisations
across organisations of diverse sizes and industries,
and will consider the extent to which organisations
recognise incident response as an issue, as well as
how the feel in terms of readiness to handle it. The
categories of readiness factor will then be explored in
order to investigate the extent to which each is found
to be a relevant issue in practice. This will assist in
further determining potential interrelationships, as
well as providing at least an initial baseline view of
the relative influence of individual factors (or factor
The intricacies of organisational preparedness for
cybersecurity incidents are multifaceted, involving a
range of critical factors, including security culture,
training and awareness, communication, management
support, resource allocation, a dedicated IR team,
external collaboration, vendor/third-party relation-
ships, technological infrastructure, regulatory and
standards compliance, and the IR plan. The gap in
organisational readiness highlights the opportunity
for a tool that would assist in evaluating their
response readiness, and support them in taking related
actions to improve their posture, bridging the evident
practice gap and enhancing overall cyber security
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Cybersecurity Incident Response Readiness in Organisations