Towards LLM-Based Autograding for Short Textual Answers
Johannes Schneider
, Bernd Schenk
and Christina Niklaus
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
School of Computer Science, University of St.Gallen, St.Gallen, Switzerland
Keywords: Grading Support, Autograding, Large Language Models, Trust.
Abstract: Grading exams is an important, labor-intensive, subjective, repetitive, and frequently challenging task. The
feasibility of autograding textual responses has greatly increased thanks to the availability of large language
models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and because of the substantial influx of data brought about by digitalization.
However, entrusting AI models with decision-making roles raises ethical considerations, mainly stemming
from potential biases and issues related to generating false information. Thus, in this manuscript we provide
an evaluation of a large language model for the purpose of autograding, while also highlighting how LLMs
can support educators in validating their grading procedures. Our evaluation is targeted towards automatic
short textual answers grading (ASAG), spanning various languages and examinations from two distinct
courses. Our findings suggest that while “out-of-the-box” LLMs provide a valuable tool to provide a
complementary perspective, their readiness for independent automated grading remains a work in progress,
necessitating human oversight.
Large language models like ChatGPT are said to be
“foundational” for many tasks having led to a
widespread impact across both industry and academia
(Schneider, Meske, et al., 2024). However, artificial
intelligence, including LLMs, is hard to understand
(Longo et al., 2023; Meske et al., 2022) and suffers
from security concerns (Schneider & Apruzzese,
2023). Experts also perceive substantial risks
associated with LLMs and have advocated for a
development moratorium on such technologies
(Future of Life, 2023). In academia, LLMs are used as
a tool by researchers and students to such an extent
that researchers themselves have called on journals to
clarify the allowable extent of AI-generated content in
scholarly papers (Tang, 2023), leading to the
publication of guidelines for incorporating AI in the
paper-writing process(Aczel & Wagenmakers, 2023).
Ethical concerns have also been raised for education
(Yan et al., 2023) and children (Schneider, Kruse, et
al., 2024). LLMs like ChatGPT have been commonly
compared against students in various disciplines
especially with respect to their capability to pass
exams. While some reports have indicated inferior
performance than a master’s graduate in mathematics
(Frieder et al., 2023), other instances showcase a
successful completion of an introductory physics
course (Kortemeyer, 2023), as well as the passing of
numerous law school exams (Choi et al., 2023).
However, it is important to acknowledge the existence
of limitations in the LLMs. These models can exhibit
biases, discrimination, and factual inaccuracies (Borji,
2023). Consequently, there arises doubt regarding
their suitability in education. In particular, the
necessity for human verification has been emphasized
as a pressing research priority (van Dis et al., 2023)
and the topic of human agency is also debated on a
regulatory level (EU, 2020). Especially, high stakes
decisions require careful analysis before AI can be
utilized. Grading of exams is a high-stakes situation,
as errors in grading can cause students to fail an entire
class, possibly causing a year-long delay in their
education, separation of peers, etc. This, in turn, can
lead to both financial and psychological strain.
As such it seems natural and even necessary to
assess the suitability of LLMs for supporting exam
grading and to reflect upon adequate ways to include
them in the grading process while mitigating their
risks. To this end, we seek to contribute to two
intertwined research questions: (a) How can LLMs
support educators in the grading process of exams?
(b) What are issues and concerns when using LLMs
to support grading?
Schneider, J., Schenk, B. and Niklaus, C.
Towards LLM-Based Autograding for Short Textual Answers.
DOI: 10.5220/0012552200003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 280-288
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Our focus is on Automatic Short Answer Grading
(ASAG), i.e., student replies are (short) textual
answers (i.e., one or a few paragraphs). We use an
LLM, i.e., ChatGPT to assess the instructor’s answer,
a student’s answer in general as well as a student’s
answer with respect to the instructor’s answer as
illustrated in Figure 1. In our experimental evaluation,
we used two exams from two educators.
Figure 1: The three questions an LLM answers to support
the grading(left) and the information used by the LLM
(right) to answer them.
While we implicitly assess the possibility of
automatic grading, our target is (i) to improve the
grading process rather than simply automating it and
(ii) to uncover shortcomings (and possible
mitigations) of LLMs for this purpose. We seek to
employ LLMs as a second opinion that might
pinpoint obvious flaws in the grading, i.e., due to
sloppiness, in the grading as well as provide a more
general view on possible answers in order to avoid
bias like accepting only correct answers that have
been discussed in the course.
We use an LLM, i.e., ChatGPT (GPT 3.5, June/July
2023 versions), to assess (i) answers by the educator,
(ii) answers of students to exam questions in general,
and (iii) answers of students compared to the
instructor’s answer (see Figure 1).
That is, to assess an instructor’s answer, an
instructor must be able to define an answer for each
exam question that constitutes the optimal response
from her/his perspective. We shall elaborate on lifting
this requirement and allow for multiple possible
answers per question in the discussion section.
Our assessment is both qualitative and
quantitative. That is, we highlight a few prompts that
surfaced surprising issues (such as lack of robustness,
i.e., sensitivity to minor variations in prompts), but
we also quantify how much the LLM deviates from
the educator across all graded answers. To this end,
we ask the LLM to categorize its assessment, i.e.,
each LLM response should contain a category such as
“Good”, ”Ok.”, or “Bad” and an explanation of the
chosen category. In turn, we also categorize the
educator’s responses. This allows us to compare the
categorization of the LLM and the educator, e.g., to
assess if both rate a student answer as “good”, which
we elaborate in the last subsection. We experimented
with a few different prompts but we report only the
ones used in the end.
2.1 Assessing the Educator’s Answer
An educator should have a good sense of different
answers to exam questions. However, it is often
difficult to anticipate all arguments and answers. For
example, an educator might be primed to answers that
are based on the material taught in class but students
might include elements with different but nonetheless
valid viewpoints. We utilize the LLM to provide a
more general view on the question without explicit
knowledge on the lecture material. We also ask the
LLM for feedback on the developed educator’s
solution. The prompt has the following structure for a
question Q and the educator’s answer A.
Here is a question: Q . Here is an answer: A. How
good is the answer to the question? Start the reply
with one of the following: Extremely good., Very
good., Good., Ok., Bad., Very bad., Extremely bad.
Explain the choice. Explain also what is missing.
Example Prompt (1) to LLM: Here is a question:
What is the difference between single linkage and
average linkage (hierarchical) clustering? . Here is
an answer: The two differ in distance metric used to
cluster. Single linkage: Merge two clusters based on
minimum distance between any two points; Tendency
to form long chains; Average linkage: merge two
clusters based on average distance between any two
points; tendency to “ball” like clusters;. How good is
the answer to the question? Start the reply with one
of the following: Extremely good., Very good., Good.,
Ok., Bad., Very bad., Extremely bad. Explain the
choice. Explain also what is missing.
Response of LLM: Good. The answer provides a
clear and concise explanation of the difference
between single linkage and average linkage
clustering. It accurately states the different distance
metrics used and describes the tendencies of each
clustering method. One potential improvement is to
provide a more detailed explanation of the
advantages and disadvantages of each method.
Additionally, it would be helpful to include an
example or illustration to further clarify the concepts.
2.2 Assessing the Student’s Answer
We let the LLM assess the student’s answer to a
question. The prompt has the following structure for
Towards LLM-Based Autograding for Short Textual Answers
a question Q and a student answer A.
Here is a question: Q . Here is an answer: A. How
good is the answer to the question? Start the reply
with one of the following: Extremely good., Very
good., Good., Ok., Bad., Very bad., Extremely bad.
Explain the choice.
Example Prompt to LLM: Here is a question:
What is the difference between single linkage and
average linkage (hierarchical) clustering? . Here is
an answer: In single linkage, we compare the two
closest data points (the ones with minimal distance)
from two separate clusters. In average linkage, we
compare all the data points from a cluster with all the
datapoints from another cluster and get an average
distance. .How good is the answer to the question?
Start the reply with one of the following: Extremely
good., Very good., Good., Ok., Bad., Very bad.,
Extremely bad. Explain the choice.
Response of LLM: Good. The answer provides a
clear and concise explanation of the difference
between single linkage and average linkage
clustering. It accurately describes how single linkage
compares the closest data points from two separate
clusters, while average linkage compares all data
points from a cluster with all data points from another
cluster and calculates the average distance. The
answer effectively addresses the question and
provides a solid understanding of the topic.
2.3 Comparing Student’s and
Educator’s Answer
We compare the students answer with the educators
answer. The LLM assesses the similarity between the
student answer and the educator’s answer, i.e., the
optimal answer from the perspective of the educator.
The LLM only obtains the educator’s and the
student’s answer as input but not the question (see
also Figure 1). We found that when the question is
added, the assessment of ChatGPT sometimes tended
to neglect the optimal answer (although the prompt
clearly stated that the task was to compare the student
reply and the educator’s answer).
Thus, the LLM provides a second opinion like
another grader that had also knowledge on the course
in the form of what is the best answer given the taught
material, i.e., the educator’s answer. Thus, in contrast
to the prior assessments that were seeking for a more
general perspective, here, we ultimately seek to
assess, if an educator’s grading matches that of the
LLM given knowledge of the best response. That is if
both should stick to a pre-defined “ground truth” in
the form of the educator’s answer. We shall also
discuss how to relate the grading of the LLM and the
educator quantitatively in the next section. As a
prerequisite to derive quantitative statements, we ask
for a category but also for an explanation to assess
qualitatively. More concretely, the prompt has the
following structure for a student answer A and the
(assumed to be optimal) educator’s answer E.
Here is an answer: A . Here is the optimal answer:
E. How close is the answer to the optimal answer?
Start the reply with one of the following: Very close.,
Close., Somewhat close., Somewhat distant., Distant.,
Very distant.. Explain the choice.
Example Prompt: Here is an answer: In single
linkage, we compare the two closest datapoints (the
ones with minimal distance) from two separate
clusters. In average linkage, we compare all the
datapoints from a cluster with all the datapoints from
another cluster and get an average distance. .
Here is the optimal answer: The two differ in
distance metric used to cluster. Single linkage: Merge
two clusters based on minimum distance between any
two points; Tendency to form long chains; Average
linkage: merge two clusters based on average
distance between any two points; tendency to “ball”
like clusters; How good is the answer to the question?
Start the reply with one of the following: Extremely
good., Very good., Good., Ok., Bad., Very bad.,
Extremely bad. Explain the choice. Explain also what
is missing. What is the difference between single
linkage and average linkage (hierarchical)
How close is the answer to the optimal answer?
Start the reply with one of the following: Very close.,
Close., Somewhat close., Somewhat distant., Distant.,
Very distant.. Explain the choice.
Response of LLM: Very close. The given answer
effectively highlights the key differences between
single linkage and average linkage in hierarchical
clustering. It mentions that single linkage does not
allow linkage between different groups, while
average linkage splits the dataset into average-sized
groups. Overall, the given answer accurately
addresses the main distinction, making it very close
to the optimal answer.
2.4 Highlighting Deviations of LLM
and Educator
The prior assessments are helpful, but require a lot of
effort for the educator, i.e., the educator must
manually assess all responses of the LLM. It might be
desirable to focus more on large differences between
human grading and the reply of the LLM.
Furthermore, quantifying differences allows for a
quantitative assessment, which makes it more explicit
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
how well aligned the educator’s grading and the
LLM’s grading are. We assume that an educator has
provided a score in some range [0,maxPts], where
maxPts gives the maximum points attainable by a
student. For easier interpretability, we scale the scores
to be between 0 and 1. We denote the scaled points
given by the human, i.e., educator, as p
. We also
compute a score given by the LLM denoted as p
based on the LLM’s responses. We compute
correlations to understand the alignment between
human and LLM. We sort the outcomes based on how
different the LLM’s ratings are from the educator’s
grading, which allows an educator to focus on the
largest differences. The deviations are computed as
follows. We assume that if the LLM replies for a
given student answer and the educator’s answer with
“very close” then that student should have gotten
maximal points, whereas if the response is “very
distant” the student should have gotten no points.
Similarly, if the LLM rates a student answer for a
given exam question as “extremely good” then the
student should have gotten maximal points. If it is
rated “extremely bad” then no points are given.
Inbetween, we scale accordingly, i.e., we linearly
interpolate to obtain the points an LLM would assign
for other categories. We also scale by maxPts to have
a normalized value between 0 and 1 for the LLM. We
denote the scaled points by p
. We then sort outcomes
based on the gap between the human’s and LLM’s
scores | p
- p
|. This allows to focus on responses
where the educator and LLM disagree the most, i.e.,
we sort the LLM responses from largest to lowest
differences. For easier comparison we show both the
educator’s (or student’s) response and the LLM’s
response. This enables us to read the answer of the
human, i.e., student or educator, and then the reply of
the LLM. If the two responses disagree significantly,
and indeed the LLM had a valid point, then an
educator should alter his/her grading.
An example output is:
Gap: 0.9 LLM Pts p_l: 0.1 Human Pts p_h: 1.0
Answer Human: When using single linkage in
hierarchical clustering, the clusters are made with
the shortest distance between the data point the
closest cluster. Average linkage on the other hand
takes the maximum distance and the minium distance
to each cluster, evaluates the average and then builds
the clusters upon these average distances.
Answer LLM: Somewhat close. The answer
provides a basic understanding of the differences
between single linkage and average linkage in
hierarchical clustering. It correctly states that single
linkage considers the shortest distance between a
data point and the closest cluster, whereas average
linkage calculates the average distance to each
cluster. However, it does not fully explain how
average linkage clusters are formed based on these
average distances.
We assess two exams administered by two different
educators. One exam was in English at the master
level in data science with 21 participants. It consisted
of 16 questions and had a total of 90 points. It lasted
90 minutes. The other was in German at the bachelor
level in an information systems introductory course
with 34 participants. There was a multiple choice part
that was not considered, i.e., we were left with 3
questions each worth 10 points resembling 10
minutes of processing time per question, i.e., the
replies were expected to be longer than for the
questions of the data science exam. The types of
questions covered all categories according to the
revised Bloom’s taxonomy of educational
objectives(Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001). The
taxonomy ranges from simple, concrete to complex,
abstract questions. Our exams contained some simple
concrete questions related to understanding and
remembering, such as providing definitions and
examples. More complex, abstract questions
consisted, for example, of evaluating different
approaches for a practical problem. We read through
all of ChatGPT’s responses.
We first discuss overarching findings before
elaborating on each of the three questions in Figure 1.
The LLM Replies Generically. ChatGPT tends to
assess in a mechanistic generic manner rather than
looking at content. It might respond like “There is not
sufficient detail” rather than pointing to specific
details that are missing.
The LLM and Human Assessments Differ Strongly.
The correlation between human and LLM’s
judgments is small. Generally, the LLM’s judgments
have a strong tendency to the middle, e.g., most are
“ok” or “good” despite strong variation in the quality
of student replies.
The LLM can Help to Make Sense of Hard to
Understand Answers. The LLM provided a more
open and less negative view on responses suffering
from poor language. Thus, the assessment was
Towards LLM-Based Autograding for Short Textual Answers
particularly positive for students with poor (English)
language skills, as ChatGPT tended to rate them
comparatively better to an educator. That is, a human
might rate them poorly because the answer is difficult
to understand or remains unclear due to grammatical
ambiguities or poor wording. We also found that it
was sometimes easier to make sense of a student reply
after reading ChatGPT’s assessment. Furthermore,
commonly specific concepts tied to a set of keywords
are accepted or looked for. If students do not provide
any of these but rather a lengthy and verbose reply,
there is a higher risk that possibly correct though
convoluted arguments are overlooked. We found that
ChatGPT’s assessment can be helpful, since it can
transform hard to grasp answers into a more concise
phrasing and its responses follow an expected
structure, which is fast to process for an educator.
The LLM can Drastically Change its Assessment
Due to Minor Changes in Answers. Additional
content that is strikingly wrong though not related to
the question (or answer) can lead to dramatic changes
in judgements by the LLM. For illustration, we
appended to the answer of the student used in the
example prompt (1) either of the following three
(i) 3*5=7,
(ii) the cat sits on the mattress,
(iii) 3*5=7, the cat sits on the mattress;
ChatGPT judged two of them equivalently as the
original prompt (1), i.e. as good. For (ii) and (iii) it
would mention that the answers contain irrelevant
information, but (ii) is still judged as good by the
LLM, while the LLM judged the response (iii) as
“very bad”.
The LLM Favors Vague Content and Fails to
Recognize Contradictions. Generally, replies with
vaguely related content, which might be deemed
irrelevant or even incorrect by a human grader, is
rated more favorably by the LLM than by human
graders. We also found that ChatGPT can fail to
distinguish contradicting statements. We appended to
prompt (1) either of the following:
(i) Complete linkage uses the minimum distance
between any two points in clusters. Density based
clustering relies on computing the number of points,
possibly organizing them in a search tree or a list.
(ii) Complete linkage uses the maximum distance
between any two points in clusters. Density based
clustering relies on computing point densities, e.g.
points for a fixed volume, for the volume for a fixed
set of points.
Note, the words minimum and maximum are
switched in (i) and (ii). The LLM judged (i) and (ii)
equally, although they obviously contain
contradicting statements and information not being
asked for.
The LLM Misunderstands Questions. ChatGPT can
suggest to provide information that can obviously be
ruled out as being asked for. For the question “What
are advantages of a decision tree?” (and a student’s
answer) the LLM’s reply included “However, what is
missing from the answer is a mention of some
potential disadvantages or limitations of decision
The LLM’s Grading Criteria are Language
Sensitive. We applied the same prompt patterns for
both exams, i.e., we utilized the English prompt
pattern for the German exam. While at first, this did
not seem to pose a problem, we found that ChatGPT
occasionally provides a lower rating giving as reason
that (German) texts contain grammar and spelling
issues, but this would not happen for answers in
Figure 1: Ratings of educator's answers by LLM.
4.1 Findings on Assessing the
Educator’s Answer by the LLM
We read through all of ChatGPT’s responses. None
of them led to any changes of the human-crafted
responses. Most suggested improvements were
generic, e.g., related to giving more details, an
example and sometimes visualization or limitations.
ChatGPT’s responses were quite sensitive to the
phrasing (and potentially other factors). For example,
omitting the term “Explain also what is missing.”
changed the LLM’s response for one reply from “very
bad” (see Figure 2) to “good”, while still giving
mostly the same reasoning. Overall, Figure 2 suggests
that the educator provided mostly “very good”
answers and no answer was below “good” (at least
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
when slightly changing the prompt as mentioned
4.2 Findings on Assessing the Student’s
Answer in General and Relative to
the Educator’s Answer
Here, the LLM had more impact on the grading. That
is, we made minor adjustments after reading through
the LLM’s assessment. The adjustments were made
due to two types of replies: First, the LLM would rate
student answers (more) positively that were not part
of the lecture material and also not directly being
asked for. For example, we asked “Which two of the
factors ‘data, compute and algorithms’ are most
important for the rise of GPT-3 (around 2020) and
ChatGPT in 2022 and other generative AI models?”
Some students responded that one factor was media
coverage and accessibility due to its public release.
ChatGPT rated the responses of these students
positively, although (1) the question explicitly
restricts the factors to be discussed and (ii) the
importance of media coverage is debatable at least
for GPT-3. That is, in the lecture, it was mentioned
for ChatGPT that its public release led to widespread
adoption and a surge in media coverage, but not so
much for GPT-3. GPT-3 was covered less in the
media, and it was less accessible, i.e., only (some)
scientists got access.
Figure 2: Ratings of students’ answers by LLM.
Second, the LLM would more positively rate
replies with poor English. That is, the LLM’s
interpretation of the answer made the student answer
more understandable. For an educator, the quality of
the answer needs to exceed a minimum level of
proficiency to be understood. Comprehensibility is
generally a factor influencing grading. Educators are
not supposed to make too many assumptions about
what a student wants to say (i.e. interpret) but they
have to stick with the incomprehensible answer and
grade accordingly.
Overall, we found that any judgement of the
grading after consulting the LLM was preceded by
considerable reflection and debates, and it was not
evident whether the differences of the LLM should
really be considered.
Interestingly, using an answer set of an exam
conducted in German, the LLM incorporated errors in
spelling and grammar in the feedback and
downgraded answers of poor language quality.
Figure 3: Comparison of students and educator’s answers
by LLM.
The LLM tended to rate most student responses as
“good” or “very good” (Figure 2), i.e., there was little
differentiation. This is in stark contrast to the rating
of the educator (Figure 3). The educator scored many
answers with maximum or minimum points but
he/she also assigned commonly points in-between the
two extremes. The extremes were mostly common for
short and easy answers with few points.
When it comes to assessing similarity between the
educator’s and the students’ answers the LLM gave
somewhat more diverse replies. However, overall
alignment was poor. The Pearson correlation between
the LLM’s similarity assessment p
and educator’s
grading p
was close to 0.
Figure 4: Distribution of frequency (y-axis) of normalized
points by educator (x-axis).
Towards LLM-Based Autograding for Short Textual Answers
We set out to assess LLMs for autograding, primarily
as a second opinion as for high stakes decision
regulation also demands human oversight. Specifics
of the course have not been provided to the LLM, e.g.,
the course material for which the exam was made for.
That is, the LLM lacked any lecture specific context.
It relied on world knowledge incorporated in its
training data. Thus, discrepancies between the
judgments of the LLM and lecturer are expected, e.g.,
as many terms are defined differently in other
contexts and fields. Such contextualization of terms
seems to be an essential part of teaching and learning
and allows students to establish different perspectives
on issues. However, for grading, we believe that the
lack of context by the LLM can be highly valuable, as
it provides a strongly complementary view that aims
to avoid strong biases of a lecturer towards the lecture
material. Still, this also hints that grading (or possibly
even exam questions) derived by an LLM given
access to the course material could provide a
welcome addition to be investigated in future work.
We also faced a number of practical issues when
using LLMs. For example, the LLM’s replies would
not always follow the given structure, i.e., ChatGPT
would reply with any of the asked for words “Very
good”, ”Good” etc. but started the reply with some
other sentence. This problem can often be mitigated
by providing a few examples of inputs and desired
outputs (in-context learning). However, doing so
means additional work for the educator, increases
response time of the LLM and also costs, i.e., longer
input prompts imply higher costs for commercial
Our experimentation with prompting surfaced
trade-offs. For example, when comparing the
student’s and the educator’s answer, we tested
prompts that included the question (as well as the
answers of the student and educator) and prompts that
did not. We found that without the question,
ChatGPT’s assessment sometimes tended to include
aspects that were rather unrelated to the question. If
the question was added, the assessment of ChatGPT
sometimes did not consider the educator’s answer.
It is also tempting to use LLMs for fully automatic
grading. However, from our experience this should
not be undertaken at the current point in time since
there is very strong disagreement between gradings of
educators and LLMs. That is, they perform
significantly worse in judging questions than in
providing responses. This might be improved using
techniques such as in-context learning, i.e., providing
examples on how answers should be graded, or fine-
tuning LLMs specifically towards autograding.
However, first experimentation did not yield the
hoped performance boost. In general, finding the best
prompts for grading is non-trivial and responses could
be sensitive to the slightest changes in phrasing.
Grading should be robust, fair, and consistent.
Accordingly, the achievement of competency levels
of students should be assessed as independently as
possible of individual course delivery, of lecturers
and examiners, and of the performance of other
students in an exam. ChatGPT did not (yet) meet
these requirements in our evaluation.
We assessed the idea to focus on answers where
the LLM and the human showed largest
discrepancies. However, unfortunately, ChatGPT’s
rating was not too well-aligned with that of the
educator. Furthermore, if not all answers are checked
(but only those with large differences), biases in the
LLM might further impact the grading by leading to
a bias in which answers are looked at (again) by a
human grader. Furthermore, biases also appear as
“misleading clues”. If, for example, the LLM judges
arguments identical to a human, except for an
argument A, then students using A are more likely to
show a large gap (even if aligned with the educator)
and thus being assessed by the educator.
One assessment within our work assumed that an
educator provides a single answer to a question. In
principle, a question might permit fairly different
valid answers. However, it is not hard to allow for
multiple responses, i.e., an educator could define
various answers that might even be contradictory. We
could then compare a student’s answer with all of the
educator’s responses and focus on the educator’s
response that is deemed closest by the LLM.
However, specifying answers becomes more difficult
the more open-ended a question is, i.e., the more
knowledge should be applied and transferred, as
opposed to simply replicating knowledge.
From an ethical point of view, one might also
debate whether changes due to LLMs should only
improve grades. That is, LLMs should not be allowed
to fail a student, as punishing innocent people can be
seen as worse than rewarding people not having
deserved it. Furthermore, using an LLM as “a second
opinion” might also provide a false sense of security.
We might add a more explicit grading scheme that
aims to identify specific aspects in the answer, i.e., “Is
this concept in the answer?” (If not deduct x points).
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Furthermore, a fine-tuned LLM towards grading
might lead to better outcomes than relaying on
prompting. To this end, large number of graded
exams would be needed. While graded exams already
exist, sharing them is non-trivial as responses might
have to be anonymized to comply with privacy
LLMs might also be useful for exam
development, i.e., assessing questions prior to posting
an exam. One might also provide access to the lecture
material to the LLM to assess gradings. This might
uncover more minor issues in the grading scheme, but
might not help so much in uncovering general issues.
In this study, we used LLM only in grading answers
on questions that have been formulated by lecturers.
It would be interesting to test the end-to-end support
by LLMs in designing a lecture, including the
selection of topic areas, creating the lecture material,
and preparing and assessing the exam.
The manual grading process involves a labor-
intensive evaluation of students’ responses, requiring
expertise and careful judgment to assign appropriate
scores. Thus, to assist educators in reducing the time
and effort spent on grading, there is a growing interest
in leveraging AI-driven correction aids (Basu et al.,
2013; Condor et al., 2021). When comparing the
conventional teacher’s judgement (“human scoring”)
to the capabilities auf automatic feedback and
assessment tools (“machine scoring”), we encounter
distinct strengths along various quality criteria
(Seufert et al., 2022), i.e., AI can support objectivity,
reliability, validity and comparative values and
The evolution of assessment methodologies is
currently exploring hybrid solutions that harness the
strengths of both mechanisms. These developments,
such as AI-based assistants for assessment and learner
feedback, hold promise for the future education,
offering more efficient and objective evaluation
processes while maintaining the depth of
understanding provided by human judgement (Saha
et al., 2018; Schneider et al., 2023). A few works have
also assessed the value of feedback through
autograding, e.g., (Vittorini et al., 2020) also assesses
the value of feedback provided by the autograder for
students. (Li et al., 2023) investigated the effects of
AI grading mistakes on learning showing that, in
particular, marking wrong answers as right had a
negative impact on learning
We concentrate on the field of Automatic Short
Answer Grading (ASAG) (Burrows et al., 2015). It
deals with grading student answers, typically ranging
from a phrase to a paragraph. ASAG also covers the
grading of open-ended answers (Baral et al., 2021).
The primary focus in ASAG is on content quality
rather than the writing style and structure emphasized
as in automatic essay scoring (AES) (Dikli, 2010).
For ASAG, prior work has mostly relied on BERT
as a large language model (Baral et al., 2021; Haller
et al., 2022; Schneider et al., 2023; Sung et al., 2019;
Zhang et al., 2022). Schneider et al. (2023)
investigated how LLMs such as BERT suffer from
trust issues that might be partially mitigated by only
automatically grading answers, if the LLM is certain
about its grading.
While LLMs can provide justifications for their
decisions without any additional work, dedicated
methods for enhancing explainability have been
evaluated in the realm of automatic grading systems
(Kumar & Boulanger, 2020). Efforts have also been
made to tackle the limitations of AI in terms of
fairness in the context of automatic grading (Madnani
et al., 2017) and, more generally, ethical issues
related to LLMs in education (Yan et al., 2023).
The integration of LLMs into academic settings have
become an undeniable reality. These models possess
remarkable linguistic capabilities, coupled with
unexpected reasoning abilities. Yet, using LLMs such
as ChatGPT “out-of-the-box” to support grading
requires great care due to a multitude of issues such
as sensitivity to minor changes in answers and lack of
concise reasoning, which is also reflected in poor
alignment with human graders. Despite these
limitations, LLMs currently offer a valuable resource
that provides a supplementary viewpoint with
minimal effort.
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CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education