The low reconstruction loss for the frame embeddings
and the implications of visualizing the DS embed-
dings indicate that using the developed approach, it
is possible to calculate semantically rich embeddings
for the analysed data. This is the basis for detecting
outliers based on those DS embeddings.
The clear tendency in the survey towards rat-
ing the detected outliers as unusual verifies that the
method identifies rather unusual DS instances com-
pared to a random selection. This is supported by
the ability of finding dataset errors as unusual DS
instances. But still, some DS instances with a high
anomaly score are considered as normal by the ex-
perts. This indicates that there might be some features
in the DS embedding space making DS instances un-
usual that are not seen relevant by the asked experts.
On the other hand, the used dataset is still rather small
for the purpose of detecting real ECs. It is highly
unlikely that the analysed 100,000 motorway DS in-
stances contain a high amount of clear ECs. E.g. no
accidents are in the data. In general, the majority of
the experts indicates that the developed approach is
capable of detecting unusual DS instances that can be
considered as ECs.
In this work, we presented an approach for detect-
ing edge cases in trajectory data using deep-learning
based outlier detection. This two-staged approach en-
codes the data of the dynamic objects and the street
layout first for each time step based on an autoen-
coder. Second, the resulting per-time-step embed-
dings are aggregated over the duration of basic driving
scenarios DS based on an RNN autoencoder. Those
driving scenarios are used to segment the continuous
driving data into less complex segments. Based on
the calculated driving scenario embeddings, outliers
are detected using the k-th nearest neighbour metric.
The approach was evaluated on motorway data from
the exiD drone dataset. The results were validated
with an expert survey containing identified potential
edge cases as well as randomly selected driving sce-
nario instances. The survey showed that using the de-
veloped approach, we were able to identify unusual
driving scenario instances that can be considered as
edge cases.
For future work, the approach will be extended
for urban data as the situations happening on urban
domain are more diverse, leading to more challeng-
ing outlier detection and requiring larger amounts of
data. The identified edge cases will be collected in
a database developed within the Hi-Drive project to
allow test case derivation for AD development.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 re-
search and innovation programme under grant agree-
ment No 101006664. The sole responsibility of this
publication lies with the authors. The authors would
like to thank all partners within the Hi-Drive project
(hi-drive.eu) for their cooperation and valuable con-
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VEHITS 2024 - 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems