A Knowledge Base of Argumentation Schemes for Multi-Agent Systems
Carlos Eduardo A. Ferreira
1 a
, D
ebora C. Engelmann
2 b
, Rafael H. Bordini
3 c
Joel Luis Carbonera
1 d
and Alison R. Panisson
4 e
Informatics Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Integrated Faculty of Taquara (FACCAT), Taquara, Brazil
School of Technology, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Department of Computing, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Ararangu
a, Brazil
Multi-Agent Systems, Argumentation, Explainable AI.
Argumentation constitutes one of the most significant components of human intelligence. Consequently, argu-
mentation has played a significant role in the community of Artificial Intelligence, in which many researchers
study ways to replicate this intelligent behaviour in intelligent agents. In this paper, we describe a knowledge
base of argumentation schemes modelled to enable intelligent agents’ general (and domain-specific) argumen-
tative capability. To that purpose, we developed a knowledge base that not only enables agents to reason
and communicate with other software agents using a computation model of arguments, but also with humans,
using a natural language representation of arguments which results from natural language templates modeled
alongside their respective argumentation scheme. To illustrate our approach, we present a scenario in the le-
gal domain where an agent employs argumentation schemes to reason about a crime, deciding whether the
defendant intentionally committed the crime or not, a decision that could significantly impact the severity of
the sentence handed down by a legal authority. Once a conclusion is reached, the agent provides a natural
language explanation of its reasoning.
Multi-agent systems (MAS) are computational sys-
tems where autonomous intelligent entities share an
environment (Wooldridge, 2009). This paradigm has
become popular due to the increasing use of arti-
ficial intelligence (AI) techniques and the need for
distributed intelligent systems such as smart homes,
smart cities and personal assistants. Nowadays, MAS
is a popular paradigm for implementing complex dis-
tributed systems driven by AI techniques.
MAS communication often uses argumentation-
based approaches, allowing agents to communicate
arguments that support their positions in dialogues.
Arguments are built from reasoning patterns called
argumentation schemes (Walton et al., 2008), repre-
senting reasoning patterns available for agents in that
MAS (Panisson et al., 2021b).
Argumentation schemes are considered a central
component in argumentation-based frameworks for
multi-agent systems. They enable agents to rea-
son and communicate arguments automatically, as
demonstrated in recent practical approaches such as
(Panisson et al., 2021b). They also provide explain-
ability within MAS (Panisson et al., 2021a). Agents
can translate arguments from a computational to a
natural language representation using predefined tem-
plates for argumentation schemes. This makes argu-
mentation and explainability in MAS dependent on a
knowledge base containing argumentation schemes.
To illustrate this, we take the argumentation
scheme role_to_know, from (Panisson and Bordini,
2020), as an example. This scheme was included in
a knowledge base of 73 argumentation schemes pro-
posed in this work. In Jason syntax (Bordini et al.,
2007), this scheme can be represented as a defeasible
rule, which goes as follows:
Ferreira, C., Engelmann, D., Bordini, R., Carbonera, J. and Panisson, A.
A Knowledge Base of Argumentation Schemes for Multi-Agent Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0012547800003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 587-594
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The argumentation scheme can be explained in
natural language as follows:
<Agent> is a <Role>, and <Role>s know about
<Domain>. <Agent> asserts <Conc>, therefore we
should believe that <Conc>.[as(role to know)]
This explanation in natural language can be en-
abled in applications through the templates modelled
with each argumentation scheme. It is important
to provide a clear and concise explanation for each
scheme to increase our understanding of the reason-
ing behind it.
This work includes a knowledge base with argu-
mentation schemes that can be imported individually
or grouped by domain. The natural language tem-
plates for each scheme enable agents to explain their
reasoning to human users. The knowledge base is
practically used in the law domain, where an agent
uses these argumentation schemes to determine the
potential intentionality of a crime and explain its con-
clusion using natural language. Overall, this knowl-
edge base adds transparency to the reasoning process
of MAS and covers general argumentation, as well as
legal and hospital bed allocation domains.
Therefore, our work contributes to the field of ar-
gumentation and dialogue by using templates to gen-
erate natural language arguments and explanations.
This differs from the modular platform introduced
in (Snaith et al., 2020), which uses a Dialogue Utter-
ance Generator to populate abstract moves. Our work
is also distinct from the ones presented in (Lawrence
et al., 2020; Lawrence et al., 2019; Visser et al.,
2019), which focus on recognising and validating ar-
gumentation schemes from text or transcripts. Ad-
ditionally, our work is inspired by previous studies
that classify argumentation schemes according to dif-
ferent typologies and provide guidelines for their ap-
plication in different domains (Visser et al., 2018;
Macagno et al., 2017).
Argumentation schemes (Walton et al., 2008) have
been playing a central role on defining mechanism for
agents reasoning, decision making and communica-
tion (Panisson et al., 2021b; Prakken, 2011), applied
together with frameworks such as ASPIC+ (Modgil
and Prakken, 2014), DeLP (Garc
ıa and Simari, 2014),
and others. Most of those works focus on formal as-
pects of argumentation.
Recently, Panisson and colleagues (Panisson et al.,
2021b) proposed an argumentation-based framework
in which argumentation schemes are the central com-
ponents, considering all aspects of these reasoning
patterns for developing multi-agent systems. There-
fore, in this work, we follow (Panisson et al., 2021b),
describing this practical framework to implement
multi-agent systems powered by argumentation tech-
niques. We start by contextualising the use of the ar-
gumentation scheme in multi-agent systems and in-
troducing this practical framework. Later, we de-
scribe how the framework has been used in Explain-
able Artificial Intelligence (XAI), providing agents
with the capability of explaining their reasoning and
2.1 Argumentation Schemes in
Multi-Agent Systems
Argumentation schemes are patterns for arguments
that capture the structure of typical arguments used
in everyday discourse, as well as in specific con-
texts like legal and scientific reasoning (Walton et al.,
2008). They represent forms of arguments that are
, meaning that they may not be strong by
themselves, but they may provide evidence that war-
rants rational acceptance of their conclusion (Toul-
min, 1958). That means conclusions from argu-
mentation schemes can be inferred in uncertain and
knowledge-lacking situations. The reasoner must be
open-minded to new evidence that can invalidate pre-
vious conclusions (Walton et al., 2008).
We use a first-order language for represent-
ing arguments, following (Panisson et al., 2021b),
as most agent-oriented programming languages are
based on logic programming. We use uppercase
letters to represent variables e.g., Ag and R in
role(Ag,R) and lowercase letters to represent
terms and predicate symbols e.g., john, doctor
and role(john,doctor). We use ¬ to represent
strong negation, e.g., ¬reliable(pietro) means
that pietro is not reliable. We also use negation as
failure not”, e.g., not(reliable(pietro)) means
that an agent does not know if pietro is reliable.
Let us go back to the example of the
role_to_know argument discussed in the intro-
duction. Imagine that there are two doctors you
are consulting with. One of them, according the
argument representing example, called john, says
that “smoking causes cancer. However, another
agent also playing the role of doctor, called pietro,
asserts that smoking does not cause cancer
Sometimes called presumptive, or abductive as well.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
asserts(pietro, ¬causes(smoking, cancer)).
Any agent aware of both assertion, John’s and
Pietro’s, is able to construct conflicting ar-
guments for ¬causes(smoking, cancer) and
causes(smoking, cancer). However, the agents
can question whether john and pietro are reliable
(trustworthy) sources, if they really play the role of
doctor, and the other questionable points indicated
by the critical questions in the argumentation scheme
used in order to check the validity of that particular
conclusion. For example, imagine that an agent has
the information that Pietro is not a reliable source
¬reliable(pietro). In that case, that agent
is not able to answer positively the critical question
reliable(pietro), thus it is rational to think that
instance of the argumentation scheme (i.e., that
argument) might not be acceptable for that agent; the
argument concluding ¬causes(smoking, cancer)
might not be an acceptable instance of the argu-
mentation scheme role to know for such a rational
2.2 Argumentation Schemes and
Argumentation schemes combined with natural lan-
guage templates can be used to translate argu-
ments from a computational representation to a nat-
ural language representation, supporting the develop-
ment of sophisticated multi-agent applications capa-
ble of explaining their decision-making and reason-
ing (Panisson et al., 2021a). For example, the natu-
ral language template for the argumentation scheme
role to know is as follows:
<Agent> is a <Role>, and <Role>s know about
<Domain>. <Agent> asserts <Conc>, therefore we
should believe that <Conc>”.[as(role to know)]
using the same unification function from
the previous examples {Agent 7→ john,
Role 7→ doctor, Domain 7→ cancer, Conc 7→
causes(smoking, cancer)}, it is possible to build
the following natural language argument:
john is a doctor, and doctors know about
cancer. john asserts smoking causes cancer,
therefore we should believe that smoking causes
cancer”.[as(role to know)]
Thus, when an agent needs to communicate an ex-
planation in natural language, the agent uses the plan
+!translateToNL that implements how agents trans-
late arguments from a computational representation to
natural language, then aggregating those natural lan-
guage arguments into an explanation:
<- !translate(Rule, RT);
<- NLExpl=Temp.
Note that an explanation might be a sequence of
arguments (also considered as a chained/complex ar-
gument). Thus +!translateToNL receives a list of
one or more arguments (each of those arguments is
an instance of an argumentation scheme). Then, it
translates each computational argument to its corre-
sponding natural language argument using the plan
+!translate, which recovers the natural language
template to the argumentation scheme used to instan-
tiate that particular argument and returns its natural
language representation.
For example, the plan +!translate presented be-
low is used to translate arguments instantiated from
the argumentation scheme role_to_know to a natural
language argument, using the same unification func-
tion used to instantiate the argument being translated.
[role(Ag,R), role_to_know(R,Domain),
<- .concat(Ag," is a ",R," and ",R,
"s know about ", Domain". ", Ag,
" asserts ",Conc, "therefore we
should believe that ",Conc,".",TArg).
There will be N different plans +!translate, each
one of them implementing a natural language tem-
plate to translate arguments instantiated from the ar-
gumentation schemes available in that particular sys-
tem to a natural language argument. Agents select
them according to the unification of the defeasible
rule corresponding to the argumentation scheme be-
ing translated. A free variable is used to return the
concatenation of strings that is performed through the
internal action .concat, i.e., TArg unifies with the
natural language translation of that particular com-
putational argument. Then, the execution returns to
the +!translateToNaturalLanguage plan and all argu-
ments used in that explanation are concatenated using
the same internal action .concat, so that the resulting
explanation available in NLExpl can be communicated
by the agent to human users towards any human-agent
interaction interface, for example, using chatbot tech-
nologies (Engelmann et al., 2021a).
A Knowledge Base of Argumentation Schemes for Multi-Agent Systems
Normally, argumentation schemes used in a particu-
lar application are modelled according to the needs
of that particular application domain. For example,
in (Toniolo et al., 2014) argumentation schemes have
been specified for analysing the provenance of in-
formation, in (Parsons et al., 2012) argumentation
schemes have been specified for reasoning about trust,
in (Tolchinsky et al., 2007) argumentation schemes
have been specified for arguing about transplantation
of human organs, in (Panisson et al., 2018) argumen-
tation schemes have been specified for implement-
ing data access control between smart applications,
in (Walton, 2019) argumentation schemes have been
specified for reasoning about the intention of execut-
ing some actions, and so forth. However, some litera-
ture has proposed a set of argumentation schemes for
more general reasoning, for example, those compiled
in Walton’s book (Walton et al., 2008).
In this paper, we present an initiative to build a
knowledge base of argumentation schemes for the ar-
gumentation framework (Panisson et al., 2021b) im-
plemented in Jason (Bordini et al., 2007), according
to the computational representation required by the
framework presented in Section 2.1. Also, concur-
rently with the computational representation of argu-
mentation schemes, we model a natural language tem-
plate for each argumentation scheme in the proposed
knowledge base, according to the approach presented
in Section 2.2. Thus, when importing argumentation
schemes from the proposed knowledge base, agents
are automatically able to use information about its ap-
plication domain to build arguments from those ar-
gumentation schemes available to them, using those
arguments for reasoning and communication, as illus-
trated in Figure 1.
Furthermore, the proposed knowledge base with
argumentation schemes can be imported by agents ac-
cording to the application need, focusing on only the
modules necessary (or interesting) for that particu-
lar multi-agent application. The knowledge base is
organised towards a module hierarchy, starting from
modules with unique argumentation schemes, mod-
ules with argumentation schemes grouped according
to application domains (for example, argumentation
schemes used by agents to reason about the domain
of law), and the global module corresponding to the
complete knowledge base, enabling agent with a large
capability of argumentation over different domains.
Therefore, one of the central elements of this work
consists of the conception of the knowledge base of
argumentation schemes, which proved to be funda-
mental for evaluating the effectiveness of the argu-
mentation framework approach in different domains.
This knowledge base not only allows the implemen-
tation of argumentation schemes in the context of a
multi-agent system but also provides an additional
layer of understanding, facilitating the translation of
these arguments into natural language. Consequently,
users can lucidly and accurately track the flow of rea-
soning within the multi-agent system.
To demonstrate our approach, in particular the
proposed knowledge base, and how it enables agents
to become argumentative (with themselves or with
others), in this paper, we are going to focus on how
agents build arguments supporting their conclusions
in a particular application domain we will present in
Section 3.1, then translating arguments to natural lan-
guage arguments, and providing those arguments as
an explanation.
Currently, the knowledge base presented in this
paper has about 73 argumentation schemes extracted
from the following literature:
22 general argumentation schemes from Walton’s
book (Walton et al., 2008);
40 argumentation schemes for reasoning about the
domain of bed allocation in hospital from (Engel-
mann et al., 2021b);
11 argumentation schemes about reasoning in le-
gal cases (Walton, 2019; Gordon and Walton,
In order to demonstrate the proposed knowledge
base, we present 3 argumentation schemes avail-
able, including their computational representation and
natural language templates. These argumentation
schemes are also used in the case study we present
in Section 3.1. The argumentation schemes are: (i)
argumentation scheme from witness testimony (Wal-
ton et al., 2008), argumentation scheme for motive to
intention (Walton, 2019), and argumentation scheme
from bias, adapted from (Walton et al., 2008).
Table 1: Argumentation Scheme from Witness Testimony.
Premise Witness W is in a position to
know about the domain D.
Premise Witness W states that S is true.
Premise The statement S is related to do-
main D.
Premise Witness W is supposedly telling
the truth (as W knows it).
Conclusion Therefore, S may be plausibly
taken to be true.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Arguments about
the Application
Data Set with
Argumentation Schemes +
Natural Language Templates
Information about the
Application Domain
Argumentation-Based Reasoning
Figure 1: Our Approach for Argumentation-Based Reasoning and Communication using the Knowledge Base with Argumen-
tation Schemes.
<W> is in position to know about <D>. <W> states that
<S> is true. The statement <S> is related to <D>. <W>
is supposedly telling the truth. <W> has credibility to
state about <D>. Therefore, it is plausibly to conclude
that the statement <S> is true.[as(asFrWT)]
Table 2: Argumentation Scheme from Motive to Intention.
Premise If agent Ag had a motive
M to commit A, then Ag is
more likely to have intention-
ally committed A.
Premise Ag had M as a motive to commit
Premise Ag committed A.
Conclusion Therefore, Ag has intentionally
committed A.
<Ag> has <M> as a motive to commit <A>. <Ag>
indeed committed <A>. Therefore, <Ag> has inten-
tionally committed <A>[as(asFrM2I)]
Table 3: Argumentation Scheme from Bias.
Premise Agent Ag has no credibility
about domain D when it is bi-
Premise Agent Ag is biased about do-
main D.
Conclusion Therefore, agent Ag is not cred-
ible about domain D.
<Agent> is biased about <Domain>.
Therefore, <Agent> is not credible about
3.1 Case Study
To demonstrate our framework, we will describe a
scenario inspired by the Peter shot George case pre-
sented in (Verheij, 2003). It is essential to emphasise
that this scenario is entirely fictitious, crafted solely
for illustrative purposes. It does not depict real events,
individuals, or legal cases. By presenting this simpli-
fied case, we aim to demonstrate how our approach
can be a valuable tool in decision-making processes,
particularly in contexts where explicit reasoning and
transparency are imperative.
In our scenario, a crime has been committed, and
the testimony of two witnesses will be used to help
decide whether the defendant intentionally commit-
ted the crime or not. Further, extending the analy-
sis by (Verheij, 2003), we include the argument from
motive to intention presented by (Walton, 2019), in
which the agent considers information about a previ-
ous crime (which provides motives to commit the sec-
ond crime), then inferring whether the second crime
was intentional or not. In addition, a given charac-
ter, John, is considered previously accused of steal-
ing a chicken from another character, Joana’s neigh-
bour. The second crime, for which John is in the de-
fendant’s position, is the murder of Joana, where, in
the absence of security camera records or an expert
report, the testimonies of two witnesses who are in a
position to know about this case will be decisive.
Given that Joana witnessed John’s first crime and,
consequently, would testify her witness against him
about the chicken theft, there is an interpretation to
A Knowledge Base of Argumentation Schemes for Multi-Agent Systems
The defendant intentionally
killed the victim
The defendant had
motivation to kill the victim
The defendant
killed the victim
Witness B states that the
defendant killed the victim
Figure 2: Preliminary inference for the case study.
The defendant intentionally
killed the victim
The defendant had
motivation to kill the victim
The defendant
killed the victim
Witness B states that the
defendant killed the victim
Witness A states that the
defendant did not kill the victim
Figure 3: Preliminary inference for the case study, adding
information about the witness.
infer that he wanted to prevent this from happening,
as it would be negative for him. Thus, it is known that
the defendant had the motivation to kill the victim
as shown in Figure 2. Under these circumstances, if
the defendant is found guilty of Joana’s murder, he
will be in a very delicate position, given that the act
he committed has great potential to be considered pre-
meditated, and he can then be accused of intentional
Following our scenario, the information that the
defendant killed the victim is supported by the testi-
mony of the witness who saw the defendant kill the
victim. Together, the motivation to kill the victim and
the information that the defendant killed the victim
(supported by a witness) support that the defendant
intentionally killed the victim, an intentional homi-
cide is suggested, as shown in Figure 2.
However, another witness contradicts the accusa-
tion, sating the defendant was with her at the crime
time. With this new information, there is conflicting
information about whether the defendant killed the
victim or not, suggesting that there is no conclusive
decision to support even that the defendant killed the
We will assume that there is already enough evidence
for the current defendant to be found guilty in the first crime
so that this information will be provided by a simple system
The defendant intentionally
killed the victim
The defendant had
motivation to kill the victim
The defendant
killed the victim
Witness B states that the
defendant killed the victim
Witness A states that the
defendant did not kill the victim
Defendant and witness A are
married. Therefore, As testimony
is not credible in this case
Figure 4: Final inference suggesting there was an inten-
tional crime.
victim, as shown in Figure 3.
Finally, the agent receives the information that the
witness is married to the defendant, thus updating
their belief base to this case. It is crucial to empha-
sise that her testimony cannot be accepted as impar-
tial and reliable evidence due to the clear conflict of
interest arising from the marriage between the wit-
ness and John. The inherent personal and emotional
bias within this relationship can significantly compro-
mise the witness’s objectivity when testifying on be-
half of John. The credibility of any testimony largely
depends on the witness’s ability to provide impartial
information free from external influences. However,
in the present case, the intimate connection between
the witness and John creates a natural predisposition
to favour the spouse, thereby undermining the testi-
mony’s integrity.
Figure 5 shows the agent’s final explanation in
natural language to the proposed scenario. In this im-
plemented example of ours, it’s important to highlight
that Witness B was instantiated as Scarlett and Wit-
ness A as Laura.
In (Snaith et al., 2020), the authors describe a modu-
lar platform for argument and dialogue, in which they
introduce the Dialogue Utterance Generator (DUG)
component. DUG searches for propositional content
to populate the abstract moves present in the modu-
lar platform using a template that fills those abstract
moves. Moves include the “argue” move, in which
an argument is filled. Our work differs from (Snaith
et al., 2020) in that we use templates to generate nat-
ural language arguments in order to provide explana-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
- scarlett is in position to know
about john’s crime judgment.
- scarlett statement that john
committed joana’s murder is true.
- The statement john committed
joana’s murder is related to
john’s crime judgment.
- scarlett is supposedly telling the
- scarlett has the credibility to
state about john’s crime judgment.
- Therefore, it’s plausible to
conclude that the statement john
committed joana’s murder is
- laura is in position to know
about john’s crime judgment.
- laura statement that john
committed joana’s murder is false.
- The statement john committed
joana’s murder is related to
john’s crime judgment.
- laura is supposedly telling the
- laura has no credibility to
state about john’s crime judgment.
- john has ’avoid joana telling to
police about your theft ector’s
chicken previous crime’ as a
motive to committed joana’s
- john indeed committed joana’s
- Therefore, john has intentionally
committed joana’s murder.
Figure 5: Jason agent system output.
In (Lawrence et al., 2020), the authors describe a
decision tree for annotating argumentation schemes
corpora, providing a heuristic decision tree that
aims to clarify Walton’s top-level taxonomy (Wal-
ton et al., 2008) of 60 schemes. That work is
extended with an assistant to annotate argumenta-
tion schemes (Lawrence et al., 2019), and an an-
notated corpus of argumentation schemes is pro-
vided by (Visser et al., 2019). Different from our
work, (Lawrence et al., 2020; Lawrence et al., 2019;
Visser et al., 2019) present components for applica-
tions (for example, argument mining (Lawrence and
Reed, 2016)) that focus on recognising argumentation
schemes from text (or transcripts for natural language
interactions), and validating arguments, instances of
argumentation schemes according to the data avail-
In (Visser et al., 2018), the authors revisited
the computational representation of argumentation
schemes, providing a guideline for the classification
of schemes according to two authors, named Walton’s
typology (Walton et al., 2008) and Wagemans’ Peri-
odic Table of Arguments (Wagemans, 2016). Also,
in (Macagno et al., 2017), the authors study the struc-
ture, classification and use of argumentation schemes.
Our work on grouping modules of argumentation
schemes is inspired by such classification, in which (i)
(Visser et al., 2018) aims at using such classification
to corpus annotation, and (ii) (Macagno et al., 2017)
provides a discussion on the application of argumen-
tation schemes on different domains.
In this paper, we presented a knowledge base of argu-
mentation schemes that, when provided to agents, al-
low them to become argumentative (with themselves
during reasoning and with others during communica-
tion/dialogues). Also, when aware of such argumen-
tation schemes and their respective natural language
templates, agents are able to explain their reasoning
and decision-making to human users using natural
language arguments.
Currently, the knowledge base has about 73 argu-
mentation schemes and their respective natural lan-
guage templates and has been used to implement so-
phisticated multi-agent applications in which agents
argue with each other and with human users, for ex-
ample, (Engelmann et al., 2021b). The proposed
knowledge base is organised by modules, ranging
from individual argumentation schemes and their re-
spective natural language templates to argumentation
schemes grouped by application domains
, for exam-
ple, the law domain. In our future work, we intend
to extend the proposed knowledge base by modelling
a large number of argumentation schemes for diverse
application domains.
The knowledge base is available open-source at
github.com/cadu08/AS KB ICEIS24
A Knowledge Base of Argumentation Schemes for Multi-Agent Systems
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