A Systematic Mapping Study on Techniques for Generating Test Cases
from Requirements
Alessandro Rodrigues, J
essyka Vilela
and Carla Silva
Centro de Inform
atica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Av. Jornalista An
ıbal Fernandes,
s/n – Cidade Universit
aria, Recife-PE, Brazil
Systematic Mapping Study, Test Cases, Requirements, Generation.
Context: Software testing can be costly for organizations. Techniques and tools that deal with the automatic
generation of test cases provide a way to reduce the efforts employed and the time-to-market, in addition
to increasing the quality of the software. Objective: This work aims to investigate the literature regarding
techniques used to generate test cases from requirements automatically. Method: We performed a System-
atic Mapping Study (SMS) using the Snowballing technique to investigate these techniques, the information
presented in the test plan/case, the languages used to specify the requirements, and finally, the steps proposed
by the techniques. Results: techniques such as Model-based testing (MBT) and Natural Language Process-
ing (NLP) are the most used, mainly based on requirements specified through Natural Language that can be
structured or not, as well as UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams. We also extracted and presented a
series of languages and tools developed, and some are under development that perform this generation.
Software permeates the various spheres of the world,
which creates a dependence on the proper functioning
of these utilities in our society. Bank transactions, air
travel, and automatic radiation doses are just a few
examples of critical software in which failures and
wrong software behavior can be disastrous. Thus, it
is important to have ways to ensure the correct quality
and functioning in developing a program.
Singhs and Singhs (2012) define software testing
as “a process, or a series of processes designed to
make sure computer code does what it was designed
to do and that it does not do anything unintended”
(Singh and Singh, 2012). Testing software does not
mean there is no defect in its execution, but the con-
trolled execution that test techniques provide aims to
expose as many failures as possible with the minimum
of resources invested, whether computational or hu-
man (Neto and Claudio, 2007).
Studies suggest that 50% of the time, cost, and ef-
fort of the software development process are spent on
Software Testing (Hooda and Chhillar, 2014), which
makes this task considered expensive for organiza-
tions. Using automatic test generation techniques di-
rects the organization to improve quality, reduce re-
work, saving resources and also a significant amount
of money (Fewster and Graham, 1999). In this con-
text, automatic software testing tools are appropriate
due to improved time-to-market and accuracy.
This work investigates the current state of tech-
niques developed to generate test cases from require-
ments. We conducted a Systematic Mapping Study
(SMS) (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007) using the
snowballing technique (Wohlin, 2014) to find relevant
studies to understand how this process has been con-
ducted. We collected results from 41 articles directly
related to the topic. We hope the results exposed here
will bring insights to the evolution of automatic test-
ing tools from requirements, such as Smartest.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents the background and related work. Section
3 presents the research methodology. The results and
the analysis related to our research questions are pre-
sented in Section 4. Threats to validity are presented
in Section 5. Finally, we present our conclusions and
future works in Section 6.
Rodrigues, A., Vilela, J. and Silva, C.
A Systematic Mapping Study on Techniques for Generating Test Cases from Requirements.
DOI: 10.5220/0012551900003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 141-148
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
This section introduces a basis for understanding this
work. Initially, we describe test case generation,
as well as some common techniques used in the
automatic generation of test cases, such as model-
based testing (MBT) and natural language processing
(NLP). Then, we present the related work.
2.1 Test Case Generation
A test case describes a particular condition to be
tested and comprises a set of test inputs, execution
conditions, and expected results developed for a spe-
cific objective (Craig and Jaskiel, 2002). These cases
are elaborated from artifacts such as specifications,
design, and implementations (Shanthi and Kumar,
2011) and are used to verify if the system developed
corresponds to the requirements defined, contributing
to project success and customer satisfaction.
The generation of test cases can be performed
manually, automatically, or semi-automatically, the
latter being preferable to save time and costs during
the test cycle (Mustafa et al., 2021). It is common
for this generation to occur based on requirements.
In this case, the tests are derived from the require-
ments without considering the internal structure of the
implementation, which may be functional and non-
functional requirements (Vaysburg et al., 2002).
To find as many failures as possible, tests must be
conducted systematically, and test cases must be de-
signed using disciplined techniques. Some of these
techniques used to generate test cases from require-
ments automatically are:
Model-Based Testing (MBT): In this technique,
the automatic generation of test artifacts is based
on information extracted from the software mod-
els (El-Far and Whittaker, 2002), which include in
their specification the characteristics of the soft-
ware that will be tested.
Natural Language Processing (NLP): it is con-
cerned with giving computers the ability to under-
stand text and spoken words in the same way as
humans by combining computational linguistics
- based on human language rules - with statisti-
cal, machine learning, and deep learning models
(IBM, 2023).
2.2 Related Work
The generation of tests cases or test plan from require-
ments specifications has been studied in some works.
Tahat et al. (Tahat et al., 2001) presented a new
test generation-based approach that accepts individual
requirements expressed in Specification Description
Language (SDL) and textual formats automating the
creation of system models through SDL requirements.
Nebut et al.(Nebut et al., 2004) provided a method,
formal model and a prototype tool to automatically
generate specific functional and robust test cases for a
product from the requirements of a product line. This
technique, in this study, is associated with a slight for-
malism to express the product family, in a declarative
but unambiguous manner, the mutual facilities be-
tween requirements, in terms of pre/post conditions.
unior and Silva (de Santiago J
unior and da Silva,
2017) introduce a translation method called HiMoST,
which generates software test cases through Model
Checking. It starts with Harel’s Statecharts for be-
havioral modeling and translates them into a gen-
eral structure based on NuSMV language. CTL
properties are formalized using specification patterns
and a Combinatorial Interaction Testing algorithm.
A cost-effectiveness evaluation comparing four pat-
terns/pattern scopes revealed that the Precedence
Chain pattern with Global scope performed the best.
Agile practices has also been investigated in
the context of software testing (Coutinho et al.,
2022)(Fazzolino et al., 2018). The objective of
Coutinho, Andrade e Machado (Coutinho et al., 2022)
was to understand how Requirements Engineering
(RE) and Software Testing (ST) activities are per-
formed in agile teams and their contribution to soft-
ware quality. A survey was conducted with 72 soft-
ware industry professionals experienced in RE and
ST. The findings revealed that Agile RE and Agile
ST activities still need improvement in coordinated
implementation in projects. There were both similar-
ities and differences between academic research and
industry practices. Agile practices, specific to RE and
ST, as well as other practices related to processes, ap-
proaches, and software development, were used in a
complementary manner.
Fazzolino et al. (Fazzolino et al., 2018) was to
test two enterprise systems, SISBOL and SISDOT,
from the Brazilian Army, using different approaches
and tools. The challenges in testing enterprise sys-
tems include considering user requirements, business
rules, user interaction, legacy system integration, and
database access. Test engineers face conflicting de-
cisions regarding test levels and the use of mock ob-
jects. The study found that using executable specifica-
tions, as recommended in Behavior Driven Develop-
ment, was valid for test-first scenarios and system re-
quirements validation. Additionally, it helped identify
new execution paths even after the source code had
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
been implemented, suggesting the adoption of BDD
approach in later stages of development.
The study by Mustafa et al. (Mustafa et al., 2021)
resembles ours by presenting an SRM on generation
of test cases based on requirements from 2000 to 2018
(Mustafa et al., 2021). The study was carried out to
acquire areas of knowledge about requirements-based
test case generation and identify future research. As a
result, the review showed that 53% of journal papers,
42% of conference papers and 5% of book chapters
address requirements-based tests.
Additionally, Faroq and Tahreem (Farooq and
Tahreem, 2022) conducted a systematic literature re-
view (SLR) to evaluate the approaches and techniques
that are used for automated test cases using user re-
quirements and stories and find the best that is not just
friendly but also useful for minimizing the Software
cost and human effort . In their work, the taxonomy
was also presented based on the generation of test
cases with requirements-based techniques and tools.
As for the last two works (Mustafa et al., 2021)
(Farooq and Tahreem, 2022), although they also per-
formed a SLR on test case generation, they present
some differences when compared to ours. The study
by Mustafa et al. (Mustafa et al., 2021) also focuses
on identifying existing challenges in generating test
cases from requirements, in addition to presenting
how the transformation of requirements from natu-
ral language to the formal model occurs. However,
our research questions are more detailed, as well as
the search string we used. Also, the most recent pa-
pers they selected were published in 2018. Likewise,
Farooq and Tahreem (Farooq and Tahreem, 2022)
focused on UML based approaches published until
2021 and in discovering challenges regarding these
approaches. Our scope is a bit larger than theirs.
The research method followed for this work is a Sys-
tematic Mapping Study (Galv
ao and Pereira, 2014).
To conduct the SMS and to answer our research ques-
tions, presented in Table 1, we chose the Snowballing
technique, which refers to the procedure in which,
starting from an initial set of papers, a list of paper
references (backward) or paper citations (forward) are
used to identify additional papers (Wohlin, 2014).
The search string used in this first step derives
from the topic of our interest. This string was also
formed through the logical connectors AND, for ag-
gregation of keywords and OR for inclusion of the re-
spective synonyms (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007).
As a result, we get the following search string:
Table 1: Research questions.
ID Research Question Motivation
RQ1 What techniques are used to
create a test plan/case from
Know the possible techniques
in the area.
RQ1.1 What information is present
in the test plan/case?
Learn what information is most
used in test cases.
RQ1.2 Which tool supports the gen-
eration of test plans/cases
from requirements?
Get to know the existing tools
and see the common points be-
tween them.
RQ1.3 How are requirements spec-
See how the requirements are
RQ1.4 Are requirements rep-
resented graphically or
Know which approaches are the
most used to represent the re-
RQ1.5 How are test cases generated
from requirements?
Knowing how to apply the cre-
ation of test cases, having as a
starting point the requirements.
(”requirement”) AND (”software testing” OR
”test case” OR ”test plan”) AND (”aligning” OR
”derivation” OR ”integration” OR “generation”)
AND (“method” OR “approach” OR “technique”
OR “methodology” OR “tool”)
By applying our search string, in December 2022,
in the IEEE Xplore and ACM digital libraries, we se-
lected the studies S1 to S5 considering their adher-
ence to the theme, having a good number of refer-
ences and citations, as listed in Table 2, with differ-
ences in the applicability of the techniques of auto-
matic test cases generation from requirements, with
different authors and year of publication, so that we
have greater diversity.
A subsequent step was the choice of a paper,
among the five selected, to start backward and for-
ward snowballing. As the work S1 is appropriate
to the theme, besides having many referenced papers
and being one of the most cited, we decided to define
it as the initial paper.
Table 2: Details of selected papers.
Work Duplicate
Year # of ref # of ci-
Work 1 S1 No 2015 37 44
Work 2 S2 No 2020 85 9
Work 3 S3 No 2011 24 8
Work 4 S4 No 2003 6 46
Work 5 S5 No 2017 33 19
Once we had selected the work, we started the
snowballing process. We applied the inclusion and
exclusion criteria, which are used to reduce the prob-
ability of bias and select studies capable of answer-
ing the research questions (Kitchenham and Charters,
2007). The criteria adopted in this work were:
Inclusion criteria: Primary studies; Research and
papers from conferences and journals; Studies
A Systematic Mapping Study on Techniques for Generating Test Cases from Requirements
from 2003 onwards; Studies reporting approaches
to test plan/case creation; Studies that report ap-
proaches in creating an automated test plan;
Exclusion criteria: Short Papers three pages);
Articles not in English or Portuguese; Secondary
studies; Duplicate studies; Redundant work by the
same author; Studies whose focus is not on creat-
ing test cases; Studies irrelevant to the research,
taking into account the research questions shown
in Table 1.
We provide all references and citations in sup-
plementary material: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.
10724942.After this step, we had 316 works in total.
On the other hand, when applying the initial filter, 130
was subtracted from the total. In the supplementary
material, an interested reader may find a figure depict-
ing the number of papers excluded by criteria versus
which paper it was derived from.
We analyzed the title and abstract in each iteration,
considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria. 112
works were excluded from this stage. Although they
are mostly related to generating test cases, they do
not adequately fit the topic of this SMS. For example,
some of them dealt with later stages of test case gen-
eration. In the supplementary material, an interested
reader may find a figure depicting the distribution of
these exclusions by source work.
Finally, as we noticed that there were still more
than 70 papers left, we also read the paper’s introduc-
tion and conclusion sections. We excluded another 32
studies according to the aforementioned inclusion and
exclusion criteria. Then, we had a total of 41 papers
since only 1 paper was excluded from the full read-
ing. We assigned the code S# for each selected paper
where S means selected and # the number of the pa-
per. The selected papers are in Table 3.
Regarding the distribution of the selected papers by
digital libraries where they were published, IEEE (17
papers), ACM (10 papers) and Springer (9 papers) are
the most common. In the next sections, we present the
results for each research question.
4.1 RQ1: What Techniques are Used to
Create a Test Plan/Case from
In Table 4, the 1st column contains the technique or
approach used, and the 2nd column presents the pa-
pers that mention it as a technique used in the test
Table 3: List of selected papers.
ID Reference
S1 (Yue et al., 2015)
S2 (Liu and Nakajima, 2020)
S3 (Giannakopoulou et al., 2011b)
S4 (Nebut et al., 2003)
S5 (Ahsan et al., 2017)
S6 (Ali and Hemmati, 2014)
S7 (Ali et al., 2010)
S8 (Barros et al., 2011)
S9 (Hametner et al., 2012)
S10 (Hesari et al., 2013)
S11 (Wang et al., 2015)
S12 (Zhang et al., 2014)
S13 (Bernardino et al., 2017)
S14 (Wang et al., 2020)
S15 (Kriebel et al., 2018)
S16 (Elghondakly et al., 2015)
S17 (Gupta and Mahapatra, 2021)
S18 (Gr
opler et al., 2021)
S19 (Zhang et al., 2018)
S20 (Santos et al., 2019)
S21 (Mustafa et al., 2017)
S22 (Jorge et al., 2018)
S23 (Arruda et al., 2020)
S24 (Liu and Nakajima, 2010)
S25 (Zhang and Liu, 2013)
S26 (Legeard et al., 2004)
S27 (Bouquet et al., 2006)
S28 (Giannakopoulou et al., 2011a)
S29 (Gligoric et al., 2010)
S30 (Pickin et al., 2007)
S31 (Aniculaesei et al., 2019)
S32 (Vani et al., 2015)
S33 (Reales et al., 2012)
S34 (Mateo et al., 2009)
S35 (Lamancha et al., 2010)
S36 (Verma and Beg, 2013)
S37 (Dwarakanath and Sengupta, 2012)
S38 (Wang et al., 2015)
S39 (Malekzadeh and Ainon, 2010)
S40 (Riebisch and Hubner, 2005)
S41 (Carvalho et al., 2013)
generation plan. This data was extracted from the ex-
plicit mention by the authors. Below, we show some
quotes that confirm the use of these techniques.
“[...] ‘Vibration-Method’ or simply ‘V-Method’,
for automatic generation of test cases and test oracle
from model-based formal specifications [...].” S2
“[...] automated framework for model-driven test-
ing that can be applied in MDE and SPL [...].” S39
“[...] uses text mining and symbolic execution for
test case generation.” S20
MBT is the most used technique in the papers with
a total of 10 citations. It is related to Software Product
Line. Some of them were derived from a paper S4 of
our seed set, which may explain such presence. We
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 4: Techniques used to create a test plan/case from
Technique/Approach #citations
MBT (Model-Based Testing) 10
NLP (Natural Language Processing) 7
UMTG (Use Case Maps-based Test Generation) 4
Symbolic Execution 3
RTCM (Requirements Traceability for Change Manage-
ment), Synthesis, RUCM (Rational Unified Process Use Case
2 each
Model Checking 2
V-method, Keyword-driven, Text-Mining, Specification-
based Test Case Generation Process,MBTCC (Model-Based
Test Case Classification, TCG (Test Case Generation,
SOFL (Software Functional Language), BZ-TT, Algorithms,
Reuse of test, CEG (Constraint-Driven Exploratory Test-
ing),Transformation algorithms, Metamodeling
1 each
also have that some of the aforementioned techniques
make use of another technique presented in Table 4.
These are the cases of Text Mining and RTCM that
use NLP. Algorithms are explicitly mentioned in S36,
but it is expected in others, mainly those that propose
some tool. In addition, we have works S20 S38 that
mention more than one technique.
4.1.1 RQ1.1: What Information is Present in the
Test Plan/Case?
To answer RQ 1.1 from the extraction of data stored
in the online spreadsheet, we built a word cloud with
the purpose of showing the most used fields of the re-
quirements. This information was extracted from the
figures and tables contained in the papers. We no-
ticed that fields such as “name”, “number”, “precon-
dition” are the most used in the templates and tables
presented. For the sake of space, the word cloud is
presented only in the supplementary material.
4.1.2 RQ1.2: Which Tool Supports the
Generation of Plan/Cases from
Table 5 shows the tools used in the selected works. Of
the 41 papers, only 8 do not refer to the tools used.
4.1.3 RQ1.3 How are Requirements Specified?
Natural language with a pattern was the most used ap-
proach to specify requirements as input for test case
generation, with 18 references. In the studies, it was
mentioned as “Restricted Natural Language”, “Struc-
tured Natural Language”, SRC, among others.
The second most used approach to specify the
requirements is the Natural language without a pat-
tern, with 11 references. In those that use these
requirements as input, these requirements appeared
Table 5: Tools used for the generation of plan/cases from
requirements (RQ 1.2).
aToucan4Test,TRUST, SysML, Litmus, TGV, BZ-TT, SOFL, Java
Pathfinder tool, Umlaut, TaRGeT, Fitness, UMTG plugin, NLReq2TC,
Zen tool, TestLink, WIKI, CASE tool, LTS-BT, DNF, Automatic Speci-
fication Based Test Case Generation prototype, S29, QVT, SPF, UDITA,
Environment e ANSYS SCADE Design Verifier, Mutant Generation
System, Trace2TestCase, LTL2SCADE and LTL2Trap, Reform, Mod-
Gen and TCG, Style Parser, Link Grammar parser, GATE, NLTK, ADL
translator, TestSpec, Randoop, EvoSuite, T-VEC tool, CNL Parser, Au-
tomated test case generation based on state charts, Test Generation with
Verification Technology, TestGen-Intermediate Format (IF), Test Case
Generation (TCG) and TaRGeT
as “Freestyle Natural Language”, “Predicate Expres-
sion”, and others. In third place appears “UML”, with
10 references. In this case, we identify these by ex-
pressions such as “Class Diagram”, “Sequence Dia-
gram” and “UML Diagram”. Below we show some
quotes that confirm the use of these requirements.
“. . . the input to the automation process consists
of freestyle NL documents.” S27
“Our approach consists of translating ADEPT
models into Java programs that can be symbolically
executed by SPF. S3 “Since TRUST generates test
cases from UML state machines.” S11
DSL, Domain specific data structure, Models ex-
tracted from ADEPT tool and Model-oriented nota-
tions such Z and B has only one citation each.
4.1.4 RQ1.4: Are Requirements Represented
Graphically or Textually?
From the answers of RQ1.3, it is expected that “Textu-
ally” would appear more often (70,7%) than “Graph-
ically” (29,3%). The answer was often not explicit
in the paper, so we derived it from other information
presented, such as a screenshot of a tool showing an
SRS document as being the input to generate the test
cases, thus being classified as “Textually”.
4.1.5 RQ1.5: How are Test Cases Generated
from Requirements?
RQ1.5 concerns how to achieve automatic generation
of test cases from requirements. The results of this re-
search question is presented in the supplement mate-
rial. Some of the responses extracted from the papers
are described below.
From UMTG Technique: “...five steps: 1. Test
scenario description and user stories were being pro-
cessed as inputs through a NL parser. 2. Dependen-
cies procured from the parser were being utilized in
the creation of UML activity diagram, which were
aimed to demonstrate the functionality flow. 3. Ac-
A Systematic Mapping Study on Techniques for Generating Test Cases from Requirements
tivity graph was generated from activity diagram that
comprised of all the activities delineated as nodes. 4.
An algorithm entitled as depth first search (DFS) is
deployed for traversing the activity graph from initial
to final activity state, in order to discover all possi-
ble authentic paths. 5. Possible functional test cases
were then generated by utilizing the test paths (final
outcome).” S21
From MBT Technique: “...is made up of 5 differ-
ent steps: 1. Step 1: Product Line modelling; 2. Step
2: Sequence diagram enrichment; 3. Step 3: domain-
level test scenario generation; 4. Step 4: domain level
test case generation; 5. Step 5: product level test case
generation and automation.” S37
From NLP Technique: ”The tool works on each
requirement sentence and generates one or more Test
Cases through a five step process 1) The sentence
is analyzed through a syntactic parser to identify
whether it is testable; 2) A compound or complex
testable sentence is split into
(Wohlin et al., 2000) pointed out four types of threats
to validity: Construct, Conclusion, Internal, External.
In this section, we discuss the threats to validity of our
study based on these four types.
Construct: it refers to the relationship between the
theory behind the experiment and the observations.
The data came from 9 research bases, such as IEEE,
ACM and SPRINGER, providing diversity. Even so,
we understand that there are other databases of quali-
ties that could add even more value to our work.
Conclusion: it deals with how certain we can be
that the technique we use in our investigation really is
related to the actual result we observe. To mitigate the
effects of this threat, the SMS process was carefully
designed and discussed among the authors to mini-
mize the risk of exclusion from relevant studies.
Internal: it contemplates the fact that there may
be other factors that caused the result. In this sense,
SMS and the Snowballing technique aim to minimize
internal validity. Additionally, the selection process
was carried out in such a way that when there were
doubts in the application of some criterion, the study
was not eliminated and moved on to the next step.
External: it contemplates the point about whether
we can generalize the results outside the scope of our
study. This threat was mitigated with the use of selec-
tion criteria and the diversity of the selected studies.
Even so, more studies need to be conducted.
Test case generation techniques can increase product
quality, reduce product costs and the time-to-market
(Fewster and Graham, 1999). This process can be
done based on requirements and may involve the use
of tools and procedures. In this sense, the present
work investigated the state of the art to identify which
techniques, tools, requirements and procedures have
been used. The objective lies in the fact of being able
to bring relevant information to the academic commu-
nity and assist in the evolution of tools for the auto-
matic test cases generation from requirements, such
as SmarTest, because it can reveal paths to follow
through the information we have in the literature.
For the selection of studies that we used to extract
the data, we used the Snowballing technique, where
we performed an iterative procedure with the refer-
ences and citations of a base set of ve chosen papers.
This returned us 316 papers, which from readings and
use of inclusion and exclusion criteria, gave us a total
of 41 references to be used in extracting information.
As for the results, we noticed that there is a pref-
erence for the use of techniques and approaches in-
volving MBT and NLP. In addition, we concluded
that “Natural Language with a pattern”, “Natural Lan-
guage without a pattern” and “UML” are the most
used requirements as input, which also favored the
Textual type to be found more often. Additionally,
there are not as many template information fields and
other artifacts revealed in the works we investigated.
Finally, we can say that there is no great intersection
between the tools used, given that most of them are
tools proposed by the authors.
As future work, we intend to perform a deeper
analysis of NLP based tools, as they have a great po-
tential in a software industry that specifies require-
ments using natural language.
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generation from natural language requirements based
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vey of requirements engineering and software testing
practices in agile teams. In Proc. of the 7th Brazilian
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