Outage Risks: It is not the Malicious Attacks that Take Down Your
Jan Marius Evang
1, 2
and Alojz Gomola
Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering, Norway
Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
Risk Management, Networks, Resilience.
Network operators often prioritize risks to optimize resource allocation. This paper introduces an analysis
model for prioritizing network outage risks, a practice common among large operators but underrepresented
in research. We propose metrics such as Risk Value and clarify their definitions. The study reveals insights
into the impact of incidents, classifying them based on customer support cases. Through the application of
the presented method to a global network operator, we demonstrate the generation of unexpected insights and
outcomes: Short outages are very frequent and regularly cause customer complaints. We examined both safety
and security related incidents in relationship to customer report events, with surprising turn out for malicious
In the ever-evolving landscape of network opera-
tions, ensuring the uninterrupted delivery of services
is paramount. Network operators face the perpet-
ual challenge of mitigating outage risks while opti-
mizing the allocation of finite financial and person-
nel resources. While industry practices often involve
prioritizing these risks, the scholarly exploration of
methodologies and models in this domain remains
surprisingly limited.
This paper aims to address this gap by introducing
an advanced analysis model tailored specifically for
prioritizing network outage risks. This practice, while
commonplace among large-scale network operators,
has yet to receive the depth of attention it deserves
within the academic research community.
At the core of our contribution lies the introduc-
tion of new metrics, notably the Risk Value and Im-
pact Score. Figure 2 illustrates the connection be-
tween the classic risk matrix and the new metrics.
Note that the highest Impact Score will be attained
where few incidents lead to many cases, and the high-
est Risk Value are for root causes with high Impact
Score and many cases. These metrics provide a robust
and standardized framework for assessing and priori-
tizing outage risks, enhancing the overall resilience of
network infrastructures.
By using our proposed analysis model, we go on
to a comprehensive study into the impact of incidents,
leveraging the unique perspective of customer support
cases. The empirical application of our model to a
global network operator not only validates its efficacy
but also yields unexpected and insightful outcomes.
Our findings challenge conventional assumptions,
revealing that short outages, despite their brevity, are
both pervasive and a consistent source of customer
complaints. On the contrary, our study finds that ma-
licious attacks rarely causes outages, yet have a high
impact when they do occur.
This research not only seeks to refine and enhance
the practical methodologies employed by network op-
erators but also contributes to the theoretical foun-
dations of network risk management. By bridging
the gap between industry practices and academic dis-
course, our analysis model and associated metrics of-
fer a framework for addressing the complex landscape
of network outage risks.
In 2018, Aceto et al. conducted a survey study on
Internet outages (Aceto et al., 2018). Although the
results of the study may be somewhat outdated, the
theoretical descriptions and analysis presented remain
relevant. It is worth noting, however, that the focus of
the current paper is specifically on outages that im-
Evang, J. and Gomola, A.
Outage Risks: It is not the Malicious Attacks that Take Down Your Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0012505400003708
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2024), pages 77-82
ISBN: 978-989-758-698-9; ISSN: 2184-5034
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Root causes
Fiber Outages
WAN link issues
Optical and fibers
Routing Issues
Hardware Failures
Equipment Malfunctions
Software Glitches
Human Errors
Natural Disasters
Malicious Activities
Service Outages
Customer Complaints
Revenue Loss
Reputation Damage
Figure 1: A bowtie diagram illustrating the identified network outage risks.
pacted an Internet Service Provider’s (ISP) internal
global network, rather than the Internet as a whole.
Another significant contribution to the field is the
analysis conducted by Wang et al. (Wang and Franke,
2020) on the economic aspects associated with net-
work outages in enterprises. Their study primarily
examined two key aspects: the cost implications of
long-term outages and the role of insurance premi-
ums in mitigating the financial impact. The research
provided valuable insights into the economic consid-
erations that decision-makers should take into account
when managing network outage risks.
Another study by the same authors (Franke and
Buschle, 2016) explored the investment decisions of
decision-makers regarding security measures. The re-
search revealed a general tendency among decision-
makers to misallocate security investments. This find-
ing underscores the importance of raising awareness
among decision-makers about security prioritization
to improve Return on Security Investments (RoSI).
Another notable analysis in (Govindan et al.,
2016) focused on 100 high-impact outages in the
Google Network Infrastructure. The paper provides
useful insights into the network components causing
outages, indicates that most outages stem from main-
tenance activities, and offers important advice on risk
reduction. Notably, the paper does not mention ma-
licious activities as potential causes for outages and
lacks a comparison to low-impact incidents.
Acklyn et al. in (Murray and Rawat, 2021) de-
veloped a model for network hazard flow and mal-
ware detection based on a Long-Short Term Memory
(LSTM) algorithm. While extensive, the focus is on
malware and not on network outages as such.
Despite these valuable contributions, there re-
mains a research gap in guiding decision-makers to
prioritize mitigation efforts and investments for net-
work outages, specifically within the context of an
ISP’s internal global network. While previous studies
have emphasized economic considerations and misal-
location of investments, there is a clear need for prac-
tical frameworks or guidelines tailored to this specific
Therefore, the current research aims to address
this research gap by proposing a practical method that
enables decision-makers in an operational ISP envi-
ronment to effectively prioritize their mitigation ef-
forts and allocate resources based on the specific risks
and characteristics of their internal global network.
The main areas of network outage risks are summa-
rized in Table 1 (Evang, 2023), providing insight into
the vulnerabilities that can disrupt a typical large-
scale network. Physical layer outages are often trig-
gered by natural disasters and weather-related events,
while local network layer outages primarily result
from maintenance activities (Franken et al., 2022).
Wide area Layer 2 network services are susceptible to
frequent packet loss incidents, and applications face
the risks of hacking and Denial of Service (DoS) at-
tacks. The Internet layer encompasses risks stem-
ming from both mistakes and malicious attacks, in-
cluding cloud service risks and challenges in service
delivery. Cyber attacks and hacking attempts usu-
COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
ally receive the highest focus in the Internet layer,
alongside instances of human error and organizational
policy flaws. Regrettably, governance risks are fre-
quently overlooked, warranting attention in compre-
hensive risk assessments.
Table 1: The 10-layer model for network service risk as-
In Section 6, we provide a comprehensive analysis
showcasing the frequency of different types of net-
work outage incidents encountered by a global net-
work provider. This examination sheds light on the
relative occurrence of various incidents, enabling a
better understanding of the prevailing risks in network
Risk assessment (Rausand and Haugen, 2020) com-
monly involves assessing two key variables: likeli-
hood and impact. Likelihood refers to the probability
of an incident occurring, while impact puts a numeri-
cal value to the consequences of such an incident. The
risk value is calculated by multiplying impact by like-
lihood, and the risk management policy determines
acceptable and actionable risk values. Thus, a high
likelihood risk may be tolerable if the impact is low,
and conversely, the risk of a high-impact fault may be
acceptable if the likelihood is low.
When managing critical infrastructure, the reper-
cussions of an outage can be significant, underscoring
the importance of measures to diminish the probabil-
ity and alleviate the potential consequences. Eval-
uating the impact of an incident is frequently more
straightforward than gauging the likelihood. For ex-
ample, a non-redundant fiber failure would lead to
a service disruption, with potentially severe conse-
quences for critical services. Impact mitigation is
usually implemented by redundant services and fast
failover. In certain scenarios, a solitary fiber cut in a
central location may have a cascading effect, affecting
multiple services such as both internet and cellphone
connectivity, amplifying the overall impact.
Estimating likelihood can be more challenging,
and it is often based on subjective expert opinions.
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) estimates pro-
vided by equipment manufacturers can be useful for
physical equipment. Alternatively, analyses like the
one described in (Evang et al., 2022) can be con-
ducted. The investigation in that paper involved an-
alyzing a database of customer complaints related to
network services. The root causes of these complaints
were identified, and a machine learning system was
developed to accurately classify new outages. The
machine learning model was trained on cases with
known root causes and customer complaints. Sub-
sequently, the model was applied to all outage data,
uncovering some interesting insights, as described in
Section 6.
When critical infrastructure is at stake, the impact
of an outage could be substantial, necessitating proac-
tive measures to minimize the likelihood of incidents
and, if feasible, reduce their potential consequences.
Outages can lead to various impacts, including rev-
enue loss, reputational damage, and diminished cus-
tomer satisfaction. In the case of critical services, out-
ages may even result in harm to individuals’ health or
loss of life. Outages that exceed agreed-upon Service
Level Agreements may constitute a breach of contract
and, in certain cases, a violation of laws and regula-
tions governing critical service providers, potentially
leading to legal repercussions.
Implementing effective risk management practices
is essential for mitigating network outage risks.
Various frameworks, such as those found in the
ISO27001 Information Security Management Sys-
tems (International Organization for Standardization,
2022) and ISO31000 Risk Management standards
(ISO 31000:2018(en), 2018), offer valuable guidance.
When preparing for ISO27001 certification, organiza-
tions undergo a comprehensive risk evaluation pro-
cess. All risks within the company are assessed,
and mitigation strategies are determined for those
Outage Risks: It is not the Malicious Attacks that Take Down Your Service
Low High
(a) Classic risk matrix
Few Many
(b) Impact Score matrix
Impact Score
Low High
(c) Risk Value matrix
Figure 2: Comparison of matrices. Red indicates areas that require special attention.
deemed significant. Even insignificant risks are reg-
istered, and appropriate mitigation actions are iden-
tified. Company policies are scrutinized to ensure
they adequately address the identified risks and mit-
igations, and updates are made as necessary. Regular
re-evaluation of the risk registry allows for the discov-
ery of new risks and assessment of the effectiveness of
implemented mitigations.
For all identified risks, conducting an explicit or
implicit Return on Security Investments (RoSI) eval-
uation is crucial. This evaluation involves estimating
the monetary impact of an outage by analyzing the fi-
nancial losses incurred during similar past incidents.
Additionally, the frequency of such outages is esti-
mated. The cost of implementing mitigation actions is
then evaluated and compared to the potential incident
cost over a comparable time period. Any mitigation
measure where the impact cost exceeds the cost of the
mitigation will be a worthwhile security investment.
By employing these practices, organizations can
make informed decisions regarding risk mitigation,
ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to re-
duce the likelihood and impact of network outages.
In this section, we conduct an exploration of our pro-
posed analysis model’s effectiveness in prioritizing
network outage risks. The methodology involves the
application of our model to a global network operator,
allowing us to draw actionable insights and validate
the robustness of our approach.
The dataset used for this analysis is referenced in
(Evang et al., 2022). Over an 18-month period, active
and passive network measurements revealed a total
of 700,000 network incidents, while 2,855 customer
cases were reported in relation to network incidents
during the same time frame. Careful post-mortem of
all the customer cases allowed for retrospective de-
termination of the root causes. Notably, it was found
that only around 35% of the customer cases received
a correct root cause response at the time of report-
ing. In this paper, we will use the cases as an indica-
tion of the impact of an incident. An incident without
a customer-case is regarded as low-impact, while an
incident resulting in a customer case is regarded as
An intriguing aspect of the study was the appli-
cation of the trained machine learning model to the
outages that did not prompt any customer complaints.
This provided an estimate of the number of outages
of each type that actually resulted in customer com-
plaints, serving as an indicator of the impact level as-
sociated with each type of outage. The method we
employ involves comparing the percentage of each
type in the customer case dataset to the percentage
of each type predicted in the non-complaint outages,
leading us to define an impact score (IS) using Equa-
tion 1.
IS =
With the corresponding Risk Value from Equation 2.
RV = cases% IS (2)
Table 2 provides an overview of the root causes
of cases and incidents, presenting the corresponding
Impact Score and Risk Values. The analysis revealed
that the predominant cause of network incidents was
attributed to packet loss and outages in the leased
Layer 2 WAN links, accounting for 85% of cases
and 25% of incidents. While the precise origins of
these outages were not conclusively identified, poten-
tial factors include physical fiber outages, equipment
failures, and maintenance and human errors.
The second most prominent cause of outages was
attributed to equipment maintenance or equipment
failure, accounting for 53% of the non-WAN inci-
dents and 43% of the related customer cases.
The third most significant cause was linked to
failures in optical links, subsea cables, and metro-
connects. (46% of non-WAN cases and 57% of non-
wan incidents)
A particularly surprising result emerged from the
data, revealing the near absence of malicious attacks.
Only four customer complaints (1%) were attributed
to such attacks, and the estimated number of incidents
was only 0.01%.
Evaluation of the impact demonstrated that
Layer2 WAN outages and incidents involving subsea
COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
cables, metro-connects, and Layer1 infrastructure had
a substantial impact. Additionally, although the num-
ber of DoS attacks was relatively low, they exhibited
a high impact.
Table 2: Variables used in impact and likelihood calculation
(non-wan percentages).
Type of outage cases incidents IS RV
WAN link issues 85% 25% 3.4 2.9
Equipment 53% 43% 1.2 0.64
Optical and fibers 46% 57% 0.8 0.37
Malicious attacks 1% 0.01% 100 1
Table 2 serves as a valuable reference point for the
operator, prevalence of short outages prompts a recon-
sideration of their significance in outage management
strategies. Simultaneously, the infrequency yet high
impact of malicious attacks underscores the need for
targeted security measures.
In this study, our main objective was to investigate
and analyze network outage risks and their impact
on a global Internet Service Provider (ISP). Through
analysis of passive and active outage measurement
data and examination of customer cases, we gained
valuable insights into the causes and consequences of
network outages.
Our investigation identified packet loss and out-
ages in leased Layer 2 WAN links as the primary con-
tributors to network incidents. While the definitive
causes of these outages were not ascertained, factors
such as physical fiber outages, equipment failures,
and maintenance/human error are likely contributors.
Equipment maintenance and failures emerged as sig-
nificant causes of outages, representing a substantial
portion of incidents.
The relatively low number of cases (2855) com-
pared to the total incidents (700,000) is a result of the
implementation of fast failover mechanisms and a de-
liberate focus on achieving “fail open” risk reduction
Consistent with observations in (Govindan et al.,
2016), malicious attacks were nearly absent from the
data, with only a minimal number of customer com-
plaints attributed to such attacks. This suggests that
the existing security measures implemented by the
ISP have proven effective in mitigating this specific
Our impact evaluation highlighted the significant
consequences of Layer2 WAN outages and optical
failures. Although the number of Denial-of-Service
(DoS) attacks was relatively low, they exhibited a high
impact when they did affect the service.
The findings of this study have important implica-
tions for network operators and service providers. By
understanding the key causes of outages and their im-
pact, operators can prioritize their resources and ef-
forts to effectively mitigate risks and minimize dis-
ruptions. Additionally, the near absence of mali-
cious attacks emphasizes the importance of maintain-
ing robust security measures to prevent potential fu-
ture threats.
It is important to acknowledge the limitations of
this study. Our analysis focused on one specific ISP,
and the findings may not be generalizable to other net-
work operators. Furthermore, the underlying causes
of certain outages were not definitively identified,
warranting further investigation.
To further advance research in this area, future
studies could explore the specific mechanisms and
root causes of different types of outages, allowing for
more targeted risk mitigation strategies. Additionally,
examining the effectiveness of various security mea-
sures and their impact on reducing the likelihood and
impact of outages would provide valuable insights for
network operators.
In conclusion, this study has shed light on the risks
and impacts associated with network outages for a
global ISP. We show that the most important focus
area is the physical layer, in making sure that outages
of cables and equipment are handled. Outages caused
by malicious attacks have a high impact, but do not
significantly contribute to the number of outages.
By leveraging this knowledge, risk management
can be performed continuously at an operational
stage. Impact Score can be easily calculated, and the
number of cases can be reported. This way network
operators can ensure the continuity of their services,
minimize disruptions to customers, and maintain a se-
cure and reliable network infrastructure. Ultimately,
this research contributes to the broader understanding
of network outage risks and supports efforts to en-
hance network security and reliability in an increas-
ingly interconnected world.
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COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk