A Systematic Mapping Study in Security Software Testing for Mobile
Felipe Faustino
1 a
, J
essyka Vilela
1 b
, Carla Silva
1 c
and Mariana Peixoto
2 d
Centro de Inform
atica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Av. Jornalista An
ıbal Fernandes, s/n,
Cidade Universit
aria, Recife-PE, Brazil
Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE), R. Cap. Pedro Rodrigues, s/n, S
ao Jos
e, Garanhuns-PE, Brazil
Mobile Devices, Security Testing, Systematic Mapping Study.
Context: Due to mobile devices’ popularity, they contain more valuable information. Problem: these devices
face many security issues and challenges since smartphones are interesting for security attacks once they
contain private and sensitive data. Objective: the aim of this paper is to investigate security testing techniques
for mobile devices. Method: a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) was conducted to identify solutions focused
on software security testing for mobile devices. Results: 1264 primary papers were identified, and 17 relevant
papers were selected. We found mobile security testing tends to be mostly: dynamic; automated testing;
penetration testing; dynamic analysis. Conclusions: dynamic testing represents 58.82% of security testing,
followed by static testing, 29.41%, and studies that present both of them 11.76%. It’s important to highlight
that automated and semi-automated testing represent 88.23% of the studies and only 11.76% used manual
Mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and
wearable devices, have evolved into crucial compo-
nents for both businesses (M
endez Porras et al., 2015)
and society, playing an indispensable role in the mod-
ern world. With a wide range of applications, these
devices offer countless functionalities that cater to
the needs of consumers. They enable users to ac-
complish tasks with ease, flexibility, and mobility,
rendering traditional computers obsolete in many in-
stances (Oliveira et al., 2019)(Guo et al., 2014)(Rus-
sello et al., 2013)(Shezan et al., 2017).
The widespread use of mobile devices has led
to an increase in security concerns and challenges.
Smartphones, in particular, have become attractive
targets for security attacks due to the valuable in-
formation they store, including private and sensitive
data (Wang, 2015)(Zhong and Xiao, 2014). Malicious
have emerged as a significant threat,
aiming to steal passwords, track GPS locations, ac-
cess contacts, and exploit other applications that in-
volve financial transactions or contain sensitive data
(Russello et al., 2013)(Avancini and Ceccato, 2013).
These security breaches pose a serious threat to the
privacy and security of a vast mobile user community
(Sun et al., 2016).
Security software testing plays a crucial role in ad-
dressing vulnerabilities that compromise information
confidentiality, integrity, and privacy (Albuquerque
and Nunes, 2016)(Soares et al., 2023). Mobile ap-
plications, in particular, present unique challenges
compared to traditional web and desktop applications.
With their increasing use in critical domains, it be-
comes essential to adopt specific approaches to ensure
application quality and dependability. An effective
testing approach is required to assess the high qual-
ity and reliability of mobile applications (Zein et al.,
To meet the increasing demand for high-quality
mobile applications, developers need to allocate more
effort and attention to software development pro-
cesses. Among these processes, software testing play
a crucial role in ensuring the quality of mobile ap-
plications. However, one of the challenges related to
mobile app testing is the diversity of mobile devices,
Faustino, F., Vilela, J., Silva, C. and Peixoto, M.
A Systematic Mapping Study in Security Software Testing for Mobile Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0012552100003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 17-28
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
known as fragmentation. With multiple OS versions,
screen sizes, and resources, testing on a wide range
of devices is time-consuming and requires significant
human and financial resources, resulting in increased
testing costs (Souza et al., 2019).
The findings of Junior et al. (Junior et al., 2022)
from their literature review highlight the complexity
and importance of security testing. They discovered
that security testing is often overlooked compared to
other non-functional requirements. Additionally, the
use of third-party apps and frameworks can poten-
tially introduce vulnerabilities. Lastly, they observed
that apps are not adequately tested against known vul-
In this context, there is a need to gain a deeper un-
derstanding of What are the techniques, approaches,
methods, tools and processes used for mobile security
testing in the literature?
Our study aims to address this gap by making
the following contributions: (1) the identification of
techniques, approaches, methods, tools and processes
used for mobile security testing in the literature; (2)
the classification of these techniques; 3) the criteria
and documentation used in the elaboration of those
tests; 4) the benefits and gaps in using such tech-
niques, methods, tools or processes and to suggest
improvements and prevent mistakes; 5) the current
trends and future propects of mobile security testing;
and, 6) the definition of the difference between mobile
and non-mobile security testing
Hence, the objective of this study is to con-
duct a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) about mo-
bile security testing techniques. Secondary studies
have already been used to examine different perspec-
tives of software testing, including: (Garousi and
a, 2016); automated testing of mobile appli-
cations (M
endez Porras et al., 2015), automated soft-
ware focused on the Android Platform (Musthafa
et al., 2020), and automated functional testing (Tra-
montana et al., 2019); black, grey, and white box test-
ing approaches (Hamza and Hammad, 2020); usabil-
ity attibutes (Alturki and Gay, 2019), and penetration
testing for mobile cloud computing applications (Al-
Ahmad et al., 2019). However, there is a gap regard-
ing security testing approaches for mobile devices.
By offering insights into the mobile security soft-
ware testing approaches, our research outcomes will
empower professionals to make informed decisions
while selecting the most suitable strategies for con-
ducting security testing on mobile devices present in
the testing literature. This will, in turn, contribute to
ensuring the overall security, integrity, and reliability
of mobile applications in the industry.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents the background on security software testing
and related work. Section 3 presents the research
methodology used to perform the systematic mapping
study and the context within it is inserted. The results
and the analysis related to our research questions are
presented in Section 4. Finally, we present our con-
clusions and future works in Section 5.
In this section, some important concepts related to the
field of study on this paper are discussed. Also, the
last subsection presents related work.
2.1 An Overview of Security Software
Software testing is an integral phase in Software De-
velopment Life Cycle (SDLC) process (Dennis et al.,
2009), it involves many technical and nontechnical as-
pects (such as specification, design, implementation,
installation, maintenance, and management issues) in
Software Engineering (Umar, 2019).
(Myers et al., 2011) define “Software testing is a
process, or a series of processes, designed to make
sure computer code does what it was designed to do
and that it does not do anything unintended”.
Regarding software testing classification, in terms
of categories (approaches), software testing can be di-
vided into two categories: Static, related to source
code only, and Dynamic, related to actual code exe-
cutions observing its execution (Umar, 2019; Felderer
et al., 2016), and in the matter of software testing
techniques, considering code analysis, testing is of-
ten classified as a black box and white box testing
(Copeland, 2004). Tests based on the information
about how software has been designed or coded, in
which the source code is available and tests are exe-
cuted based on it, are classified as white box testing.
On the other hand, enabling mimic hackers attacks,
black box testing depends on the input/output behav-
ior of the software (Copeland, 2004; Felderer et al.,
Concerning testing types, Umar (Umar, 2019)
listed, as a result of a survey conducted by the
International Software Testing Qualifications Board
(ISTQB), six types as some of the most important
types of testing:
Functional Testing. Test functions of the software,
Performance Testing. Testing software respon-
siveness and stability under a particular workload,
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Security Testing. Protect data and maintain soft-
ware functionality,
Usability Testing. Check ease of use of software,
Use case Testing. Checking that path used by a
user is working as intended,
Exploratory Testing. Validate the experience of
the user.
Felderer et al. (Felderer et al., 2016) listed con-
fidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, au-
thorization, and non-repudiation as security proper-
ties assets related to security testing. La Polla, Mar-
tinelli, and Sgandurra (La Polla et al., 2012) com-
plements that mobility, robust personalization, strong
connectivity, technology convergence, and reduced
capabilities as the five key aspects that differentiate
mobile security from conventional computer security.
Felderer et al. (Felderer et al., 2016) additionally clas-
sified security testing techniques regarding how they
are executed: dynamic or static testing and manual or
automated testing. Regarding the techniques’ test ba-
sis within the secure software development life cycle,
Felderer et al. (Felderer et al., 2016) considered four
different types:
Model-Based Security Testing. is grounded on re-
quirements and design models created during the
analysis and design phase;
Code-Based Testing and Static Analysis. on
source and byte code created during development;
Penetration Testing and Dynamic Analysis. on
running systems, either in a test or production
environment (penetration testing, vulnerability
scanning, dynamic taint analysis, and fuzzing);
Security Regression Testing. performed during
2.2 Related Work
As related work, we search for other reviews about se-
curity software testing for mobile devices, aiming to
understand what has been done and the possible gaps
for this research. We did not find a study with such
focus, hence, our discussion of related works is di-
vided in two parts: 1) mobile testing, and, 2) software
security testing.
Mobile testing has been studied considering sev-
eral perspectives such as mobile apps (Souza et al.,
2019)(Junior et al., 2022).
Souza et al. (Souza et al., 2019) investigate the
use of Exploratory Testing (ET) in mobile apps, aim-
ing to understand its effectiveness and application in
a wide range of apps. Two studies were conducted:
the first analyzed how testers explore app scenarios
on Google Play, revealing unexplored bugs. The sec-
ond study applied ET to two apps developed by a soft-
ware company, identifying bugs of different levels not
found using other techniques. Results showed that ET
is a promising technique for discovering bugs in mo-
bile apps, but test professionals could learn about the
recent results from academia.
Junior et al. (Junior et al., 2022) conducted a SMS
to explore dynamic techniques and automation tools
for testing mobile apps, particularly focusing on non-
functional requirements (NFRs). They found that se-
curity is the second most addressed NFR, accounting
for 30.3% of the selected studies. An additional anal-
ysis of the primary studies revealed that the motiva-
tion behind addressing security testing was the lack
of attention to security by developers during app im-
plementation. As a result, specific techniques and
tools are needed to address this issue. The studies
also highlighted that developers often lack sufficient
knowledge about security, leading to a lack of vigi-
lance in this aspect.
Web application security testing has also been
studied in literature reviews. Seng et al. (Seng et al.,
2018) present a systematic review of methodologies
and criteria for quantifying the quality of web applica-
tion security scanners, emphasizing their benefits and
weaknesses. It aims to assist practitioners in under-
standing available methodologies and guiding future
development efforts. On the other hand, Aydos et al.
(Aydos et al., 2022) present a SMS on web application
security testing, addressing research questions, selec-
tion criteria, and classification schema. It includes 80
technical articles from 2005 to 2020 and provides an
overview of web security testing tools, vulnerability
types, and more. The study benefits researchers and
developers by offering insights into web application
security testing trends and secure development.
Garousi and M
a (Garousi and M
2016) conducted a tertiary study, a systematic liter-
ature review of literature reviews in software test-
ing. They identified two relevant secondary stud-
ies out of 101 selected between 1994 and 2015, in-
dicating a lack of research on mobile applications.
The selected studies focused on automated testing ap-
proaches for mobile apps, testing techniques, empiri-
cal assessments, and challenges in mobile application
The objective of Zein, Salleh, and Grundy’s study
(Zein et al., 2016) was to analyze mobile applica-
tion testing techniques, approaches, and challenges.
They conducted a Systematic Mapping Study, map-
ping and classifying 79 studies into categories such as
test automation, usability testing, context-awareness
testing, security testing, and general testing. Within
A Systematic Mapping Study in Security Software Testing for Mobile Devices
the 79 studies, eight focused on security testing, with
inter-application communication threats identified as
the main challenge. To provide an updated under-
standing of mobile security software techniques, this
work presents a systematic mapping study to identify
methodologies, approaches, and techniques used in
mobile security testing.
Regarding the perceptions of practitioners from
the mobile software testing environment on security-
related testing topics, Soares et al. (Soares et al.,
2023) present the results of a survey answered by 49
software testing practitioners, and they concluded that
there is also a lack of knowledge about the topics dis-
cussed. They also conclude the need to improve secu-
rity culture. This fact was also observed in the work
of (Santos et al., 2021)
In order to perform this SMS, the guidelines for sys-
tematic mapping proposed by Petersen et al. (Pe-
tersen et al., 2015) were used.
3.1 Research Question(s)
The purpose of this SMS is to better understand the
state-of-the-art regarding mobile security testing and
investigate the methodologies, approaches, and tech-
niques used. With these answers, we intend to obtain
knowledge about the strong points and gaps of Mo-
bile Security Testing (MST). Therefore, new research
can take as a starting point to propose the improve-
ment of the area. Accordingly, we intend to answer
the following Research Question (RQs): What are the
techniques, approaches, methods, tools and processes
used for mobile security testing in the literature?
Based on the main RQ, specific questions were
raised according to MST aspects that we are inter-
ested in. These questions and their motivations are
described in Table 1.
3.2 Research String
First, keywords that were used to identify scientific
papers in databases were defined. However, to include
as many papers as possible, and avoid losses, key-
words were defined as broadly as possible. Based on
the RQs defined in Table 1, two main keywords were
initially identified: Smartphone and Security Testing.
In addition, possible variations such as synonyms and
regular/plural forms of both of the keywords have
been considered, resulting in the following combina-
tion search string with the keywords:
Table 1: Research Questions.
ID Research question Motivation
RQ1 What are the techniques, ap-
proaches, methods, tools and
processes used for mobile se-
curity testing in the literature?
To get the state-of-the-art in
mobile security testing.
RQ1.1 How are the techniques, ap-
proaches, methods, tools or
processes classified by the au-
To identify the type of each
technique, method, tool or
process, such as black box,
white box, etc.
RQ1.2 How is the security mobile
testing documented by the au-
To identify the criteria and
documentation used in the
elaboration of those tests.
RQ1.3 What are the pros and cons of
these techniques, approaches,
methods, tools or processes to
mobile security testing?
To identify the benefits and
gaps in using such techniques,
methods, tools or processes
and to suggest improvements
and prevent mistakes.
RQ1.4 What are the current trends of
mobile security testing?
To identify the current ap-
proaches used in mobile secu-
rity testing.
RQ1.5 What are the future prospects
of mobile security testing (if
To understand the path mobile
security testing is taking and
the future of the field.
RQ1.6 What is the difference between
mobile and non-mobile secu-
rity testing?
To understand the major dif-
ference between those tests.
We did not include the term software in the search
string because it was not our goal to restrict to soft-
ware testing. Besides, there are several terms used by
the literature in this context such devices, application,
system, apps and software as well. Hence, we opted
for a wide approach.
3.3 Data Source Selection
After defining the RQs and the Research String, the
approach used to perform the extraction of scientific
papers was searched based on the research string, pre-
sented in previous subsection, in four scientific pa-
pers’ databases. The following databases were se-
lected: ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore Digi-
tal Library, Elsevier Science Direct, Springer Link.
The searches were conducted using the Advanced
Search” option to each of the respective databases
used. Table 2 presents the number of identified pri-
mary papers (1264), and all searches were performed
on January 13, 2022.
Table 2: Details of the Study Selection Process.
Database Primary Studies
ACM 249
IEEE 134
Science Direct 547
Springer Link 328
Total 1264
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
3.4 Selection Criteria
During a SMS, the study selection criteria play an im-
portant role setting which studies are included or ex-
cluded. In addition, the definition of inclusion crite-
ria and exclusion criteria was necessary to allow the
impersonal and standardized identification of primary
studies by the authors. Therefore, Inclusion Criteria
(IC) and Exclusion Criteria (EC) were defined as pre-
sented in Table 3.
Table 3: Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
ID Inclusion Criteria
IC1 Primary studies
IC2 Study published between January 2011 and January 2022
IC3 Full paper accepted in scientific journal or conference
IC4 Studies that report security software testing techniques
ID Exclusion criteria
EC1 Secondary studies
EC2 Short papers
EC3 Duplicated studies (only one copy of each study was in-
EC4 Non-English written studies
EC5 Studies that do not describe techniques, approaches, methods,
tools or processes used for mobile security testing
EC6 Studies that are not available accessed using institutional cre-
A software tool was used to support the SMS
protocol definition. The tool, called Parsifal
(https://parsif.al/), is an online tool designed to sup-
port researchers to perform SMS and the results found
in the databases were imported to it. Then, the dupli-
cated studies (45) were excluded.
After defining the selection criteria, the first se-
lection step was the identification of relevant papers
by applying the IC and EC to the primary studies
found in the databases through reading the titles and
abstracts. If there was insufficient data, the complete
text from the paper was read. At the end of this step,
29 relevant studies were selected as shown in Table
2. Afterward, it was performed a quality assessment
in the selected studies (24) and those that do not sat-
isfy a minimum quality score of 50% were excluded
(subsection 3.5).
3.5 Study Quality Assessment
The quality assessment (QA) of selected studies was
achieved by a scoring technique to evaluate the cred-
ibility, completeness and relevance of the selected
studies. In order to evaluate the selected studies, 8
Quality Assessment Questions (QAQ) were defined
and their relation to the RQs is presented in Table 4.
The QAQs were answered after the full read of the 24
selected studies.
Table 4: Quality Assessment Questions.
ID Quality Assessment Questions
QAQ 1 Are the techniques, approaches, methods, tools or processes
used for mobile security testing well described in the paper?
QAQ2 Is there a classification of techniques, approaches, methods,
tools or processes by the authors?
QAQ3 Is there a description of the scope in which the research was
carried out?
QAQ4 Are the criteria and documentation well defined?
QAQ5 Are the mobile security tests results validated?
QAQ6 Is there a clear statement of findings?
QAQ7 Is there a description of future work?
QAQ8 Is there a clear statement of threats to validity or studies lim-
The Rating Score of QA is the result of the sum
of the scores for each question, with the Maximum
Score (8.0) that the study could achieve after this sum
and a Cutoff Score (4.0) in which the study that scored
less than 4.0 was rejected. The possible answers for
each QAQ were: yes =1.0, partially = 0.5 or no =0.0.
The quality assessment results are presented in this
After the quality assessment selection, 17 studies
were considered in this review.The studies S05, S13,
S20, S21 and S26 were excluded due to cutoff grade,
and the studies S28 and S29 were not available using
our institutional credentials.
3.6 Threats to Validity
During the development of this research, some limi-
tations may have affected the obtained results.
Selection of Relevant Studies. The set of stud-
ies was obtained through a search string presented
in subsection 3.4. All existing articles in MST were
selected based on the knowledge and experience of
the authors. In addition, there’s a potential validity
bias wherein the papers identified may not necessar-
ily represent methodologies originating from indus-
try but rather academic methodologies. To minimize
such bias, inclusion and exclusion criteria were de-
fined, as well as the definition and delimitation of the
research’s scope. Yet, different authors may have dif-
ferent understandings of these criteria, so the selec-
tion results of other authors tend to vary.
Data Extraction. Data extraction was performed
based on a spreadsheet exported after the first selec-
tion using Parsifal containing the primary studies. We
use this spreadsheet to collect the data related to the
RQs proposed by this SMS. Even though the strategy
adopted for extracting the data has helped mitigate
threats to the consistency of data extraction, there are
jGb0JEDBvyoICjEaguGIzZTlh28zJ1 c/edit?usp=sharing
A Systematic Mapping Study in Security Software Testing for Mobile Devices
still threats of losing some crucial data through the
subjective judgment used by the authors during this
Conclusion Bias. A general problem related to
publication bias is the tendency of researchers to al-
ways publish positive research results instead of nega-
tive ones (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007). This risk
is low because the objective of this study is to present
the state-of-the-art. Moreover, the conclusions pre-
sented may have been affected or influenced by the
different degrees of knowledge and experience of the
authors, as well as by the perspective adopted when
analyzing studies. A possible threat to validity is the
limited number of papers found, with only 24 papers
identified. To extrapolate trends or draw generaliza-
tions, a larger sample size would be necessary. There-
fore, it is essential to conduct further searches in the
future to locate more relevant works.
This section presents the results and analysis of the
RQs introduced in Section 3. The data extraction re-
sults can be found in this spreadsheet
RQ1 - What Are the Techniques,
Approaches, Methods, Tools or Processes
Used for Mobile Security Testing in the
From the selected studies, as shown in Figure 1, the
proposals presented in the selected studies are classi-
fied considering how the authors themselves refer to
them: 5 frameworks (S11, S14, S15, S23, S27); 4
approaches (S01, S08, S19, S24); 4 tools (S03, S04,
S12, S19); 2 systems (S10, S16); 2 methods (S22,
S25); and 1 prototype (S06). S19 presents not only
an approach but also a tool to generate test cases. In
addition, Table 5 presents a brief explanation of each
selected study.
Based on the selected studies, several techniques,
approaches, methods, tools, and processes have been
identified. These contributions demonstrate the ac-
tive research and development efforts in MST, aim-
ing to enhance the security of mobile applications.
While it is acknowledged that the distinction between
”techniques”, ”approaches, ”methods”, ”tools” and
”processes” might not always be consistently applied
across papers, its utility lies in providing a structured
jGb0JEDBvyoICjEaguGIzZTlh28zJ1 c/edit?usp=sharing
understanding and categorizing within the context of
the research facilitating comparative analysis. From
this table, we can observe the following key points:
Diverse Approaches. The selected studies cover
a wide range of approaches for MST, including
automated testing, token authentication, model-
based security testing, and biometric tests, among
others. This diversity indicates the need for dif-
ferent strategies to address the various security as-
pects of mobile applications.
Tool Availability. Several tools are mentioned
in the table, such as FireDroid, Fuzzino, An-
droBugs, SandDroid, Qark, and APSET. These
tools serve different purposes, such as enforcing
security policies, generating test data, conduct-
ing security analysis, and detecting vulnerabili-
ties. Their availability suggests a growing ecosys-
tem of tools specifically designed for MST.
Frameworks and Systems. The table includes
frameworks and systems like VAPTAi, VPDroid,
and Metasploit testing framework. These frame-
works provide a structured approach and frame-
work for identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities
in mobile applications.
Prototype and Methods. The presence of a pro-
totype (SmartDroid) and specific methods (e.g.,
NFC vulnerabilities and biometric tests with
molds) indicates a research focus on exploring
novel approaches and techniques for identifying
and evaluating security issues in mobile devices.
Overall, the table highlights the diverse range of
techniques and tools available for MST, underscoring
the importance of employing multiple approaches to
ensure the security of mobile applications. The find-
ings provide valuable insights for practitioners and re-
searchers in the field of mobile security testing.
Overall, the findings highlight the ongoing efforts
in the MST domain and provide valuable insights for
professionals and researchers in selecting appropriate
techniques and tools for mobile security testing.
RQ1.1 - How Are the Techniques,
Approaches, Methods, Tools or Processes
Classified by the Authors?
In terms of code analysis classification, we observed
that most of the studies did not explicitly classify their
contributions except study S15, classified as a white
box testing and studies S04, S19, and S25 as black
box testing.
Moreover, based on Felderer et al. (Felderer et al.,
2016) definitions of security testing, Table 6 presents
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 5: Techniques, approaches, methods, tools or processes used for MST in the literature and a brief explanation.
ID Type Brief explanation
S01 Automated testing (approach) Detection and a checking module to detect the vulnerabilities existing in Android inter-application components.
S03 FireDroid (tool) An effective security solution for enforcing fine-grained security policies without the need to recompile any
internal modules of the Android OS.
S04 Fuzzino (tool) A test data generator to perform fuzz testing. It enables the tester to perform black-box fuzzing based on a type
specification for input values.
S06 SmartDroid (prototype) An automatic system for revealing UI-based trigger conditions in android applications.
S08 Token authentication (ap-
A grounded theory-based approach to identify common (unit) test cases for token authentication through analysis
of 481 JUnit tests exercising Spring Security-based authentication implementations from 53 open-source Java
S10 Automated testing (system) Based on TAINTDroid, it puts forward and implements the automated testing system, which is applied in the
Android emulator and combined with dynamic taint propagation.
S11 VAPTAi (framework) A threat model to detect and mitigate various unknown vulnerabilities in Android & iOS mobile applications
and a security testing framework for identification of MitM attacks in mobile applications.
S12 AndroBugs, SandDroid and
Qark (tools)
Several applications from the EATL app store (app store from Bangladesh) and tested them with a few well-
known testing tools.
S14 AndroBugs (framework) AndroBugs framework was used as the automated security testing tool for security analysis of mobile money
applications on Android using reverse engineering and dynamic analysis tools.
S15 Automated testing (frame-
Employs numerous heuristics and software analysis techniques to intelligently guide the generation of test cases
aiming to boost the likelihood of discovering vulnerabilities.
S16 Automated testing (system) Metasploit testing framework and deployed it on the cloud platform.
S19 Model-based security testing
(approach) and APSET (tool)
The approach generates test cases to check whether components are vulnerable to attacks, sent through intents,
that expose personal data.
S22 Security vulnerabilities - NFC
Analyze and conducted security testing on NFC-enabled mobile phones based on reader/writer operating mode
in a peer-to-peer fashion manner to find a few vulnerabilities.
S23 VPDroid (framework) Security analysts can customize different device artifacts, such as CPU model, Android ID, and phone number,
in a virtual phone without user-level API hooking.
S24 LetterBomb (approach) Automatically generating exploits for Android apps relying on a combined path-sensitive symbolic execution-
based static analysis, and the use of software instrumentation and test oracles.
S25 Biometric tests with molds
Evaluate the security of fingerprint biometric systems embedded in mobile devices.
S27 Vulvet (framework) Static analysis approaches from different domains of program analysis for detection of a wide range of vulnera-
bilities in Android apps.
Figure 1: Distribution of number of selected studies by
how the selected studies are classified according to
how the testing technique is executed and Table 7
presents how the techniques are classified according
to their test basis within the secure software devel-
opment life cycle. As shown in Table 6 and Table
7, the predominant categories are Dynamic testing
(58.82%) and Automated testing (52.94%), related to
the way they are executed, and Penetration testing and
dynamic analysis (52.95%), related to their test basis
within the secure software development life cycle.
Table 6: Security testing techniques classification according
to how they are executed.
Type Studies Count %
Dynamic testing S03, S04, S10, S12, S14, S15,
S16, S19, S22, S23
10 58.82
Static testing S06, S08, S24, S25, S27 5 29.41
Both S01, S11 2 11.76
Automated test-
S03, S04, S06, S10, S14, S15,
S16, S19, S24
9 52.94
S01, S08, S12, S22, S23, S27 6 35.29
Manual testing S11, S25 2 11.76
From Table 6, we can derive the following conclu-
Dynamic Testing Dominates. Dynamic testing
techniques, which involve the execution of soft-
ware to identify vulnerabilities, are the most
prevalent. They account for 58.82% of the studies
included in the table. This indicates the signif-
icance of evaluating mobile applications in run-
time and assessing their behavior in real-world
A Systematic Mapping Study in Security Software Testing for Mobile Devices
Table 7: Security testing techniques classification acccord-
ing to their test basis within the secure software develop-
ment life cycle.
Type Studies Count %
Penetration testing
and dynamic analysis
S03, S04, S06, S10, S11,
S12, S14, S15, S16, S19,
S22, S23, S24, S25, S27
15 88.23
Code-based testing
and static analysis
S01, S08 2 11.76
Model-based secu-
rity testing
- - -
Security regression
- - -
Static Testing. Static testing techniques, which
analyze the source code or binary without exe-
cution, constitute 29.41% of the studies. These
techniques focus on identifying vulnerabilities
through code analysis and provide insights into
potential security weaknesses.
Combined Approaches. Some studies employ
both dynamic and static testing techniques, rep-
resenting 11.76% of the studies. This approach
allows for a comprehensive evaluation of mobile
application security by leveraging the strengths of
both dynamic and static analysis.
From Table 7, the following conclusions can be
Penetration Testing and Dynamic Analysis. The
majority of studies (88.23%) focus on penetration
testing and dynamic analysis techniques. These
techniques involve simulating attacks and analyz-
ing the application’s response to uncover vulnera-
bilities. This indicates the importance of actively
testing the security of mobile applications during
their development and deployment.
Code-Based Testing and Static Analysis. A
smaller proportion (11.76%) of the studies uti-
lize code-based testing and static analysis tech-
niques. These techniques involve analyzing the
source code or binary to identify security issues.
Although less prevalent, they provide valuable
insights into the security of mobile applications
from a code perspective.
Model-Based Security Testing and Security Re-
gression Testing. These categories have no studies
identified in the table, suggesting that they may be
less explored or represented in the literature in the
context of mobile application security testing.
The tables provide an overview of the classifica-
tion of security testing techniques based on execution
approach and software development life cycle. The
findings highlight the prevalence of dynamic testing
techniques and penetration testing in the evaluation
of mobile application security. However, the presence
of static analysis and code-based testing techniques
demonstrates the significance of considering vulnera-
bilities from a code perspective as well. The absence
of studies in certain categories suggests areas for fur-
ther exploration and research in mobile application
security testing.
In summary, the results of this RQ show that we
identified a great variety of MST although the lack
of explicit classification in terms of white box and
black box testing. We also noticed that most of the
studies were related to MST in third-party apps, and
in this scenario, tests were black box since the tester
does not have access to the source code of the appli-
cation being tested (Myers et al., 2011). Regarding
the software development life cycle, model-based se-
curity testing and security regression testing were not
mentioned. The low rate of Manual testing (11.76%)
indicated that researchers are more likely to develop
automated or semi-automated testing in their studies.
RQ1.2 - How Is the Security Mobile
Testing Documented by the Authors?
This question aims to make a classification of the se-
lected studies in terms of criteria and documentation
used in the elaboration of the described tests. Most
studies described the test process or implementation
of the proposed tool but did not demonstrate the test
process in detail.
Table 8 provides an overview of how the selected
studies documented their security mobile testing pro-
cesses. The table highlights the types of documenta-
tion used, such as describing the test process, present-
ing case studies, identifying test cases, documenting
the development process, and providing additional in-
formation. It also indicates instances where formal
documentation was lacking or not specified.
In study S01, 20 applications were examined re-
garding the effectiveness of their approach and 24
Intents and 3 Content Providers vulnerabilities were
found among 195 weaknesses, showing the effective-
ness of their automated testing approach. Study S06
presents several case studies to demonstrate the effec-
tiveness of their prototype.
S8 identified 53 unique authentication unit test
cases, organized by ve features (Token Authentica-
tion, Token Manipulation, Refresh Token, Login and
Logout) and 17 scenarios.
S10 briefly describes the tests but there is no clear
documentation of them. Furthermore, the study re-
ports extra information about the system and apps
used during the experiment with a virtual machine and
Android version 2.3.3. S11 analyzed the compliance
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 8: Classification of Security Mobile Testing Docu-
Study Type Documentation Description
S01 Automated
Described the test process and identified
vulnerabilities found in the applications.
S06 Prototype Presented case studies to demonstrate the
effectiveness of the prototype.
S08 Token au-
Identified authentication unit test cases and
organized them by features and scenarios.
S10 Automated
Briefly described the tests without clear
documentation. Provided additional infor-
mation about the system and apps used.
S11 Compliance
Analyzed the compliance of mobile bank-
ing applications to OWASP mobile security
Tools/systems Tests were performed using the mentioned
tools/systems but no further documentation
Described the development process of the
tool implementation and provided case
studies for validation.
S22 Security
Presented scenarios for security testing and
vulnerability attacks.
Strategy ap-
Showed the strategy applied without formal
test case
Presented automated test case generation
Not speci-
No mention of any type of documentation.
of mobile banking applications to the OWASP (Open
Web Application Security Project) listed mobile secu-
rity risks. In S12, S24 and S16, the tests were done
using the tools/system mentioned, but no further in-
formation on how they were performed.
All the process is described by the authors in stud-
ies S14 and S04, the authors narrated the development
process of the tool implementation and the case stud-
ies used to validate the new proposal. Using three
devices, LG Nexus 5, Sony Xperia E3 dual and Sam-
sung A5, S22 presented 2 scenarios. The first, secu-
rity testing scenario, intended to flood the browser us-
ing a single URL opened by the user and the second,
vulnerability attacks, sent a few well-crafted packets
or messages that take advantage of an existing vulner-
ability in a previously target phone.
Studies S23 and S25 showed the strategy applied
but no formal documentation. Test case automated
generation was presented in studies S15 and S19. S03
and S27 did not mention any type of documents.
The findings from this research question demon-
strate the need for further research on software test-
ing documentation beyond MST. While some studies
provided detailed documentation of their testing pro-
cesses, others lacked formal documentation or did not
specify any documentation at all. This suggests an
opportunity for future investigations to explore and
establish guidelines for documenting security mobile
testing effectively.
RQ1.3 - What Are the Pros and Cons of
These Techniques, Approaches, Methods,
Tools or Processes to Mobile Security
The results show that the majority of the studies
(58.82%) provided either positive or negative aspects
and (17.64% ) provided both positive and negative as-
pects, as shown in Table 9. Furthermore, there was
a significant amount of studies (41,17%) that did not
answer this RQ: S01, S08, S11, S12, S19, S23, and
Table 9: Advantages and disadvantages of selected studies.
ID Advantages Disadvantages
S03 FireDroid is able to monitor any
application and system code exe-
cuted in a device. Making it very
Not Mentioned
S04 It introduced automated security
testing based on existing func-
tional test cases using fuzzing
heuristics, finding security vul-
nerabilities more efficiently.
potential weaknesses in
the input validation of
input type, lengths and
value handling of the
S06 SmartDroid is very effective in
revealing UI-based trigger con-
ditions automatically.
The system was not
tested by a large
amount of Android
S10 efficiency, avoid undetected con-
trols or Activities in human in-
Android’s system mod-
S14 tool accessibility Not Mentioned
S15 automated test case generation,
code coverage and uncovers po-
tential security defects, highly
Not Mentioned
S16 Accurate calculate the number
of vulnerable apps. Detect
all vulnerability levels, complete
basic functional requirements,
and simulate real network envi-
Not Mentioned
S22 Not Mentioned NFC-enabled mobile
phones still have weak-
ness in security issues.
S24 Reduction of false positives pro-
duced by security analysis and
time a human analyst must spend
examining a vulnerability.
Not Mentioned
S27 Better result in false positive. Cannot cover all possi-
ble vulnerabilities.
FireDroid (S03). The main advantage highlighted
over other Android security approaches is the ability
to monitor any application and system code running
A Systematic Mapping Study in Security Software Testing for Mobile Devices
on a device. This makes FireDroid a powerful tool
for detecting potential security breaches.
Fuzzino (S04). Fuzzino is a test data generation
tool used to perform fuzzing tests on applications.
This approach aims to insert invalid, unexpected, or
malicious input into a program to identify potential
vulnerabilities or security holes.
SmartDroid (S06). SmartDroid is effective in
automatically revealing UI-based trigger conditions,
which is valuable for detecting security vulnerabili-
ties in Android applications. However, further testing
at scale is needed to validate its effectiveness in dif-
ferent scenarios.
TAINTDroid (S10). Combining TAINTDroid
with the Android emulator allows you to simulate var-
ious scenarios and interactions, allowing for an in-
depth analysis of mobile application security. How-
ever, the Android system modification is mentioned
as a disadvantage.
AndroBugs (S14). The main advantage is the ac-
cessibility of the AndroBugs framework, which al-
lows security analysts to identify vulnerabilities in
mobile applications. However, potential limitations
are not explicitly mentioned.
Automated Testing Approach (S15). The main
advantage is the automated generation of test cases,
combining intelligent heuristics and software analysis
techniques. However, the automated approach may
not cover all scenarios and vulnerabilities.
Tao et al. (S16). The main advantage is the ability
to detect vulnerabilities at different vulnerability lev-
els. However, effectiveness may depend on testers’
Fahrianto et al. (S22). The study analyzes the
security of NFC devices, highlighting weaknesses in
certain modes of operation.
Garcia et al. (S24). The ability to identify vulner-
abilities and determine whether they are exploitable
is a positive advantage. The approach reduces false
positives and the time required for human analysis.
Gajrani et al. (S27). The multi-tier approach
presents better results in relation to false positives, but
it still cannot cover all possible vulnerabilities.
RQ1.4 - What Are the Current Trends of
Mobile Security Testing?
The selected studies were published between 2012
and 2021 as shown in Figure 2. The higher number
of publications occurred in 2017 and 2020 with three
studies each (2017 - S11, S12, S24 and 2020 - S04,
S08, S27) followed by 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016
with two studies (2012 - S06, S15; 2013 - S03, S19;
2014 - S01, S10; and 2016 - S22, S25). The least
amount occurred in 2015, 2018 and 2021 with only
one study (2015 - S16; 2018 - S14; and 2021 - S23)
and in 2019 no studies were found.
Figure 2: Distribution of number of selected studies by year.
Although the apparent constancy of studies num-
ber on MST, it is hard to say that there is a trend in
the topic raised by this SMS. As presented in RQ1.1,
most of the selected studies are related to dynamic,
automated, and penetration testing and dynamic anal-
ysis. This result may indicate the benefits of auto-
mated testing, once compared to manual testing, the
former is more competitive (Tao et al., 2015).
In Figure 3, we present the distribution of the re-
search about MST over the years.
Figure 3: Trend in MST Research.
RQ1.5 - What Are the Future Prospects
of Mobile Security Testing (if
Most of the studies propose improvements for their
works (70.58%), indicating the gaps and the need of
complementary studies, except studies S08, S10, S12,
S23 and S24.
Table 10 summarizes the future directions and
proposed improvements in MST studies. Each study
(identified by the study code) suggests specific areas
of improvement, providing insights into the ongoing
research efforts in the field of mobile security testing.
The results of this research question are important
to verify the need for complementary studies regard-
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 10: Future Directions and Proposed Improvements in
MST Studies.
Study Future Directions/Proposed Improvements
S01 Explore automatic analysis of results and discover additional
weakness types and attack behaviors.
S03 Improve the developed tool by incorporating dynamic anal-
ysis techniques like information flow and taint analysis.
S04 Enhance Fuzzino by adding more fuzzing heuristics and
cross-site scripting vulnerability detection.
Extend the approach to other mobile platforms, such as
BlackBerry, Windows, and iOS.
S15 Improve test case generation techniques and create a graph-
ical reporting environment.
S16 Extend the range of security tests by including more tools
and expanding the scope of testing.
S19 Extend the generation of partial specifications and integrate
them to test composite components.
ing MST and add new scenarios of testing, includ-
ing other platforms, improvements of what was de-
veloped, and the inclusion of automated analysis.
RQ1.6 - What Is the Difference Between
Mobile and non-mobile Security Testing?
The purpose of this research question was to under-
stand the significant difference between mobile and
non-mobile security testing. From the selected stud-
ies, only study S01 mentioned the topic in related
work pointing out that non-mobile tests as traditional
testing techniques and applied to desktop and web ap-
plications. We infer that our research string, includ-
ing mobile in its terms, prevents us from finding more
definitions in this context.
In this work, we conducted an SMS to understand the
state-of-the-art mobile security testing techniques bet-
ter and investigate the strategies used. We identified
as contributions frameworks, approaches, tools, sys-
tems, methods and prototypes, showing the range of
options for MST. We also identified that most of these
contributions did not explicitly classify their studies
related to code analysis, classifying one of them as
white box and three studies as black-box testing. In
addition, dynamic testing represents 58.82% of se-
curity testing according to how they are executed,
followed by static testing, 29.41%, and studies that
present both of them 11.76%. It’s important to high-
light that automated and semi-automated testing rep-
resent 88.23% of the studies and only 11.76% used
manual testing and we infer this as a tendency in MST.
According to the techniques’ test basis with the
secure software development lyfe cycle, penetration
testing and dynamic analysis (52.95%) and Code-
based security testing and static analysis (11.76%)
were the only types found, excluding model-based se-
curity testing and security regression testing as pre-
sented in RQ1.1, indicating a research gap and the
trends of this field. To summarize, MST tends to be
mostly dynamic, automated testing and penetration
testing and dynamic analysis.
Among 17 identified studies, we identified a great
diversity of MST documents but also the absence of
formal documentation in most of the studies, suggest-
ing the need for additional research that elucidates
software testing documentations beyond MST. In ad-
dition, some of the studies did not provide the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of applying the developed
contribution and as future work, they suggest the in-
clusion of other platforms, improvement of what was
developed and the inclusion of automated analysis.
The results presented in this SMS can be very
useful to testers and researchers since it gathers the
current state-of-the-art regarding mobile security test-
ing techniques and indicates its prospects. As fu-
ture work, we intend to continue this systematic map-
ping study to explore how security mobile testing is
performed in the industrial context, gathering the re-
sults found with those techniques by creating a cata-
log with good MST practices.
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