We may have an intuition of what Sem[[X]] is for
X ∈ DK. The state transitions are abstracted into
the meaning of the object (named X) containing the
distributed knowledge system Σ, on condition that
there is some model (I
, J) for each R
within the dis-
tributed system Σ. Now let
Sem[[(s)null]] = Ω (s ∈ S)
Sem[[λ]] = Λ (λ ∈ DK
Sem[[x]] = [[x]] (x ∈ DK
− {λ})
With these notations, let A be inductively defined in
Backus Normal Form:
A ::= Ω | Λ | [[x]] | A + A | A ◦ A
Definition 5. For α, β ∈ A , we define α = β, if α(s)
= β(s) for any s ∈ S.
(1) The addition + is defined on A : For s ∈ S,
(α + β)(s) = α(s) ∪ β(s)
(2) The multiplication ◦ is defined on A : For s ∈ S,
(α ◦ β)(s) = ∪
We have seen that Ω(s) =
0 and Λ(s) = {s} for
any s ∈ S. It is seen by induction that [[x]] ◦ [[y]] = [[xy]]
for x, y ∈ DK
. Without such reduction to [[xy]] from
[[x]] ◦ [[y]], we pay attention to the algebraic structure
of A. Then we can have a semiring (A, +, ◦, Ω, Λ).
The algebraic structure of references to website with
situations is abstractly formulated by means of re-
cursion of reference constructions, to make complex
structures of references clearer. The algebraic struc-
ture is equipped with fixed point model, when the
mapping, associated with the recursively constructed
references, may have a consistent fixed point such that
rejective and suspended negations cannot be contra-
dictory to the acquisitive positive..
About algebraic structure of a distributed knowl-
edge system, organized by a tuple of algebraic struc-
tures as multiple knowledge bases, and sequential
applications of such systems, we have the results,
in knowledge management technologies: (a) A state
constraint structure is formulated such that it may rep-
resent a distributed knowledge system and be mod-
eled by fixed point theory. (b) The structure con-
tains common negatives among knowledge bases con-
stituting the whole knowledge system. (c) As re-
gards sequential application of the distributed knowl-
edge systems, the traverses of states contain algebraic
semiring, with multiplication for the concatenation
(to form sequences) and with addition for nondeter-
ministic choices of state transitions, which are caused
by consecutive applications of distributed knowledge
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COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk