Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Sustainability Assessment
and Risk Management in European Banking
Dominic Strube
, Christian Daase
and Jennifer Schietzel-Kalkbrenner
Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design, Wismar, Germany
Institute of Technical and Business Information Systems, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
Berufliche Hochschule Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Keywords: Credit Risk, Artificial Intelligence, ESG Assessments, Data Analysis, Sustainability.
Abstract: This article addresses the evolving dynamics of sustainability risks in the banking sector, with a particular
focus on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in risk assessment and management. The impact of
environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors on creditworthiness evaluation is examined and
highlights the complexities and challenges that financial institutions face in adapting their risk management
frameworks to accommodate these sustainability risks. The paper underscores the difficulties banks face in
effectively incorporating ESG considerations, primarily due to the absence of standardized methodologies
and the intricate interplay between ESG components and banking risk elements. In this context, the potential
of AI applications is critically assessed, especially those utilizing large datasets, to identify complex patterns
and correlations that often elude human analysts. This investigation includes both the opportunities AI
presents in enhancing the precision of risk assessments and the associated challenges, including issues related
to the opacity and control of complex, self-learning AI models, as well as regulatory and privacy concerns.
Finally, the article presents a schematic approach through which banks can actively integrate sustainability
risks into their risk management strategies, emphasizing the need for ongoing research and development in
this crucial area.
In Europe, banks are increasingly facing the
challenge of considering so-called sustainability
risks. These risks, originating from environmental,
social, or corporate governance sectors, can have
negative impacts on a company's assets, finances,
earnings, and reputation (BaFin, 2020). Due to these
potential impacts, regulatory requirements demand
that banks systematically identify, assess, manage,
and monitor these risks. The European Banking
Authority (EBA), as the overarching body, sets
binding standards and guidelines for the banking
sector. As early as 2020, the EBA published a guide
on environmental and climate risks (European
Central Bank, 2020). National supervisory authorities
such as the German Federal Financial Supervisory
Authority (BaFin) or the French Prudential
Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR) issue
their own standards and regulations, some of which
are still optional, others mandatory. A central
challenge for many banks is the lack of uniformity in
these methods and a scarcity of robust data allowing
for reliable assessment. Especially for smaller banks,
these methods are particularly challenging due to
insufficient data (Strube et al., 2023). Against this
backdrop, this article explores how AI can contribute
to assessing sustainability risks, particularly in terms
of credit default risks. The goal is to optimize
decision-making processes in credit granting and to
identify at-risk credits early on. Our research
questions (RQs) are:
RQ1: How do sustainability risks influence the
creditworthiness of companies?
Strube, D., Daase, C. and Schietzel-Kalkbrenner, J.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Sustainability Assessment and Risk Management in European Banking.
DOI: 10.5220/0012498700003717
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2024), pages 25-32
ISBN: 978-989-758-695-8; ISSN: 2184-5891
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
RQ2: To what extent is AI used in banks, and what
challenges and potentials does the integration of AI
offer in the risk management of banks?
RQ3: What might an AI-based model look like to
effectively identify sustainability risks?
Section 2 begins with an introduction to the definition
and typology of sustainability risks. This is followed
in section 3 by an examination of the application of
AI in banking and its specific use in capturing
sustainability risks. The advantages and
disadvantages of these technologies, especially in the
context of banking data, are discussed in section 4.
The fourth section presents which data can be used
for an AI-supported assessment and concretize some
use cases. The article concludes with a summary of
the key findings.
Sustainability risks pertain to events or conditions
associated with environmental, social, or corporate
governance sectors (BaFin, 2020). The manifestation
of these risks may have real or potential adverse
effects on the net assets, financial condition, and
operating results, as well as on the reputation of a
company. The general consensus in science and
practice for quantifying sustainability aspects
includes consideration of the following criteria
(Gleißner and Romeike, 2021):
Environment: This refers, among other things, to the
eco-friendliness of a company's activities, including
energy consumption, use of renewable energy,
climate change strategies, and emission reduction.
Social: This includes the social impact of a company,
both internally and external which examples. Such as
human rights standards, prohibition of child and
forced labor, equal opportunities, diversity, and
promotion of further education.
Governance: This involves the structure and
management of a company with respect to sustainable
practices, including issues such as sustainability
management, anti-corruption measures, quality
management systems, financial sustainability, and
risk management.
Sustainability risks are not a separate type of risk,
but factors that influence existing risks such as credit
risk, market price risk, liquidity risk, operational risk,
, strategic risk or reputational risk (BaFin, 2020). In
this article, the focus lies on analyzing credit default
risk in the context of these interdependencies.
Sustainability risks in the areas of climate and
environment are also divided into physical risks and
transition risks. Physical risks arise directly or
indirectly from climatic changes, such as those
immediately resulting from extreme weather events
like storms, floods, or prolonged drought periods
(Salisu et al., 2023). According to the latest estimates
from the PESETA IV project (Projection of
Economic impacts of climate change in Sectors of the
European Union based on bottom-up Analysis) for
instance, the economic losses due to drought periods
in the European Union and the United Kingdom
amount to about 9 billion euros annually. Spain
suffers the greatest losses, with 1.5 billion euros per
year, followed by Italy with 1.4 billion euros and
France with 1.2 billion euros. Transition risks, on the
other hand, are associated with political, legal, or
technological changes aimed at mitigating climate
change (Salisu et al., 2023). The pricing of CO²,
which can lead to increased operating costs,
especially for companies with high emissions, is cited
here as an example (Cammalleri et al., 2020). These
discussed relationships are summarized in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Exemplary presentation of the impact of ESG
aspects on traditional risk categories.
Recently, political players in Europe have stepped
up their efforts to create a regulatory framework to
integrate sustainability risks into banks. In particular,
the European Union (EU) and national financial
regulators require banks to actively integrate
sustainability risks into risk management using a wide
range of methods. A study by Strube et al. (2023)
FEMIB 2024 - 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
which 112 regional banks in Germany were surveyed
on the topic of sustainability integration, shows that
many banks still have considerable difficulties in
effectively integrating sustainability risks into their
risk management. Figure 2 indicates that 85.7% of
respondents see the lack of standardized methods for
identifying and assessing sustainability risks as the
main obstacle. In addition to a lack of employee
expertise (53.6%) and staff shortages (49.1%), the
unwillingness of loan customers to cooperate (45.5%)
and a lack of obligations to cooperate (37.5%) are
also seen as obstacles to risk assessment. In addition,
the participants emphasize a lack of general
sustainability data and good technical systems for
data collection and analysis. Overall, it is clear that
the main barriers lie primarily in the complexity of
the (still) difficult to grasp correlations between
sustainability aspects and banking risks, as well as in
a lack of data.
Figure 2: Challenges in the measurement of sustainability
aspects (Strube et al., 2023).
Regarding RQ1, no conclusive evidence has been
found to support the assertion that there is a direct
correlation between sustainability aspects and the
probability of default. Some studies indicate a
positive correlation between a rating-score and
financial performance indicators (Friede et al., 2015;
Whelan et al., 2020). Also regarding small and
medium enterprises (SME), a study with a 20-year
data set from the Web of Science shows a positive
correlation between sustainability and financial
performance, a result confirmed by further research
(Bartolacci et al., 2020; Hammann et al., 2009;
Herrera Madueño et al., 2016). Additional
investigations, such as those by Lucia et al. (2020),
employing complex statistical models like random
forests and inferential approaches, confirm a positive
relationship between sustainable corporate practices
and financial performance metrics, particularly equity
and total capital returns. In addition, (Gupta et al.,
2021) demonstrated, through the use of machine
learning algorithms, that higher ESG performance
correlates with improved profitability, as reflected in
superior profit margins. These metrics significantly
influence banks' accuracy of default calculations.
Furthermore, many studies identify not only a
positive impact on financial indicators but also a
positive correlation between the probability of default
on loans and bonds and companies with a sustainable
orientation tend to pay lower risk premiums when
borrowing, thus being more creditworthy (Bauer and
Hann, 2010; Höck et al., 2020; Schneider, 2011;
Weber et al., 2008). A study by Meles et al. (2023)
examines the relationship between green innovation
and lower default risk using a sample of European
companies from 2003 to 2019, finding that green
innovations reduce risk, especially in market-oriented
countries and for non-publicly traded companies.
However, much of this research is based on
evaluations by sustainability rating agencies, whose
aim is to present the sustainability level of companies
on the basis of a rating grade. Although the financial
supervisory authorities recommend the use of such
ratings, they do so with reservations (European
Central Bank, 2020). There is a low concurrence
between the various ratings, mainly due to the lack of
standardized measurement procedures for ESG (Berg
et al., 2019; Dimson et al., 2020; Strube and Daase,
2023). Therefore, the direct link between high ESG
ratings and actual sustainability is uncertain.
Additionally, studies show that larger companies tend
to achieve higher ESG scores, which may reflect their
more extensive resources and imply a systematic
disadvantage for smaller firms in the rating process
(Drempetic et al., 2020). This makes it difficult for
banks, which often have a large number of SMEs in
their loan portfolios. Moreover, it is questionable
which aspects of the rating precisely influence the
probability of default and to what extent. For
example, a balanced gender quota leads to an
improved rating (in the Governance category), but the
direct link to financial stability is uncertain.
In summary, it is evident that sustainability
aspects almost certainly have a significant impact on
the probability of default on loans, but the specific
connection between these factors is very unclear. The
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Lack of uniform methods for
measuring sustainability
: Insufficient data availability
(e.g., probability of extreme
weather events)
Employees' lack of expertise
Staff shortage
Lack of cooperation from
credit customers
Lack of cooperation
requirements from credit
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Sustainability Assessment and Risk Management in European Banking
following will illustrate how AI can enhance the
analysis and assessment of sustainability factors as
well as the estimation of default risks by processing
large volumes of data, recognizing patterns in
complex information, and developing predictive
This chapter addresses the question of why and how
AI is currently being used in banks. Given the
abundance of data available in banks, such as
economic indicators, account movements, and
customer-specific data, banks are ideally suited for
the use of AI to train algorithms for identifying
patterns and connections. This includes applications
like detecting criminal activities, customer-centric
marketing, or improving the accuracy of credit ratings
(Sadok et al., 2022). According to a study of
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) conducted in 2023,
which surveyed 114 financial sector companies,
including half banks, it was found that the financial
services industry sees the greatest benefits in practical
and operational improvements, with a clear focus on
efficiency and cost reduction (Dagianis et al., 2023).
Many processes in banks are very resource and labor-
intensive. For instance, the credit granting process is
a complex procedure that requires various
interactions between the front and back-office areas
and the credit customer, depending on the type of
loan. The use of AI in the banking industry primarily
offers the potential to reduce costs and increase
revenues by automating repetitive processes.
According to the study, AI applications in banks are
primarily used in the areas of marketing, sales, IT,
and risk management, particularly in managing social
media channels (31%), analyzing network threats and
malware detection (22%), and in fraud management
and anti-money laundering checks (39% and 33%,
respectively). In the credit granting process, it
accounts for 19%. The integration of AI-based
systems in risk modeling, which also includes the
incorporation of sustainability aspects, is still in its
early stages (14%). In traditional banks, the use of AI
in the credit process is not yet particularly
pronounced and is conducted through classical,
statistical rating systems. Current initiatives
regarding the use of AI to capture sustainability
Figure 3: Reasons for not integrating AI (Berns, 2020).
aspects are few, including one by Deutsche Bank
(2023), which is working on the introduction of
machine learning procedures to classify its business
operations as green through an auto-classification
system, thereby relieving employees. BNP Paribas
has made a database with various sustainability data
available as open source and already recommends and
uses the use of AI to analyze sustainability (Geng,
2023). The use of AI, despite its numerous
application possibilities, also brings several
challenges. Firstly, it is essential that in complex, self-
learning models, the key parameters are made clearly
understandable and controllable (Friedrich et al.,
2021). However, with complex algorithms, it is often
difficult to understand exactly how they come to a
particular decision. This can pose a problem,
especially in areas such as creditworthiness
assessment, where decisions can have significant
impacts on individuals or companies (Sadok et al.,
2022). Moreover, banks are under strict regulatory
supervision, which expects the internal logic of a
rating system to be clear and transparent. If banks use
systems that they cannot fully explain, this can lead
to compliance issues. There is also the risk of making
incorrect decisions. If the system is not fully
understandable, there is a danger that faulty or biased
decisions are made without being recognized (Sadok
et al., 2022). If an algorithm overweights certain
indicators of sustainability, such as CO² emissions,
while neglecting other important aspects like water
consumption, biodiversity preservation, or social
responsibility, this can lead to a distorted assessment
of sustainability. This could favor companies or
projects that perform well in certain areas but have
deficits in other dimensions of sustainability. For
example, Amazon encountered a problem with its AI
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
Lack of transparency of AI
algorithms ("black box")
Lack of management support
Lack of available platform and
Lack of trust in AI benefits
Data privacy concerns
Lack of AI skills of employees
Budget constraints
Lack of available data
FEMIB 2024 - 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
recruitment tool, which exhibited gender biases. It
was discovered that this tool, intended to optimize the
hiring process by identifying best resumes, favored
men over women. The algorithm apparently detected
and then optimized a gender imbalance in technical
roles, thereby replicating a societal bias towards men
in these positions a (Dastin, 2018).
In a further PwC study, financial companies were
surveyed about the challenges they face in
implementing AI. As illustrated in Figure 3, the
dominant problems are data scarcity and financial
constraints. It is somewhat unexpected that banks
report a deficiency in data, considering their access to
extensive datasets. Nonetheless, it is conceivable that
a significant proportion of data within banking
institutions may be present in an unstructured format,
such as within text documents, electronic mails, or
descriptions of transactions. Specifically in the
context of sustainability data, there is an
acknowledged shortfall, given that banks usually
acquire only a restricted range of sustainability-
related information directly from their credit
recipients. This suggests that the institutions are
struggling to acquire the large datasets needed for AI
systems and to make the investments required for
such technologies. Moreover, the survey reveals that
internal expertise and data privacy concerns are
significant internal barriers, while external factors
such as trust in AI and the opacity of algorithms are
weighted less, but remain important concerns for the
acceptance and management of AI solutions (Berns,
4.1 Technical Requirements
In the previous two sections, we explored the
important but complex interplay between
sustainability factors, financial risk and AI in
banking. It was shown that sustainability-related
risks, particularly those related to climate change,
almost certainly have an impact on the probability of
default on bank loans. However, a systematic and
comprehensive understanding of these relationships
remains elusive. Artificial intelligence is proving to
be an effective tool for deciphering these complex
relationships. To date, the use of AI in banks has
primarily focused on improving process efficiency,
while its integration into risk modeling is a relatively
under-researched avenue. This section aims to present
different methods that could be used to address the
challenges of incorporating sustainability factors into
the risk management of European banking
Data Collection: As mentioned above, many
financial institutions face the challenge of providing
adequate ESG data. In the initial phase of ESG data
collection, the focus is on obtaining relevant data.
This is primarily documents and information
provided by borrowers, usually in response to regular
sustainability requests from financial institutions. In
addition, both manual collection and automated web
crawling and scraping enable the procurement of
company data (Sadok et al., 2022). This includes the
automated collection of standardized sustainability
reports, information on corporate strategy and
reputation. However, the integration of social media
activities is not considered practicable, as these
sources can be distorted or manipulative in the
context of greenwashing. In addition, artificial
intelligence can aggregate external data on physical
risk indicators such as flood probabilities,
meteorological data, groundwater levels and soil
conditions. This data is available free of charge in
many countries. The recording of potential
transitional values, such as upcoming regulatory
changes, can also be taken into account.
Data Storage: Cloud computing and related
technologies are pioneers of big data applications.
The provision of computing and storage resources has
itself developed into a business model in recent years.
The growing demands associated with big data
analytics are increasingly exceeding the technical and
financial capabilities of companies (Arostegi et al.,
2018) and even scientific institutes (Dai et al., 2012).
The motivation for a shift from the infrastructure-as-
an-asset scheme, in which a company owns the
required hardware, to infrastructure-as-a-service
(IaaS), in which the computing power of external
providers is used by transferring inputs and outputs
over a network, is recognizable (Arostegi et al.,
2018). The market mechanism behind this paradigm
shift is a pay-as-you-go model, as only the service
provided has to be paid for (Dai et al., 2012;
Mashayekhy et al., 2014). For example,
Commerzbank AG already uses cloud services to
store and process large volumes of data (Tomak,
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Sustainability Assessment and Risk Management in European Banking
Data Evaluation and Analysis: An innovative
approach would be to use AI to calculate the default
probabilities of loans using both traditional rating
data and sustainability data. The idea behind this is
that AI can better identify and predict the links
between a company's sustainability practices and its
credit risk. This would mean that the AI would not
only look at financial metrics but also ESG-related
indicators to provide a more holistic assessment of
creditworthiness. This approach could potentially
provide more accurate predictions as it takes into
account a broader range of risk factors. ESG factors
such as environmental behavior, social responsibility
and corporate governance can provide important
indications of a company's long-term stability and
risk profile. By combining this data with traditional
financial metrics, AI could create a more
comprehensive picture of credit risks, leading to more
accurate and reliable default probabilities.
Transparency: As AI is increasingly used in
applications that rely on private data of people in a
society and impact human lives, the issue of trust in
such systems led to the emergence of the term
explainable AI or responsible AI (Daase and
Turowski, 2023). Jobin et al. (2019) identify five
principles for responsible AI with the ultimate goal of
not only making AI applications understandable to
the target audience, but also imposing general ethical
rules on them. The principles include transparency,
justice, non-maleficence, accountability, and privacy.
Following these guidelines, data and solutions should
avoid any kind of discrimination or bias, comply with
legal regulations and ensure that private information
is stored and processed in a way that makes people
feel safe.
Data Augmentation: In order to make accurate
predictions, ML models must be trained with suitable
datasets from sufficiently large sample data.
However, especially in the early phases of AI
implementation, historical data in a suitably prepared
form may only be sparsely available. Data
augmentation is one way to close the gap between
small datasets and sufficiently large training data for
sophisticated ML models (Moreno-Barea et al.,
2020). With this technique, the structure and
statistical characteristics of real historical data can be
modeled to generate new data that could also be real
based on their properties.
4.2 Credit Risk Analysis Model
The technical prerequisites for using AI applications to
evaluate credit default probabilities are illustrated in
simplified form in Figure 4. Financial institutions may have
access to internal data such as client information, technical
capacities and personnel development. If the amount of data
is not sufficient to train AI systems, these can be expanded
in volume through augmentation. External data can also be
included, which is particularly important with regard to
ESG risks. This includes legal regulations, business trends
that can influence the purchasing behavior of clients,
climate data and demographics. After careful evaluation,
the AI processing unit at the center, shown here
schematically, can provide information on additional ESG
risks alongside predictions on traditional credit default
risks. Environmental changes, social upheavals and
governance risks can thus be made comprehensible to the
banking institution, thereby improving the evaluation
process for the appropriateness of granting credits.
Figure 4: Schematic model for ESG risk predictions.
In conclusion, the integration of sustainability factors
into the risk management practices of European banks
presents a complex but increasingly essential
challenge. As the awareness of sustainability risks
grows, particularly in relation to climate change, their
impact on the probability of default on loans becomes
more evident. AI emerges as a promising tool in this
context, offering innovative ways to decipher the
intricate relationships between sustainability factors
and financial risk. While the current usage of AI in
banks mainly focuses on process efficiency, there is
significant potential for its application in risk
modeling, especially with respect to ESG data. This
FEMIB 2024 - 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
approach, however, is not without challenges. The
scarcity of standardized and comprehensive ESG
data, the complexity of AI models, and regulatory
compliance issues pose significant barriers. Despite
these challenges, AI can enhance the analysis and
assessment of sustainability factors and improve the
accuracy of default risk estimations by processing
large data volumes and identifying patterns in
complex information. AI offers a way to better
understand and integrate these aspects into financial
risk management, but its effective implementation
requires the courage of banks to use these systems.
Further research should focus on developing and
validating AI models aimed at accounting for
sustainability risks and assessing their impact on
creditworthiness. Efforts to standardize ESG data for
reliable comparability and thereby strengthen
confidence in risk assessment are also necessary.
Moreover, investigations into improving the
explainability and transparency of AI applications in
banks for credit granting decisions should be the
subject of further research activities.
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