from a traditional perspective to an approach that
envisions business as having a higher purpose.
2.1 The Course and the Learning
Introduction to Conscious Business is an elite course
offered by Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico to
undergraduate students under a synchronous online
format in Spanish, with some sessions in English.
Elite courses are designed for an interactive digital
experience led by a professor with the participation of
industry and academic experts. They use technology
for an interactive experience with students located on
diverse campuses, promoting the formation of a
diverse learning community.
In this course, we explore a new way of doing
business, adopting a more human-centered approach
that seeks to enhance the positive impact companies
can have on society. The course includes an analysis
of various case studies, empowering students to not
only challenge conventional business practices but
also to reconsider their personal behavioral
Engaging discussions covered a spectrum of
topics, ranging from the current state of affairs to the
desired future state for this new business approach.
This included exploring the essential changes needed
to avoid untruthful responsibility claims, such as
green-washing (false environmental claims) and
other related concepts that describe misleading claims
(Hatami et al., 2023). These discussions spanned both
organizational and personal levels, encouraging
students to express their commitment towards society
and make responsible decisions.
Different elements distinguish this course from a
regular synchronous online course (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Memorable elements of the course.
2.1.1 Faculty Roles
A lead professor from Tec de Monterrey co-teaches
the course with a renowned international expert in the
field. In this case, the expert is a co-founder of the
movement of Conscious Capitalism and a major
author in the field.
The International Professor Has a Distinctive
Impact on the Course, Sharing His Knowledge and
Experience with Students. the Planning of the Course
Required to Decide the Topics the Expert Teaches
and the Schedule of His Sessions, Resulting in His
Leading of Six of Thirty Sessions. the Agenda of
Each Session Was Established, with Diverse
Interventions: Lecturing, Class Interaction,
Mandatory Practical Activities, Students’ Sharing of
Relevant Concepts or Ideas Learned During the
Session, and General Announcements.
The elite format is reinforced through an
academic support and monitoring scheme performed
by a tutor that provides personalized attention and
advice to our students.
2.1.2 Interactive Digital Experience
The course is available for 25 campuses in Mexico
and is open to all undergraduate majors and all
university schools. Synchronous sessions are held on
Zoom twice a week, and the learning management
system (LMS) of the course is Canvas. The course is
designed under the flipped classroom didactic
technique in which students are asked to review most
of the information in advance of the class, and the
class time is devoted to activities that require critical
and high-order thinking.
Course activities include participation in a
metaverse rally and a digital escape room with
activities designed to be solved collaboratively. The
rally takes place in Tec de Monterrey's Tec Virtual
Campus metaverse, where students in teams are
required to face questions about Conscious
Capitalism (see Figure 2). This type of virtual
encounter enables students to engage with each other
in comparison to real-world settings where certain
students may not feel as comfortable.
Figure 2: Rally in Tec Virtual Campus.