From Data to Insights: Research Centre Performance Assessment
Model (PAM)
Oksana Tymoshchuk
, Monica Silva
, Nelson Zagalo
and Lidia Oliveira
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Keywords: Assessment Model, Research Project, Digital Media, DigitalOBS, Performance Assessment Model (PAM).
Abstract: This paper presents the Performance Assessment Model (PAM), designed to refine assessment practices for
the impact of scientific projects and make them easier to understand with the help of information visualisation
tools (InfoVis). The model incorporates three main dimensions: input, output, and impact, to capture the
breadth of scientific contributions. Using PAM, a holistic analysis of project results and impacts can be
conducted, integrating qualitative and quantitative data. The project team tested the model on ten research
projects, which allowed for its adaptation to different project types and ensured a comprehensive assessment
of tangible and intangible impact. Data organised with PAM was transferred to Power BI, a software that
allows for interactive visualisation and detailed data analysis. The model's adaptability and flexibility make
it valuable for assessing how effectively scientific projects create positive, enduring impacts on society. The
study results indicate that PAM provides a systematic approach to evaluating and enhancing the performance
of scientific projects. It is particularly beneficial for research centre managers needing an effective tool to
measure their projects' impacts. PAM also promotes transparency and accountability in the evaluation process.
Ultimately, it can ensure scientific projects are carried out effectively and efficiently, maximising societal
In recent decades, increased funding for scientific
research from international and national bodies has
aimed to promote innovation, knowledge transfer,
and progress towards the United Nations' Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). These initiatives
provide financial support and encourage advanced
training, research development, the creation of
international collaboration networks, effective
science communication, and robust links with the
private sector (Saenen et al., 2019; Santos, 2022).
These efforts have established various research
units, such as public-private collaborations,
transdisciplinary centres, research networks, and
science and technology centres (Science Europe,
2017). These units bring together researchers from
different fields, enabling the development of
scientific projects aimed at solving complex social
problems. However, increased public funding for
research projects presents challenges in science
management, particularly rigorous evaluation, and
accountability (Science Europe, 2021).
This highlights the importance of sustainable
project management, which involves planning,
monitoring, and controlling project delivery and
support processes. It considers the environmental,
economic, and social aspects of a project's life cycle
of resources, processes, outputs, and outcomes. The
goal is to benefit stakeholders transparent, fair, and
ethically, including their proactive participation
(Silvius and Schipper, 2020).
To address these challenges, the European
Science Foundation (2011) has developed a good
practice guide to improve the quality and integrity of
the European evaluation process. Additionally,
European national agencies are working to improve
their systems and criteria for evaluating scientific
Tymoshchuk, O., Silva, M., Zagalo, N. and Oliveira, L.
From Data to Insights: Research Centre Performance Assessment Model (PAM).
DOI: 10.5220/0012550600003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 180-188
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
projects. For example, in Portugal, the Foundation for
Science and Technology I.P. (FCT, I.P.) conducts
periodic evaluations of Research and Development
(R&D) Units with the international evaluators,
assessing scientific and technological activities,
strategic objectives, activity plans, and future
organization (FCT, 2023).
However, establishing and maintaining adequate
procedures to assess research projects quality remains
a challenge for public and private funding
organisations at national and international levels (By
et al., 2022). Each project is unique in scientific terms
and follows different research methodologies, and it
is challenging to establish clear and simple indicators
considering the complexity and contextualization of
research (Patrício et al., 2018; Santos, 2022; Steelman
et al., 2021).
There has been a questioning of the tendency to
evaluate research productivity based on "traditional"
bibliometric indicators, such as the volume of
publications and their citations (Scruggs et al., 2019).
For example, metrics like, such as the SCImago
Journal Ranking (SJR) and the Journal Impact Factor
(JIF, Clarivate), weren’t originally designed to
evaluate research quality (Santos, 2022).
Consequently, several studies argue for a qualitative
approach to assessing research quality, emphasising
the need for new evaluation approaches that offer a
realistic and comprehensive view of research value
(Patrício et al., 2018; Saenen, et al., 2019). These
authors emphasize the need to develop new
evaluation approaches that provide a realistic and
comprehensive view of the value of research. As
noted by Steelman et al. (2021), the results of
scientific research go beyond academic work and
should consider contributions to positive changes in
economic, social, and/or environmental contexts.
Socially relevant knowledge is not always related to
scientific relevance or high production of
Furthermore, some studies argue for considering
temporal phases when assessing short, medium, and
long-term research benefits (Trochim et al., 2008).
The model proposed by these authors defines short-
term markers to assess immediate activities and
results, such as training, collaboration,
transdisciplinary integration, and financial
management. Intermediate markers denote progress
in developing science, models, methods, recognition,
publications, communications, and improved
interventions. Long-term indicators include the
impact of research on professionals, decision-makers,
and society in general. This logic model is valuable
because it allows for observing patterns of change in
the research impact over time.
Many models proposed by the international
scientific community aim to develop fairer and more
impartial evaluation models, using quantitative and
qualitative approaches to identify "success stories" in
research (Patrício et al., 2018;
Silvius et al., 2020
Among the proposed models there are approaches
such as "input-process-output", "input-output-
outcome-impact", "input-activities output-outcome-
impact", or "input-output-impact", which emphasize
measurements and weightings throughout the
knowledge production process (European
Commission, 2009; Frey & Widmer, 2009; Djenontin
& Meadow, 2018). For example, Frey & Widmer
(2009) propose evaluating a project by analysing its
efficiency about the effectiveness of its performance.
This model mainly distinguishes input, process,
output, outcome, and impact (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Project assessment model by Frey and Widmer
This model considers various aspects of the project,
including the resources invested (input), the activities
carried out (process), the deliverables produced
(output), the changes or results achieved (outcome),
and the broader effects or influence generated
(impact). According to the authors, to truly assess
effectiveness, it is necessary to consider the
relationship between efficiency and effectiveness and
evaluate the project's performance holistically,
considering all the above-mentioned dimensions.
Most project study models are focused on biology
and medicine, as depicted in the figure below.
Figure 2: Factors involved in knowledge co-production
activities by Djenontin and Meadow (2018).
The co-production of knowledge applies principles
and processes that lead to developing the logical
model of the Centres for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC, 2004). This model includes
Context, Inputs, Process (Activities and Outputs), and
Outcomes-Impacts, illustrates the placement and
From Data to Insights: Research Centre Performance Assessment Model (PAM)
significance of each variable within a project
management framework. This approach organizes
and presents outcomes, enabling researchers and
project managers involved in co-production work to
evaluate each stage of their project cycle critically.
This evaluation helps improve activity planning
(Djenontin & Meadow, 2018).
Another model for evaluating scientific projects
was developed in Portugal, validated in three
polytechnic higher education institutions (Patrício et
al., 2018).
Figure 3: Applied research performance evaluation model
by Patrício et al. (2018) (adapted by authors).
Figure 3 shows the model's three main dimensions:
i) Input - refers to the resources needed to implement
interventions, measuring the quantity, quality, and
timeliness of these resources, including policies,
human resources, materials, and financial resources.
ii) Output - encompasses the most valued results,
including scientific publications in articles, books,
book chapters, and scientific communications.
iii) Impact - values a variety of indicators, considering
different dimensions and values, as well as positive,
desirable, unforeseen, direct, and indirect effects in
the short, medium, and long term (Patrício et al.,
It's crucial to apply these indicators flexibly,
considering the research areas’ peculiarities, the
difficulties in measuring impacts, and the time needed
to evaluate results, covering short-, medium-, and
long-term goals (Patrício et al., 2018;
Silvius et al.
Most of the models identified in this study are
designed to address a particular issue, such as
evaluating projects to allocate funding. The Project
Assessment Model (CCA, 2012) is introduced as a
conceptual framework that delineates the objective of
the evaluative study. It assists research funders in
determining the type of contributions they may
provide to the financing process and the necessary
information to establish key indicators Inputs,
Outputs and Impacts on Science, Socio-Economics
Impacts related to Contribution Pathway,
Information Needs, Potential Indicators and Potential
Data Sources.
iscovery research activities necessitate inputs,
encompassing both current and retrospective
measures. These measures are typically dependable
and readily accessible and can be obtained at various
levels of aggregation. The data utilised in these
activities has been collected and developed over an
extended period (Cvitanovic et al., 2016). Outputs
research process's intricate, dynamic, and uncertain
nature serves as a valuable source of intermediate
data, showcasing the gradual progress and
contributions made towards scientific advancements,
as well as the anticipated long-term effects
(Castellanos et al., 2013). Impacts the research
process's intricate, dynamic, and uncertain nature to
determine the extent to which the outcomes align with
the stated objectives of the funding initiative. In
contrast to inputs or outputs, impacts manifest
themselves over several temporal dimensions,
embodying the intricate, dynamic, and uncertain
nature (Bautista et al., 2017).
As research becomes increasingly collaborative
and interdisciplinary, developing new evaluation
methods to capture the full impact and value of
scientific contributions is crucial (
Silvius et al., 2020).
This includes traditional metrics such as citations and
publications and considering factors such as data
sharing, open science practices, and societal impact.
By embracing these challenges, we can ensure that
the evaluation of scientific research keeps pace with
the evolving landscape of digital transformation.
This study was conducted by the DigitalOBS team at
the DigiMedia Research Centre at the University of
Aveiro. Using the explanatory methodology, this
study's objective was to better understand the results
and impacts of activities within projects funded by
international and national funds and define the
research centre's development strategies. To achieve
these goals, a model was developed to evaluate the
productivity of a Research Centre. The PAM Model
seamlessly incorporates data analysis and
visualization tools, enabling researchers to quickly
and easily present data through interactive reports and
The methodology used in this study began with
identifying relevant indicators for evaluating the
outcomes of funded scientific research projects.
Building on the insights of Frey and Widmer (2009),
Patricio et al. (2018), Cvitanovic et al. (2016), and
Djenontin and Meadow (2018) we recognized the
significance of presenting a more concise model. The
researchers organized all collected data following the
"input-output-impact" model to simplify the
evaluation process and minimize bureaucratic
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
obstacles. This model enables the seamless
integration of qualitative assessments and
quantitative indicators. Moreover, it facilitates
extracting pertinent information from existing project
reports, effectively reducing administrative
complexities. On the other hand, the more intricate
"input-process-output-outcome-impact" models were
found to be excessively convoluted. They posed
challenges when retrieving information, particularly
for projects that had already been concluded some
time ago (Frey & Widmer, 2009).
Through the analysis of existing evaluation models,
two models were identified as the most suitable for the
intended evaluation: the scientific production model
(Patrício et al., 2018) and the Results Logic Model
(Trochim et al., 2008). Based on this analysis, three
main dimensions of analysis were identified: input,
output, and impact. Subcategories and indicators were
proposed for each dimension based on the analysed
models. These dimensions and indicators will be
presented in detail in the following section.
The PAM model was then tested by evaluating ten
projects with different types of funding (national and
international). The test facilitated the customization
of the model to suit the requirements of the Research
Center by eliminating certain indicators that were
deemed non-essential or challenging to gather. For
instance, metrics such as the "Magnitude of
sales/revenues/profits generated from goods or
services", and "Operational expenditures" were
revised due to the need for intricate data gathering.
However, considering the specific characteristics
of the projects developed in the DigiMedia Research
Center, there is a need to include several indicators,
such as New infrastructures”, in the input dimension.
These indicators, specifically in the "scientific-
technological products" sub-dimension, are crucial
role in streamlining the data collection. They are
paramount in helping researchers effectively
catalogue and organize their data.
The developed model was subsequently applied to
evaluate 10 funded projects conducted at the
Research Center, allowing for minor adjustments, and
validating the model. Currently, this model is being
used to analyse the scientific activity of research
projects, supported by the Power BI tool.
The developed PAM provides a comprehensive
conceptual and analytical framework for presenting
and evaluating scientific activities, project results,
and their potential impacts on society. By identifying
the key variables that need to be measured and
integrating both qualitative and quantitative data
typically obtained from scientific projects, this model
allows for a more thorough understanding and
interpretation of the collected data (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Performance Assessment Model (PAM).
Based on the analysis of existing models, three main
dimensions of analysis were considered: input,
output, and impact (Attachments 1:
3.1 Input Dimension
The initial phase of this model involves a
comprehensive analysis of project inputs, which
encompass crucial elements required for the
successful implementation of scientific projects. The
Input dimension analyses the resources allocated to
the project under scrutiny. It includes five main sub-
areas: Funding, Human Resources, New
Infrastructures, Collaborations, and Features of the
Scientific Area (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Input dimension of the PAM model.
The "Funding" sub-dimension analysis provides an
overview of the main trends in securing project
financial resources, allowing researchers to make
From Data to Insights: Research Centre Performance Assessment Model (PAM)
Figure 6: Output dimension of the PAM model.
informed decisions and devise strategies to optimize
funding opportunities. Evaluating the human resources
involved in scientific projects is also crucial.
The "New Infrastructures" sub-dimension
involves a detailed analysis of various topics directly
related to the implementation and management of
both physical and technological infrastructures. This
investigation gives Research Center managers
insights into the benefits that these projects bring to
the overall development and progress of this Center.
The "Collaborations" sub-dimension enables
understanding of the network of partners established
within the project framework. This analysis helps
identify key stakeholders, collaborations, and
synergies between different organizations and
research groups. It allows project managers and
decision-makers to foster effective partnerships,
leverage existing resources, and enhance the overall
project impact.
This model also incorporates a "Features of the
scientific area" sub-dimension, focusing on the
qualitative analysis of the projects. It examines the
objectives, keywords, and scientific areas of these
projects. By analysing these features, organizations
can better understand the projects' focus and scope,
identify emerging trends, and research areas, and
align their strategies and resources accordingly.
3.2 Output Dimension
The output dimension focuses on the direct results
due to the actions taken, which are directly linked to
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the project's objective and can be achieved in the short
or medium term (Figure 6). This dimension consists
of four main sub-dimensions: methodologies,
scientific and technological products, publications,
and dissemination of activities.
The "methodologies" sub-dimension aims to
understand the main trends in digital media research
by mapping the methodological procedures used in
the projects in detail. The indicators used to assess the
methodologies include: the approach type; the
specific instruments applied; the research type; the
projects' territorial scope, and the target audience
being studied. This comprehensive examination
allows researchers to discover valuable insights and
make informed observations about the evolving
landscape of digital media research.
The "Scientific and technological product" sub-
category encompasses the tangible outcomes of
scientific research and technological innovation.
These products are created by applying scientific
knowledge and methods to foster innovation in
various domains and address real-world challenges.
The indicators established for this sub-dimension aim
to facilitate comprehension of their complexity and
purpose and the key trends in advancing these
products within the context of scientific projects.
The "Publications" dimension encompasses a
broad spectrum of outcomes that are highly valued and
respected by numerous models and frameworks in the
scientific community (Patricio et al., 2018). These
publications range from articles, books, and book
chapters to reports, PhD Theses, master dissertations,
media coverage, and other grey literature such as
brochures and information notes. Indicators for
indexing articles in databases such as Scopus or Web
of Science, given their importance to some funding
The "Dissemination" dimension evaluates how
the knowledge or results of projects are shared,
communicated, and accessible to stakeholders like
researchers, policymakers, and the community. It is
essential to understand that specific strategies and
approaches to dissemination may differ based on the
context, project goals, and the nature of the
information being shared, influencing the choice of
dissemination channels and the evaluation of the
project impact and effectiveness.
3.3 Impact Dimension
The third dimension, "Impact," focuses on a project's
long-term consequences. Defining a project's
exclusive impact is challenging, as multiple projects'
outcomes can contribute to the same impact. For
instance, an impact could be observed within digital
media through improved digital literacy among senior
citizens or enhanced accessibility of mobile
applications (Figure 7).
Whether economic, social, cultural,
environmental, political impacts aim to understand
the variability of applied research results. They
represent the multifaceted results and effects that
research can have on society. Measuring these
impacts is crucial to understanding research
contributions' real value and significance. Impacts
aren't confined to tangible results but include
intangible benefits and societal changes.
Economic impacts, for instance, extend beyond
monetary gains and include benefits like developing
new or improved products, processes, or services.
Regarding social impacts, they incorporate aspects
related to changing or altering social conditions or
social practices and habits. Cultural impacts are
reflected in the involvement and engagement of
communities and changes in cultural practices and
products. They can influence behavioural patterns
and shape cultural norms.
Figure 7: Impact dimension of the PAM model.
Political impacts deepen specific social impacts
by bringing about alterations and changes at the level
From Data to Insights: Research Centre Performance Assessment Model (PAM)
of political activities and public issues. These effects
can lead to transformative changes that benefit
individuals, communities, and society.
Environmental impacts can include promoting
active citizenship, increased participation in public
environmental activities, and community resilience
and sustainability.
Recognition, a more measurable impact can be
quantified through the number of invitations, awards,
and other forms of acknowledgement. The aim is to
assess the project impact as an integral part of the
science-society relationship, showcasing the
outcomes and effects of applied research.
The PAM model aims to help research centre
understand the extensive impact of ongoing research
activities. This facilitates effective communication
not only with society at large but also with the
scientific funders. The goal is to foster the creation of
knowledge and diverse perspectives, providing
decision-makers with the necessary insights to make
well-informed choices for Research Centre’s optimal
progress and expansion.
3.4 Data Presentation Using Power BI
Project results data, collected using the PAM model,
was transferred from an Excel file to Power BI
software. Using this data, the team developed a Power
BI report with the following sections: Projects,
Human Resources, Collaborations, Scientific Area,
Applied Methodologies, Products, Publications, and
Dissemination Activities (Figure 8). Each of these
sections was designed to provide precise insights into
various aspects of the projects, facilitating the process
of decision-making and strategizing (Silva et al.,
Figure 8: Data presentation using Power BI.
These reports and dashboards facilitate the effective
communication of knowledge and conclusions. They
present complex information in a simple,
understandable way, making it easier for researchers
to share their findings, communicate their insights,
and influence decision-making. In conclusion, Power
BI software revolutionises how researchers handle
and present data, making the process more efficient,
comprehensive, and communicative.
The Performance Assessment Model (PAM) provides
a framework for comprehensively evaluating the
results and impacts of funded scientific projects. It
simplifies the evaluation process into three main
dimensions: input, output, and impact, offering a
structured approach to understanding the
multifaceted nature of research endeavours.
One of the PAM model's key strengths is its
ability to integrate qualitative and quantitative data,
enriching the evaluation process. Indicators carefully
selected within each dimension provide insight on
critical aspects such as funding trends, human
resources composition, research methodologies,
scientific and technological products, and
dissemination of research results. The model's
successful application to research projects and its
ongoing use in analysing scientific activities within
our research center highlights its practicality and
relevance in research management.
Adapting evaluation models to reflect the
evolving research landscape, including integrating
innovative InfoVis tools, is vital. Power BI software
allows researchers to present project data visually,
engagingly, and interactively. It enables the analysis
of all project results and the creation of a project-
specific dashboard. Researchers can create and share
interactive reports and dashboards by utilising the
PAM model and this software's features, simplifying
analysis and knowledge communication. This
streamlined approach not only saves time but also
enhances data presentation.
However, this study faced limitations related to
finding up-to-date models. Many of the models
discovered required updates to align with current
scientific advancements, mainly digital technologies.
Additionally, most models identified were designed
to assess project proposals for funding rather than the
project outcomes and impacts.
Adapting the PAM model in different research
areas could benefit greatly. With its clear structure
and flexibility, this model can be easily customized to
meet the specific needs of various fields, enabling
research centres to gain a more profound
understanding of their projects and increase their
societal contributions.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
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through FCT Foundation for Science and
Technology, I.P., under the project
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