Little data available, which made it impossible
to use specific algorithms (PS13, PS15).
The accuracy of the model used was not
satisfactory (PS14).
Insufficient resources to run the algorithm on
larger datasets; Insufficient chosen taxonomy
to give full feedback (PS19).
Most of the studies analysed in this research focused
on evaluating undergraduate students due to the
greater complexity of activities, exercises, and
practices. Using AI to support student assessments,
teachers can have more information about students
and, with a smaller correction load, can dedicate
themselves to the teaching and learning process,
making interventions. In general, Artificial
Intelligence successfully supports assessment
processes and maintains results equal to or superior to
traditional assessments in several aspects.
Consequently, the number of works related to AI in
student assessment increases yearly, showing the
subject's growing importance in the academic field.
Considering how AI is applied, the algorithm most
used by the studies was the Fuzzy model, mainly due
to its characteristic of explaining uncertainty. It is
important to emphasize that intelligent tools do not
replace the role of teachers, so they are being used to
support them, improving the quality of the teaching-
learning process. The most highlighted challenges in
the studies are the technology category, related to AI
processes, and problems related to the data sample.
Due to missing or misclassified data, many studies
spend much more time than expected processing the
data, sometimes even manually, impacting the
breadth and agility of obtaining results.
As future works, this research intends to
investigate the assessment models in detail,
associating them with specific objectives beyond
better understanding the founded challenges to
provide guidelines that minimize them.
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