ment of complex mixed-critical e-Health systems.
In summary, the existing works demonstrated the
feasibility and efficiency of MDA in real work scenar-
ios. MDA is able to lower the threshold for develop-
ers to understand project requirements by abstracting
various components of the system. However, none of
these works can model specific user’s preferences for
e-Health applications such as the website appearance
and the functionalities they prefer. Also, they have
not developed a solution for medical experts and de-
velopers to work collaboratively. Although existing
approaches have improved the efficiency of software
development, they do not cater for the participation
of experts in app development, making them unable
to give professional insights, which results in the final
deliverable not being able to satisfy the users.
We have presented a novel visual-based e-Health
modeling language. The goal of our DSML is to en-
able people from diverse fields to engage in e-Health
design projects better. It describes core concepts and
components of e-Health. Based on the findings from
the user requirements survey, we provided our users
with two accessible and distinguishable sets of visual
notations, depending on the Web Content Accessibil-
ity Guidelines 2.1 (Andrew et al., 2018), for designing
the visual diagram describing the custom e-Health ap-
plication. We evaluated the accessibility and usability
of our tool through a Physics of Notations assessment
and a group end user study. Evaluation results illus-
trate that all participants responded well in terms of
the usability of both language and overall approach.
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ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering