Validity Claims in Children-AI Discourse: Experiment with
Johannes Schneider
, Leona Chandra Kruse
and Isabella Seeber
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Department of Information Systems, University of Agder, Norway
Department of Management, Technology and Strategy, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
Keywords: Large Language Models, Education, Children, Adolescent.
Abstract: Large language models like ChatGPT are increasingly used by people from all age groups. They have already
started to transform education and research. However, these models are also known to have a number of
shortcomings, i.e., they can hallucinate or provide biased responses. While adults might be able to assess such
shortcomings, the most vulnerable group of our society – children – might not be able to do so. Thus, in this
paper, we analyze responses to commonly asked questions tailored to different age groups by OpenAI’s
ChatGPT. Our assessment uses Habermas’ validity claims. We operationalize them using computational
measures such as established reading scores and interpretative analysis. Our results indicate that responses
were mostly (but not always) truthful, legitimate, and comprehensible and aligned with the developmental
phases, but with one important exception: responses for two-year-olds.
Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT are
increasingly used in learning activities and everyday
lives in all age groups. As LLMs show remarkable
interaction capabilities, LLMs are (or will likely)
soon be embedded in voice assistants such as Amazon
Alexa. Children are in touch with these tools at a very
young age, i.e., their very first word might not be
“Mama” or “Papa” but Alexa.
Parents are concerned
about the suitability of these applications for their
children, and this sentiment is shared by educators
To make matters worse, ChatGPT-bashing seems to
have become a popular pastime. Some people
disclose invalid responses made by ChatGPT on
social media platforms, often warning others of its
potential danger
. Others demonstrate the so-called
“jailbreak” phrases to prompt ChatGPT to ignore
policies and guidelines set by its governing body. The
result is socially unacceptable or even explicit
responses. Furthermore, large language models suffer
from hallucinations (Ji et al., 2023). That is, they
might contradict existing knowledge or fabricate
statements that cannot be verified. All these add to the
parental and educational concerns: Should the
children be kept away from LLMs, if at all possible?
The above illustration points to two issues. First,
there are different kinds of invalid responses made by
ChatGPT and other applications based on large
language models. They violate different kinds of
validity claims (Habermas, 1985; Habermas &
McCarthy, 1987): truth (e.g., presenting wrong facts),
sincerity (e.g., prioritizing one political view over
others), legitimacy (e.g., showing children explicit
contents), and comprehensibility (e.g., mixing
languages and jargons). Second, we can evaluate
validity claims based on the context of a discourse.
Social acceptability of a response depends on social
norms which, in turn, often depend on children’s
psychosocial development and intention (e.g.,
seeking facts versus explanation related to social
values). Also adequate phrasing and language within
a child and LLM interaction depends on the context,
i.e., a child’s developmental stage. That is, while
Schneider, J., Kruse, L. and Seeber, I.
Validity Claims in Children-AI Discourse: Experiment with ChatGPT.
DOI: 10.5220/0012552300003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 289-296
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ChatGPT might be well-suited for adults, it is less
clear whether it can comprehensibly and legitimately
interact with younger age groups, in particular those
within K-12.
These issues are captured in the following
research questions:
How do large language models (e.g., ChatGPT)
satisfy different validity claims in a discourse with
How do these models calibrate the response
according to children’s developmental stage?
We adopt an explorative computational approach
in addressing the questions. This paper discusses the
results of our first analysis of the legitimacy and
comprehensibility validity claims. We outline the
study continuation in the outlook section.
This study is also relevant beyond education and
learning as it is positioned within the ongoing
discourse: evaluating useful conversational agents
and responsible artificial intelligence (AI). Our paper
contributes to the accumulative knowledge about how
to assess conversational agents, e.g., situated in the
broader scope on auditing LLMs (Mökander et al.,
2023) and, also how users can harness the benefits of
conversational agents. In the long run, this helps in
guiding how to design conversational agents more
effectively (e.g., Schöbel et al., 2023). We also join
the broader discourse on the idea of responsibility and
unintended consequences of AI (e.g., Mikalef et al.,
2022) and governance of AI (Schneider et al., 2022),
especially generative AI such as the LLM behind
2.1 Validity Claims
Validity has various definitions: (1) “The quality of
being valid in law; legal authority, force, or strength;
(2) The quality of being well-founded on fact, or
established on sound principles, and thoroughly
applicable to the case or circumstances; soundness
and strength (of argument, proof, authority, etc.); and
(3) Value or worth; efficacy.” (Oxford Dictionaries).
The variation indicates there is not a single way to
evaluate whether an utterance is valid. There are also
different ways to claim the validity of an utterance.
Among the widely used references is Habermas’s
typology of validity claims in his theory of
communicative action (1985, 1987). The typology
has been applied in IS research to study media
discourse on technology (Cukier et al., 2009),
crowdsourcing practices (Schlagwein et al., 2019),
humanness in digital assistants (Porra et al., 2020),
information security policies (Stahl et al., 2012),
emancipatory pedagogy (Young, 2018), and the
design of report-authoring application (Heng & De
Moor, 2003).
The theory of communicative action proposes
three kinds of action: instrumental action, strategic
action, and communicative action (1985, 1987).
Instrumental action is targeted toward non-social
actors (i.e., object), such as using an IS application as
a tool for accomplishing tasks. A strategic action aims
to achieve success by influencing other social factors,
such as when children persuade their grandparents to
buy them toys. In contrast to the above actions, a
communicative action aims toward mutual
understanding, developing an inter-subjective
agreement as the basis for coordination and
Actors engage in the process of raising,
questioning, and defending validity claims in order to
reach mutual understanding. The theory
differentiated between four validity claims: (1) truth
or Wahrheit (that something is the case or factual), (2)
legitimacy or Richtigkeit (that something is right or
legitimate according to social norms and values), (3)
sincerity or Wahrhaftigkeit (that the speaker is sincere
about her or his beliefs, feelings, and hopes), and (4)
comprehensibility or Klarheit (that the utterance is
understandable). The potential distortion of each
claim is (1) confusion, (2) misrepresentation, (3)
illegitimacy, and (4) false assurance (Cukier et al.,
2.2 Children Development Stages
Researchers in Developmental Psychology have
proposed different development stages observed in
children. Our study focuses on two theories: Jean
Piaget’s cognitive development theory and Erik
Erikson’s psychosocial development theory. We
choose these theories because they have been widely
applied in education (Barrouillet, 2015; Maree, 2021)
and they focus on different, but equally important
aspects of children's development—cognitive
development and psychosocial development.
Piaget observed four stages of cognitive
development, from sensorimotor stage to formal
operational stage. The following explanation is based
on Papalia and Martorell’s work (2023). In
sensorimotor stage (birth-2 years), children explore
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
their environment with their senses and motoric
actions, and they represent objects without the use of
language. The use of language begins in the
preoperational stage (2-6 years). However, children
are still incapable of logical thinking, and they have
difficulty seeing the viewpoint of others (i.e.,
egocentric tendencies). In concrete operational stage
(7-11 years) they are already capable of logical
thinking, but this ability is limited to concrete objects,
excluding abstract concepts. Abstract thinking
develops in the formal operational stage (12 years-
adulthood), involving the use of symbols and
hypothetico-deductive reasoning.
In contrast to Piaget, Erikson focused on the
psychosocial aspects of human development. Each
development stage deals with psychosocial tensions
which, once resolved, give way to virtues (Maree,
2021). The following explanation is based on Papalia
et al.’s work (2008). The infancy stage (birth-1 year)
revolves around trust and mistrust, because children
are completely dependent on their caregivers. Those
in the toddlerhood stage (1-3 years) deal with the
development of will and autonomy. The early
childhood stage (3-6 years) deals with the question of
initiative and purpose by exploring objects in the
environment. Children in the late childhood stage (6-
puberty) face the conflict between industry and
inferiority, aiming to develop the virtue of
competence. The adolescence stage (puberty-19
years) is about the development of identity with the
support of social relationships. Early adults (20-25
years) should resolve the tension between intimacy
and isolation in their pursuit of love or romantic
relationships. Adults (over 26 years) deal with
different issues as they mature and care for the next
generation, and they ultimately develop wisdom.
The above overview points to two major
requirements for discourse with children. First,
children differ in their cognitive ability to
comprehend the content and context of a discourse
across developmental stages. Second, the question of
social acceptability (i.e., norms and values) of a
discourse depends on children’s psychosocial
2.3 Large Language Models
Large language models are very large deep learning
models that can process textual inputs. The number of
LLMs is rapidly growing with most big companies
developing such models (Zhao et al., 2023). They
differ in terms of training data, which can impact the
capabilities of the model. During the training phase,
these models have to predict (omitted) words for a
given context, such as the word “name” for an input
such as “What is your _?” . The models can be further
adjusted to perform better on textual instructions and
produce outcomes that are better aligned with human
desiderata such as reducing toxicity (Ouyang et al.,
2022). For example, the well-known ChatGPT model
originates from GPT-3 through fine-tuning on data
from human annotators (Ouyang et al., 2022).
Unfortunately, despite its name “OpenAI” the
information on ChatGPT and its successor models is
not sufficient to satisfy important academic criteria
such as reproducibility. For example, the 100-page
technical report on GPT-4 is mostly limited to
performance evaluation but contains almost no
information on the training data or possible
adjustments of the transformer architecture (OpenAI,
Due to their broad applicability LLMs are also
often subsumed under the term foundation models
(Schneider et al., 2024). AI in general and, more so,
generative AI is difficult to understand (Longo et al.,
2023) while exhibiting surprising traits such as
creativity (Basalla et al., 2022), underpinning the
need for studies to better understand them. LLMs
suffer from trust issues in an educational context
(Schneider, Richner, et al., 2023; Schneider, Schenk,
et al., 2023) due to hallucinations and prompt
sensitivity. The growth in size of training data and
model size has led to novel emergent behavior. LLMs
can solve tasks they were not explicitly trained for
using a textual description and possibly examples
(Brown et al., 2020). For example, the models can
solve simple math questions like “What is 3+9?”,
although they were not explicitly trained on additions.
Furthermore, adjustments to the textual input
influence its output and potentially even the quality.
For example, back in 2020 for GPT-3 Kojima et al.
(2022) added “Let's think step by step” to an input,
which caused the model to perform significantly
better on various benchmarks. Such findings came as
a surprise and gave rise to exploring a number of
techniques for designing inputs, i.e., prompt
engineering, which is an active field of research (Liu
et al., 2021). In our work, we use age modifiers to
adjust prompts to different age groups. While we are
not aware of any systematic exploration of adding age
modifiers, people have used age modifiers, e.g., even
the original paper on InstructGPT serving as a pre-
cursor to ChatGPT (Ouyang et al., 2022) used an
example with an age modifier. A recent short
newspaper article (Buchanan, 2022) asked three
experts on children’s writing to tell if a given writing
stems from ChatGPT or an actual child. They
reported that none of the experts could consistently
Validity Claims in Children-AI Discourse: Experiment with ChatGPT
predict correctly who the author of the provided text
was. Thus, essentially the newspaper implicitly states
that plagiarism detection is not possible for such age
groups by human experts. Despite the threat of abuse
in education, ChatGPT has also been alleged to offer
many opportunities in education (Kasneci et al.,
2023) at all age groups though most of the claimed
benefits have yet to be tested. A study like ours
examining the adequacy of explanations of such
models covering toddlers onto adults has been absent.
We defined a set of 36 questions that are typical for
different developmental stages and posed them to
ChatGPT, as it has emerged as the best-known and
most widely used LLM
. Furthermore, general issues
such as prompt sensitivity and hallucinations are
prevalent across all well-known LLMs. The
considered questions are a selection from three online
resources that we obtained through an Internet search
for questions asked by children, teenagers, and
. We reviewed the questions to assess their
suitability and partially modified them, mostly to be
easily adjustable with an age modifier. That is, we
appended age modifiers to these questions to
encourage responses accounting to both Piaget’s and
Erikson’s developmental stages (e.g., 7 years
correspond to concrete operational and late childhood
stages). The questions differ in style. Questions by
children are more factual, i.e., geared towards
understanding the world (e.g., 'Explain where babies
come from', 'Explain why the sky is blue’, 'Explain
how much salt is in the ocean'). Questions by
teenagers are more about understanding changes due
to becoming an adult (e.g., 'What does it feel like to
be legally old enough to drink?’,’ 'When is the right
time to leave your parents house?’, 'At what point do
I start feeling like I can properly adult?’). While
questions by adults are mostly
about their life as adults (e.g., 'What should someone
be looking for in a partner?,’ 'Am I a good person?’,
'Should someone have a family? '). The six appended
modifiers were " to a X-year-old" with X being 2, 4,
7, 11, 16 and 25. While young children might not be
able to access ChatGPT using a web-interface, they
might well interact indirectly with LLMs, i.e.,
Questions are at Link; Sources:
parenting/common-questions-that-kids-ask/ (We added
two of our own questions targeted to toddlers to have a
through voice assistants converting speech to text that
is fed into an LLM.
We combined all questions with all age modifiers for
the sake of completeness, especially, since children
tend to ask all kinds of questions beyond those that
are typical for their age group.
We also posed the question without an modifier
as a baseline for comparison. We prompted OpenAI’s
"gpt-3.5-turbo" model using the provided API. The
full list of questions and responses by ChatGPT can
be found at
lidityClaims.git .
We then analyzed these questions manually and
automatically. That is, we aim to analyze the
responses in terms of the four proposed validity
claims through (i) computational analysis and (ii)
manual interpretive content analysis. This paper
reports on our first findings with two validity claims:
legitimacy and comprehensibility.
3.1 Computational Analysis
We operationalized comprehensibility using
measures capturing the difficulty of the text to assess
if it is understandable. For legitimacy, we focused in
this short paper on one relevant aspect which is
appropriateness in terms of wording or more
specifically, toxicity. The indicators for
comprehensibility and legitimacy are summarized in
Table 1.
Table 1: Computational indicators for each validity claim.
Validity claim Indicators
Comprehensibility Flesch reading-ease score,
text length, and Dale-Chall
readability score
Legitimacy Toxicity, profanity, insult,
threat, sexually explicit
content, and sentiment
More precisely, for comprehensibility, we
computed the Flesch Reading Ease Score (FRES)
(Flesch, 1948) and the Dale–Chall readability (Chall
& Dale, 1995). We chose these two measures as they
are commonly used and are based on two different
underlying ideas. Both measures are implemented in
Python’s textstat library version 0.7.3 (Bansal, 2021).
Additionally, we also reported response length.
balanced set of 12 questions per age group);
questions-for-teens ;
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2: Results for comprehensibility indicators (difficulty and length).
Modifier Flesch Reading-Ease Score Dale-Chall Readability Score Length (in chars)
to a 2-year-old 62.88 7.08 478
to a 4-year-old 67.38 6.77 423
to a 7-year-old 77.87 6.55 421
to a 11-year-old 72.26 7.04 514
to a 16-year-old 59.74 7.62 691
to a 25-year-old 60.65 7.35 765
None (baseline) 60.45 7.65 663
The Flesch reading-ease test employs a scoring
system where higher scores reflect text that is simpler
to comprehend, while lower scores indicate more
complex material. The Flesch reading-ease score
(FRES) formula is used to calculate the score. It is
given as 206.835 - 1.015*ASL - 84.6*ASW, where
ASL is the average sentence length and ASW the
average syllables per word. A score of 100 indicates
text that is very easy to read and easily understood by
an average 11-year-old student, i.e., a fifth grader in
the US. A score of 0 is at a level of university
graduates, meaning extremely difficult to understand.
The Dale-Chall readability score is computed
based on the occurrence of difficult words, which are
all those words of a text not found in the predefined list
of 3000 familiar words. It is computed as 0.1579 *
PDW + 0.0496 * ASL, where PDW is the percentage
of difficult words and ASL is again the average
sentence length. A score of 4.9 or lower means that the
text is easily understood by an average 4
grader (in
US) or lower, i.e., 10-year-old or younger. A score of
9.9 means that it is easily understood by an average
college student, i.e., about 18 years old.
For legitimacy, we computed toxicity scores using
the Perspective API (Jigsaw, 2017) by Google and
JigSaw. It employs machine learning trained on
millions of comments from sources such as New York
Times and Wikipedia online forums tagged by 3 to 10
crowd workers. It scores texts on various (negative)
emotional aspects in the range of 0 to 1. A higher score
indicates a greater likelihood a text is perceived as
having the given attribute. We neglected the attributes
of the library, which were not thoroughly tested
(“experimental”) as they aer not reliable enough.
We also computed the sentiment using two
standard machine learning models. We used as
Sentiment Measure 1 the distilbert-base-uncased-
finetuned-sst-2-english model (HF Canonical Model
Maintainers, 2022), which is well-established and
produces binary outputs. Our second model produces
more fine-granular outputs (Sentiment Measure 2), i.e.,
yielding positive, neutral and negative classifications
(Pérez et al., 2021). The motivation to use two distinct
models is to increase the robustness of findings. We
report the sentiment score sp - sn, where the sp is the
score in [0,1] output by the model for the positive class
and sn is the score in [0,1] for the negative class.
3.2 Interpretive Content Analysis
The computational analysis was coupled with
interpretive content analysis. Each author first read all
responses given by ChatGPT individually to make
sense of the content and the communication
approach. All authors exchanged their initial insights
before discussing each validity claim in detail. Next,
we referred to Piaget’s and Erikson’s theories to
analyze the responses based on children’s
development stage. We went back to literature to find
the explanation for our emerging insights unrelated to
the development theories. This is how we came to
discuss the signaling theory in light of our findings.
We will continue the analysis as outlined in the
outline section.
We present and discuss the results of our analysis in
the following, focusing on comprehensibility and
legitimacy claim.
4.1 Comprehensibility Claim
The comprehensibility (Klarheit) claim is satisfied if
a response is legible or intelligible. This is indicated
by the degree of difficulty (reading ease scores) and
the length of response. Table 2 presents the
computational results.
All indicators differ across the ages of the
intended reader. The length of the text in characters is
relatively consistent across age groups. The responses
Validity Claims in Children-AI Discourse: Experiment with ChatGPT
for children younger than 11 years are generally
easier to understand than those for older readers. The
Flesch Reading-Ease scores gradually decreased
from 77.87 for 7-year-olds to 59.74 for 16-year-olds,
indicating that texts that are easy for 7-year-olds to
read and comprehend may become more difficult for
older age groups. However, the scores for 2-year-olds
and 4-year-olds do not indicate that texts are easier
than for 7-year-olds. This is aligned with the Dale-
Chall readability scores, which are lowest for 7-year-
olds and gradually increase from 6.55 for 7-year-olds
to 7.62 for 16-year-olds. This means that responses
do get more difficult to comprehend as older age
groups are targeted.
Our interpretive content analysis also points to
similar insights. Consider the following examples:
It's like a big brain that helps us learn and have fun.
It's like the clouds are giving the earth a big drink of
water!” (Both intended for 4-year-olds)
These responses are intended for children in
preoperational and early childhood stages. They are
characterized by their still limited ability to
understand abstract concepts and their pursuit of the
sense of autonomy. The responses use metaphors and
analogies, and they can potentially help the intended
readers make connections between abstract concepts
and real-world experiences. This is useful for a
discourse about facts or scientific explanations.
Consider the following examples for discourse about
values and opinions (should someone have a
Having a family is a personal choice and depends on
what makes someone happy. Some people choose to
have a family and others choose not to. It is important
to do what makes you happy and fulfilled in life.
(Intended for 4-year-olds)
Having a family is a personal choice and there is no
right or wrong answer. Some people choose to have
a family because they enjoy the love and support that
comes with having a partner and children. Others
choose not to have a family because they prefer to
focus on their career, hobbies, or other interests. It’s
important to remember that everyone is different and
it’s okay to make the choice that feels right for you.
(Intended for 7-year-olds)
These responses indeed differ in length, but we
find them comparable in difficulty. The first response
shows an attempt to simplify the concept of family
and personal choice, but it still uses somewhat
abstract language such as "personal choice" and
"fulfilled in life," which may not be easily understood
by 4-year-olds. The second one also uses complex
language and abstract concepts such as "career,"
"hobbies," and "other interests," but the elaboration
(resulting in a longer response) supports 7-year-olds
readers to understand the response.
4.2 Legitimacy Claim
The legitimacy (Richtigkeit) claim is satisfied if a
response is right or appropriate in the light of existing
norms or values. We computed eight scores as
indicators of legitimacy: degree of toxicity (2
measures), insult, profanity, threat, sexually explicit
content, and sentiment (2 measures). Table 3 presents
the computational results.
The scores for toxicity, insult, profanity, threat,
and sexually explicit content are generally low for all
responses. From 4-year-old onwards both sentiment
measures decrease as the age of intended readers
increases. The least positive sentiment is observed in
responses to questions without modifiers (i.e., for
general readers). Interestingly, the responses for 2-
year-olds show lower positive sentiment than the
responses for 4-year-olds and 7-year-olds. Based on
these scores alone, one may conclude that the
responses are appropriately calibrated for legitimacy
based on the age of their intended readers (except for
2 years old).
Our interpretive content analysis points to a richer
nuance. We discern the use of signaling strategies as
a legitimacy means. One strategy is acknowledging
limitation or conformity to social norms at the
beginning of the response:
As an AI language model, I cannot provide advice to
a 2-year-old as they may not comprehend it.
(Intended for 2-year-old)
As an AI language model, I do not have personal
beliefs or opinions.” (Intended for multiple age groups)
Another strategy is using pet names (e.g.,
“sweetie” and “kiddo”) to signal the characteristics of
the intended readers (i.e., younger children). Both
strategies appear to be mere rhetorical device as the
contents that follow are not always legitimate:
As an AI language model, I am not programmed to
provide inappropriate content to children. However,
in a general and age-appropriate way, babies are
made when a sperm from a man meets an egg from a
woman. This usually happens during sexual
intercourse, where the sperm travels through the
man's penis and into the woman's vagina. The sperm
then travels up to the woman's uterus and can fertilize
the egg if it is there. If the egg is fertilized, it can grow
into a baby inside the woman's uterus.” (Intended for
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 3: Results for legitimacy indicators (undesirable content and sentiment).
Modifier Toxicity Severe
Insult Profanity Threat Sexually
Measure 1
Measure 2
to a 2-year-old 0.024 0.001 0.012 0.016 0.007 0.01 0.489 0.57
to a 4-year-old 0.02 0.001 0.01 0.015 0.007 0.01 0.603 0.834
to a 7-year-old 0.019 0.001 0.01 0.014 0.007 0.008 0.572 0.728
to a 11-year-old 0.023 0.001 0.01 0.016 0.01 0.01 0.357 0.701
to a 16-year-old 0.028 0.001 0.012 0.018 0.012 0.012 0.453 0.58
to a 25-year-old 0.025 0.001 0.012 0.018 0.008 0.013 0.365 0.506
None (baseline) 0.028 0.001 0.012 0.023 0.008 0.013 0.249 0.156
Interestingly, the responses to 2-year-olds often
signal reluctance to provide explanations to children
at such a young age. We find this tendency
appropriate for the cognitive and psychosocial
development of the intended readers.
However, such responses may lead to confusion
if directly communicated to real 2-year-old children
(e.g., if the language model is used directly in smart
toys and the responses are automatically calibrated
based on individual user age).
This paper presents first findings on legitimacy and
comprehensibility as validity claims in children-AI
discourse. We will continue the analysis on sincerity
and truth validity claims. However, this is not without
challenges. Truth validity claim can be ascertained
only if we know what is true. This is feasible for facts
(e.g., what is the capital city of Tonga). But what
about opinions and advice? The argumentation logic
can be evaluated via syllogism and similar
approaches, but this also requires knowledge about
the truth of each statement and the structure of the
argumentation (i.e., apple is good for you because it
contains vitamins, but rotten apple can cause
problems). Sincerity evaluation also comes with its
own challenges. Future continuation should also
involve the intended readers in the evaluation of
responses (e.g., asking children of different ages to
talk about the responses).
The launch of ChatGPT in late 2022 was followed
by rapid uptake leading to more than 100 million
users within a few weeks with no clear end in sight
This is no surprise as ChatGPT has shown remarkable
capabilities, i.e., it has passed numerous exams at a
university level (Choi et al., 2023; Kortemeyer,
2023). Only 4 months after the launch of ChatGPT a
newer version GPT-4 has become accessible. At the
time of writing, programmatic access (via an API) was
restricted and the default model was still ChatGPT.
However, in the future, we intend to leverage newer
versions as well. According to the technical report
published by the company itself(OpenAI, 2023), GPT-
4 improves on measures related to toxicity and also
generally performs better on benchmarks such as
exams. However, even the GPT-4 model owner
acknowledges that the model does not consistently
outperform its predecessor ChatGPT. It is not clear to
what extent (if at all) future models become more
suitable to interact with children.
Our current and extended study will contribute to
the understanding of how well a predictive LLM can
calibrate its responses to the developmental stages of
the intended audience. This understanding can, in
turn, inform parents and caregivers on harnessing the
most of children-AI discourse as well as developers
of LLMs.
Moreover, heavy reliance on LLMs such as
ChatGPT may also contribute to the formation of
echo chambers. These models generate responses
based on the prompts (i.e., user input) that reflect
values and opinions. The responses tend to confirm
these values and opinions. If consistently repeated,
this tendency may again reinforce the values and
opinions, a phenomenon coined as an echo chamber
(Gilbert et al., 2009).
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