The Robustness of a Twisted Prisoner’s Dilemma for Incorporating
Memory and Unlikeliness of Occurrence
Akihiro Takahara
and Tomoko Sakiyama
Information Systems Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Soka University, Hachioji, Japan
Department of Information Systems Science, Soka University, Hachioji, Japan
Keywords: Spatila Prisoner’s Dilemma, Memory, System-Size Analysis.
Abstract: In classical game theory, because players having Defector (D) strategy tend to survive, many studies have
been conducted to determine the survival of players with Cooperator (C) strategy. Recently, we have tackled
the problem of the evolution of cooperators by proposing a new model called the twisted prisoner’s dilemma
(TPD) model. In the proposed model, each player is given a memory length. In situations where neighbors
had the same strategy as a player and a higher score than that of the player, the player updated their strategy
by ignoring the classical SPD update rule. This new strategy was difficult to choose before the update.
Consequently, cooperators could survive even if their memory length was small. In this study, by focusing on
the system sizes, performance of the TPD model was determined. Similar results were obtained for various
system sizes, except when the system size was extremely small.
Cooperative behavior is the characteristic present in a
population as per the game theory (Smith & Price,
1973). In game theory, propagation as a population in
the interaction of cooperative and defective behavior
is described (Nowak & May, 1992; Jusup et al.,
2022). In classical game theory, there are two
strategies, Cooperator (C) and Defector (D), both of
which interact to obtain a payoff. The earned payoff
differs depending on the owner and opponent’s
payoff. Therefore, a players strategy with a high
payoff is easily passed onto the next generation.
However, in classical game theory, cooperators have
difficulty surviving and are sensitive to the
The payoff matrix parameter in classical game
theory significantly affects system evolution
(Killingback and Coebeli, 1996; Smith and Price,
1973; Szabó and Toké, 1998). Thus, many studies
have been conducted on the survival of cooperators
(Qin et al., 2018; Sakiyama & Arizono, 2019;
Sakiyama, 2021). Among them, the prisoner’s
dilemma is particularly used. Recently, the twisted
prisoner’s dilemma (TPD) model, which considers
the player’s memory of their past strategy and
a 0000-0002-2687-7228
sometimes ignores the conventional strategy update
rule, has been developed (Takahara & Sakiyama,
2023). This model calculates the frequency of
strategies’ appearance using each memory. Then, the
strategy of low adoption rate is easily adopted by
ignoring the classical strategy update rule of the
spatial prisoner’s dilemma (SPD) model. Several
studies have focused on player’s past information or
the time delay effect (Deng et al., 2017; Danku et al.,
2019). However, most of these studies assume that
players can access the “long past.” Conversely, unlike
previous studies, our model assumes that players can
access only recent memories. Thus, our proposed
TPD model is more realistic than the classical SPD
model. In our previous study using this model, we
found that it was insensitive to the payoff matrix
parameter and could maintain the cooperators
(Takahara & Sakiyama, 2023). In this study, the
model’s performance was further investigated by
focusing on the system size. Many studies on spatial
game theory have investigated the effect of varying
system sizes (Sakiyama & Arizono, 2019; Frey,
Takahara, A. and Sakiyama, T.
The Robustness of a Twisted Prisoner’s Dilemma for Incorporating Memory and Unlikeliness of Occurrence.
DOI: 10.5220/0012537800003708
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th Inter national Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2024), pages 13-16
ISBN: 978-989-758-698-9; ISSN: 2184-5034
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 Simulation Environments
A lattice space was formed with players in every
square. The system size of the lattice space could be
changed: 10 × 10, 30 × 30, 100 × 100, 100 ×
200, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 200 × 200 sizes were used in this study.
All squares of any system size were initially assigned
either the Cooperator (C) or Defector (D) strategy.
The initial distribution of the strategies was set to 0.5
for the initial defector density. Thus, both strategies
were distributed with the same probability.
The payoffs were arranged as T=b, R=1, S=P=0,
according to the payoff matrix depicted in Table 1,
where T>R>P=S. The parameter 𝑏 determining 𝑇
was set to 1<𝑏<2 (Nowak & May, 1992). If a
neighboring player adopted strategy C, a player
employing strategy D would receive T as a
temptation. Conversely, if a neighboring player
employed strategy D, a player using strategy C would
receive S as a sucker. A player received P as a
punishment if both strategies were D. A player
received R as a reward if both strategies were C. We
used the Neumann neighborhood and periodic
boundary conditions. Each trial included 1000 time
Table 1: Payoff matrix.
C 𝑅(1) 𝑆(0)
𝑇(𝑏) 𝑃(0)
2.2 Description of Spatial Prisoner’s
Dilemma Model
After assigning strategies to the players, the iteration
began, during which the players compared their
strategies with those of their neighbors based on the
payoff matrix and calculated their scores. Then, the
players compared their own scores with their
neighbors’ scores and memorized the neighbors
strategy with the highest score. All players’ strategies
were then synchronously updated to their memorized
strategies. Their strategies remained unchanged in
cases where multiple neighbors attained the highest
score while employing different strategies.
2.3 Description of the Twisted
Prisoner’s Dilemma Model
In a previous study, the TPD model has been
described (Takahara & Sakiyama, 2023). Every
player was allocated a constant memory length value,
denoted as 𝜃, which remained unchanged across trials.
After every player calculated their scores, they
reviewed their previous strategies. The past duration
considered spanned from 𝑡 (current) to 𝑡−𝜃, and the
parameter n_c represented the count of cooperative
strategies experienced during that period.
If their neighbor’s strategy was the same as theirs,
while their own score was lower, the player updated
the strategy to either C or D using the following two
For C:
1 − (𝑛_𝑐)/𝜃
For D:
If the aforementioned conditions were not met, the
strategy update rule of the SPD model was
implemented. The strategy of each player is
synchronously updated. In the proposed TPD model,
the strategy update rule, which uses the 𝑝 -values
excluded from the SPD model, was not executed until
𝑡 > 𝜃.
One hundred trials were performed using thousand-
time steps as one trial. The defector density at the
1000-time steps for each trial was calculated and
averaged over 100 trials.
First, the proposed TPD model was compared with
the conventional SPD model. The system size was
100 × 100. Figure 1 shows the results. The proposed
model had a defector density higher than that of the
conventional model for 1.0 < 𝑏 < 1.5 . However,
after the parameter b passed 1.5, the proposed model
had a lower value than the conventional model,
suggesting that the proposed model contributed to the
maintenance of the cooperator (Takahara &
Sakiyama, 2023).
COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Figure 1: Defector density for the two modelsSPD and
Next, the system-size effects were evaluated by
comparing the various system sizes of the TPD model
with its 100 × 100 size. Figure 2 shows the results.
Most of the system sizes had similar defector density
values. The results indicate that the TPD model is
unaffected by changes in the system size and that a
certain number of cooperators are maintained even at
a certain small system size. However, the defector
density of the system size with 10 × 10 was higher
than that of the other system sizes.
Figure 2: Defector density of the proposed TPD model for
various sizes.
Hereafter, the spatial distribution of the small
system size was checked to investigate why an
extremely small system size affects the performance
of the TPD model.
In this study, two different system sizes were
investigated. The system size was either 10 × 10 or
30 × 30. The spatial distribution was displayed for
several time steps ( 𝑡 9, 𝑡 10, 𝑡 11, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡
Figure 3 shows the results. Given that 𝑝10 in
this case, the C was maintained at 𝑡9 as in the SPD
model. In this model, the C is characterized by a form
that is maintained as a two-column cross, which is
similar to the classical SPD model. However, the
player near a cooperator then updated their strategy to
C at 𝑡10. It also spread like a wave with each time
step. Since a defector in the neighborhood of a
cooperator had a smaller score than another defector
in the same neighborhood, they had a chance to
become cooperators. Also, some of the players who
had their original strategy as C updated their
strategies to D according to the SPD rules. These
strategy updates extended further by forming a
characteristic pattern. Finally, C was maintained as
sparsely as a 1000-time step.
Figure 3: Spatial distribution for mutiple times in the
30 × 30 system size.
The 10 × 10 system size results are shown in
Figure 4. Similarly, 𝑝10 was set for this system
size. Two patterns were found for this system size. In
Figure 4A, some cooperators survived until the end.
However, wavy spreading could not be observed
at 𝑡 9 , 𝑡10, and 𝑡11. Therefore, it was
considered more difficult for C to survive in than in
other system sizes. In addition, the cooperators did
not appear at all times in Figure 4B, which is
supposedly related to the initial placement as per C.
Supposedly, they did not form clumps to survive, as
shown in Figure 4B. Some trials created a spatial
pattern that resembled those in Figure 4A and 4B,
resulting in the high defector density shown in Figure
The pattern of early C extinction was observed for
small system sizes such as 10 × 10, whereas it was
rarely observed for other larger system sizes.
The Robustness of a Twisted Prisoner’s Dilemma for Incorporating Memory and Unlikeliness of Occurrence
Figure 4: Spatial distribution for mutiple times in the
10 × 10 system size. Two different examples are shown in
A and B panels.
In this study, the TPD model was compared with the
conventional SPD model, and the effect of system
size on the proposed TPD model was investigated.
The system sizes of 10 × 10, 30 × 30, 100 ×
100, 100 × 200, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 200 × 200 were compared,
and the spatial distributions of the two smaller system
sizes were compared. Consequently, the defector
density results for all system sizes differed
insignificantly except for the 10 × 10 system size,
and the strategy C is maintained. In this model, the
spatial distribution shows that the C spreads like a
wave in a diamond shape (Takahara & Sakiyama,
2023). Even with a spatial distribution of the 30 × 30
system size, the C spreads like a diamond shape.
However, the spatial distribution of the 10 × 10
system size makes it difficult to form such a wave.
This leads to the results shown in Figure 2. In
summary, it is found that the proposed model is
inventive for various system sizes.
In the future, we will confirm the impact on the
model by increasing the system size and changing the
network topology.
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COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk