Design Analysis of Smart Water Meters: An Open Design Approach
avio Henrique Alves
1 a
, Maria Cecilia Calani Baranauskas
1 b
and Alexandre L’Erario
2 c
Department of Information Technology, Federal University of Paran
a, Curitiba-PR, Brazil
Institute of Computing State University of Campinas, Campinas-SP, Brazil
Department of Systems and Dep. of Computing, Federal Technological University of Paran
a, Corn
elio Proc
opio, Brazil
Socially Aware Design, IoT, Open Design, Smart Water Meter, Sustainability.
The control of water resources has become increasingly necessary due to population growth and climate ques-
tions. This control is so critical that it is related to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG
#6 is clean water and sanitation, which aims to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water
and sanitation for all people. This study addresses the application of Information and Communication Tech-
nologies (ICT) as a solution to water management problems in smart cities, highlighting the importance of
the participatory construction of smart water meters (SWMs) as a potential solution to monitor water con-
sumption. The design and implementation of SWM provides significant technical and social challenges, but
promises to improve efficiency in water control and consumption. The objective of this study is to investigate
SWMs, analyzed using the open design methodology to identify problems, questions, solutions and ideas in
their implementation. We understand how SWMs can benefit water management and propose more effective
and participatory solutions. The methodology adopted involves three stages: analysis of the case of Company
X, selection of cases from the literature, and analysis with Open Design. Analysis is performed using Open
Design artifacts to identify stakeholders, questions and problems, and solutions and ideas related to SWMs.
As a result, it is possible to identify open problems and questions that need to consider a more participatory
and inclusive approach in developing SWM solutions. The use of Open Design is promising and makes stake-
holder engagement more effective in creating sustainable and affordable solutions.
The presence of treated fresh water is essential to the
life of humanity and is intrinsically related to the way
of life of all people on the planet. The world’s cities
seek to become smarter as the population grows and
consumes more water resources, so these resources
must be managed efficiently (Wang and Li, 2021).
Currently, sustainability issues have gained noto-
riety, such as the United Nations Sustainable Devel-
opment Goals (SDGs): SDG #6 is Clean Water and
Sanitation, which has Information and Communica-
tion Technologies (ICT) as allies to achieve its objec-
tives (UN, 2015).
ICTs are used in experiments to automate the con-
trol and consumption of water in its various sectors
of use (Nascimento, 2022). Challenges such as im-
proving the data transmission rate, telecommunica-
tions standardization, sensors that detect quality and
not just quantity, and maintainability, among others
(Campisano et al., 2013), have not yet been overcome
for SWM to be effectively installed and used. Fur-
thermore, including stakeholders in this scenario adds
a result with better applicability to development.
Therefore, this research aimed to investigate and
apply the Open Design (OD) platform to understand
the problem in the specific context of water availabil-
ity and sustainable management. OD keeps the user
as an active part throughout the solution design and
development cycle, as an effective contributor with
their vision of their real needs (Gonc¸alves et al., 2021;
Reis et al., 2018).
This work applies the OD to selected literary
works and also in the case of a company in the pro-
duction sector. To this end, we analyzed SWM pro-
totypes, raising relevant aspects for the evaluation of
SWM products.
The methodology of this research followed three
steps to achieve its objectives. In the first stage, we
Alves, F., Baranauskas, M. and L’Erario, A.
Design Analysis of Smart Water Meters: An Open Design Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0012548400003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 435-442
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
investigated the case of Company X, using sources
of evidence such as documentation, archival records,
and direct observation of the participant. In the
second stage, we selected cases from the literature,
searching for articles related to Smart Water Meters
(SWM) on the Web of Science, analyzing publication
trends and collaborations between countries.
Finally, in the third step, we performed an analy-
sis using the Open Design Platform, which included
identifying stakeholders and developing an assess-
ment framework to elicit stakeholder concerns and
needs, as well as propose solutions and ideas. These
steps provided a solid framework for understanding
the context of smart water meters and identifying
potential challenges and solutions to improve water
This article is organized as follows: in Section 2
we present some challenges and limitations present
in the SWM design. In Section 3 we show how we
selected articles from the literature and analyzed the
case of the Company X prototype. In Section 4 we
present the results of the analysis of the use of OD ar-
tifacts. In Section 5, we discuss solutions and ideas
for problems and issues raised; in Section 6 we con-
clude our study.
Water scarcity is one of the critical SDGs (UN, 2015).
According to goal number 6 among those listed in the
SDGs, the intention is to guarantee the availability
and sustainable management of water and sanitation
for all, respecting an agenda that will last until 2030.
The SDGs propose the use of ICT for smarter
cities, but the control and consumption of water pose
challenges. Dawood et al. (2022) highlight the
fragility of water networks in several regions, such as
Latin America, the United States and Canada. They
advocate the use of ICT to guide decisions on repairs
and consumption control.
A study carried out by Beal and Flynn (2015) re-
veals various challenging and limiting issues, cover-
ing both economic and technical aspects in the plan-
ning phases. Among them are the positive return on
investment, few studies with qualified results, lim-
ited experiences and meters that offer different tech-
nologies. Furthermore, they present implementation
challenges, for example, developers with little experi-
ence, technology compatibility, implementation, ac-
quisition, and installation time and communication
variability between devices.
SWM solutions are intended to replace conven-
tional mechanical water meters. A water meter is a
device that measures and records the volume of wa-
ter consumed in water supply networks. Mechani-
cal recording mechanisms visibly display water con-
sumption, displaying it in volume measurement units
widely recognized throughout the world, such as cu-
bic meters or their smallest parts. The modified SWM
system uses this mechanical apparatus to perform the
measurement and interpret the data without human in-
tervention (Pimenta and Chaves, 2021).
Contributing to the problem of water control and
consumption through smart IoT devices are solutions
explored in academic and industrial contexts. How-
ever, despite several efforts, there are still difficulties
in applying and using smart devices to control and
consume water (Fuentes and Mauricio, 2020; Hem-
dan et al., 2023).
In this article, we filtered and selected reports
from articles and a business case from several other
researchers and technology professionals who believe
that a possible solution is to employ smart devices
to control and consume water. However, outstanding
challenges impede the use and adoption of these tech-
nologies in residential meters on a significant popula-
tion scale.
We use two OD artifacts, the Stakeholder Analysis
(Interested Parties) and the Assessment Framework
on the Open Design Platform, to investigate, under-
stand and propose solutions to the problem of water
control and consumption using smart devices in the
meters of water distribution networks.
Open Design is a Platform that allows anyone to
contribute ideas and feedback to the development of
products and services, from the beginning of the pro-
cess, and not just in the prototyping phase (Gonc¸alves
et al., 2021). Designed based on Organizational Semi-
otics (OS) and Participatory Design (PD), (Pereira
et al., 2013) OD was used in several scenarios such
as: combating violence against children and adoles-
cents (da Silva J
unior et al., 2022), mobile application
(Buchdid et al., 2019), functionality research (Reis
et al., 2018) among other applications.
The application of the OD principles that the Open
Design Platform offers to produce promising results
in addressing specific issues, relying on the involve-
ment of interested parties and considering socioeco-
nomic factors. It aims to achieve socially responsible,
participatory and universally beneficial design, acces-
sibility, transparency, sustainability, collaboration and
others, both in the process and in the final product
(Pereira et al., 2013).
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The study is divided into 3 stages: the first stage is
the transcription of the case of company X. The sec-
ond stage is bibliometrics and visual analysis of the
review of selected articles on SWMs. The third and
final step is to analyze the perspective chosen in steps
one and two. We insert the information extracted from
both steps
into the Open Design Platform to ana-
lyze the relevant information by comparing Problems
and Questions versus Solutions and Ideas, as shown
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Steps of the methodology.
3.1 Step 1 – The Case of Company X
Our investigation used sources of evidence such as
documentation, archive records, direct participant ob-
servation with the participation of the main researcher
of this article, thus maintaining multiple sources of
We selected the audience for the investigation of
the Company X case to feed the Stakeholders artefact
on the Open Design Platform. In addition to the se-
lected articles, the case of Company X was analysed
from the perspective of the Evolution Frame artefact
to list the Problems & Questions and Solutions &
Ideas of Open Design. To maintain the anonymity of
the company participating in the case study, for com-
pliance reasons, we are using the fictitious name of
the company, thus being called “Company X”.
3.2 Step 2 - Cases Selected from
To prepare this step, we considered some systematic
mapping steps of Kitchenham et al. (2017). The se-
lected papers were articles searched in the Web of Sci-
in October 2023.
Available in:
The search criteria involved topics related to
Smart Water Meter (Smart Water Meter OR Smart
Water Consumption OR Connected Water Meter OR
IoT Water Meter OR Automated Water Meter OR Ad-
vanced Water Meter OR State-of-the-Art Water Me-
ter OR Electronic Water Meter OR Remote Reading
Smart Water Meter OR Digitized Water Meter OR
Next-Generation Water Meter), we made the search
more flexible using only the “OR” operator because
we aimed to expand the scope of the term SWM
(Badke, 2021).
We used the start date of 2016, which was the year
the Company X prototype was created, to select the
articles, so we collected articles from 2016 to 2023.
The aim of the search was to identify the most
cited articles in any language related to the creation
of the Company X prototype analyzed on each con-
tinent. The Web of Science made possible to iden-
tify publication trends in research on SWM, its use in
countries and regions, as well as the most cited arti-
cles in each continent. In addition, the VOS viewer
(Van Eck and Waltman, Leiden University,
Leiden, Netherlands) was used to perform data min-
ing, mapping, and clustering of the retrieved articles
(n=3055). Countries were labelled with colored cir-
cles, as shown in Figure 3.
The size of the circles was positively correlated
with the occurrence of the countries in the title.
Therefore, the size of an item’s label and circle was
determined by the weight of the item. The heavier the
weight of an item, the larger the label and circle of the
Finally, the articles were organized by citation
number and title, and abstract and keywords were an-
alyzed. The exclusion criteria were: No focus on so-
lutions in the context of SWM and non-accessible ar-
ticles. The most cited articles from each of the 6 con-
tinents were filtered and no publications with affilia-
tion from the continent of Antarctica were found.
3.3 Step 3 - Analysis with Open Design
We used artifacts from the Open Design Platform (da
Silva et al., 2019) to analyze the Company X proto-
type and 6 other solutions reported in selected arti-
cles. We applied two OD artifacts, the first artifact
is the Stakeholder Identification Diagram framework,
which identifies who can affect or be affected by the
solution and we map them into five categories (oper-
ation, contributions, source, market and community)
that represent their influence on the design.
The second OD artifact is the Evaluation Frame-
work, which makes it possible to survey the Problems
Design Analysis of Smart Water Meters: An Open Design Approach
& Stakeholder Questions of interested parties and the
possible Solutions & Ideas that may arise from this
analysis. The Open Design Platform supported all
. We try to explicitly identify the decisions
made during the design process and the reasons why
those decisions were made.
4.1 Step 1 – The Case of Company X
The study investigated the case of Company X in its
real context that idealized the solution for reading and
measuring residential water consumption in a SWM
prototype in 2016. The objective was solving prob-
lems of measuring residential water meters that were
done manually in a complex, repetitive process, prone
to human and bureaucratic errors.
Figure 2: Company X prototype.
In the design process, the perspectives of two sys-
tems analysts, a supervisor of residential water meter
reading and metering services, a general services as-
sistant, and a commercial director were considered as
stakeholders. Thus, there were a total of 6 participants
(n =6) in the project, all members were senior in their
roles and had high technical knowledge of the context
in which they intended to solve the problem.
As presented in the Figure 2, Company X created
the prototype that contained IoT hardware items such
as flow sensors, Wi-Fi module, GSM module, SD
storage card, LCD screen, power supply, wires, resis-
tors, protoboard, and mechanical water consumption
Another part of the solution had a communication
software that recorded the flow through a text file on
an SD card, marking the date/time when the measure-
ment was made. All data was sent by message via
Available in:
3G connection, to a server that made the information
available to the Web and Mobile applications.
Data collected from Company X subsidized in-
formation used to understand the on-site design en-
vironment of an SWM, as well as the experiences of
the participants, contributed to the completion of the
Stakeholder Diagram.
4.2 Step 2 – Bibliometric and Visual
Three thousand and fifty-five articles on smart water
meters published between 2016 and 2023 were re-
trieved from the Web of Science database. There was
a tendency to increase the number of publications be-
tween 2016 and 2023, the aggregate increase for the
period is approximately 81.08%.
The number of publications peaked (592 articles)
in 2022. The publications came from 79 different
countries. Among these countries, the People’s Re-
public of China published the largest number of arti-
cles (702), followed by the United States (539) and
England (239).
The VOS Viewer software was used to analyze the
network visualization of co-authorship relationships
between countries. Only countries with a minimum
of 5 cited articles were included. Of the 79 countries
that reached the threshold, the People’s Republic of
China was at the center of SWM research and was in
closely collaborated with India, Iran, and South Korea
(Figure 3).
Figure 3: Network map showing the relationships between
various countries in the SWM area.
Substantial research collaborations were also
noted between the United States and other coun-
tries, including Italy, Japan, and France. Brazil has
some expression with other countries, especially with
The terms stand out in large ve clusters (Figure
4), with themes that were also concerns of those in-
volved in the prototype of Company X, reported in the
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
previous section (4.1 Step 1 The Case of Company
X), such as, for example, difficulty with the source
of ”energy” (yellow cluster) to keep the devices con-
nected, how to ”measure” (green cluster) the ”flow” in
case of power or ”load” outage, how to solve the un-
availability of the ”network” (red cluster) to send data
to the server and how to identify and process data with
other water “properties” (blue cluster).
Figure 4: Most commonly used terms in titles and abstracts.
Among other related terms, characterizing the
challenges present over the years, such as few studies
with qualified results, limited experiences, and meters
that offer different technologies, among others.
Table 1: Most cited articles on their continents.
According to the above-mentioned criteria, the ar-
ticles selected for the analysis step with the Open De-
sign Platform are presented in order of highest cita-
tion in Table 1.
4.3 Step 3 – Analysis with Open Design
To start using the Open Design Platform, we collected
the information provided by the Case of Company X,
to select the elements that make up the Stakeholder
Identification Diagram (Figure 5). The prototype was
developed by the company in 2016 and unlike the
cases identified in the literature, we had access to user
feedback and interacted with the various stakeholders.
We obtained a total of 37 stakeholders allocated to
the different layers of the artifact. The Company X’s
case made it possible to include elements that were
cited and reported in the process of creating and de-
veloping SWMs.
4.3.1 Stakeholder Identification Diagram
In the ’Operation’ layer, stakeholders considered
technical were identified, such as system analysts and
managers. They were directly involved in solving
technical processes such as information integration,
cost, business rules, communication, hardware, and
In the ‘Contributions’ layer, we identified parties
that directly contribute with information to the cre-
ation of the SWM or were affected by it, i.e., Sani-
tation Company and Water Resources Managers, are
those who have much information, by having involve-
ment with consumers, suppliers, with technical par-
ties such as chemists responsible for the analysis of
water purity.
Figure 5: Stakeholder identification diagram, selected from
the case of Company X.
In the ’Source’ layer, sources of information, such
as the media, consumers, and potential users of SWM,
such as citizens of a region, were identified. The
’Market’ layer was primarily composed of agencies
and departments that offered and controlled water
Design Analysis of Smart Water Meters: An Open Design Approach
Composing the ’Community’ layer, we find rep-
resentatives with concerns about the social context,
about data security policies, such as the Regulatory
and Standardization Bodies, or organizations and ac-
tions focused on sustainability, such as, for example,
the United Nations Organization (United Nations) and
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
These community members play a significant role,
as they can establish legal regulations and formal
norms that direct strategy in raising awareness of the
use of natural resources with water.
4.3.2 Evaluation Framework
By classifying and organizing the stakeholders, it was
possible to clarify the needs of each agent and raise
their ’Problems & Questions’ in a systemic way. We
selected 43 problems and open questions identified in
the case of the company and in the review of the se-
lected articles.
We have separated some of the problems and
questions raised and illustrated them in Figure 6. It
is possible to access the data in full through the ad-
dress provided . Figure 7 shows a part of the result
of the artifact from the Open Design Platform ’Solu-
tions & Ideas’ selected in the artifacts 15 Ideas and
Solutions were generated in a specific context of wa-
ter availability and sustainable management.
4.3.3 Problems & Stakeholder Questions
In the ’Operation’ layer, 12 problems and questions
related to the technical concerns were identified (Fig-
ure 6), the most cited topics are about energy (Com-
pany X - Energy) to keep SWM active, network avail-
ability (Company X - Network) for data traffic, lack
of standardization of the proposed solutions (ID 195
- Lack of Standardization) hindering replicability and
data security.
In addition to the variability of the data (ID 203
- Data Variability) in water consumption caused by
factors such as different end users, seasonality and
socioeconomic conditions of users. This variability
makes it challenging to accurately predict water con-
Regarding the ’Contribution’ layer, costs related
to acquisition and installation (Company X - Acqui-
sition Cost) in homes were a concern raised, as it was
not defined who will bear this financial investment.
Current degraded infrastructure can be an aggravat-
ing factor to more financial commitment (ID 139 -
Outdated Infrastructure Design).
Emphasizing that current urban water system de-
signs are often based on outdated data and assump-
tions about water consumption and billing patterns,
leading sustainability to unnecessary oversizing of in-
frastructure (ID 480 - Monthly Billing and Lack of
Figure 6: Fragment of the Evaluation Framework by select-
ing Problems & Questions.
In the category of ’Source’, questions and prob-
lems that affect citizens due to sensationalist news are
present (ID 194 - Disinformation); they can influence
the exacerbated consumption of water.
SWM can influence the perception of water as a
commodity and not as a common good, leading to a
change in the subjectivities of citizens (ID 195 - Im-
pact on Citizen Subjectivity that can add value when
considering that water is private property, not a nat-
ural resource that must be accessible to everyone for
consumption and survival.
Topics listed in the ’Market’ category reflect top-
ics such as excessive cost of implementation and
maintenance (ID 195 - High Initial Cost), SWM com-
pared to conventional meters, which can be a financial
challenge. On the financialization of water compa-
nies (ID 195 - Financialization of Water) and the role
of smart metering in increasing their revenue streams,
which may have wider societal implications, in which
water is primarily seen as an investment opportunity
and source of profit.
The ’Community’ layer has broad problems and
questions that involve legislators and competent peo-
ple that aim at the well-being of all. There are con-
cerns about privacy issues related to the collection
of water consumption data, especially about customer
data (ID 195 - Privacy Concerns).
Sustainability issues such as water scarcity in
many parts of the world, which affects agricultural
processes (ID 135 - Water Scarcity) that use water
indiscriminately, for example, existing drip irrigation
systems are considered inefficient due to minimal wa-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ter control. irrigation amounts. We can consider it,
especially in varied conditions such as day and night
times and different seasons (ID 135 - Inefficient Irri-
gation Systems).
The case of Company X highlights an imminent
concern in the case of replacing mechanical meters
with SWMs: what to do with the mechanical meters
that are replaced is also an open problem. (Company
X - Disposal of Replaced Meters).
Solutions & Ideas identified in the case of Company
X and in the selected articles, accounted for 15 items.
A fragment of the Solutions & Ideas from the Evalua-
tion Frame artefact is represented in Figure 7. We can
consider few Solutions & Ideas when we relate to the
Problems and Questions listed.
Figure 7: Fragment of the Evaluation Frame selecting So-
lutions & Ideas for Problems & Questions.
Company X did not resolve questions raised in
the process of creating its prototype, which led to the
discontinuation of the project. Other solutions pro-
posed in the selected articles emphasized the analysis
of data, which were collected in nations that have an
elevated level of economic and social development.
The United States (ID 203 - Support Vector Re-
gression (SVR) - ID 203 - Artificial Neural Net-
works (ANNs) - ID 203 - Random Forests (RFs)) and
Australia (ID 139 - Water End-Use Disaggregation),
which will already propose an analysis of the end use
of water, how to autonomously categorize water con-
sumption data into different categories, such as leaks,
washing machine, shower, irrigation, etc. This differ-
entiation helps both water service providers and cus-
tomers understand how water is being used, enabling
better insights into consumption patterns.
Other solutions and ideas match the local reality
of regions, countries, and nations with less developed
economies and lower living standards compared to
developed countries that have failed to deploy SWM
to use the data and information to improve their ser-
vices, such as Cape Town on the African Continent
(Booysen et al., 2019) which discusses the water cri-
sis faced and consumer responses to the threat of ra-
tioning and shortages.
Solutions are proposed to understand the dissemi-
nation of information (ID 194 - Media’s Role in Shap-
ing Perceptions). The media’s interpretation and dis-
cussion of the advertisements contribute to the pub-
lic’s perception of the crisis and play a significant role
in driving behavioural change in the population.
Internet searches and social media activity were
used to play a crucial role in informing the population,
helping them to understand their vulnerability to the
water crisis and their capacity to respond (ID 194 -
Importance of Public Engagement).
Like Company X’s prototype, the Peru project on
the South American Continent (Fuentes and Mauri-
cio, 2020) achieved related results, providing a com-
prehensive solution for real-time water consumption
and billing measurement (ID 480 - Monthly Billing
and Lack of Awareness), and leak detection, address-
ing the questions of inefficient water use and lack of
timely data.
However, the solution was consolidated in only
one bench prototype and was not applied in a real con-
text. These advantages need to be balanced with chal-
lenges related to standards, costs, privacy, and impact
on user behavior.
Water scarcity, combined with consumption control
and efficiency challenges, is a concern. When inves-
tigating the case of Company X and analyzing the se-
lected articles using the Open Design methodology,
significant technical and social challenges associated
with the implementation of SWMs become evident.
The prototype designed by Company X left prob-
lems and doubts opened in 2016 trying to solve the
problem that remains current, despite adopting an in-
novative approach that uses IoT communication hard-
ware and software to monitor residential water con-
By carrying out the bibliometric analysis it was
Design Analysis of Smart Water Meters: An Open Design Approach
possible to identify notable contributions from coun-
tries such as China, the United States and Brazil.
There is evidence of collective effort to face water
management challenges.
The open design methodology contributed by sys-
tematically identifying the perspectives of interested
parties, highlighting different concerns and needs in
different layers of society, bringing useful elements
to the discussion for the participatory and effective
construction of SWM.
The study contributes significantly to understand-
ing and addressing critical issues related to wa-
ter management in smart cities, offering relevant
knowledge, innovative solutions and a collaborative
methodology to address these challenges effectively
and sustainably.
This work is financially supported by the Coordina-
tion for the Improvement of Higher Education Per-
sonnel (CAPES) - Program of Academic Excellence
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems