Heterogeneous Data Integration: A Literature Scope Review
Silvia Lucia Borowicc
1 a
and Solange Nice Alves-Souza
2 b
School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, Universidade de S
ao Paulo, Arlindo Bettio 1000, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Polytechnic School, Universidade de S
ao Paulo, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Data Integration, Heterogeneous Data, Ontology.
Data have been collected by communities for analysis, visualization, predictions and other activities to support
data-driven decision. Obtaining value from data assets directly depends on the data integration task. However,
Big Data poses new challenges to integration due to data heterogeneity. It is essential to understand the main
problems and to know technologies and techniques that have been employed to improve the ability to obtain
value by heterogeneous data integration. This paper presents a literature scope review that highlights the
main techniques applied to heterogeneous data integration. The literature reviewed presents solutions mostly
focusing on a specific purpose or part of the integration process instead of a clear understanding of how the
techniques can be used in a complete integration process. Therefore, this work shows a whole picture of a data
integration process organizing the techniques according to their functionalities and presents a workflow with
tasks associated to techniques and resources, focusing on semantic mediation, such as mapping and matching
tasks. Ontologies and semantic web technologies are promising to address data heterogeneity and have been
used in the semantic enrichment of data and semantic mediation between data sources and global model.
However, some aspects remain to be further investigated, such as ontology and terminology construction, data
processing scalability and semantic mediation, especially for mapping definition.
The existence of data, even in large volumes, is not
enough to guarantee that the information demand will
be effectively and timely met. Getting value from data
assets in a Big Data context faces challenges related
to the integration of multiple and heterogeneous data
sources. The volume and heterogeneity of data hin-
der integration, especially when incorporating semi-
structured or unstructured and semantically different
data (Nathalie, 2009).
An integrated view of data can greatly contribute
to obtain new information and knowledge. In the
health field, for example, it is necessary to integrate
several sources to assess as many risk factors as pos-
sible for a disease to manifest (Zhang et al., 2018).
Likewise, in environmental analyses, it may be nec-
essary to integrate data from different geographic di-
mensions or from different types of equipment and
sensors to enable a complete evaluation and reduce
model inconsistencies (Nundloll et al., 2021).
However, data can be spread over different organi-
zations such as research centers, institutions and com-
panies, which makes it difficult to cross-reference this
information in computer systems. Besides technical
and structural factors, the meaning of data is an as-
pect that increases the complexity of the integration
Hence, when integrating data, resources are nec-
essary to make the data semantics explicit to allow a
clear understanding of the data whose meanings are
dispersed in applications and other artifacts, or even
exclusively in the memory of the users. In data inte-
gration processes, metadata are essential and must be
accessible for the correct use of the data.
Therefore, in Big Data contexts, to move toward
solutions to integrating heterogeneous data, it is im-
portant to identify and evaluate techniques and ap-
proaches that have been employed, considering the
whole data integration cycle, which includes metadata
management (DAMA, 2017). Different researches
rely on the semantic web, using techniques and tech-
nologies to solve semantic issues in the data inte-
gration from heterogeneous sources for specific do-
mains (Dirgahayu et al., 2020; Kamm et al., 2021;
Nagpal et al., 2021).
Borowicc, S. and Alves-Souza, S.
Heterogeneous Data Integration: A Literature Scope Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0012551000003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 189-200
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Knowledge graphs and ontology appear in recent
studies and have the potential to play an important
role in data and information integration (Fathy et al.,
2019; Cudr
e-Mauroux, 2020; Ma and Moln
ar, 2020),
as well as data fusion with machine learning tech-
niques, focusing on the Big Data variety(Divya and
Manish, 2020; Kumar and Das, 2019).
This review highlights the requirements imposed
by the ever-increasing demand for using data and the
high complexity of integration processes due to data
heterogeneity in multiple application contexts. Tech-
niques and resources presented as solutions in the lit-
erature reviewed are detailed and organized accord-
ing to the application functionality, helping other re-
searchers to choose techniques and strategies for inte-
grating heterogeneous data.
As far as it was possible to search, previous works
focusing on heterogeneous data integration are di-
rectly linked to a specific application area or refer to
part of the integration process (Noriega and Sanchez,
2019; Dirgahayu et al., 2020). Therefore, it is not sim-
ple to understand how to use the resources through-
out a heterogeneous data integration cycle. Thus,
this paper presents a unified view, developed from a
broad investigation, considering the whole data inte-
gration cycle and without delimiting domains. This
view shows how and in which tasks the different tech-
niques, models, strategies, and patterns should be em-
ployed. We also suggest a data integration workflow,
focused on semantic mediation tasks, which, in our
view, facilitates integrated understanding of previous
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2
introduces basic concepts associated with heteroge-
neous data integration; Sections 3 and 4 present the
review process and its results. Finally, Section 6 con-
tains the conclusion and suggests future research.
A variety of data integration approaches and tech-
niques have been developed over time. Starting from
approaches based on functional or relational models,
with highly coupled solutions that provided a global
data schema focused on structured data, until the in-
corporation of unstructured data with the advent of
the internet (Ziegler and Dittrich, 2004).
The volume and heterogeneity of data currently
generated make traditional approaches difficult, es-
pecially with semantic differences (Nathalie, 2009).
The syntactic and semantic heterogeneities are related
to aspects such as polysemy, synonyms and abbrevi-
ations (Calva and Piedra, 2020). Ambiguities have to
be eliminated when grouping, combining or complet-
ing data from different sources. Metadata, with ex-
plicit and precise semantics, can be used for correctly
integrating semantically heterogeneous data.
2.1 Ontology
In information systems, ontologies specify and for-
malize concepts by modeling characteristics and phe-
nomena of the world. Ontologies are defined by
classes, properties, relationships and dependencies
considering a specific knowledge domain (Mahmoud
et al., 2021).
The use of ontologies can benefit data integration
activities in several ways, according to (Xiao, 2006),
metadata representation,
automated data checking,
global conceptualization,
support for high-level semantic queries,
description of the semantics of the information
sources, explaining their content, and
identification and association of semantically cor-
responding information concepts.
(a) single (b) multiple
(c) hybrid
Figure 1: Architectures for using ontologies to explain con-
Figure 1 shows architectures for using ontologies
in heterogeneous data integration: [single] in which
the data sources are mapped to a general representa-
tion model of the knowledge domain; [multiple] mod-
els from the original data sources that undergo a map-
ping process among themselves, that is, the global
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
model is the result of a Cartesian product obtained by
cross-referencing all the original models; and [hybrid]
which uses the data source models built on a shared
global vocabulary of basic terms that correspond to
a domain, which allows them to be shared with each
other (Wache et al., 2001).
Different approaches can be used to link ontolo-
gies to data sources, either by a relationship with the
database schema or with terms in the database con-
tent. The approaches described by (Wache et al.,
2001) may include the following strategies, either
alone or any combination thereof:
Structure Resemblance: integration occurs by
generating a model that reflects the original struc-
ture in a one-to-one mapping from the ontology
Definition of Terms: the ontology is used to de-
fine database or schema terms;
Structure Enrichment: a combination of the two
previous approaches.
Meta-Annotation: meta-annotation is used to
add semantic information to an information
Language dependency of ontology needs to be
considered when addressing ontology sharing, merg-
ing, and translation, topics that often involve multiple
vocabularies and conceptualizations (Guarino, 1998).
To relate different ontologies, mediating agents per-
form the translation between the ontologies, either by
lexical relationships that allow comparing language
terms, or using a general ontology related to the other
ontologies, or even by the search for correspondence
semantics between concepts of different ontologies
(Wache et al., 2001).
2.2 Semantic Web and Knowledge
The interconnected datasets on the Web are called
Linked Data
(LD). W3C refers to the network of in-
terconnected data as the Semantic Web
. The tech-
nologies associated with the Semantic Web allow cre-
ating databases on the Web, as well as developing re-
sources to interconnect and consume these data. The
standard model for representing information on the
Web is based on the Resource Description Frame-
work (RDF)
. This model derives the link structure
of the Web using URIs to identify resources (enti-
ties, concepts, objects) and relationships (interactions,
events). The basic unit of data representation is a
triple: ”subject, predicate, object”.
Graphs have become one of the main data
structures used in heterogeneous data integration.
Machine-readable and human-understandable, they
can represent objects and interactions in a flexible
modeling that allows mapping most types of data
(Gomes and Santanch
e, 2015; Jie et al., 2021).
In the semantic web, ontologies are representa-
tions based on RDF triples, and similarly, real-world
entities and relationships can be represented using
knowledge graphs. Data sources with their own se-
mantic models and ontologies can be embedded in
knowledge graphs (Pomp et al., 2017; Hao et al.,
2021; Zhao et al., 2021).
The protocol adopted, based on the (Kitchenham and
Charters, 2007) proposal for systematic reviews in
Software Engineering, is divided into three phases:
planning, conduction and results.
As shown in Figure 2, the review protocol started
from an exploratory analysis of the literature to un-
derstand the concepts related to the integration of het-
erogeneous data. This analysis was the basis of the
objective: to broadly investigate the techniques and
approaches for heterogeneous data integration, con-
sidering the whole data integration cycle.
Table 1: References that supported the exploratory review.
Subject References
data integration or
(Sugawara and Nikaido,
Ozsu and Valduriez,
2020);(Ziegler and Dittrich,
2004);(Batini et al.,
1986);(Zhang et al., 2018)
knowledge graph (Hao et al., 2021);(Zhao et al.,
ontology (Gruber, 1993);(Guarino,
1998);(Nathalie, 2009);(Wache
et al., 2001);(Zhao et al.,
2021);(Zhang et al., 2018)
Also based on the exploratory analysis, the re-
search questions and the planning of this review were
specified. Table 1 shows the references that sup-
ported the exploratory review, classified by subjects
related to data integration. Reading began with ref-
erence publications and texts addressing data integra-
tion techniques to understand related terms.
Heterogeneous Data Integration: A Literature Scope Review
Figure 2: Literature scope review protocol.
3.1 Research Questions
Research questions (RQ1 e RQ2) are designed to ex-
plore the latest research results in heterogeneous data
integration considering that different techniques and
approaches can be employed in the process.
RQ1. What techniques have been used for heteroge-
neous data integration?
RQ2. How to bring in integrated databases from het-
erogeneous sources?
These questions are intended to provide an
overview of the techniques used to integrate data
with heterogeneous structures, syntaxes or seman-
tics. Design and validation of frameworks, the use
or implementation of tools and approaches used to
meet demands for integrated data were considered.
Techniques for materialized or virtual data integration
were verified. The search for articles was limited to
the period from 2015 to 2022.
3.2 Search Strategy
The search string comprised three keywords and their
related terms, according to the exploratory analysis
readings, presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Search keywords.
Keyword Related terms
data integration information integration
heterogeneous datasets
heterogeneous datasources
heterogeneous information
unstructured data
ontology knowledge graph
The inclusion and exclusion criteria are respec-
tively presented in Tables 3 and 4.
Scopus, ACM, Engineering Village, IEEE, Web of
Science and PubMed were selected to search papers
due to their credibility, adequacy to the computing
area and health besides being paid by the university,
Table 3: Inclusion criteria (IC).
Criteria Description
IC-1 The research addresses, applies and
discusses the results of the application of
heterogeneous data integration techniques.
IC-2 The research addresses, applies and
discusses the results of applying integrated
data modeling techniques from
heterogeneous data sources.
IC-3 Paper published in a journal or conference
between 01/01/2015 and 31/12/2022.
Table 4: Exclusion criteria (EC).
Criteria Description
EC-1 Literature review
EC-2 Paper is not written in Spanish, English or
allowing full access to their content. The search was
conducted in January 2023 and the results were im-
ported into the Parsif.al
tool. After excluding dupli-
cates, 508 articles remained for selection, in the Con-
duction phase (Figure 3).
3.3 Conduction
A prior selection was made by reading the title, ab-
stract and keywords. To support the selection process,
was used, a tool that implements active
learning, with its standard classification algorithm.
ASReview reorders unread texts as it ”learns”
from those that have already been annotated as rel-
evant or irrelevant. The tool contributed to increase
confidence by corroborating the results of the manual
process. After selection, 81 articles were included,
about 16% of the 508 articles found.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Conduction workflow.
The authors mainly focus on integration based on
semantic web technologies. Data are mostly repre-
sented in RDF graphs and ontologies are used to orga-
nize and formalize semantic knowledge. The research
on data integration and the semantic web comple-
ment each other and are often combined to solve prob-
lems of semantic data heterogeneity, promoting data
sharing and efficient use from different autonomous
sources (Kessler et al., 2021; Jeong and Jeong, 2015).
Figure 4: Papers by document type and publication year.
Figure 4 shows the distribution of papers by pub-
lication type (conference or journal) and year. The
topic is observed to have had increasing interest; in
contrast, conference publications decreased in 2020,
at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which un-
doubtedly affected not only attendance, but also led
to the suspension of several conferences.
4.1 Semantic Enrichment in
Heterogeneous Data Integration
Due to the large volume, variety, velocity and com-
plexity of data, semantic enrichment of data and meta-
data for understanding the context is essential for
obtaining relevant information and knowledge. Re-
searchers have used resources such as ontologies,
knowledge graphs and classification to semantically
enrich data and increase the efficiency of integration
processes by automating entity mapping. Table 5 lists
publications according to the resources used.
Ontologies are commonly expressed formally us-
ing semantic markup languages such as RDFs or Web
Ontology Language (OWL) and thus describe do-
mains of knowledge from classes, properties and rela-
tionships. These representations are used in semantic
mapping processes with integration purposes. The-
saurus and standards created for data exchange can
also be used in the ontology and graph construction
or in classification processes.
4.2 Global Modeling and Semantic
Regarding semantic mapping, as well as the architec-
tures for using ontologies, in the content explication
presented in Figure 1, three architectures were ob-
served in the papers. Table 6 lists the publications
according to the mapping approach presented.
In the hybrid approach used by (Nundloll et al.,
2021), a different nomenclature appears to identify
the global and local models. The global ontology is
called domain ontology, whose level of abstraction is
independent of implementations and reflects a domain
of knowledge. Local ontology, called data ontology,
models a specific data source and interfaces between
the data and the domain ontology.
In this review, data source mapping and match-
ing tasks are also referred to as semantic mediation.
To implement data source mapping, tools are used,
mainly based on RDF Mapping Language (RML)
These tools are presented in Table 7 together with the
formats accepted.
Among the cited tools, Karma is pointed out
by (Zhang et al., 2021) as the state of the art for se-
mantic annotation of structured data and publication
in Linked Open Data. Compared to Karma, accord-
ing to (Masmoudi et al., 2019), DISERTO requires
less human intervention in the process by perform-
ing automated mapping but has fewer input formats
Heterogeneous Data Integration: A Literature Scope Review
Table 5: Semantic enrichment resources.
Technique Publications
Ontology (Gil et al., 2021);(Dridi et al.,
2020);(Ding et al., 2020);(Zhang et al.,
2021);(Nundloll et al., 2021);(Sernadela
and Oliveira, 2017);(Rouces et al.,
2018);(Fusco and Aversano,
2020);(Wang et al., 2017);(Zhang et al.,
2018);(Grasso et al., 2015);(Saber et al.,
2018);(Hao et al., 2021);(Masmoudi
et al., 2019);(Sima et al.,
2019);(Baazaoui-Zghal, 2016);(Calva
and Piedra, 2020);(Masseroli et al.,
2016);(Radaoui et al., 2019);(Kim et al.,
2021);(Avila et al., 2019);(Rani et al.,
2019);(Buron et al.,
2020);(Nimmagadda et al.,
2019);(Yadav et al., 2021);(SCHIESSL
and BR
ASCHER, 2017);(Niang et al.,
2016);(Kessler et al., 2021);(Lembo and
Scafoglieri, 2020);(Jeong and Jeong,
2015);(Buron et al.,
2020);(Sengloiluean and Khuntong,
2020);(Shen et al., 2016);(Cheung et al.,
2015);(Xiao et al., 2017);(Zhou,
2016);(Yun et al., 2019);(Qundus et al.,
2021);(Pereira et al., 2020);(Capodieci
et al., 2016);(Dao et al.,
2021);(Mountasser et al., 2021);(Nath
et al., 2017);(Santipantakis et al.,
2020);(Mrhar et al., 2020);(Mami et al.,
2019);(Mahmoud et al.,
2021);(Khnaisser et al.,
2022);(Burgdorf et al.,
2022);(Maga-Nteve et al., 2022);(Wu
et al., 2022);(Ramzy et al., 2022);(Ma
and Moln
ar, 2022);(Haghgoo et al.,
2022);(Phengsuwan et al.,
2022);(Katrandzhiev et al.,
2022);(Krataithong et al., 2022);(Bonte
et al., 2022);(Guedea-Noriega and
anchez, 2022);(Thirumahal
et al., 2022);(Stroganov et al., 2022)
(Nashipudimath et al.,
2020);(VandanaKolisetty and Rajput,
2021);(Gupta and Gupta,
2021);(Yafooz et al., 2018);(Dhayne
et al., 2018);(Bartusiak and L
2016);(Asprino et al., 2023);(Zhao
et al., 2022);(Oo et al., 2022)
Classification (Vilches-Bl
azquez and Saavedra,
2022);(Ma et al., 2017);(Balachandran
et al., 2019);(Zhao et al.,
2021);(Le Guillarme et al.,
2021);(Sandhya and Roy,
2016);(Pomp et al., 2017);(Jie et al.,
2021);(Vidal et al., 2019);(Gomes and
e, 2015)
Moreover, (Mrhar et al., 2020) showed improve-
ment in semantic recognition accuracy, in semi-
automatic mapping, by associating Karma with an
algorithm that combines Long Short-Term Memory
(LSTM) (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) with
Conditional Random Field (CRF) (Lafferty et al.,
Table 6: Semantic mapping architecture.
Mapping Publications
Single (Dridi et al., 2020);(Ding et al.,
2020);(Ma et al., 2017);(Sernadela and
Oliveira, 2017);(Rouces et al.,
2018);(Nashipudimath et al.,
2020);(Wang et al., 2017);(Saber et al.,
2018);(Le Guillarme et al., 2021);(Hao
et al., 2021);(Masmoudi et al.,
2019);(Pomp et al.,
2017);(Baazaoui-Zghal, 2016);(Calva and
Piedra, 2020);(Masseroli et al.,
2016);(Radaoui et al., 2019);(Gupta and
Gupta, 2021);(Avila et al.,
2019);(Nimmagadda et al.,
2019);(SCHIESSL and BR
2017);(Jeong and Jeong, 2015);(Qundus
et al., 2021);(Capodieci et al.,
2016);(Santipantakis et al., 2020);(Gomes
and Santanch
e, 2015);(Mami et al.,
2019);(Mahmoud et al., 2021);(Asprino
et al., 2023);(Khnaisser et al.,
2022);(Burgdorf et al., 2022);(Zhao et al.,
2022);(Wu et al., 2022);(Ramzy et al.,
2022);(Oo et al., 2022);(Phengsuwan
et al., 2022);(Krataithong et al.,
2022);(Bonte et al.,
2022);(Guedea-Noriega and
anchez, 2022)
Multiple (Balachandran et al., 2019);(Grasso et al.,
2015);(Sima et al., 2019);(Shen et al.,
2016);(Cheung et al., 2015);(Zhou,
2016);(Vidal et al., 2019);(Dao et al.,
2021);(Bartusiak and L
assig, 2016);(Nath
et al., 2017)
Hybrid (Zhang et al., 2021);(Vilches-Bl
and Saavedra, 2022);(Nundloll et al.,
2021);(Fusco and Aversano,
2020);(Zhang et al., 2018);(Sandhya and
Roy, 2016);(Kim et al., 2021);(Rani et al.,
2019);(Buron et al., 2020);(Niang et al.,
2016);(Kessler et al., 2021);(Buron et al.,
2020);(Sengloiluean and Khuntong,
2020);(Xiao et al., 2017);(Yun et al.,
2019);(Dhayne et al., 2018);(Mountasser
et al., 2021);(Mrhar et al.,
2020);(Maga-Nteve et al.,
2022);(Thirumahal et al., 2022)
Table 7: Data source mapping tools
Tool Format Publications
DISERTO CSV; ENVI (Masmoudi et al., 2019)
HL7toRDF HL7 (Dhayne et al., 2018)
Karma DB; DSV;
(Zhang et al., 2021)(Xiao
et al., 2017)(Yun et al.,
2019)(Qundus et al.,
2021)(Capodieci et al.,
2016)(Mrhar et al., 2020)
OAM DB (Krataithong et al., 2022)
Ontop ERDB (Niang et al., 2016)(Sima
et al., 2019)(Kessler
et al., 2021)(Ding et al.,
2020)(Zhang et al., 2018)
As regards performing semantic queries on data,
the predominant language used to create and process
queries is SPARQL, which is a W3C standard lan-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
guage capable of retrieving and manipulating data
represented in RDF (Dao et al., 2021).
Traditional architectures widely used for data inte-
gration, such as Data Warehouse (DW), can also im-
plement semantic enrichment to solve heterogeneity
problems. Ontology is used in metadata that seman-
tically describes models or in defining relational or
multidimensional database schema.
Table 8 presents some detailed publications im-
plementing the link between the semantic model and
data. Data sources and different approaches for rep-
resenting the semantic model are presented. The ap-
proaches are related to the linking strategies presented
in Section 2.1.
Table 8: Connection between semantic model and data
Source Connection Publications
DW Definition of
Terms: schema
(Masseroli et al.,
Definition of
Terms: schema
(Khnaisser et al., 2022)
DW Meta-
(Nimmagadda et al.,
DW Definition of
Terms: RDF
(Mahmoud et al.,
2021);(Nath et al.,
Definition of
Terms: RDF
(Pomp et al., 2017)
Besides traditional data structures, the graph-
based data model has been considered a better choice
and has become one of the main ways to unify het-
erogeneous data, regarding the ease of mapping most
types of data due to modeling flexibility (Gomes and
e, 2015; Jie et al., 2021).
By associating graphs with ontologies to deal with
semantic heterogeneity, it is possible to interconnect
and manipulate data, building a coherent and inte-
grated view from multiple and heterogeneous sources.
The RDF graph can be interpreted using an ontol-
ogy and also supports queries on data and ontology
at the same time (Jie et al., 2021; Buron et al., 2020;
azquez and Saavedra, 2022).
A semantic model can also be created directly
from the embedded data. A knowledge graph can be
generated from reading the content of data sources.
The semantic model is not static, being expanded as
new data sources are included by users during the in-
tegration process (Pomp et al., 2017).
4.3 Data Processing Techniques
Pattern recognition and natural language processing
(NLP) have been used in data integration from struc-
tured and unstructured sources, for text reading, se-
mantic mapping, data fusion, linkage, entities recog-
nition and classification.
NLP is used to read data from text files, PDF files
or from text fields stored in relational databases. The
papers presented semi-automated entity recognition
processes, with user participation in data validation
and cleaning. In these processes, some methods are
used, such as most frequent terms index and similar-
ity metrics. To deal with imprecise information and
linguistic ambiguity fuzzy logic is used for mapping
and semantic enrichment processes (Baazaoui-Zghal,
2016; Haghgoo et al., 2022; Krataithong et al., 2022;
Stroganov et al., 2022) .
Large databases, ontologies, knowledge graphs in
English language are predominant; nonetheless, mul-
tilingual solutions were found; a publication in which
the authors (SCHIESSL and BR
ASCHER, 2017) use
a database in Portuguese, and (Guedea-Noriega and
anchez, 2022) worked with Spanish texts.
4.4 Data Storage Approaches and
The storage approaches in data integration are
twofold: (i) materialized data integration built in the
storage layer, i.e., data are loaded, transformed and
stored in an integrated database; (ii) virtual data in-
tegration, which occurs in the query layer and whose
searches are performed into a global model, although
the data remains stored only in its original source.
In Big Data environments with a materialized ap-
proach, traditional resources such as DW have not
been highly scalable and add cost to the storage
infrastructure (Rani et al., 2019). In virtual inte-
gration approaches, global query models and feder-
ated databases are adopted to avoid materialization
costs and increase scalability (Masmoudi et al., 2019).
Nevertheless, in this case, there is an impact and an in-
crease in processing infrastructure costs, since all data
is transferred and processed online at the time of the
Big Data technologies are used in some recent
works, aiming at scalability and cost reduction us-
ing distributed infrastructure with low computational
power, scaling by the distribution of processing.
Thereby, tools and techniques such as Hadoop and
MapReduce are used to implement distributed pro-
cessing in the materialized or virtual approach, in
queries and mappings (Rani et al., 2019; Van-
danaKolisetty and Rajput, 2021; Santipantakis et al.,
2020), or storage (Nashipudimath et al., 2020).
To improve performance in semantic mapping and
query processing, (Rani et al., 2019; Kim et al.,
2021) implemented architectures with multiple se-
mantic levels, supporting the process of combining
Heterogeneous Data Integration: A Literature Scope Review
Figure 5: Resources and techniques applied to integration workflow.
ontologies and queries that can be executed at mul-
tiple levels.
In the articles included in the review, it was not pos-
sible to identify a workflow that demonstrated the use
of techniques and resources in the stages of a data
integration process. Therefore, to facilitate under-
standing, Figure 5 organizes knowledge, including the
most common techniques found in the review, indicat-
ing at which stages they are used.
The workflow is divided into three stages: (i) def-
inition, whereby the source and target terminologies
are identified and mappings are specified; (ii) execu-
tion is the stage in which ingestion, processing and
matching are performed differently depending on the
data storage approach. In virtual scenarios, middle-
ware are commonly used to split and translate feder-
ated queries to the source query language. In materi-
alization scenarios, integrated data is transformed into
RDF graphs and stored; (iii) in the release stage inte-
grated data are available to explore, predominantly by
SPARQL endpoints.
Most of the selected publications, 79 out of the
81, mention the use of some semantic enrichment re-
source, such as ontologies and knowledge graphs. In
semi or unstructured data, natural language process-
ing (NLP) was used to extract data and then subject
the data to pattern recognition to identify entities and
match them with global data models.
In papers regarding transformation tools used to
perform matching according to mapping, in RML,
and conversion to RDF data, data sources and RML
mapping files are placed as inputs to the matching
process. No mentions were found about creating this
mapping in any other way other than using a tool that
reads the structure of the data source and the model,
submitting the mapping indication to the user or, man-
ually writing the rules in RML, which makes knowl-
edge of the RML language imperative to implement
data transformation to RDF.
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value from data assets. In this review, techniques and
approaches used for integrating heterogeneous data
were investigated.
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mantic web technologies are promising to resolve
data heterogeneities. Also, Big Data technologies
have been used in some proposals for distributed stor-
age and query processing, or mappings, contributing
to scalability. However, there are some aspects of the
research, including ontology construction and seman-
tic mediation, that remain open. Furthermore, aspects
of data governance in the data integration workflow,
establishing patterns focusing on semantic mediation,
also remain open for further investigation.
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