Information Extraction in the Legal Domain: Traditional Supervised
Learning vs. ChatGPT
Gustavo M. C. Coelho
1 a
, Alimed Celecia
1 b
, Jefferson de Sousa
1 c
, Melissa Lemos
1 d
Maria Julia Lima
1 e
, Ana Mangeth
2 f
, Isabella Frajhof
2 g
and Marco Casanova
1 h
Tecgraf - PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
LES - PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Natural Language Processing, Information Extraction, Text Classification, Named Entity Recognition, Large
Language Models, Prompt Engineering.
Information Extraction is an important task in the legal domain. While the presence of structured and machine-
processable data is scarce, unstructured data in the form of legal documents, such as legal opinions, is largely
available. If properly processed, such documents can provide valuable information about past lawsuits, al-
lowing better assessment by legal professionals and supporting data-driven applications. This paper addresses
information extraction in the Brazilian legal domain by extracting structured features from legal opinions re-
lated to consumer complaints. To address this task, the paper explores two different approaches. The first
is based on traditional supervised learning methods to extract information from legal opinions by essentially
treating the extraction of categorical features as text classification and the extraction of numerical features as
named entity recognition. The second approach takes advantage of the recent popularization of Large Lan-
guage Models (LLMs) to extract categorical and numerical features using ChatGPT and prompt engineering
techniques. The paper demonstrates that while both approaches reach similar overall performances in terms
of traditional evaluation metrics, ChatGPT substantially reduces the complexity and time required along the
The prolonged duration of a legal case within the
Brazilian courts presents a challenge for legal pro-
fessionals and society. The high volume of new
legal cases yearly submitted to the courts, com-
bined with the existing backlog, adds complexity
to this matter, encouraging the automation of pro-
cesses in this context. Over the past years, efforts
have been made to address this issue using Artifi-
cial Intelligence as a tool to increase court efficiency,
switching from knowledge-representation techniques
to machine-learning-based approaches. Like most
data-driven methods, this approach requires high-
quality, structured machine-processable data, which
is generally scarce in the legal domain (Surden, 2018).
On the other hand, unstructured data in the form of le-
gal documents, such as legal opinions, is largely avail-
able. If properly processed, such documents can pro-
vide valuable structured information that can be used
to describe each legal case. The description of legal
cases by a structured and interpretable dataset can be
further used in a variety of applications, such as Sim-
ilar Case Matching (Xiao et al., 2019), Legal Judg-
ment Prediction (Zhong et al., 2018), Recommenda-
tion Systems, and other data-driven applications.
More recently, the popularization of Large Lan-
guage Models (LLMs) such as GPT (Radford et al.,
2018) and the introduction of instruction-following
LLMs such as ChatGPT
have caused a significant
impact on the NLP field by simplifying many of these
Coelho, G., Celecia, A., de Sousa, J., Lemos, M., Lima, M., Mangeth, A., Frajhof, I. and Casanova, M.
Information Extraction in the Legal Domain: Traditional Supervised Learning vs. ChatGPT.
DOI: 10.5220/0012499800003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enter prise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 579-586
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tasks with the use of prompt engineering techniques.
This work addresses information extraction from text
by comparing two approaches: the traditional Super-
vised Learning approach, including Text Classifica-
tion and Named Entity Recognition (NER), and the
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering approach, which uses
the prompt engineering principles applied to Chat-
GPT to perform the same tasks.
More specifically, this article is positioned in the
context of the automated analysis of legal opinions re-
lated to consumer complaints. A legal opinion is “a
written explanation by a judge or group of judges that
accompanies an order or ruling in a case, laying out
the rationale and legal principles for the ruling”
. A
consumer complaint is “an expression of dissatisfac-
tion on a consumer’s behalf to a responsible party”
In such cases, the legal opinion contains specific pro-
visions referring to the plaintiffs claim, such as moral
damage, material damage, and legal fees due by the
defeated party. The term legal opinion is restricted to
this particular context in what follows.
To evaluate the proposed approaches, we use a
specially created dataset containing 959 manually an-
notated legal opinions (in Brazilian Portuguese) en-
acted by lower court judges in the State Court of Rio
de Janeiro in the context of consumer complaints in-
volving electric power companies.
The rest of the article is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 introduces background concepts and summa-
rizes related work. Section 3 describes information
extraction from text focusing on Text Classification,
NER, and ChatGPT Prompt Engineering. Section 4
describes the experiments and compares the results.
Finally, Section 5 presents the conclusions and direc-
tions for future research.
2.1 Text Classification in the Legal
Text Classification is an important task in information
extraction. Sulea et al. (2017) argue that using Text
Classification, as in various other domains, can ben-
efit legal professionals by providing a decision sup-
port system or at least a sanity check system. The
proposed framework uses word unigrams and word
bigrams as features and an ensemble classifier as the
classification model. The goal is to assign each le-
gal document to one class from a pre-defined set of
2 opinion
3 complaint
classes. The results show a 98% average F1-score in
predicting a case ruling, 96% for predicting the law
area of a case, and 87.07% for estimating the date of
a ruling.
Minaee et al. (2021) explore the use of deep
learning in text classification by listing more than
150 deep learning-based models. The list includes
feed-forward networks, RNN and CNN-based mod-
els, graph neural networks, and hybrid models. The
survey shows that deep learning-based models sur-
pass classical machine learning-based approaches,
improving state of the art on various Text Classifica-
tion tasks.
In the Brazilian Legal Domain, De Araujo et al.
(2020) introduced a dataset built from Brazil’s
Supreme Court digitalized legal documents, com-
posed of more than 45 thousand appeals, which in-
cludes roughly 692 thousand documents. The doc-
uments contain labels related to the document type
and lawsuit theme. The baseline adopted comprises
bag-of-words models, CNNs, Recurrent Neural Net-
works (RNNs), and boosting algorithms. The results
show that CNN and Bidirectional Long Short-Term
Memory (BiLSTM) outperform the remaining mod-
els in all categories, emphasizing the potential of deep
learning approaches in this task.
2.2 Named Entity Recognition in the
Legal Domain
The extraction of named entities is a frequent ap-
proach for information extraction in the legal domain,
where entities such as persons, organizations, and lo-
cations are combined with entities related to the legal
context. Leitner et al. (2019) addressed this task by
extracting several fine-grained semantic entities, such
as company, institution, court, and regulation. Mod-
els based on BiLSTM and Conditional Random Field
(CRF) are applied to the task, with character em-
bedding. The results of both model families demon-
strate that BiLSTMs models outperform CRF with an
F1-score of 95.46% for the fine-grained classes and
95.95% for the coarse-grained classes.
In the Brazilian legal context, Fernandes et al.
(2022) proposed a set of NER models to extract infor-
mation from legal opinions enacted by lower and Ap-
pellate Courts. More specifically, three datasets were
built to identify legal entities, such as the moral and
material damage values, the legal fee due by the de-
feated party, and others. Five models were proposed
based on different combinations of word and charac-
ter embeddings, RNNs, and CRFs. The optimal re-
sults reached by the models range from 68.42% to
90.43%, depending on the dataset.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Fernandes et al. (2020) extracted modifications
proposed by the Brazilian Upper Court to Lower
Court judges’ decisions. The task was performed
by first defining six entities that correspond to the
most popular legal categories that the Appellate Court
modifies in a specific legal domain. The extraction of
these entities was evaluated by five models based on
different combinations of RNNs and CRFs, and the
best performance was reached by combining a BiL-
STM and a CRF layer.
2.3 LLM Prompt Engineering
With the recent advances in instruction-following
LLMs, prompt engineering techniques have been ex-
tensively explored as a new paradigm in NLP tasks.
Dong et al. (2022) provides a survey of advanced in-
context learning techniques, exploring approaches for
the description of clear instructions, the selection of
examples to be demonstrated, and the prompts for-
To automate the construction of LLM prompts,
Zhou et al. (2022) proposes a method that optimizes
the prompt construction by searching over a pool of
instruction candidates that are created by an LLM.
The optimal prompts are chosen based on the maxi-
mization of a certain score function, resulting in an
efficient approach for reaching human-level perfor-
mance on various tasks with minimum human inputs.
In addition to prompt engineering techniques fo-
cused on the creation of clear instructions for specific
tasks, LLMs present a high ability for reasoning. Yao
et al. (2022) explores this ability by creating an ap-
proach named ReAct. This approach is based on the
concept of following a sequence of steps that involves
reasoning over each step and acting accordingly until
the task is finalized. The method enables LLMs to re-
cover from mistakes along the process and decreases
the chances of hallucinations, which is a common and
known issue related to language models.
3.1 The Supervised Learning Approach
The Supervised Learning approach refers to the use
of traditional machine-learning techniques which in-
volve the optimization of model parameters based on
an annotated dataset. The need for extracting both
numerical and categorical provisions from legal opin-
ions leads to the use of two different model cate-
gories, according to their tasks: Text Classification
and Named Entity Recognition.
3.1.1 Text Classification
Four different Text Classification models were imple-
mented during the experiments, based on two frame-
works. The first three models are based on Kowsari
et al. (2019), which summarizes most text classifi-
cation systems as a three-step procedure. The first
step converts textual units into fixed-length numerical
vectors by using a feature extraction model. The sec-
ond step covers an optional dimensionality reduction
over the results of the first step, which is potentially
high dimensional, depending on the feature extraction
model applied. The third step consists of a classifica-
tion model, such as Na
ıve Bayes, support vector ma-
chines (SVM), and random forests. In this step, each
reduced feature vector referred to a document is clas-
sified in one of the pre-defined classes.
The three models applied based on this frame-
work differ from each other according to the feature
extraction method applied in the first step. The TF-
IDF Classifier, SIF Classifier, and Doc2vec Classifier
are based on respectively TF-IDF (Jones, 1972), SIF
(Arora et al., 2017) and Doc2vec (Le and Mikolov,
2014) as the feature extraction methods and Logis-
tic Regression as the classifier. The dimensionality
reduction step didn’t result in significant advantages
during our experiments and was thus bypassed in all
The fourth model, the C-LSTM Classifier, is
based on the C-LSTM framework (Zhou et al., 2015),
which is a neural network approach for text repre-
sentation and classification. The strategy used by
this model combines CNN and LSTM layers. Since
CNNs and LSTMs adopt different ways of under-
standing natural language, they work in different roles
inside this framework. While the CNN layer is used
to capture a sequence of higher-level phrase represen-
tations, the LSTM layer captures global and temporal
semantics. Thus, C-LSTM can map both word se-
mantics (with the use of word embeddings) and local
and global contextual information from text instances.
3.1.2 Named Entity Recognition
The NER model used during the experiments is based
on a framework described by Souza et al. (2019),
which proposes a BERT model for a Portuguese NER
task. The model’s training process can vary in two
main approaches. The fine-tuning approach uses a
linear layer as the classifier and all weights are op-
timized jointly during training, including BERT, clas-
sifier, and CRF weights. The feature-based approach
uses a 1-layer BiLSTM model as the classifier. This
approach freezes the BERT weights during training,
while the classifier and CRF are optimized.
Information Extraction in the Legal Domain: Traditional Supervised Learning vs. ChatGPT
Using this framework as a basis, the experi-
ments assessed four models with two key differences:
whether they employed a CRF layer or not; and the
training approach (fine-tuning or feature-based).
3.2 The ChatGPT Prompt Engineering
The ChatGPT Prompt Engineering approach for ex-
tracting information from text documents leverages
ChatGPT capabilities with a simple setup. By pro-
viding clear and fairly simple instructions to an
instruction-following LLM, specific information can
be extracted from a piece of text without the need for
time-consuming model optimizations. In summary,
given a set of text documents and specific informa-
tion required to be extracted from them, a prompt is
manually constructed containing mainly three items:
1. Details of the information to be extracted.
2. The output format.
3. Some optional examples.
The first item refers to the explanation of the infor-
mation to be extracted. The level of detail involved in
this explanation depends on how domain-specific the
information is.
In the second item, ChatGPT is instructed on how
to respond. When extracting categorical features, a
set of possible values is described, and when extract-
ing numerical features, the format of the numerical
values is specified. In addition, since instruction-
following LLMs are fine-tuned for conversational re-
sponses, this item usually involves instructions for di-
rect answers, avoiding unnecessary post-processing
of the LLM’s response. As a strategy for lowering the
probability of model hallucination, which is known to
be a common issue for instruction-following LLMs, it
turned out to be a good strategy to instruct ChatGPT
to return not only the result but also a text segment
where the result was based on. This part of the output
is later discarded.
Finally, an optional third item can be specified
with the description of examples, where the desired
information is correctly extracted from examples of
text instances. Similarly to the first step, the need for
describing examples is related to how domain-specific
the information to be extracted is. The use of this step
is what typically differentiates a zero-shot prediction
(where no examples are provided in the prompt) and
a few-shot prediction (where some examples are de-
Following this approach, two types of models
were implemented. The extraction of categorical pro-
visions was addressed by the ChatGPT Classifier,
which uses a specific prompt for each categorical pro-
vision present in legal opinions, following the steps
described above. Similarly, the extraction of the nu-
merical provision is addressed by the ChatGPT Entity
Extractor, with one relevant difference regarding the
prompt creation: in this case, the output was not re-
stricted to a list of possible values since it should re-
flect the exact number associated with the numerical
The experiments used GPT-3.5-turbo for both
types of models.
4.1 Experimental Setup
Following the Supervised Learning approach for Text
Classification, the four models adopted (TF-IDF, SIF,
Doc2vec, and C-LSTM Classifiers) were trained and
evaluated in a 10-fold cross-validation setup. To es-
tablish the main hyperparameters on each model, such
as Logistic Regression penalties, vector dimensions,
and others, a Bayesian Optimizer (Snoek et al., 2012)
was used, where each of these hyperparameters is de-
fined as input search dimensions for the optimization
of the objective function, which is defined as the av-
erage 10-fold cross validation F1-Score.
This setup is not valid for the ChatGPT Prompt
Engineering approach, since no training is required.
Instead, the entire dataset was simply used for evalu-
As a prior step for each model, common pre-
processing routines are applied. This is an espe-
cially important step considering that legal opinions
are structured differently from other domains. When
considering the supervised models, this step includes
lowercasing the text and removing the punctuation,
line breakers, and excessive spaces. In addition, to
minimize the task’s complexity, the document is fil-
tered to contain only the operative part of the judg-
ment, where the lower or Appellate Court judge
presents the judicial solution to the lawsuit. To iden-
tify this part, which is located at the end of the docu-
ment, a list of regular expressions is used.
After the identification of the operative part and
the removal of the remaining document, the stop-
words are removed and the words are tokenized.
Lastly, the tokens are stemmed to decrease the vari-
ety of expressions with different suffixes, resulting in
a more simple representation of the text. The pre-
processing step is therefore highly dependent on the
type of legal document in question and must be ad-
justed accordingly for other contexts.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.2 Dataset
The experiments used a dataset containing 959 man-
ually annotated legal opinions (in Brazilian Por-
tuguese) enacted by lower court judges in the State
Court of Rio de Janeiro in the context of consumer
complaints involving electric power companies. Each
legal opinion in the dataset was manually analyzed by
legal professionals to locate four types of provisions.
Three of the provisions are categorical and are de-
scribed as follows: case ruling refers to “a court’s de-
cision on a matter presented in a lawsuit”
. Restora-
tion of supply indicates if the electric company should
reestablish the plaintiffs supply. Restitution estab-
lishes if the electric company should refund excessive
monetary charges paid by the plaintiff, and whether
the refund value should be doubled or not.
In this work, the moral damage compensation is
the only numerical provision addressed. Along with
the value associated with the given moral damage,
each document was POS tagged, denoting the posi-
tion in the text where the values are expressed.
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Extraction of Categorical Provisions
After hyperparameters optimization, the supervised
learning models were applied to the dataset to eval-
uate their main average metrics in a 10-fold stratified
cross-validation setup. For comparison, the precision,
recall, F1-score, and accuracy were extracted.
By contrast, each ChatGPT Classifier result is
based on one iteration over the entire dataset, since
no training data is required.
Table 1 shows the mean results for each provision,
where the highlighted lines represent the best models
per provision by their mean F1-Score.
The overall results indicate that the Doc2vec, C-
LSTM and ChatGPT Classifiers reached the best per-
formances, while the TF-IDF and SIF Classifiers gen-
erally had the worst performances. This is an ex-
pected result, given the corresponding models’ com-
Interestingly, the ChatGPT Classifier showed very
competitive results compared to the remaining mod-
els. This is especially relevant considering the con-
venient nature of the implementation of the ChatGPT
models, the main argument this paper supports.
For this reason, for each task, the rest of this
section presents confusion matrices for the best-
supervised learning model and the ChatGPT Prompt
Engineering approach. The confusion matrix associ-
ated with a supervised model is based on the sum of
validation sets of the 10-fold cross-validation results.
Figure 1: Comparison between C-LSTM and ChatGPT
Classifiers for case ruling.
For case ruling, Figure 1 shows the confusion ma-
trices related to the C-LSTM and the ChatGPT classi-
fiers. The concentration of errors between “Partially
Accepted” and Accepted” can be explained by a par-
ticularity of this provision in the text. Case rulings
can be expressed as a summary of each plaintiffs
claim. For instance, a rejection of the moral dam-
age claim does not necessarily translate into the en-
tire case being rejected, since the remaining claims
might have been accepted, that is, the case ruling was
partially accepted. The sequential and more complex
representation of these expressions in the C-LSTM
model proved to better capture the correct context in
this case. The ChatGPT classifier, however, reached
very similar metrics, demonstrating to be competitive,
compared to the best supervised learning model.
For restoration of supply, Figure 2 shows the con-
fusion matrices for the Doc2vec and the ChatGPT
classifiers. Note that the errors of the Doc2vec clas-
sifier are concentrated on the minority class “True”.
Indeed, the extraction of the provision restoration of
Information Extraction in the Legal Domain: Traditional Supervised Learning vs. ChatGPT
Table 1: Results for the classification of categorical provisions.
Provision Classifier Precision Recall F1-score Accuracy
Case ruling
TF-IDF 0.707 0.691 0.604 0.691
SIF 0.872 0.870 0.863 0.870
Doc2vec 0.893 0.893 0.890 0.893
C-LSTM 0.969 0.970 0.968 0.970
ChatGPT 0.969 0.967 0.967 0.967
Restoration of
TF-IDF 0.946 0.961 0.949 0.961
SIF 0.959 0.963 0.955 0.963
Doc2vec 0.964 0.969 0.963 0.969
C-LSTM 0.953 0.961 0.954 0.961
ChatGPT 0.980 0.977 0.978 0.977
TF-IDF 0.618 0.556 0.492 0.556
SIF 0.887 0.875 0.874 0.875
Doc2vec 0.929 0.925 0.925 0.925
C-LSTM 0.974 0.973 0.973 0.973
ChatGPT 0.934 0.930 0.930 0.930
Figure 2: Comparison between Doc2vec and ChatGPT
Classifiers for restoration of supply.
supply is challenging due to its extreme imbalance.
Although the Doc2vec model reached the highest F1-
score among the supervised models, the F1-Score of
96.3% can be misleading since the model classified
over 50% of the instances in class “True” as “ False”,
indicating the need for a large number of training in-
stances for effective implementation. Interestingly,
the ChatGPT classifier, which reached the best per-
formance among all models, seems to be less affected
by the class imbalance issue. This can be explained
by the fact that an LLM prompt engineering approach
does not rely on a training dataset, and thus it is not
affected by an imbalanced training set. In addition,
restoration of supply is a fairly simple concept, which
implies that examples or a more complex prompt de-
scription are not required.
For restitution, Figure 3 shows the confusion ma-
trices related to the Doc2vec and the ChatGPT classi-
fiers. In opposition to restoration of supply, the pro-
vision restitution presents a balanced class distribu-
tion, which results in better error distribution. The
C-LSTM model had the best performance for the ex-
traction of this provision. Although the restitution
of monetary values is a simple concept, the Chat-
GPT classifier was roughly 4% behind in terms of F1-
Score. The main reason for this lower performance
is the frequent misleading ”interpretation” of moral
damage compensation as restitution, which are dif-
ferent concepts in this context. Indeed, Figure 3(b)
clearly shows that the majority of errors of the Chat-
GPT classifier confusion matrix are located where the
true value is “None”, meaning that no restitution was
determined, but the predicted value was “Simple” or
4.3.2 Extraction of Numerical Provision
The extraction of the numerical provision (moral
damage compensation) adopted the BERT model for
NER, implemented using four different approaches.
The first, simply named BERT, used a fine-tuning ap-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Results for the extraction of moral damage compensations.
Model Training approach Accuracy RMSE
BERT Fine-tuning 0.962 825.8
BERT-CRF Fine-tuning 0.982 639.8
BERT-LSTM Feature-based 0.954 738.6
BERT-LSTM-CRF Feature-based 0.989 277.2
ChatGPT Entity Extractor NA 0.984 1230.9
Figure 3: Comparison between Doc2vec and ChatGPT
Classifiers for restitution.
proach (i.e., updating all weights jointly and using a
linear layer as a classifier) without a CRF layer. The
second, named BERT-CRF, is similar to the first ap-
proach, with the addition of a CRF layer. The third,
named BERT-LSTM, used a feature-based approach
(i.e freezing the BERT weights and using a BiLSTM
as the classifier) without a CRF layer. The fourth ap-
proach, named BERT-LSTM-CRF, added a CRF layer
to the third approach.
The ChatGPT Entity Extractor was implemented
as described on Section 3.2.
Table 2 shows the accuracy of each model and the
corresponding Root Mean Squared Errors (RMSEs).
The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the
BERT model for NER and the ChatGPT entity ex-
tractor for the extraction of the moral damage value
from legal opinions. The mean accuracy ranges from
96.2% and 98.9% within the different models. As
a natural result, the CRF layer enhances the perfor-
mance by around 2%, indicating the effectiveness of
the contextual information captured by the CRF. In-
terestingly, the feature-based approach outperforms
the Fine-tuning approach by 0.75% on average. This
result possibly indicates the quality of BERT embed-
dings, achieving better results when the weights are
frozen, which is unexpected, given the specificity of
the Legal Domain context.
The ChatGPT Entity Extractor results are similar
to the best-supervised model in terms of accuracy but
significantly worse regarding RMSE. The high accu-
racy is closely related to the simplicity of the pro-
vision’s concept. Moral damage compensation is a
fairly known provision, and its description in a legal
opinion is rarely ambiguous. The rare cases where
the ChatGPT Entity Extractor fails to extract the cor-
rect value are due to the wrong identification of other
types of compensations, such as material damages, le-
gal fees, or even the moral damage requested by the
plaintiff, and not given by the judge. This results in
higher RMSE values when compared to the super-
vised model, which was exposed to these ambiguities
during training.
The most direct contribution of this work is the devel-
opment of a highly accurate tool for extracting provi-
sions from legal opinions in the given context. In ad-
dition, it offered a practical comparison between the
traditional supervised learning approach and the LLM
prompt engineering approach.
The best models found during evaluation achieved
a mean accuracy higher than 96% for the extraction
of each provision. Despite this high accuracy, It is
important to note the large imbalance in the dataset
when categorized by the restoration of supply.
Although traditional supervised learning methods
achieved the best results, the ChatGPT Prompt En-
gineering approach reached competitive results, with
Information Extraction in the Legal Domain: Traditional Supervised Learning vs. ChatGPT
the advantage of requiring a significantly less com-
plex implementation setup. Indeed, while traditional
methods required extensive work for model defini-
tion, training, hyperparameter optimization, etc., the
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering approach required an
adequate prompt definition, which reduced the imple-
mentation time from months to days.
This work was partly funded by FAPERJ under
grant E-26/202.818/2017; by CAPES under grants
88881.310592-2018/01, 88881.134081/2016-01, and
88882.164913/2010-01; and by CNPq under grant
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