business actors (The Open Group, 2022).
Considering that this viewpoint encompasses
business roles, it's highly beneficial for them to
have the ability to communicate their concerns,
for instance, regarding business services and
processes that IT elements need to support. This
layer should be included in the viewpoint.
Application: this layer is used to model
application services that support the business and
the applications that materialize them, as well as
to describe the structure, behavior, and interaction
of the company's applications (The Open Group,
2022). The concern of this viewpoint is the
management of SW development projects with
BizDevOps, and such software can be represented
through this layer. Additionally, this viewpoint's
concern considers the need for aligning
IT/Business and maintaining agility during the
process. Therefore, both elements from this layer
and the business layer should be visible. For this
reason, it is necessary to include this layer in the
Technology: this layer is used to model both IT
and operational technologies. This includes
technologies such as processing, storage, and
communication supporting the application and
business layers. It also allows modeling physical
or tangible elements like facilities, equipment,
materials, and distribution networks (The Open
Group, 2022). The BizDevOps team may also
consider IT operations roles; therefore, it is
appropriate to include this layer. Furthermore, as
indicated, it allows modeling technologies
supporting the application and business layers,
which could be essential for maintaining agility or
achieving alignment. However, physical elements
that can be modeled are not part of the BizDevOps
team's concern. Taking all of this into account, the
technology layer is included, excluding physical
layer components.
Migration and Implementation: this layer is
used to model elements that support the
implementation and migration of architectures.
This includes modeling implementation programs
and projects to support program, portfolio, and
project (The Open Group, 2022). Considering the
focus of this layer and the objective of this
viewpoint being the management of SW
development projects and not the implementation
and/or migration of architectures, this layer is
Based on the previous analysis, the layers that are
useful for this viewpoint are: Business, Application,
and Technology. Now, let's identify the aspects that
are useful for the BizDevOps-VP objective. This
analysis is carried out considering the order in which
the aspects are presented in Figure 2.
Passive Structure: This aspect is used to model
objects upon which behavior is performed;
typically, these are information objects in the
business layer and data objects in the application
layer, but they can also be used to represent
physical objects (The Open Group, 2022). The
elements of this aspect could be useful to express
the "what" regarding the concerns of the
BizDevOps team. Therefore, this aspect is
Behavior: This aspect is used to model elements
that describe behavior (processes, functions,
events, and services) performed by actors (The
Open Group, 2022). These elements could be of
great utility for the viewpoint when describing the
"how" related to the concerns of the BizDevOps
team. This aspect is included in the viewpoint.
Active Structure: This aspect is used to model
structural elements (business actors, application
components, and devices that exhibit real
behavior; in other words, the 'subjects' of activity)
(The Open Group, 2022). The elements of this
aspect could be very useful to establish "who" or
"what" performs some behavior in the context of
software project management. This aspect is
included in the viewpoint.
Motivation: This aspect is used to model the
motivations or reasons that guide the design or
change of an Enterprise Architecture (The Open
Group, 2022). The elements of the motivation
aspect could be useful when establishing the
"why" of the concerns of the BizDevOps team.
Additionally, it could be useful when
communicating the drivers and objectives related
to IT/Business alignment, thus facilitating the
understanding of the BizDevOps team.
3.4 Element Selection
The analysis presented below delves deeper, down to
the level of the elements that ArchiMate includes in
each layer-aspect combination. Below are the
elements that were not selected because they are not
relevant to the purpose of the BizDevOps-VP and
may degrade the team's ability to facilitate
BizDevOps communication.
In Table 1, the not selected elements are presented
along with their corresponding layer and aspect,
along with the justification for that decision.