also be challenging in other real-world applications.
This must be considered during the ML model
implementation using measures such as over- and
undersampling. In addition, more advanced
algorithms, such as neural networks, could improve
the results. However, it should be noted that
introducing such algorithms may increase the
complexity. Therefore, applying appropriate ML
models is crucial for a reasonable trade-off between
accuracy and complexity.
The authors propose a knowledge-based, data-driven
decision support procedure for process analysis in
logistics systems. The approach comprises five
phases and outlines steps to extract meaningful
insights from low-level transaction data. Validation
of the approach's usability was conducted through an
industrial case study. The identification of problems
and their root causes provides actionable
recommendations for operators of logistics systems.
Future research directions involve automating the
approach and addressing its limitations. Exploring
more detailed recommendations for action is essential
as well. Additionally, incorporating analytical
calculations as a plausibility check warrants
investigation to minimize errors in KPI determination
and enhance result accuracy.
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