Table 3: Accuracy comparison of crowd counting models over several datasets (trained using RGB-only versus TIR-only
versus RGB+TIR images). All TIR images are generated using Pix2Pix GAN. GAME(0) is equivalent to MAE.
DroneRGBT ShanghaiTech Pat-B CARPK
RGB 17.9 24.2 42.0 26.4 34.4 55.2 10.1 21.2 43.4
TIR 22.5 27.5 51.3 35.2 38.2 66.7 16.8 28.0 49.0
RGB+TIR 16.2 21.0 35.1 23.2 31.5 48.5 8.9 19.6 36.1
RGB 11.3 22.1 32.7 22.4 30.2 41.9 9.0 20.5 40.1
TIR 18.6 25.2 40.3 29.2 33.4 52.8 15.3 27.6 46.2
RGB+TIR 10.1 18.8 28.4 20.0 29.7 38.3 8.1 18.5 26.8
RGB 10.8 21.1 32.4 21.6 28.2 40.1 8.2 18.3 37.5
TIR 16.0 23.3 40.6 27.7 33.6 49.9 15.0 25.6 42.8
RGB+TIR 9.2 18.0 26.0 18.2 28.0 36.4 7.8 15.2 25.0
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