An Approach Based on Learning by Teaching to Support the Vertical
Alignment of the Educational Robotics Curriculum
Ilenia Fronza
1 a
, Gennaro Iaccarino
2 b
and Luis Corral
3 c
Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy
I.I.S.S. “Galileo Galilei”, Bolzano, Italy
ITESM Campus Queretaro, Mexico
Learning by Teaching (LbT), Educational Robotics, Active Learning.
Vertical alignment delivers a smooth, organized curriculum. We explored an approach to apply Learning by
Teaching (LbT) to support the alignment of the educational robotics curriculum and, in turn, strengthen the
connections among different age groups to foster digital and social inclusion. We applied LbT in the context of
teaching an introductory course in robotics in a high school, and we summarized our experience in a report that
analyzes two relevant aspects: a) Understanding whether LbT supports teaching-students in learning robotics
concepts and b) outlining the effectiveness of LbT for interactive activities targeting younger children during
Science Festival. The observations reported in this work show that teaching-students are a relevant support
for actual instructors; moreover, their activity offers several advantages, including enhanced engagement and
active participation, which contribute to improved comprehension and knowledge transfer.
Vertical alignment delivers a smooth, organized cur-
riculum that prepares students for the next grade or
level. For example, every teacher may introduce dif-
ferent educational robotics elements within a course
(e.g., hardware or programming languages); how-
ever, the basic structure focuses on a learning area for
each level. When a curriculum is vertically aligned,
the transition between school years becomes more
straightforward: the previous year’s class will have
provided all the necessary vocabulary, information,
content, and resources to prepare students for the fol-
lowing year. Therefore, vertical alignment, for exam-
ple, reduces the time needed to review previous con-
tent and reduces the gaps in the learning process.
Learning by teaching (LbT) is an educational ap-
proach in which individuals enhance their learning
and understanding of a subject by teaching it to oth-
ers (Cortese, 2005). By engaging in teaching activ-
ities, the sole process of being passive recipients of
knowledge is shifted, and learners take on the role
of mentors to share what they have learned with oth-
ers. In LbT, teaching-students define their methods
and teaching approaches, implement them to teach the
topic, motivate, and ensure that the subject is under-
stood (Debban
e et al., 2023; Gartner et al., 1971; Du-
ran, 2017). Therefore, LbT can effectively teach key
-century skills (Aslan, 2015). Learning starts dur-
ing the preparation phase and is reinforced by teach-
ing (Aslan, 2015). Reflection during and after the
teaching process helps evaluate the comprehension of
concepts and the teaching methods (Chi et al., 2001).
This work aims to increase the vertical alignment
of the educational robotics curriculum that, start-
ing from elementary school (6-10 years), accompa-
nies children in their personal growth and eventu-
ally serves as a pivot to evolve from learning-student
to teaching-student through LbT. Using LbT sup-
ports an intergenerational program and the subsequent
strengthening of connections among different age
groups and promotion of experience sharing (Phang
et al., 2023), which, in turn, fosters digital and social
inclusion, i.e., one of the critical success factors of
smart cities/villages (Shin et al., 2021).
To pursue our objective, we explored an approach
to apply LbT in the context of teaching an intro-
ductory robotics course in high schools: teaching-
students learn robotics concepts and create a set of
flip cards as teaching material for an interactive expe-
Fronza, I., Iaccarino, G. and Corral, L.
An Approach Based on Learning by Teaching to Support the Vertical Alignment of the Educational Robotics Curriculum.
DOI: 10.5220/0012551500003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 307-316
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
rience to let children move their first steps in robotics.
As a context for the interactive experience, we chose
a Science Festival based on the assumption that these
events attract a broad audience that is curious and mo-
tivated to learn. We summarized our experience in a
report to analyze two relevant aspects:
Understand whether LbT benefits teaching-
students in learning robotics concepts.
Outline the effectiveness of LbT for interactive ac-
tivities targeting younger children during Science
The strategy and activities described in this pa-
per include: (1) Design a set of robotics activities
addressed to a non-expert audience participating in a
Science Festival in a mid-size city, in which the vol-
ume of participants makes the involvement of many
instructors essential; (2) Identify a team of students
to serve as teaching-students, leveraging the robotic
concepts they gained at the school; (3) Work along
with teaching-students in the process of creating the
teaching material. In particular, teaching-students
created flip cards to facilitate large and heterogeneous
groups of participants (Fronza and Pahl, 2019); (4)
Teaching-students peered at younger students during
the Science Festival. Through the success of the activ-
ity and our observations, we outline how the teaching-
students successfully learned the robotics concepts,
deepened their understanding while teaching, and ex-
ercised their soft skills.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 investigates the state of LbT; Section 3 de-
scribes the setting and fundamentals of our experi-
ence report; Section 4 discusses results and lessons
learned; and Section 5 establishes directions for fu-
ture work and draws conclusions.
2.1 On Student/Mentor-Led Learning
Student-led and mentor-led learning has emerged as
relevant topic for the research and practice of educa-
tion. With the many paradigm shifts in education that
came with and after the pandemic emergency, having
a solid support network became paramount in educa-
tion processes. The research found that peer mentor-
ing positively impacts motivation, studying behavior,
and exam results (Hardt et al., 2022). A comprehen-
sive literature survey discusses several concepts en-
compassing mentor-led learning, including reciprocal
teaching, peer-assisted tutoring, and self-explanatory
teaching (Biswas et al., 2005).
Learning by Teaching (Gartner et al., 1971) is a
pedagogical method where teaching-students teach to
learning-students. The benefits of LbT include more
effective learning of concepts, higher participation,
better learning satisfaction, development of teamwork
skills, and promotion of higher-order thinking (Deb-
e et al., 2023). Furthermore, studies have shown
the better performance of students who learned mate-
rial with the expectation that they would be required
to teach it (Benware and Deci, 1984). While peer
tutoring aims to educate both tutor and tutee, LbT
focuses on the teaching-student’s learning (Debban
et al., 2023).
A mentor-led environment creates a relationship
in which a more senior individual provides guidance
and support to junior members. As a main advantage,
the peer-to-peer connection eases knowledge transfer
and harnesses social support behaviors, resulting in
positive perceptions of the relationship’s effectiveness
and underlying trust (Trainer et al., 2017). Moreover,
learning-students are more at ease discussing sensi-
tive topics such as assessment and room for error with
a colleague rather than a member of a formal teach-
ing staff (Iacob and Faily, 2020). Nevertheless, some
commonly identified shortcomings are that learning-
students might question the accuracy of the informa-
tion provided by the teaching-students, and ask for
validation from the teaching staff (Iacob and Faily,
2020). Moreover, this structure requires several per-
sonal traits, at the risk that peers might not take the
knowledge transfer session seriously (Aslan, 2015).
Student/mentor-led learning unleashes a critical
potential for both sides (i.e., teaching-student and
learning-student). For example, in intensive edu-
cational experiences (such as coding camps), where
the volume of participants is high, and teaching staff
struggles to supervise all participants closely, count-
ing on the support of tutors/teaching students as-
sists in widening the impact of the educational pro-
cess, helping others to learn and, in turn, benefit
from an effective learning environment (Fronza et al.,
2021). Special attention deserves the structure of role-
switching where both individuals take and swap the
role of mentor and mentee, using reinforcement learn-
ing to permit participants to adapt and empower the
impact of mentorship on learning and engagement
(Roscoe and Chi, 2007).
2.2 On Lifelong Learning Competences
Adapting Computer Science education to meet the
needs of a rapidly changing technological landscape
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
by cultivating a series of lifelong learning competen-
cies (Area, 2018) that are technology-agnostic pre-
pares children to adopt any new technology quickly
and enable themselves and others to learn.
According to the European Commission, Mem-
ber States should foster (starting at early ages and
maintaining the focus on lifelong learning) the devel-
opment of digital literacy and technology awareness
competencies to boost suitability for employment, so-
cial inclusion, and active citizenship. Lifelong learn-
ing competencies, which can be helpful in many dif-
ferent contexts, are a combination of (Area, 2018): a)
Knowledge: facts, figures, concepts, ideas, and theo-
ries that are already established and support the under-
standing of a particular area or subject; b) Skills: the
ability to carry out processes and use knowledge to
achieve results; and c) Attitudes: the disposition and
mindsets to act or react to ideas, persons or situations.
The European Reference Framework identifies
eight key competencies (Area, 2018) that embed
problem-solving, teamwork, creativity, and intercul-
tural skills. Digital competence involves the confi-
dent, critical, and responsible use of and engagement
with digital technologies for learning, work, and so-
cial participation. Individuals should be able to use
digital technologies to support their active citizen-
ship and social inclusion, collaboration with others,
and creativity toward personal, social, or commercial
goals. To do that, individuals should understand how
digital technologies work and how to use them to sup-
port communication, creativity, and innovation, being
aware of opportunities, limitations, effects, and risks.
Engagement with digital technologies and content re-
quires a reflective, critical, curious, open-minded, and
forward-looking attitude to their evolution. It also re-
quires an ethical, safe, and responsible approach to
using these tools. We take these recommendations as
a beacon to define a vertical curriculum that, start-
ing from elementary school, accompanies children in
gaining skills and building confidence to pivot their
roles as learners and progress from pupil to teacher as
required for LbT activities.
This section offers a general account of the experience
of working in a robotics class, providing valuable
insights into the practice of transferring knowledge
and fostering technological curiosity and proficiency
among young learners. As an experience report, the
description is grounded in observations, interactions,
and reflective practices describing a first-hand expe-
rience of the challenges and opportunities associated
with facilitating a simplified robotics curriculum that
nurtures critical thinking, problem-solving abilities,
and collaboration skills.
3.1 Experience Setting
To exercise LbT, we chose a public Science Festival in
a mid-size city (Bolzano, Italy), a free-to-attend fam-
ily science day showcasing the leading edge in Sci-
ence, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) to
encourage young people to study science in schools
and universities (Canovan, 2019; DeWitt et al., 2016).
Indeed, the level of family interest in science has a
strong influence on future STEM participation (Dab-
ney et al., 2013). We selected this context because
Science Festivals attract a broad, non-expert, curious,
and motivated to-learn population. The Science Festi-
val showcased various talks, demonstrations, exhibi-
tions, and interactive experiences, all centered around
the theme of “Journey”. The exhibitors were mainly
research centers and universities from the region.
The activity described in this work resulted from
a university-school collaboration. The idea of involv-
ing high school students during the Science Festival
was motivated by the documented positive effect of
neer-peer mentoring on increasing the interest and
engagement of high school students studying STEM
disciplines (Tenenbaum et al., 2014). Moreover, so-
cial congruence (Bugaj et al., 2019) facilitates infor-
mal/empathetic communication and compensates for
the lack of knowledge and expertise because teaching-
students provide explanations more likely to meet the
learners’ needs. Finally, the number of participants
in the Science Festival (usually around 2000 people
per day) made it essential to involve many instruc-
tors, which could motivate teaching-students (Fronza
et al., 2023) by increasing the sense of responsibility
given by the crucial role they have to play.
3.2 Participants
The 12 teaching-students (aged 15) attended a Sci-
entific High School of Applied Sciences (four-year
course). The group was gender-balanced (5F, 7M)
and did not include students with special educational
needs or cognitive diseases. Cultural and family back-
grounds were homogeneous. An experimental class
of 12 units represented a context conducive to educa-
tional innovation (Fronza et al., 2020). As described
hereafter, the teaching-students completed the three
stages of LbT according to the framework shown in
Figure 1(Bargh and Schul, 1980).
An Approach Based on Learning by Teaching to Support the Vertical Alignment of the Educational Robotics Curriculum
Preparing to teach
Teaching-students prepare
themselves to teach (without
actually teaching)
Explaining to others
Teaching-students simulate the
interactions with learners
Interacting with others
Teaching-students teach using
the material they have prepared
Section 3.3
Section 3.4
Section 3.5
Figure 1: The three stages of LbT (Bargh and Schul, 1980):
definition and mapping to the Sections of this paper that
describe their implementation.
3.3 Preparing to Teach
In this phase, the teaching-students prepared them-
selves to teach (without actually teaching). This ac-
tivity promotes learning because knowing to teach
others motivates students beyond regular studying
(Fiorella and Mayer, 2015).
Initially, teaching-students completed a training
course of about 12 hours in which they acquired the
basic skills of building LEGO-EV3 robots with two-
wheel drive-based motion and implementing motion
programs using color, distance, and touch sensors.
Teaching-students also learned how to use the de-
vice’s audio recording and playback tools and manage
the display. The training started with the construc-
tion of the LEGO-EV3 robots and continued with the
use of all the motors and sensors made available by
the educational kit. Students worked in pairs to solve
problems of increasing difficulty, in which all the pro-
gramming blocks available were necessary. Each new
issue required using/modifying the implementation
of the previous one to promote learning (Vygotsky,
1978) and introduced the fundamental concept of the
teaching material. At the end of the training phase,
all the participants could implement block-based al-
gorithms to solve educational robotics problems.
Afterward, teaching-students worked for 8 hours
in groups (2 or 3 people) to create a set of flip cards
as teaching material. Each group had to devise a story
of fantasy or an adventure scenario to explore all the
dimensions of the child (i.e., cognitive, affective, mo-
tivational, and emotional) as defined by the cognitive
psychologist J. Bruner (Bruner, 1996). Each story had
to be a journey to meet the requirements of the Sci-
ence Festival. Then, students divided the journey into
steps and created a card for each step, in which one
needed to use all the robotics tools acquired during
the training phase (motors, input through the color,
touch, distance sensors, and audio).
The participants created the stories by following
the “puppet metaphor” (Figure 2), which illustrates
the narrative style closest to children between 6 and
10 years old (Wright, 1998). The puppet’s head repre-
sents the story’s introduction (i.e., who, where, when).
Much more substantial, the puppet’s body represents
the story’s development (i.e., what happens), bringing
the child closer to the characters by working alongside
them. Finally, the puppet’s feet represent the conclu-
sion, which briefly shows how the story ends: a happy
ending generated by a positive event.
Figure 2: The “puppet metaphor” illustrates the narrative
style that is closest to children between the ages of 6 and 10
(Wright, 1998). The puppet’s head represents the introduc-
tion of the story, which is not very big but provides impor-
tant details such as who, where, and when. The larger body
of the puppet represents the story’s development, which in-
cludes unexpected events and twists. Finally, the feet of the
puppet, which are smaller than the body, represent the final
twist and the happy ending.
Using the “puppet metaphor”, the teaching-
students were asked to write a story by following
the following tips, which are widely used in teaching
through storytelling (Wright, 1995):
Think about the plot: imagine a captivating and
engaging story by choosing who, where, and when
Imagine the main character: define the character-
istics of the main character that will interact with
the child.
Define simple problems: include in the story situ-
ations the main character must face with the child
by programming and using the robot.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The implication of the story: after a moment of
maximum tension, something positive and excit-
ing must happen (i.e., the epilogue), leading to a
happy ending.
Happy ending, with an unexpected twist.
For the preparation of the flip cards, we provided
the following requirements to the students:
One side of the card shall describe one part of the
story (in a language appropriate for 6-10-year-old
children), i.e., tell the child the mission that the
robot has to accomplish.
The back of the card shall provide hints to help the
child with programming, i.e., show a picture of
the code block, the most suitable hardware (motor
or sensor), or the wizard for recording and playing
sounds (Figure 3).
Each card shall require an additional program-
ming concept to the previous one to encourage
stepwise learning.
Figure 3: Example of flip cards: the proposed mission re-
quires using the loop block, introduced in the previous mis-
sion by changing the output test.
This phase created five sets of flip cards, each with
12 cards. As shown in Figure 4, in each set, the first
and last cards represent the preface and the happy
ending; the middle ten cards allow the implementa-
tion of the fundamental components of the robot men-
tioned above in steps of increasing difficulty (i.e., the
missions). The first mission always involves build-
ing a robot component; the others require block-based
programming. Each set of flip cards has a main char-
acter, a fantasy or adventure scenario, a series of mis-
sions of increasing difficulty that the child must com-
plete by programming the robot, and a happy ending
following the ten missions.
3.4 Explaining to Others
During this phase, the teaching-students actively
used the teaching material meaningfully (Fiorella and
Mayer, 2015) by simulating the interaction with chil-
dren. A teaching-student took the role of a learning-
student to stimulate that kind of interaction with
teaching-students. Other teaching-students observed
the interaction, commenting on it and advising on im-
provement. In order to validate the process of knowl-
edge transfer, we explored what specific concepts
were understood and interpreted, paying attention to
a simplified language and simulating the transition to
different languages according to the children’s needs.
3.5 Interacting with Others
This phase encourages students to reflect on their un-
derstanding of the material while teaching (Fiorella
and Mayer, 2015). We implemented it during a Sci-
ence Festival, where participants coordinated an inter-
active experience to let children take their first steps
in robotics.
The activity took place in a room with free en-
trance and no reservation required. Five tables (i.e.,
one table per set of flip cards) surrounded by chairs
were in the room. On each table (Figure 5) were
a robot, a laptop, materials for unfolding the story
(e.g., obstacles), and flip cards. Each table was coor-
dinated by 2-3 teaching-students, usually those who
had created the corresponding set of flip cards; how-
ever, since they knew all the set of flip cards, teaching-
students changed tables throughout the day to substi-
tute others during breaks, to change topics, or support
others in managing specific needs (e.g., language and
Children (i.e., learning-students) could either ap-
proach the tables spontaneously or were kindly in-
vited by the teaching-students to come. The teaching-
students knew that the children could leave at each
point without completing all of the missions in the
flip cards or, conversely, stop and ask for more. The
activity lasted 8 hours and hosted dozens of children.
3.6 Data Collection, Analysis, and
As detailed in Table 1, in this work, we adopted mul-
tiple data collection types (Creswell and Creswell,
Observations were semi-structured, i.e., the re-
searchers filled in a form to annotate if they could
observe behaviors or events related to LbT in each
An Approach Based on Learning by Teaching to Support the Vertical Alignment of the Educational Robotics Curriculum
Figure 4: Structure of a set of flip cards. The first and last cards represent the preface and the happy ending; the other
cards allow the story’s development as missions. The first mission involves building a robot component, while the others
require block-based programming. In the middle of the story (cards 6-8), there is the moment of maximum tension before the
”epilogue” (cards 9-10), leading to the happy ending.
Figure 5: Setting of the “interacting with others” phase.
Interviews during a self-reflection phase after the
Science Festival: researchers engaged teaching-
students in focus group interviews to elicit views
and opinions complementing the observations.
Collected data were then categorized and summa-
rized to analyze two aspects: 1) understand whether
LbT benefits teaching-students in learning robotics
concepts, and 2) outline the effectiveness of LbT for
interactive activities targeting younger children dur-
ing Science Festivals.
Table 1: Data collection strategy.
Type Collection approach
Observations Researchers used an agreed ob-
servational protocol to collect
field notes without intervention
on the target population. Stu-
dents’ activities were observed,
focusing on how they applied
their knowledge to support each
Interviews Researchers conducted focus
group interviews using an
agreed-upon protocol during
self-reflection after the Science
Festival. Participants discussed
areas of improvement, reorga-
nized their knowledge, deduced
errors, and repaired them.
This section discusses the significance of knowledge
acquisition and the result of the process through
which participants exercised or gained new knowl-
edge. We structured the summary of our observations
in two parts: discussing the central insight gained and
additional learnings that we considered to have nur-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
tured the learning process and paved the way for im-
proved experiences.
4.1 Major Learnings
As major learnings, we identified and analyzed traits
that allowed us to identify patterns and connections
to elaborate on LbT as an instrumental strategy in the
learning process that may eventually support a lasting
educational outcome. We summarized the results to
analyze the following two relevant aspects.
1. Understand whether LbT benefits teaching-
students in learning robotics concepts.
Confirming the previous literature in the field, in
our experience, LbT enhanced learning by forcing the
teaching-students to retrieve previously studied in-
formation to contextualize it differently (Koh et al.,
2018). In order to create the missions in the flip cards,
teaching-students learned to use all the blocks of the
programming language according to the specific need,
thus improving their problem-solving skills. More-
over, teaching-students learned to simplify and opti-
mize the code by witnessing children’s programming
mistakes. Finally, they improved their ability to com-
municate robotics concepts by rephrasing them sev-
eral times, if needed, based on the learner’s needs and
By the end of the experience, the teaching-
students had a solid grasp of the robotics concepts
learned. They were also curious to extend their
knowledge to solve new challenges, which often
emerged from the children’s questions during the Sci-
ence Festival. In this regard, during the event, we
could observe a decisive change in the attitude of the
teaching-students compared to regular classes: feel-
ing a responsibility to respond to children and not
wanting to disappoint them, they helped each other.
They worked to find a solution when they did not
know an answer immediately.
2. Outline the effectiveness of LbT for interactive
activities targeting younger children during Science
The teaching-students successfully managed the
activity, helped each other, and demonstrated a high
level of engagement and sense of responsibility con-
cerning the event management (for instance, organiz-
ing to take turns for lunch to avoid leaving the stand
unattended). After being more conservative in their
communication engagement at the beginning of the
activity, they gained confidence up to being able to
adapt activities and narratives to the context and lan-
guage that caters to different age segments, e.g., very
young children (Figure 6) and adults. Thanks to the
flip cards, the teaching-students involved children at
different levels: those who stayed only for two cards
and then had to go and those who asked for additional
missions after finishing the set of flip cards.
Figure 6: A teaching-student interacting with a very young
At the end of the Science Festival, teaching-
students got back home with enthusiasm, so much so
that parents wrote thank-you notes to the organizing
school a few days after the event. Eight months af-
ter the project, the teaching-students remember all the
activity steps, have internalized the robotics concepts,
and can reproduce them naturally. They all remem-
ber the project positively, meaning it left a positive
imprint on their lives. They all positively responded
when asked if they would be willing to repeat the ac-
tivity by bringing in other STEAM concepts.
4.2 Other Lessons Learned
In addition to the insight gained in the LbT process,
we synthesize below the lessons we learned during
this experience:
Twelve hours of training were sufficient for teach-
ing students to acquire the basic concepts of
robotics and then be able to explain these concepts
to children.
Teaching-students’ feedback was overall positive,
but everyone reported improvement opportunities,
especially in communicating simplified concepts.
As a lesson learned, customized, adapted lan-
guage should be explored in more detail in the
learning process (e.g., when explaining complex
concepts to younger children).
The flip cards proved to be a beneficial resource to
support teaching and learning. After completing
the activity, we recommend investing time with
the teaching-students to improve the content of
the flip cards based on the experience and insight
gained in the learning activity.
An Approach Based on Learning by Teaching to Support the Vertical Alignment of the Educational Robotics Curriculum
Simulations before “interacting with others” are
essential to lessen some tension at the beginning
of the Science Festival. A smaller-scale edition of
the activity with a small group of children might
work even better.
The presented activity is multidisciplinary and
leaves room for exercising different competen-
cies and adapting them to different learning pref-
erences and interests. For instance, the conver-
sations could mesh diverse topics like Computer
Science or Civic Education.
Our observations about the pace and natural flow
of the conversation confirm that LbT exercises
and puts teaching-students’ soft skills into prac-
We believe that these lessons learned can be help-
ful to enhance the research process and help identify
future development areas.
According to the observations collected in the expe-
rience presented in this work, LbT fosters a support-
ive and engaging learning environment and promotes
trust and knowledge retention. Our insight and ma-
jor takeaway is that learning-students improved their
overall learning experience, and teaching-students
also exercised the development of essential soft skills,
such as communication, critical thinking, and knowl-
edge transfer. These results evidence that LbT can be
used as a strategy for promoting vertical alignment of
the educational robotics curriculum: while interact-
ing, different age groups can share experiences, ac-
quire micro-language skills (i.e., the specific termi-
nology of disciplinary and professional sectors), and
find/provide the necessary support and motivation for
transitioning between school years.
In addition, this work found that utilizing LbT
during the Science Festival offered key advantages.
It created a relatable and comfortable learning atmo-
sphere, as the teaching-students shared similar expe-
riences and perspectives with learning-students. This
familiarity allowed for effective communication, em-
pathy, and the building of trust, which in turn fa-
cilitated engagement and active participation. The
teaching-students’ previous knowledge of robotics,
combined with their ability to explain concepts in
simple terms, contributed to improved comprehen-
sion and enhanced knowledge transfer. Furthermore,
our experience draws attention to the significance of
creating an inclusive and supportive learning environ-
ment that adapts to participants’ diverse needs and in-
In our experience, the Science Festival was an
excellent context for teaching-students to challenge
themselves: the number of participants made clear
the importance of their contribution and increased the
sense of responsibility given by the crucial role they
have to play. However, some tension was also present
despite the simulations before the event; for this rea-
son, a smaller-scale edition of the activity with a small
group of children might be preferable.
The type of teaching material created by the
teaching-students (i.e., the flip cards) has proven valu-
able as teaching materials for several reasons. For
example, they provided a route for teaching-students
to follow, avoiding uncertainty about how to start or
continue; for this to happen, however, the teaching-
students must create the flip cards themselves. More-
over, flip cards helped involve children at different
levels: those who stayed only for two cards and those
who asked for additional missions instead.
The findings of this experience report support the
notion that teaching-students can effectively enhance
the learning experience of their fellow students, cul-
tivating abilities that contribute beyond technical ed-
ucation and construct lifelong learning. Future work
may explore specific strategies teaching-students em-
ploy and additional variables contributing to their ef-
fectiveness (e.g., age gap). This experience advocates
for the formal integration of LbT within educational
institutions as a fundamental strategy to strengthen
more traditional methods to teach robotics concepts.
Moreover, the approach proposed in this work could
be applied to any STEM discipline, such as chem-
istry, physics, biology, and electronics, which is in the
authors’ plans for the future. For example, we plan
to customize the approach presented in this paper to
introduce children to the basic principles of Genera-
tive Artificial Intelligence: high school students could
learn the principles of effective prompting and build
teaching material to teach younger students how to
use ChatGPT.
Finally, exploring how the proposed approach
could support students while learning micro-language
in a foreign language through the linguistic mediation
of teachers-students would be interesting.
This study was funded by the European Union -
NextGenerationEU, in the framework of the consor-
tium iNEST - Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation
Ecosystem (PNRR, Missione 4 Componente 2, Inves-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
timento 1.5 D.D. 1058 23/06/2022, ECS 00000043
Spoke1, RT1A, CUP I43C22000250006). The views
and opinions expressed are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect those of the European
Union, nor can the European Union be held responsi-
ble for them.
We want to gratefully acknowledge the contribu-
tion of our teaching-students, whose volunteer partic-
ipation was essential to the object of study.
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