Anxiety and EEG Frontal Theta-Beta Ratio Relationship Analysis Across
Personality Traits During HDR Affective Videos Experience
Majid Riaz and Raffaele Gravina
Department of Informatics, Modeling, Electronics and System Engineering, University of Calabria,Rende, Italy
Electroencephalography, Theta-Beta Ratio, Anxiety, High Dynamic Range, Personality Traits,
Valence-Arousal Plane.
To comprehend the intricate interplay between the frontal regions of the brain, anxiety, and their connection
with individual personality traits holds promising potential for developing contemporary, personality-aware
interventions in anxiety healthcare design. Traditionally, emotional content with low dynamic range has been
employed for anxiety assessment, with personality traits serving as mediators. This paper introduces a novel
approach, examining the influence of personality traits on the relationship between anxiety and electroen-
cephalography (EEG) frontal Theta-Beta Ratio (TBR) during high dynamic range (HDR) arousal-valence
affective content exposures. Twenty-seven subjects were categorized into five groups based on big five per-
sonality scores, further subdivided into high and low personality traits. Correlation analyses were conducted
separately for the right and left frontal regions. Across four HDR video clips, each positioned within a distinct
valence-arousal plane, it was observed that for High Arousal High Valence (HAHV) and High Arousal Low
Valence (HALV), most personality trait groups exhibited a negative correlation between anxiety and frontal
TBR, while a positive correlation was noted for Low Arousal Low Valence (LALV) and Low Arousal High
Valence (LAHV) HDR emotional content. The findings indicate that the big five personality traits are the
pivotal intermediate psychological factors affecting alterations in brain activity and anxiety.
In the course of daily living, it often happens with
someone to experience anxiety and stress, marked
by various emotional states that significantly influ-
ence the overall quality of life. Constant anxious
feeling can cause the sever depression that ultimately
impacts the mental and physical health of an indi-
vidual(Gavrilescu and Vizireanu, 2019). Difference
states of Anxiety and stress are implicated to assess
the onset and progressions of various diseases like
cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and immunologi-
cal disorder(Reiche et al., 2004). Social anxiety dis-
order (SAD) is considered to be one of the major rea-
son for emotional disturbances, cognitive deteriora-
tion and brain disorder(Al-Ezzi et al., 2020). Anxi-
ety constitutes internal dimensions within the intricate
spectrum of human emotions, intricately connected to
both the psychological and physiological characteris-
tics inherent to each individual.
Personality traits are an important but often ne-
glected mediators of emotional well being, physio-
logical responses and anxiety levels. There are dif-
ferent psychological dimensions of human personal-
ity but most importance dimensions are those that are
described by ve factors model (FFM) that denotes
the neuroticism (N), extroversion (E), openness (O),
agreeableness (A) and conscientiousness (C) (Mc-
Crae and John, 1992). These personality traits have
been shown to influence the physiological responses,
stress and cognitive declines among individuals(Yan
et al., 2019). Several researches have been conducted
to investigate the relationship between the personal-
ity traits and chronic diseases i.e., personality traits
and mental disorder(Kotov et al., 2007), personality
traits and anxiety about aging and health(Harris and
Dollinger, 2003; Nik
c et al., 2021; Bienvenu and
Brandes, 2005). While the connection between per-
sonality and anxiety has been extensively studied, the
underlying mechanism remains unclear. Existing evi-
dence is insufficient to firmly establish how personal-
ity might serve as a mediator for anxiety triggered by
different audio-visual emotional stimuli.
Physiological signals based anxious levels have
been analyzed during various exposures. For example
Riaz, M. and Gravina, R.
Anxiety and EEG Frontal Theta-Beta Ratio Relationship Analysis Across Personality Traits During HDR Affective Videos Experience.
DOI: 10.5220/0012547100003699
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2024), pages 27-36
ISBN: 978-989-758-700-9; ISSN: 2184-4984
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
in (
Salkevicius et al., 2019), physiological signals like
galvanic skin response (GSR), blood volume pulse
(BVP), skin temperatures have been recorded during
virtual reality therapy exposure to assess the various
anxiety levels. Electroencephalography (EEG) sig-
nals based major depressive disorder (MDD)(Greco
et al., 2021) and human anxiety(Muhammad and Al-
Ahmadi, 2022) is analyzed. In(Li et al., 2023),
during VR scenes have used to record the physi-
ological signals to assess the anxiety and depres-
sion levels. ECG and respiration signals have been
recorded whiles subjects were continuously watching
the video clips and their anxiety was measured (El-
gendi et al., 2022). Numerous cutting-edge studies
have demonstrated that analyzing the electrical ac-
tivity of the brain through EEG offers valuable in-
sights and discernible frequency patterns for under-
standing anxiety states in human. Among numerous
EEG based biomarkers for anxiety assessment, theta-
beta ratio can serve as promising neurophyiological
bio-indicators to better understand the anxiousness of
EEG is accessible and cost effective technology to
investigates the neuronal correlates of the theta beta
ratio (TBR) and anxiety. TBR specifies the deviations
in brainwave frequency patterns and these alteration
in neural regions act as indicators of the stress and
anxiety. TBR indicates the cortical and sub-cortical
interactions and numerous studies have shown its cor-
relation with the anxiety and attention control(Wei
et al., 2020). (Poole et al., 2021) states that tempera-
mentally shy children with enhanced theta beta ration
are at greater risk of anxiety. In (Chang and Choi,
2023), alpha beta, alpha theta and theta beta ratios
have been identified as biomarkers of depression.
Psychological and physical symptoms of the anx-
iety disorders can be decoded through the variety
of audio and video emotional stimuli(Scibelli et al.,
2016). As previously mentioned, decoding induced
anxiety has utilized facial, audio, and visual cues,
yet a comprehensive understanding remains a sub-
ject of ongoing exploration. The emergence of High
Dynamic Range (HDR) multimedia technology has
prompted investigations in healthcare systems within
the realms of medical, computer science, and AI-
related research communities. Offering immersive
and visually captivating content, HDR multimedia
stands out for its capability to encompass the com-
plete range of light and color information inherent
in real-world scenes(Riaz et al., 2023). In past, very
few studies have employed the HDR multimedia for
health related emotion recognition using EEG(Riaz
et al., 2021a) and emotional experience analysis (Riaz
et al., 2021b), quality of experience analysis and per-
ceptual experience analysis using EEG signals(Moon
and Lee, 2015b). Likewise, investigations into the
connectivity among various brain regions have been
conducted to unravel the cognitive processes asso-
ciated with the tone-mapped HDR visual experi-
ence(Moon and Lee, 2015a). To the best of our
knowledge there is no such work that have employed
EEG responses influenced by HDR emotional stimuli
to evaluate the induced anxiety.
While behavioral and physical factors impacting
anxiety levels have been extensively explored, the
analysis of anxiety levels through the lens of the Big
Five personality traits remains underexamined. Pre-
vious research has physiologically connected person-
ality traits to the emergence of various diseases by
identifying biomarkers. For instance, the role of per-
sonality traits such as extroversion and neuroticism
in managing stress via biofeedback mechanisms like
heart rate has been investigated(Bequet et al., 2022).
The findings of(Olofsson et al., 2008), uncovered
that the variation in arousal and valence levels pro-
vides crucial insights into the neural underpinnings of
anxiety triggered by emotional stimuli. While prior
research has explored the relationship between psy-
chological factors and anxiety through the dimensions
of valence and arousal emotions, the extent to which
specific personality traits serve as stronger mediators
in this connection has not been explicitly and clearly
In this study, we have addressed the challenges
given for assessing the anxiety assessment by relat-
ing to psychological contributor of human person-
ality through their neural responses. Previous re-
search have not neurologically correlated the person-
ality traits with the anxiety through such strong emo-
tional content. To the best of our knowledge, this
study marks the first attempt to utilize affectiv HDR
valence and arousal stimuli in investigating the cor-
relation between personality traits and anxiety levels.
This exploration involves the analysis of anxiety re-
sponses and EEG reactions elicited during exposure
to novel visual stimuli.
1.1 Motivation
Anxiety related problems cost the health and over-
all quality of life of an individual with various de-
mographic details. To investigate the dynamic in-
terplay between the personality traits, microbiologi-
cal responses during immersive and visually appeal-
ing multimedia encounters could be of paramount
importance for health related research communities.
Although, previous researches have determined the
personality and anxiety link separately, but integrat-
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
ing it with HDR stimuli and brain responses remains
largely under-explored area of research. Examin-
ing the connection between personality traits, partic-
ularly theta-beta EEG frontal correlates, and the ex-
pression of anxiety, this research aims to shed light
on both affective computing and the practical impli-
cations for subjective well-being and mental health.
The key discoveries from this study provide valuable
insights for crafting personality-aware interventions
aimed at controlling anxiety. This involves the cre-
ation of interventions that are unassuming, practical,
and emotionally engaging in the multimedia context,
contributing to the development of customized and ef-
fective strategies.
1.2 Contributions
In the present study, we employed personality traits
as mediators, serving as intermediary factors that im-
pact the underlying connection between anxiety and
the spectrum of brain activity, as indicated by the
TBR observed in EEG recordings from both the right
and left regions of the brain during exposure to novel
HDR emotional content. Our primary contributions
are delineated as follows:
1. We introduced the novel application of the HDR
valence arousal stimuli to investigate the rela-
tionship between personality traits and anxiety
level by expanding the scope of experiment i.e.,
paradigm shift from emotional research to anxi-
ety and personality related research
2. We analyzed the anxiety manifestation and EEG
frontal channels bands extracted in response to the
HDR visual experience to explore a complex rela-
3. Finally, we introduced a conceptual framework
that integrates personality traits with anxiety and
TBR derived from frontal EEG recordings on both
the right and left sides, collected in response to
HDR valence arousal experiences. The statisti-
cal analysis revealed a notable role of personality
traits as mediators for influencing anxiety.
Remainder of the paper is organized as fallows. De-
tailed proposed methodology for anxiety and person-
ality traits analysis is discussed in section II. Section
III provides a comprehensive analysis of the statisti-
cal results while section IV is about the discussion.
Final section V concludes the paper and presents fu-
tures recommendations.
Fig 1 illustrates the step-by-step process employed to
investigate the connection between anxiety and per-
sonality traits via physiological reactions. The pro-
cedure encompasses the assessment of the Big Five
personality traits through a questionnaire, followed
by stimuli selection, EEG signal acquisition, and the
completion of the STAI form. Subsequently, the pro-
cess involves the extraction of power spectral density
bands and statistical analysis. The specifics of each
step are delineated below.
2.1 HDR Valence Arousal Stimuli
Total four video clips i.e., one musical clip and 3 from
Hollywood movies in HDR10 version with 4K reso-
lution and 10 bits color depth were selected for the
experiment. Before finalizing the stimuli, subjective
pilot study was conducted in lab to rate the valence
and arousal level against each video using 9-point self
assessment manikin(SAM) scale(Peacock and Wong,
1990). To validate the valence and arousal ratings, we
mapped the ratings given by the viewers to valence
arousal (V-A) space and each video was successfully
mapped into one of four quadrant of V-A space. Va-
lence scale is between negative(low valence) to pos-
itive emotions (High valence) while arousal scale is
between calm or relaxation (low arousal)to excite-
ment state (high arousal). In High arousal high va-
lence quadrant (HAHV) a musical clip (LG Jazz Mu-
sic) while in high arousal low valence (HALV) a hor-
ror clip from movie nun version 2018 were mapped.
Similarly, in 3rd quadrant of V-A emotional dimen-
sion that is low low valence (LALV), a clip from the
movie Gladiator version(2000) while in low arousal
high valence (LAHV) a clip from john vick version
(2014) were mapped. Duration of each clip was 90
2.2 Subjective Self Assessment
2.2.1 Subjective Personality Assessment
To measure personalized personality traits, we em-
ployed a questionnaire, specifically the Big Five Per-
sonality Test, which evaluates the structure of person-
ality(Butt et al., 2020). This questionnaire gauges
five personality dimensions based on user responses
to each of its 50 questions. Users rate their agreement
on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 signifies disagreement, 2
indicates slight disagreement, 3 represents neutrality,
4 signifies slight agreement, and 5 denotes agreement.
Anxiety and EEG Frontal Theta-Beta Ratio Relationship Analysis Across Personality Traits During HDR Affective Videos Experience
Figure 1: Proposed methodology followed for relationship analysis between personality traits, EEG frontal TBR and anxiety.
The questionnaire’s 50 questions are categorized into
five groups, aligning with the five personality traits
(neuroticism, extroversion, openness to experience,
agreeableness, and conscientiousness). Each person-
ality trait’s overall score ranges from 0 to 40. To fur-
ther categorize traits as either low or high, we calcu-
lated the mean value for each personality trait score,
labeling traits with scores below the mean as low traits
and vice versa.
2.2.2 Subjective Anxiety Assessment
To measure the personalized anxiety levels, State-
Trait-Anxiety-Inventory (STAI) questionnaire was
employed(Mokhtari et al., 2023). STAI tool reflects
the anxiety levels aroused in response to various phe-
nomena. This tools comprises 40 questions and users
have to mark the anxiety perceived on a scale of 1 to 4
where 1 = almost never, 2 = sometimes,3 = often and
4 = almost always. Finally anxiety scores were cal-
culated for each personality traits based on the rating
given by users during visual experience.
2.3 Data Sensing Mechanism
2.3.1 Test Subjects
A total of 27 individuals took part in the research,
comprising 17 males and 10 females with ages rang-
ing from 22 to 30 years. All participants were in
good health and willingly participated in the exper-
iment. Prior to the commencement of the study, it
was ensured that none of the volunteers had previ-
ously participated in any anxiety-related studies, and
it was their first exposure to videos in HDR format.
2.3.2 Experimental Material
In block 3 of the Fig 1, sensor used for the sen-
sory data acquisition have been shown. EEG signals
were captured utilizing the commercially accessible
5-channel Emotive Insight Headset. The Emotive In-
sight is a wireless headset with five channels (AF4,
T7, PZ, T8, AF3) and two reference electrodes de-
signed to capture brain activity and translate it into
meaningful information(He et al., 2023). The Emotiv
Insight recorded brain waves at a sampling rate of 128
samples per second. It features a 16-bit analog-to-
digital converter (ADC) activated during signal trans-
mission. The headset comprises five electrode posi-
tions and two reference electrodes situated at the left
mastoid bone. EEG signals were recorded from the
subjects’ scalp using the EMOTIVE Xavier test bench
To present the valence and arousal emotional con-
tent, a 55-inch TCL 55R16 UHD resolution LED-
LCD screen with Full-Array Local Dimming technol-
ogy was utilized. The display adhered to UHD pre-
mium specifications(Association et al., 2013) and had
the capability to reach a peak brightness exceeding
1000 cd/m².
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 2: Experimental protocol followed for relationship analysis between personality traits, EEG frontal TBR and anxiety.
2.3.3 Experimental Protocol
Detailed experimental procedure followed for the data
acquisition is shown in the Fig 2. First of all, subjects
were provided with the Big five personality test ques-
tionnaire a day before the subject was subjected to
the experiment. Each of the subjects have to watch 4
HDR valence and arousal clips in a sequence i.e., first
clip was presented and EEG signals were recorded.
after watching the first clip, subject have to rate is anx-
iety level on the scale printed on the STAI question-
naire. Following the first trial, next clip was played
and same procedure was followed. So for one subject
there were 4 trials and time consumed for one experi-
ment was almost 30-35 minutes.
2.4 Signals Preprocessing
To analyze the EEG recordings for better anxiety
analysis, acquired physiological signals were prepos-
sessed before PSD extraction. EEG signals recorded
through electrodes of Emotive have a DC offset in
their values which shall be discarded before do-
ing analysis either in time domain or frequency do-
main(Saeed et al., 2020). For DC offset removal,
mean value of data from each channel was subtracted
from sample values of that channel. Additionally,
sensors used for recording is highly sensitive and have
chances to be interfered from external environment
resulting into high signal to noise ratio (SNR) which
may distort acquired data.
2.5 PSD Extraction
Frequency domain features of EEG signals were ex-
tracted by computing power spectrum density (PSD)
using Welch’s method with window length of 128
samples per seconds and without overlapping. An
open source MATLAB toll Brainstorm(Tadel et al.,
2011) was used for frequency domain analysis.
Changes in the Power of EEG signals were averaged
over ve frequency bands of Delta (2-4) HZ, Theta (5-
9) HZ, Alpha (8-12) HZ, Beta (15-29) HZ, Gamma
(30-59) HZ for each channel. Therefore, total of 25
EEG frequency bands (5 electrodes × 5 Bands) were
extracted from each EEG signal. In this study we only
used the frontal theta beta ratio i.e., theta beta ratio for
AF3 and AF4 channels as recently studies have shown
that frequency bands specifically theta and beta waves
in the frontal regions shows the relationship between
the anxiety manifestations and symptoms reported by
the individuals.
2.6 Statistical Analysis
A statistical method was employed to investigate the
connection between personality traits and anxiety lev-
els triggered by High Dynamic Range (HDR) emo-
tional stimuli related to arousal and valence. Ini-
tially, the theta and beta ratio was computed for the
AF4 and AF3 channels of the Emotiv Insight head-
set. Subsequently, the correlation was determined be-
tween the Theta/Beta Ratio (TBR) calculated for AF4
channels and anxiety ratings provided by subjects ex-
Anxiety and EEG Frontal Theta-Beta Ratio Relationship Analysis Across Personality Traits During HDR Affective Videos Experience
hibiting varying personality traits in response to af-
fective HDR clips. Subjects were categorized into
two groups for each personality trait based on their
self-reported ratings, such as low neuroticism (LN)
and high neuroticism (HN), introversion and extrover-
sion, low openness (LO) and high openness (HO), low
agreeableness (LA) and high agreeableness (HA), and
finally, low conscientiousness (LC) and high consci-
entiousness (HC) for the respective personality traits.
The same procedure was replicated for the AF3 chan-
nel for the statistical analysis.
This section presents the outcomes of a correlation-
based statistical analysis examining the relationship
between anxiety and personality using EEG frontal
TBR. We conduct distinct analyses for both the right
(AF4 electrodes) and left (AF3 electrodes) frontal re-
gions of the brain. Among the 27 participants, 15 ex-
hibited high levels of neuroticism, while 12 demon-
strated lower neurotic tendencies. Additionally, 13
participants were identified as extroverted, contrast-
ing with 14 who displayed introverted traits. In terms
of openness to experience, 18 participants exhibited
a higher inclination, while 9 exhibited a lower incli-
nation. For agreeableness, 24 participants displayed
higher levels, with 3 displaying lower levels. Regard-
ing conscientiousness, 18 participants exhibited high
conscientiousness, whereas 9 displayed lower consci-
entiousness. The hierarchical distribution depicted in
Fig. 3 illustrates how 27 participants were categorized
into groups with high and low traits, according to their
questionnaire scores.
3.1 Personality Traits-Wise Statistical
Analysis for the EEG AF4 TBR and
3.1.1 Higher Personality Traits-Wise Results
Anxiety from a personality perspective during expo-
sure to novel valence and arousal-related HDR con-
tent is essential, given the influence of personality on
both brain function and the expression of anxiety. In
this section, we explore the correlation between anx-
iety and EEG TBR specifically for the AF4 channel.
The correlation outcomes for individuals with higher
personality traits are presented in Table 1, where cor-
relation coefficients range from -1 to 1. A correla-
tion of -1 indicates a perfect negative linear relation-
ship, signifying reciprocal variation i.e., if one vari-
ables increases other variable tends to decrease pro-
portionally. A correlation coefficient of 1 signifies a
complete positive linear connection, suggesting that
as TBR increases, anxiety aslo tends to increase, and
vice versa—a directly proportional relationship. On
the other hand, a correlation coefficient of 0 indicates
the absence of any correlation. Notably, a robust neg-
ative correlation emerged between TBR and anxiety
in response to High Arousal High Valence (HAHV)
and High Arousal Low Valence (HALV) stimuli for
individuals with high-order big five personality traits.
This implies that an increase in AF4 TBR corresponds
to a relative increase in anxiety levels among individ-
uals with high personality traits exposed to HAHV
and HALV HDR stimuli. Conversely, a positive cor-
relation between TBR and anxiety was observed for
Low Arousal Low Valence (LALV) and Low Arousal
High Valence (LAHV) stimuli across all high-order
personality traits, except for the High Conscientious-
ness (HC) group, which exhibited a negative corre-
lation for the LALV HDR clip. Positive correlations
indicate a reciprocal relationship: an increase in AF4
TBR corresponds to a decrease in anxiety, and vice
3.1.2 Lower Personality Traits-Wise Results
With the exception of LA, the remaining personality
traits, namely LN, I, LO, LC, demonstrated a nega-
tive correlation between TBR and anxiety in response
to HAHV stimuli. Conversely, for High HALV af-
fective HDR content, LN and LO exhibited a posi-
tive correlation, while the others displayed a negative
correlation. Interestingly, all lower personality traits
displayed a positive correlation between anxiety and
TBR for LALV and LAHV, except for LO, which re-
vealed a negative correlation during the viewing of
the LALV HDR video clip. A summarized overview
of the relationship between anxiety and TBR is pre-
sented in Table 2.
Table 1: Summary of EEG AF4 TBR and anxiety corre-
lation across 15 HN, 13E, 18 HO, 24 HA, 18 HC higher
personality traits groups.
HDR Affective Clips
Anxiety Anxiety Anxiety Anxiety
HN θ/β -0.38 -0.40 0.20 0.42
E θ/β -0.57 -0.27 0.02 0.37
HO θ/β -0.25 -0.30 0.31 0.15
HA θ/β -0.31 -0.20 0.15 0.25
HC θ/β -0.43 -0.20 0.00 0.21
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Participants (27)
Figure 3: Placement of 27 subjects into Big five personality traits groups
Figure 3: Placement of 27 subjects into Big five personality traits groups.
Table 2: Summary of EEG AF4 TBR and anxiety correla-
tion across 12 LN, 14 I, 9 LO, 3 LA, 9 LC lower personality
traits groups.
HDR Affective Clips
Anxiety Anxiety Anxiety Anxiety
LN θ/β -0.25 0.02 0.07 0.19
I θ/β -0.19 -0.17 0.29 0.06
LO θ/β -0.55 0.02 -0.56 0.53
LA θ/β 0.80 -0.30 0.16 0.84
LC θ/β -0.10 -0.25 0.45 0.19
Table 3: Summary of EEG AF4 TBR and anxiety corre-
lation across 15 HN, 13E, 18 HO, 24 HA, 18 HC higher
personality traits groups.
HDR Affective Clips
Anxiety Anxiety Anxiety Anxiety
HN θ/β -0.40 -0.48 0.06 0.55
E θ/β -0.59 -0.34 -0.23 0.18
HO θ/β -0.29 -0.31 0.34 -0.1
HA θ/β -0.32 -0.27 0.02 0.34
HC θ/β -0.45 -0.29 -0.18 0.26
3.2 Personality Traits-Wise Statistical
Analysis for the EEG AF3 TBR and
In this section, we present the correlation results be-
tween anxiety and the TBR of left prefrontal lobe of
the brain that is acquired through AF3 channel of the
3.2.1 Higher Personality Traits-Wise Results
For AF3, we found some interesting results. All
higher-order personality traits exhibited the nevagtive
correlations between TBR and anxiety when exposed
to the HAHV and HALV. However in case of the
LALV, E and HC indicated negative correlation while
for LAHV only HO exhibited the negative correla-
tion between the TBR and the anxiety. A summarized
Table 4: Summary of EEG AF3 TBR and anxiety correla-
tion across 12 LN, 14 I, 9 LO, 3 LA, 9 LC lower personality
traits groups.
HDR Affective Clips
Anxiety Anxiety Anxiety Anxiety
LN θ/β -0.19 0.02 0.13 0.14
I θ/β -0.15 -0.01 0.20 0.21
LO θ/β -0.55 -0.13 -0.50 0.61
LA θ/β 0.80 0.11 0.17 0.69
LC θ/β -0.02 -0.21 0.32 0.25
overview for the AF3 TBR and anxiety relationship
for higher personality traits have been shown in the
Table 3.
3.2.2 Lower Personality Traits-Wise Results
Table 4 provides a condensed overview of the cor-
relation between EEG AF3 TBR and anxiety con-
cerning lower-order personality traits. In the context
of HAHV HDR content, there is a positive correla-
tion between TBR and anxiety for LA. Similarly, dur-
ing HALV exposure, LN and LA exhibited a posi-
tive correlation. For LALV, all lower personality trait
groups, except LO, displayed a positive correlation,
while for LAHV, all lower personality trait groups in-
dicated a positive correlation. Notably, LA consis-
tently showed positive correlations across all four va-
lence and arousal-related HDR content.
With the exception of uncovering the connection be-
tween anxiety and TBR in response to HDR valence-
arousal emotional content from the right and left pre-
frontal lobes of the brain, this study made notable ob-
servations in this context. We provided separate re-
sults for each personality trait while considering both
frontal regions of the brain. The following section of-
fers a comprehensive discussion of the statistical anal-
ysis First of all, subjects were divided into five groups
Anxiety and EEG Frontal Theta-Beta Ratio Relationship Analysis Across Personality Traits During HDR Affective Videos Experience
based on the big five personality traits. Each group
was further subdivided into low/high trait group based
on the big ve personality scores. In order to assess
the impacts of personality traits on brain activities and
anxiety either for low of high group, we check the cor-
relation for right and right prefrontal region of brain
separately. As recent studies have proved that these
cortex of human brain are crucial regions and contain
neurophysiological markers of anxiety and depressive
disorder(Shanok and Jones, 2023). Right prefrontal
activity is covered through the AF4 channel while
left prefrontal lobe of the brain is captured through
the AF3 channels of the 5-channel EMOTIV Insight
headset. From each channels we calculated the PSD
and frequency spectrum. It is important to note that
both anxiety and EEG waves were measured while
subjects were watching a novel valence and arousal
related content in HDR version.
The correlation outcomes indicated that both high
and low personality traits impact the association be-
tween anxiety and EEG TBR differently in both brain
regions. Among the high personality traits group,
HAHV and HALV HDR clips elicited anxiety and
brain activity in a similar manner, with TBR and anx-
iety showing a negative correlation. Conversely, for
LALV and LAHV, there is a positive correlation, ex-
cept for the HC group, which demonstrated a nega-
tive correlation for LALV, indicating almost no corre-
lation (correlation coefficient = -0.005). For the low
personality traits group, exposure to HAHV triggered
anxiety and brain activity in opposite direction as in-
dicated by the negative correlation, except for the LA
group (correlation coefficient = 0.802). During LALV
and LAHV emotional experiences, anxiety and TBR
exhibited an direct relationship, except for LO, where
the correlation coefficient was -0.56. In summary,
it can be inferred that the right and left EEG frontal
TBR and anxiety during LALV and LAHV emotional
experiences showed positive correlation for both per-
sonality traits groups, except for the HC group during
LALV and the LO group during LALV.
We delved into the detailed effects of higher and
lower personality trait groups on the left prefrontal re-
gion and anxiety in response to the same emotional
content. The high personality traits group experi-
enced negative correlations between TBR and anxi-
ety while viewing HAHV and HALV HDR emotional
content. During LALV, only E and HC showed a in-
verse direction of relationship, while during LAHV,
only the HO group experienced a negative direction
of relationship between the left frontal TBR and anx-
iety. Lastly, we investigated how lower personality
traits influence the left prefrontal cortex of the brain
and anxiety during valence-arousal related HDR mul-
timedia content. Some noteworthy and intriguing out-
comes emerged, indicating that the LA personality
traits groups exhibited the direct relationship between
the left front TBR and anxiety during all four trials.
While duirng HAHV and HALV exposures, inverser
relationship was notices across all lower personality
traits groups except LN during HALV (correlation co-
efficient = 0.02 ). Similarly, for the LALV and LAHV
HDR experiences, all groups showed an direct rela-
tionship between the left frontal TBR and anxiety, ex-
cept for LO (correlation coefficient = -0.50).
In this investigation, we explored the impact of differ-
ent big five personality traits groups on EEG frontal
Theta-Beta Ratio (TBR) and anxiety responses to
novel HDR valence and arousal affective content.
Key findings unveiled distinct correlation patterns for
both higher and lower personality traits groups, shed-
ding light on how various dimensions of an individ-
ual’s personality influence emotional and neural re-
sponses. These preliminary outcomes offer valuable
insights for developing personalized interventions for
anxiety control that consider the interplay between
personality and brain activity. Furthermore, this study
contributes to fields like affective computing for men-
tal health, providing a nuanced understanding of the
intricate relationships between personality traits, anx-
iety, and neural activity. Overall, this research lays
the groundwork for future investigations that can be
enhanced by incorporating additional demographic,
psychological, and physiological details.
We acknowledge co-funding from Next Generation
EU, in the context of the National Recovery and
Resilience Plan, Investment PE8 Project Age-It:
Ageing Well in an Ageing Society”. This resource
was co-financed by the Next Generation EU [DM
1557 11.10.2022]. The views and opinions expressed
are only those of the authors and do not necessar-
ily reflect those of the European Union or the Eu-
ropean Commission. Neither the European Union
nor the European Commission can be held responsi-
ble for them. This work has been also partially sup-
ported by the Italian MUR, PRIN 2022 Project “CO-
COWEARS” (A framework for COntinuum COm-
puting WEARable Systems), n. 2022T2XNJE, CUP:
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ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health