Formation of Study Groups: Exploring Students’ Needs and Practical
Cosima Schenk
1 a
and Sven Strickroth
2 b
Institute of Psychology, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
CSCL, Collaborative Learning, Student Learning, Group Composition, Self-Organised Collaborative Learning.
Learning in study groups offers students the opportunity to exchange ideas about lecture content, discuss
questions, and network with others. However, little is known about how self-organised study groups (i. e., study
groups that are organised and managed by students themselves) should ideally be composed to meet students’
needs. Following previous studies on group composition in collaborative learning, a requirement analysis was
carried out, consisting of a focus group and an online survey. Three factors were identified as being particularly
important to students: A similar level of conscientiousness, a similar attitude towards reliable attendance at
meetings, and a similar preference for online meetings. Based on these results, a tool was implemented that
uses a genetic algorithm for group formation. This prototype was tested and evaluated in a field study in two
university courses. The field study suggests that there is a general interest in using such a tool. However, it
seems to be a challenge for many students to establish contact and meet with the other members of the proposed
study group. Possible reasons and solutions to this problem are discussed.
Working and interacting together in groups is associ-
ated with many benefits, ranging from academic ad-
vantages to positive social and psychological effects
(Laal and Ghodsi, 2012). For this reason, collaborative
learning methods, such as group work, are often used
in universities and colleges (Davidson et al., 2014).
In addition to the mandatory group work, which is
an integral part of many courses, students also have
the opportunity to join self-organised study groups.
Participation in such study groups is not obligatory
and the concrete design of the learning process is left
to the students themselves. Compared to mandatory
group work, there has been relatively little research on
these self-organised study groups. However, a better
understanding of them could help to support students
in their learning and promote networking among stu-
dents. This is particularly relevant in the context of
mass education, i. e., in courses that are attended by
several hundred students.
These types of courses require high self-regulatory
skills as the exchange between the lecturer and the
students as well as the exchange among the students is
often limited (Strickroth and Bry, 2022). Thus, these
courses in particular do not initially offer the opportu-
nity for in-depth exchanges with others and it is there-
fore up to the students themselves to find other fellow
students for the purpose of learning together. One of
the main issues in this regard, is to find the “right”
persons to study and possibly start a study group with.
It cannot be assumed that the students know all their
fellow students well enough to know which persons
they study well with or not. Hence, the use of technol-
ogy for the group formation seems essential to help
individuals find the best study group for them.
This paper aims to contribute to a better under-
standing of study groups in order to provide initial
indications of how a tool for forming study groups
should be designed. The aspect of the group compo-
sition of study groups is examined in particular. The
appropriate composition of study groups is very impor-
tant for students in general (Rybczynski and Schussler,
2011). However, no systematic investigation has yet
been carried out with regard to the factors that are par-
ticularly relevant from the perspective of the students
themselves. Considering the students’ perspective is
important though, in order to gain valuable insights
into their experiences and to better identify how to
Schenk, C. and Strickroth, S.
Formation of Study Groups: Exploring Students’ Needs and Practical Challenges.
DOI: 10.5220/0012545000003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 647-658
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
support their learning (Cook-Sather, 2002). Presum-
ably, the students’ perspective is particularly relevant
regarding the context of study groups: Firstly, because
it is a learning experience that is not externally influ-
enced (e. g., by teachers or instructors), but only by the
students themselves. Therefore, students themselves
can probably best assess the factors that enhance or
hinder this experience. Secondly, because the partici-
pation in these self-organised study groups is voluntary.
Dissatisfied students, whose expectations are unmet,
can easily leave their study group. To prevent this,
it is crucial to ensure that students’ expectations are
Therefore, the present work pursued two goals:
The first step was to carry out a systematic require-
ment analysis with students in order to identify factors
which are according to students most important for the
formation of self-organised study groups. On this ba-
sis, a prototype was developed for a tool that students
can use to find a study group. In a second step, the
prototype was tested in the field in two introductory
Bachelor’s courses (computer science and math) to
determine how well the study groups formed by the
prototype worked and what difficulties and challenges
In summary, this paper addresses the following two
research questions:
What are relevant factors for the composition of
study groups from the students’ point of view?
What possible challenges need to be considered
when using a tool to form study groups?
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 pro-
vides an overview of the previous research literature on
the composition of student groups. Section 3 describes
how the first research question was addressed, present-
ing methods and results. Based on these findings, a
prototype for a tool for the formation of study groups
is introduced in Section 4. Section 5 presents the field
evaluation of the tool. The results of the studies are
discussed in Section 6. Finally, the paper closes with
conclusions and an outlook.
Students working together in groups is generally re-
ferred to as the concept of collaborative or cooperative
learning: Both of these terms describe a pedagogical
approach which is characterized by two or more peo-
ple interacting with each other to achieve a common
goal (Dillenbourg, 1999; Gillies, 2016). It should be
noted that there has been debate about the exact dis-
tinction between these two related concepts (Jacobs,
2015; Panitz, 1999). For the present work, we follow
the distinction made by Panitz who refers to collabora-
tive learning as a broader concept or philosophy that
requires group members to build a consensus by inter-
acting with each other and is more student-centered
than cooperative learning which is a form of cooper-
ation that is closely controlled by a teacher (Panitz,
1999). According to this view, study groups can be
seen as a form of collaborative learning. This is consis-
tent with previous research literature which also refers
to learning in study groups as self-organised collab-
orative learning, a form of learning that takes place
without external guidance but is instead mainly driven
by the initiative of the learners (Melzner et al., 2020).
When collaborative learning methods are combined
with learning technologies, e. g., to connect students
or facilitate resource sharing, it is also referred to as
computer-supported collaborative learning, abbrevi-
ated CSCL (Dillenbourg and Fischer, 2007).
Although study groups should be distinguished
from mandatory group work, it is still useful to exam-
ine studies regarding mandatory group work as well
when examining possible factors for group formation.
They provide a comprehensive overview of various
factors that have already been used in this context for
the composition of student groups and could also be
relevant for study groups. For this reason, results re-
lating to the context of mandatory group work will be
discussed first.
Several studies have already addressed the issue
of appropriate group composition, partly in connec-
tion with possible algorithms that can be used for
group formation (Cruz and Isotani, 2014; Odo et al.,
2019; Konert et al., 2014). Konert et al. distin-
guish between person-related and group-related fac-
tors: While person-related factors describe the individ-
uals of the group (e. g., their personality traits, their
level of knowledge or sociodemographic variables),
group-related factors refer to the group as a whole
(Konert et al., 2014). A group-related factor that has
often been mentioned in the research literature is the
group size which is assumed to influence group pro-
ductivity (Shaw, 2013) and students’ motivation (Zhan
et al., 2022). Recommendations regarding group size
suggest small groups, as the productivity of the indi-
vidual person decreases in larger groups (Odo et al.,
2019). With regard to person-related factors, there
is the additional question of whether the group as
a whole should be homogeneous or heterogeneous
concerning these factors. Previous literature contains
arguments in favour of both homogeneous and hetero-
geneous groups: While it has been argued that group
heterogeneity may promote improved peer interactions
(Magnisalis et al., 2011) and overall creativity (Nijstad
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
and De Dreu, 2002), it has also been indicated that
trust may be higher in homogeneous groups and that
this may positively influence performance outcomes
(Ennen et al., 2015). It should, however, be noted
that homogeneous group formation may also lead to
unfairness when groups are very different from each
other which may lead to some persons benefiting more
from group work than others. Considering this is par-
ticularly relevant if the grouping criterion is related to
the level of knowledge or performance as it has been
shown that low ability students benefit more in hetero-
geneous groups than in homogeneous groups (Wang,
The use of algorithms is an effective way to carry
out automatic optimisation with regard to the chosen
factors for group formation. The most commonly used
algorithms for group formation in studies on CSCL are
probabilistic algorithms, such as genetic algorithms
(Cruz and Isotani, 2014).
It is not clear to what extent the factors for group
formation mentioned before also play a role in the
particular context of voluntary, self-organised study
groups, where students have a higher responsibility in
terms of organising the group or dealing with various
problems that may occur (Melzner et al., 2020). So
far, there is little evidence of how students perceive
the optimal group composition of study groups. A
study by Rybczynski and Schussler examined study
groups in an introductory biology course and investi-
gated students’ preconceptions via a survey (Rybczyn-
ski and Schussler, 2011). Using an open-ended ques-
tion, students were asked for any general comments on
study groups. One of the recurrent identified themes
is the high importance of group composition, which
according to the students influences factors such as use-
fulness, effectiveness, and productivity of the group.
Overall, the students in that study mentioned that the
level of knowledge of the other group members and the
willingness to participate were important factors for
them as well as the group size; interestingly, however,
the authors point out that students generally seem to
have different ideas about what makes a good group
member and whether they prefer to learn with friends
or strangers (Rybczynski and Schussler, 2011).
A more recent study also emphasizes the impor-
tance of a homogeneous problem perception within
the group which is characterised by a shared under-
standing about the presence and nature of problems
(Melzner et al., 2020). However, there are no clear rec-
ommendations mentioned on how the groups should
be composed so that students perceive them as effec-
tive and feel able to tackle problems in a meaningful
These findings underline the importance of group
composition for students and already point to individ-
ual factors that could be important in group formation.
However, no systematic survey has yet been conducted
that covers a larger number of the person-related or
group-related factors that have already been used in the
context of mandatory group work, and analyses their
significance in the context of voluntary study groups.
This paper aims to provide a more complete picture of
how students view the factors used in previous work
and what students’ needs are in terms of study groups.
Probably the most important aspect of forming groups
is the grouping criteria. This section explores possi-
ble factors based on students’ needs and wishes and
describes the analyses that were conducted to deter-
mine which factors may be most important according
to students.
3.1 Method
To explore which factors students perceive as partic-
ularly relevant, a focus group was held as a first step.
Focus groups are similar to group interviews in that
they are an organised discussion with a group of indi-
viduals to gain insights regarding a collective opinion;
however, focus groups are more interactive since the
group members do not just answer the interviewers
question but are also encouraged to discuss these ques-
tions and raise new points within the discussion (Gibbs,
Regarding the present study, the focus group was
held to get a more general overview on which factors
students consider important in the context of study
groups. The participants of the focus group should thus
be able to not only express their opinions on previously
used factors for group formation but also contribute
their own ideas based on their past experiences with
learning in study groups. Based on this general picture,
the factors mentioned in the focus group were then
evaluated with a larger sample in a follow-up online
survey as a second step.
The focus group was held at LMU Munich univer-
sity in Germany via the Zoom video conferencing tool
in January 2022. Based on the recommendations by
Benighaus and Benighaus, a guideline was developed
prior to this (Benighaus and Benighaus, 2012).
The complete guideline can be found in (Schenk, 2022).
Formation of Study Groups: Exploring Students’ Needs and Practical Challenges
particular, the guideline included a section containing
questions about different factors for group composi-
tion. Analogous to the categorisation made in previous
research literature (Konert et al., 2014), the guide-
line differentiated between person-related and group-
related factors. Students were presented with examples
for these factors that were obtained from the previous
reviews on the composition of groups in the context of
mandatory group work (Konert et al., 2014; Odo et al.,
2019; Cruz and Isotani, 2014) and they were asked for
their opinion on the importance of these factors for the
formation of voluntary study groups. Students could
also name other factors important to them and discuss
their significance for group formation. In addition, the
guideline contained questions about general expecta-
tions that students have regarding a tool for forming
study groups, e. g., how much time the usage of the
tool should take.
Six students from the fields of computer science,
physics, media informatics, psychology, and school
psychology were recruited via personal contact and
participated in the focus group. The age of the students
ranged from 21 to 31 years. All participants stated that
they already had experience with study groups. The
session of the focus group lasted for about two hours
and was recorded.
To analyse the discussion, an inductive categori-
sation analysis was conducted (Mayring, 2012). This
is a systematic method for analysing and structuring
qualitative data by incrementally developing a system
of categories from the data material. The categories
are formulated as terms or concepts that are then being
used to assign relevant text passages to the respec-
tive category. Thus, the resulting categories represent
umbrella terms that summarise the content of the dis-
cussion (Mayring, 2012).
Based on the categories developed using this
method, it was specified in more detail which factors
may play an important role in the formation of study
groups from the students’ point of view. While the cat-
egories refer to general topics of the focus group, the
factors represent concrete examples that the students
had mentioned as possibly important factors for group
formation in this context.
Based on the factors identified this way, an online
survey was conducted via the SoSci Survey web appli-
The aim of this survey was to prioritise the
factors to decide which factors should be taken into
account by an algorithm for group formation. Thus, it
should be determined which factors are most impor-
tant from the students’ point of view. The aim was
not to identify new factors. However, students had the
2, last accessed: 2023-11-22
opportunity to comment on the study (and thus, also
on possibly missing factors).
In order to be able to do a prioritisation and select
only the most important factors for group formation,
items were designed to indicate that a particular factor
is of high importance for study groups (e. g., for the
factor “Preference for Online Meetings”: “For study
groups in general, it is important that people in the
group have the same preference regarding the type of
meeting (online vs. face-to-face).”). These items could
be rated on a 5-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree,
3=neither agree nor disagree, 5=strongly agree). To
further motivate respondents to decide which factors
were most important to them in relation to the other fac-
tors, at the end of the questionnaire the students were
asked to select a maximum of three factors that they
considered most important. This way, it was possible
to determine the importance of the factors through two
different measurements: On the one hand, the degree
of agreement with a statement. This value was then
averaged over all respondents. On the other hand, the
frequency with which a statement was mentioned as
one of the most important factors overall. In addition
to these prioritisation items, the questionnaire included
questions about demographic characteristics as well as
personality traits such as extraversion, conscientious-
ness, and perseverance. For the measurement of ex-
traversion and conscientiousness, the respective items
from the 30-item short version of the NEO Five-Factor
Inventory were used (K
orner et al., 2008), further-
more the six items of the scale “Perseverance” were
taken from the 12-item Grit Scale (Fleckenstein et al.,
The online survey was carried out in February and
March 2022 and lasted 18 days. It was advertised via
various email distribution lists at four German univer-
sities and was open to students from all disciplines.
The data was analysed from all respondents who indi-
cated that they are older than 18 years and accepted
the privacy agreement. The final data set consists of
160 students (69 male, 87 female, 4 diverse) and was
analysed using the software R. The average age of the
respondents was 25 years (SD = 7.71, [18, 63]). In to-
tal, students from 37 different fields of study took part,
with computer science and media informatics being
the most common subjects.
3.2 Results
The results of the focus group are briefly presented first,
as they form the basis of the online survey. The topics
discussed in the focus group could be divided into the
The complete online questionnaire can be found in
(Schenk, 2022).
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
following ten categories, using inductive categorisa-
tion analysis: “Interaction with Others”, “Common
Goals”, “Personality Traits”, “Organisation of Study
Groups”, “Attitude towards Reliability”, “Knowledge
and Skills”, “Sociodemographic Criteria”, “Consid-
eration of Health Limits” (e. g., acknowledging that
one also needs breaks and taking them consistently),
“Group Size”, and “General Requirements for a Tool
for the Formation of Study Groups”.
Major themes in the focus group concerned rea-
sons why students join study groups and the resulting
expectations regarding study groups. On the one hand,
the social component of study groups (i. e., the inter-
action with others) can be very important for some
students and may be one of the main reasons why they
decide to join a study group. On the other hand, the
participants of the focus group stated that interaction
with others can also be perceived as distracting and not
being conducive to their learning experience. It was
suggested by the participants of the focus group that
certain factors, such as personality traits, may be more
important for those students who join study groups
mainly for social reasons.
In general, the participants of the focus group dis-
cussed the possibility that students have different learn-
ing goals when it comes to learning in study groups:
For some students it might be a matter of (fully) un-
derstanding the material while for others it might be
just a matter of passing an exam. The participants of
the focus group therefore assumed that depending on
the learning goals, the level of commitment also varies
and that this may be why different learning goals could
probably have a negative impact on group dynamics.
The general organisation of study groups was also
discussed in the focus group. As mentioned before,
students have to take care of the organisation of study
groups themselves and can make different decisions
on this issue: For example, it is not specified that study
groups must meet in person. In fact, one focus group
participant said that she preferred learning in online
meetings because she perceived it as less distracting
and overwhelming. Another student from the focus
group emphasized that face-to-face meetings were very
important to him in order to get to know the other par-
ticipants in a study group better. It was also discussed
whether it is important to meet regularly or whether
students might prefer more flexible meetings. The
“ideal” group size should be 3 or 4 students according
to the participants of the focus group. This statement
is consistent with the recommendation from the litera-
ture that smaller groups are more likely to promote the
productivity of individual group members than larger
groups (Odo et al., 2019).
Concerning the general requirements for a tool for
group formation, the students indicated that they are in
general not reluctant to use such a tool, but that aspects
such as transparency and trustworthiness are important
to them and that the tool should be restricted to fellow
students. The students also mentioned that using a tool
for group formation should not take more than 10 to
15 minutes of their time.
As described above, the ten categories of the focus
group were used as a basis to identify specific fac-
tors that may be important for group formation and
to develop respective questionnaire items for them as
described in the previous section. A total of 20 factors
were found this way. The items that each describe the
importance of one specific factor were then used in
an online survey. Table 1 shows the factors and sum-
marises the descriptive statistical analyses regarding
the item prioritisation: Shown are the averaged agree-
ment with an item and the frequency of mention in the
evaluation of the factors. In addition, the correspond-
ing category from the focus group is given for each
item. Note that while group size was mentioned in
the focus group, the question of an appropriate group
size was not listed in the online questionnaire. As the
statements from the focus group correspond with rec-
ommendations from the literature, a group size of 3–4
students was decided in advance instead.
The following ve factors received the highest
average agreement (cf. Table 1): “Sense of Duty”,
Attitude towards Reliable Attendance of Meetings”,
Attitude towards Regular Meetings”, “Preference for
Online Meetings”, and Accuracy in Working”. The
five factors that were mentioned most frequently in-
clude “Common Goals”, “Sense of Duty”, Attitude
towards Reliable Attendance of Meetings”, “Prefer-
ence for Online Meetings”, and “Goal-Orientation and
In the questionnaire, students were also asked for
their attitudes regarding study groups (“I like learning
in study groups”), and how much experience they had
with learning in study groups (“I have often learned
in study groups”). Both items were again rated on the
same 5-point Likert scale as described in Section 3.1.
The average agreement regarding the first item was
3.24 (SD = 1.25), the average agreement regarding
the second item was 3.56 (SD = 1.33). In addition,
students were also asked whether they could imagine
using an application or tool for finding a study group
(“I could imagine using an application to find a new
study group.”). The average agreement regarding this
item was 3.6 (SD = 1.2).
Formation of Study Groups: Exploring Students’ Needs and Practical Challenges
Table 1: Factors for Group Formation and Items used in the Online Study, along with Descriptive Data for Prioritisation.
Factor Category in Focus Group Mean SD Frequency
Common Goals Common Goals 3.88 1.04 74
Homogeneity with regard to Gender Sociodemographic Criteria 1.24 0.69 1
Homogeneity with regard to Age Sociodemographic Criteria 2.25 1.23 10
Preference for Online Meetings Organisation of Study Groups 4.04 0.89 50
Attitude towards Regular Meetings Organisation of Study Groups 4.19 0.86 31
Setting one Appointment per Week Organisation of Study Groups 3.26 1.25 9
Attitude regarding the Distribution of Tasks Organisation of Study Groups 3.64 1.08 20
Attitude towards Reliable Attendance of Meet-
Attitude towards Reliability 4.25 0.89 51
Similarity in Personality Interaction with Others 2.94 1.00 10
Difference in Personality Interaction with Others 2.74 0.94 7
Similarity in Extraversion Personality Traits 2.73 1.07 8
Difference in Extraversion Personality Traits 3.16 1.03 7
Sense of Duty Personality Traits 4.26 0.76 73
Accuracy in Working Personality Traits 3.91 0.95 26
Common Interests Interaction with Others 2.73 1.20 9
Common Hobbies Interaction with Others 2.16 1.08 1
Goal-Orientation and Perseverance Personality Traits 3.78 0.93 35
Pursuing of Goals despite Setbacks Personality Traits 3.54 1.06 6
Consideration of Health Limits Consideration of Health Limits 3.85 1.00 18
Similar level of Knowledge Knowledge and Skills 3.12 1.15 18
Different level of Knowledge Knowledge and Skills 2.81 1.07 11
3.3 Selection of Relevant Factors for
Group Formation
The analysis of students’ needs and perceptions regard-
ing study groups presented in the previous sections
formed the basis for the development of a prototype.
In particular, based on the analysis, the selection of
factors for group formation was made. This selection
was made in two steps: Firstly, the averaged agreement
was used, i. e., the extent to which the students agreed
with the presented items. Secondly, it was examined
how often the students had counted a factor as one of
the three most important factors in total.
The following three factors were selected since
they showed both, a high averaged agreement and a
high frequency of mention: “Sense of Duty”, Atti-
tude towards Reliable Attendance of Meetings”, and
“Preference for Online Meetings”. It should be noted
that the factor “Common Goals” was also considered
as a criterion for group formation, as it was mentioned
by most students (
n = 74
) as one of the three most im-
portant criteria for study groups. Interestingly though,
the mean agreement was lower and the factor also
had a higher standard deviation than the three factors
that were ultimately chosen for group formation. It
can therefore be assumed that this factor was less im-
portant for the entire sample which is why it was not
considered for the algorithm for group formation here.
In addition, difficulties with regard to the measurement
of “Common Goals” also complicated the selection of
this factor. The online study gave students the oppor-
tunity to mention in free text possible goals that they
personally have when learning in study groups. A wide
range of different goals were mentioned, such as a gen-
eral exchange of information about university courses
or the encouragement of interdisciplinarity. These find-
ings indicate that students are pursuing study groups
with different objectives. However, it is unclear how
to summarise or operationalise these goals. To collect
data or preferences on this factor from students, further
analysis is needed.
In summary, it seems to be particularly important
for students that the other people are similarly duti-
ful or conscientious, that they have a similar attitude
regarding the reliable attendance of meetings, and a
similar preference for online meetings. Thus, an algo-
rithm for group formation should form groups that are
as homogeneous as possible regarding these factors.
The prototype consists of two components: the stu-
dent front-end for allowing students to register and
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
for asking for their preferences, and a back-end for
the group formation and sending notification emails
to the students containing contact information of their
recommended fellow students for a study group.
The student front-end was developed as a simple
web-application using Spring Boot. It allowed stu-
dents to register before a deadline, and stored all data
in a database. Shibboleth Single-Sign On was used to
restrict usage to students enrolled at the same univer-
sity and to receive their (validated) names and email
addresses. The registration required students to fill out
a form that on the one hand included administrative
data such as their name, email address, university and
semester (all pre-filled). Further questions were de-
veloped to operationalise the three factors for group
formation found in the previous section: Two questions
were developed to measure preference for online meet-
ings, and three items to measure the attitudes towards
the reliable attendance of meetings in a study group.
In addition, the six-item conscientiousness scale of the
30 item short version of the German NEO Five-Factor
Inventory (K
orner et al., 2008), based on the English
NEO Five-Factor Inventory (Costa and McCrae, 1989),
was used to assess the sense of duty. Two further items
asked for the importance of the grade and the envi-
sioned grade for that course. The form thus comprised
a total of 17 items which are listed in Table 2.
The back-end was developed as a stand-alone Java
application that needs to be invoked (manually) after
the registration deadline to compose study group rec-
ommendations using a genetic algorithm approach. A
genetic algorithm was chosen, because this type of
algorithm performs well (also for large data sets) and
has been used successfully by many previous studies
on group formation (Krouska et al., 2019). For each
course, the grouping algorithm uses the data of the
registered students on online preference, their attitude
towards reliability, and conscientiousness for the fit-
ness function to form homogeneous groups, i. e., the
average differences on the answers for the three factors
should be minimal (Schenk, 2022). The implementa-
tion of the genetic algorithm is inspired by a previous
study using a genetic algorithm for the formation of
student groups of three (Moreno et al., 2012), the prob-
ability parameters for crossover (1.0) and mutation
(0.5) were determined systematically by an evaluation
with test data (Schenk, 2022). The genetic algorithm
composes groups of three students as requested in the
focus group. If the number of students is not a multiple
of three, in the final step one or two “fourth students”
are added to the best fitting groups. After all students
have been assigned to groups, the tool sends emails to
all students containing the names and email addresses
of their fellow students of the respective recommended
group and asks to contact them.
To ensure that the genetic algorithm actually
achieves a higher fitness (i. e., forms more homoge-
neous groups regarding the three factors) than, for
example, a random algorithm, the algorithm was eval-
uated using randomly generated data. A comparison
was made between the genetic algorithm, a backtrack-
ing (brute force) algorithm (which considers all the
options for grouping and then selects the one with the
best fitness), and a random selection of students. The
backtracking method is capable of finding an optimal
solution for small groups and was used to estimate
how close the genetic algorithm could come to that
solution; however, it cannot be used effectively with
more than 30 students.
For comparing the three algorithms, the number
of students was systematically varied and the fitness
values (calculated via the fitness function which in-
dicates how homogeneous groups are with regard to
the three factors) were compared with each other. The
evaluation showed that the genetic algorithm does not
achieve a better fitness for a smaller number of stu-
dents (7–11 students) than a random selection. From a
number of 12 students onwards, the genetic algorithm
achieved a better fitness and it was able to achieve bet-
ter fitness values in less than two minutes for a number
of 3,000 students (Schenk, 2022).
The prototype and the proposed factors were evaluated
in two different first-semester Bachelor’s courses in
a field study at Technical University of Munich (first-
semester computer science course, CS in the following,
approx. 1,500 students) and Aalen University of Ap-
plied Sciences (math course, approx. 80 students) in
winter term 2022/2023 in Germany. Both courses were
attended by students of different courses of study.
5.1 Method
For both courses the prototype was made available
to students in the first week of the semester and the
registration was open for one week. In the math course
the study was announced by the teacher and in the CS
course by one of the authors. The composed groups
were announced using email on November, 1st (begin-
ning of the third week of the semester).
These two courses were selected, to investigate two
hypotheses: 1) study groups formed by the proposed
algorithm are perceived as better and persist longer
Formation of Study Groups: Exploring Students’ Needs and Practical Challenges
Table 2: Items used in the Web-Application (translated from German into English).
Item Formulation Response Format
Your Name Free text field (prefilled)
Your Email Address Free text field (prefilled)
For which university are you looking for a study group? Free text field (prefilled)
Which semester are you in? Drop-down menu (1,2,3,4,5,6,>6)
I prefer to learn with a study group in presence. 5-point Likert scale
I prefer to learn with a study group online. 5-point Likert scale
When I am in a study group, I try to attend every meeting of the study
5-point Likert scale
It is important to me that other people in a study group attend every
5-point Likert scale
It is important to me that other people in a study group are willing to
cancel other appointments for attending meetings of the study group, if
5-point Likert scale
I keep my belongings clean and neat. 5-point Likert scale
I’m pretty good about pacing myself so as to get things done on time. 5-point Likert scale
I try to perform all the tasks assigned to me conscientiously. 5-point Likert scale
When I make a commitment, I can always be counted on to follow
5-point Likert scale
I am a productive person who always gets the job done. 5-point Likert scale
I never seem to be able to get organised. 5-point Likert scale
A good grade is very important to me. 5-point Likert scale
My target grade for this module:
Drop-down menu (Grade A, Grade
B, Grade C, Grade D, no target
than randomly composed groups, and 2) there is no
difference in these terms between a course with a very
high number of students and a course with a lower
number of students. To investigate the first hypothesis,
the students of the CS course were either assigned to
a study group formed by the genetic algorithm or to a
study group formed by a random process. Due to the
size of the math course (and “only” 26 registered stu-
dents for the study), all groups were composed using
the genetic algorithm for that course.
To evaluate both hypotheses, a web-based ques-
tionnaire was developed and a personalized link was
sent to all registered students four weeks before the
end of the term and a reminder one week later. The
questionnaire was accessible online for three weeks. It
included items asking whether there had been contact
to other members of the study group and, if so, how
often and regularly the students had met. Addition-
ally, items were included asking how satisfied students
were with their study groups. To also assess how pleas-
ant the atmosphere in the group and the cohesion was
perceived, the four items of the Participative Safety
scale of the German version of the Team Climate In-
ventory were used (Brodbeck et al., 2000). In addition,
the online questionnaire included the eight items of
the “Cohesion” scale of the German questionnaire on
teamwork (Kauffeld and Frieling, 2004, “Fragebogen
zur Arbeit im Team”).
5.2 Results
The prototype was used by a total of 287 students (CS
course: 261, math course: 26), 151 of whom were
in their first semester (CS course: 133, math course:
18). For the CS course, 87 groups were composed (44
randomly and 43 by the genetic algorithm) and for the
math course 9 groups were composed.
There were 39 persons from both universities par-
ticipating in the evaluation study (CS course: 31, math
course: 8). The students’ ages ranged from 18 to 29
(M = 20.74, SD = 2.62). The majority of the students
n = 31
) was in their first semester. 17 students were in
a randomly composed group (only CS course), and 22
in a group that was composed by the genetic algorithm
(CS course: 14, math course: 8).
Out of the 39 students, 15 stated that contact had
been established with all members of their study group
(CS course: 11, math course: 4), 7 stated that they
had been in contact with some members of their study
group (CS course: 4, math course: 3), and 17 students
stated that there had been no contact at all (CS course:
16, math course: 1). Out of the 22 students who replied
that a contact had – to some extent – been established,
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
14 students stated that they had not yet had a meeting
with other members of their group, four students stated
that they had met less frequently than once a week,
three students stated that they had met once a week,
and one person stated that they had met multiple times
a week.
Due to the small number of people who took part
in the final questionnaire and had actually met in their
groups, no further in-depth analyses regarding the two
formulated hypotheses were conducted.
A free text field gave people the opportunity to in-
dicate difficulties they had encountered in connection
with their study group. Two students stated that other
members did not reply, and thus no contact could be
established. Furthermore, it was mentioned that people
did not have time to schedule a meeting for studying:
One student remarked that an actual meeting for study-
ing did not happen because the others could not find
the time. Another student stated that no meeting took
place because one person from the study group never
got in touch and the other was too busy. To facilitate
an exchange, it was suggested to pay more attention to
a common study program and interests.
The requirement analysis described in this paper identi-
fied three factors that are important to students. These
factors can be described as person-related factors that
relate to personality traits of the group members and
to their preferences regarding the organisation of the
In general, the current work suggests that students
themselves prefer a homogeneous group composition
regarding the mentioned factors. This may be due to
an enhanced trust with group members that are simi-
lar to oneself, as previous research literature suggests
(Ennen et al., 2015) and is in line with previous find-
ings that have shown that when group formation is
left to students themselves, they tend to form more ho-
mogeneous groups, e. g., regarding person-related fac-
tors such as level of knowledge or sociodemographic
variables (Razmerita and Brun, 2011; Freeman et al.,
2017). It is conceivable that a similar level of consci-
entiousness may also result in a similar perception of
problems, which has already been shown to be impor-
tant for self-organised collaborative learning (Melzner
et al., 2020).
In contrast to previous studies, the current study
also highlights the importance of students’ preference
for either face-to-face or online meetings: The group
formation algorithm proposed in this study also takes
the factor “Preference for Online Meetings” into ac-
count which seems to be very important for many stu-
dents. This is a factor that has not been investigated in
particular by previous research literature. The fact that
students attribute high importance to this factor may
be due to the COVID pandemic during which meetings
in person were hardly possible or not possible at all; as
a result, online meetings and in particular, online learn-
ing became increasingly important and commonplace
for students (Shaid et al., 2021).
Two limitations should be noted regarding these
findings: Firstly that it cannot be clearly stated whether
the three factors identified in the requirement analysis
are indeed the factors that are most important to the
population of students since this was a purely descrip-
tive statistical analysis. Efforts were made to obtain a
representative sample by addressing various students
at multiple (German) universities. However, the fi-
nal participating sample of students was influenced by
self-selection and it is not clear how representative the
data is for all students with an interest in study groups
since a majority of participants seemed to study STEM
subjects such as computer science or media informat-
ics and some participants stated that they themselves
were not actually interested in learning in study groups.
Furthermore, only one focus group of six people was
used to select potentially relevant factors. Although
care was taken to select students from different dis-
ciplines who already had experience of learning in
self-organised study groups, it cannot be ruled out that
other (possibly relevant) factors would have been men-
tioned in a further survey with different people. Due to
restricted resources, the inductive categorisation anal-
ysis for analysing the focus group was carried out by
one person which limits the reliability of this analysis.
Lastly, the results of the requirement analysis may
be biased because of the already mentioned potential
impact of the COVID pandemic: the focus group and
the online study took place in the beginning of 2022
and, therefore, might be influenced by the COVID
pandemic. It cannot be definitively stated whether
these findings are still valid in current times when
everyday life is no longer restricted by the pandemic.
Secondly, it should be noted that the factors iden-
tified in the requirement analysis are only based on
students’ own perceptions and therefore do not neces-
sarily have to have a (significant) positive impact on
the learning experience. As pointed out before, the
aim of the present study was in particular to take stu-
dents opinions into account since they are probably
best placed to assess which factors they perceive as
beneficial or detrimental to learning in study groups.
However, students may not only pursue the goal of
achieving learning success with study groups – the re-
sults of the requirement analysis indicate that students
Formation of Study Groups: Exploring Students’ Needs and Practical Challenges
may pursue various different goals. It is therefore
possible that students consider certain factors to be
important for study groups which may not necessarily
be related to an improved learning experience or aca-
demic outcomes but to other goals that students had in
The evaluation study attempted to address this find-
ing by using different items in the online questionnaire
to assess not only learning achievements, but also as-
pects such as the sense of cohesion within the study
group. However, no clear statements can be made
as to whether the group formation carried out by the
genetic algorithm (which forms homogeneous groups
according to the three factors) is also better in terms
of learning success or group cohesion than the group
formation carried out by a random algorithm due to
the small sample size in the evaluation study. The
questions of whether groups formed by the proposed
algorithm are perceived as better and last longer and
whether there is a difference between the two courses
of different size could thus not be answered. Neverthe-
less, the evaluation study provided certain insights into
the challenges that may hinder students from learn-
ing with their study groups and that should be taken
into account when designing a prototype for group
formation of study groups.
First of all, it should be pointed out that a large
number of students stated in the evaluation study that
contact with other group members did not take place
at all. This may be due to the design of the prototype
where the students were only given the names and the
email addresses of the other group members as well as
a prompt to establish contact. The actual establishment
of contact was ultimately left to the students them-
selves. It is possible that the students felt reluctance
to write to other students they did not know or that
there was a general lack of clarity about who should
write a message to the others first. Another possibility
is that contacting students via email (as configured in
the university’s directory; default was the university
email account) is generally not convenient for them.
They may find this way of communication more com-
plicated and they may not check their emails often
enough to respond in a short period of time. Another
reason could be that the study group assignment was
made too late in the semester (beginning of the third
week) and groups might already have formed on other
ways. Nothing was noted about this in the evaluation
Even if the contact was established, scheduling
difficulties also posed a challenge for the students
which sometimes prevented them from studying to-
gether. There are several such comments in the eval-
uation study. The problem that students like to learn
with others but cannot find a suitable time slot was
also discussed in the focus group. It was suggested by
the participants of the focus group that the tool could
ask students about the possible free time slots or pre-
ferred days. Especially for students who want to study
regularly, it could be important to find a common time
slot per week. Though, the results of the online study
showed that one shared meeting per week was less
important to students than the other factors mentioned.
Hence, features for finding an appointment, were not
further considered in the design of the prototype. But
since the courses in which the prototype was presented
turned out to be quite diverse regarding the attend-
ing students’ semesters and courses of study, students
might have been overwhelmed with the task of finding
an appointment on their own. Thus, taking information
about the students’ semester or course of study into
account could further reduce the difficulties of schedul-
ing an appointment. This assumption is supported by
one student commenting in the evaluation that all three
people in their study group studied a different major
which caused problems in scheduling.
In general, it seems as if there is an interest by a
notable proportion of students who used the prototype
in the beginning of the semester to find a study group
(CS course: 261 of approx. 1,500 students, 17 % vs.
math course: 26 of approx. 80 students, 32 %). This
however, can only be seen as a rough tendency, as the
interest depends on various factors such as the way
of advertising, the university size or types, and the
concrete courses.
The basic aim of this study was to gain a better un-
derstanding about the formation of study groups. In
particular, two questions were addressed: The ques-
tion of students’ needs in relation to the factors used
for the formation of study groups and the question of
possible challenges that need to be considered when
forming study groups. Through a requirement analysis
it was examined how students imagine their ideal study
groups. Study groups were perceived as most useful
by students when being as homogeneous as possible
regarding the three factors “Sense of Duty”, “Attitude
towards Reliable Attendance of Meetings” and “Pref-
erence for Online Meetings”. Based on this finding, a
prototype was implemented using a genetic algorithm
for group formation. To evaluate the prototype, a field
study was carried out. Due to a small sample size in
the final questionnaire, the main questions of how well
the groups formed by the prototype actually learn to-
gether and whether there are differences between large
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
or smaller university courses could not be answered,
but difficulties were identified that should be consid-
ered in the future: On the one hand, that contact is
often not established when the task of making contact
is left to the students themselves. On the other hand,
that even if contact is made, it does not also mean that
meetings of the study group will take place. This is
probably due to scheduling difficulties.
The paper thus provides initial indications of what
may be important to students when learning in study
groups and what needs to be considered when im-
plementing a tool for the formation of self-organised
study groups. Future studies should, for example, ex-
amine which goals students pursue with learning in
study groups. The present work indicates that there
are apparently different goals that motivate students
to learn in study groups, and that common goals may
be important for group formation. In addition, future
research would be needed to examine how the students
perceive learning in the groups formed by the genetic
algorithm presented in this paper. With regard to the
implementation of a tool for the formation of study
groups, the question of how to facilitate contact re-
mains to be answered. Future studies could explore
this question further and, for example, try to get in-
formation through surveys about what could motivate
students to contact others and what tends to prevent
them from doing so. In addition, it could be help-
ful to consider characteristics such as the number of
semesters or the subject of study when forming study
groups in order to make it easier for the students to
schedule meetings.
All in all, an application for finding study groups
seems to be considered useful by the students the fact
that the prototype presented in this paper was used by
287 students overall indicates that there is a need for
such a tool in higher education. Nevertheless, further
research is needed to fully ensure the expectations of
students – especially regarding their different goals –
are met and to facilitate the contact establishment and
scheduling of meetings.
The source code of the registration form (incl. the
questionnaire) as well as the grouping tool (Schenk and
Strickroth, 2024a), and the evaluation questionnaire as
well as the raw data (Schenk and Strickroth, 2024b)
are available on Zenodo.
The authors thank the two educators Ruediger Wester-
mann and Armin Egetenmeier at Technical University
of Munich respective Aalen University of Applied Sci-
ences and also all participants.
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CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education