Opportunities and Challenges of AI to Support Student Assessment
in Computing Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Simone C. dos Santos
and Gilberto A. S. Junior
Centro de Informática, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Keywords: Computing Education, Student Assessment, Artificial Intelligence, Systematic Literature Review.
Abstract: This study investigates how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support student assessment in computing
education through a systematic literature review of twenty studies from the past decade. AI's evolution has
significantly impacted various fields, including education, offering advanced capabilities for personalized
teaching, continuous evaluation, and performance prediction. Analysing these studies, evidence showed a
focus on undergraduate students and the employment primarily face-to-face teaching methods, with
engineering education and serious games being more cited contexts. These studies also reveal AI's potential
to create personalized learning experiences using techniques like fuzzy logic, KNN algorithms, and predictive
models to analyse student interactions and performance, particularly in educational games and online courses.
The positive findings demonstrate AI's effectiveness in classifying students' learning profiles, predicting
employability, providing real-time assessments, facilitating targeted interventions, and improving learning
outcomes through personalization. Automated assessments via AI have been shown to reduce teachers'
workload by offering accurate, real-time feedback. However, the studies also highlighted challenges
concerning student engagement, teacher material quality, model generalization, and technical obstacles such
as natural language processing, algorithm stability, and data cleaning. These data-driven factors emphasize
the necessity for further advancements in AI to enhance continuous and effective student assessment as part
of the personalized learning process.
Computing teaching has faced many challenges,
especially in promoting more effective learning
methods and enabling students to solve practical
issues (Computer Science Curricula, 2020).
According to Hoed (2016), the high theoretical
content of disciplines is not very stimulating and
leads students to try memorizing specific contents,
but not always successfully. These aspects contribute
to many students dropping out in the initial periods of
undergraduate courses.
To anticipate learning difficulties, intelligent tools
can help teaching methods by providing, for example,
personalized teaching according to the needs of each
student (Hull and Du Boulay, 2015). In addition to
assisting in the learning process, these tools can
support teachers during assessments and learning
management (Zafar and Albidewi, 2015; Malik et al.,
2022), monitor student performance, and carry out
appropriate interventions throughout the teaching
process (Maia & Santos, 2022).
According to Salem (2011), the use of AI in
education can be divided into seven main research
areas: educational systems, teaching aspects, learning
aspects, cognitive science, knowledge structure,
intelligent tools and shells, and educational
interfaces. Each research area has different
applications, such as intelligent tutoring systems,
educational robots, and assessment systems.
Specifically for teaching computing, several studies
and research have used AI to make the learning
process more efficient (Broisin et al., 2017; Mostafavi
and Barnes, 2017; Rvers and Koedinger, 2017).
Among several possibilities of use, an AI can
process much more data than a human being and can
provide more personalized learning through
intelligent tutors that can, for example, detect whether
a student learns better with failures or tips (Salem,
2011). Therefore, this technology has enormous
Santos, S. and S. Junior, G.
Opportunities and Challenges of AI to Support Student Assessment in Computing Education: A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0012552500003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 15-26
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
potential to support student assessment during the
learning process and promote improvement
interventions before a course or discipline ends when
it may already be too late (Cope et al., 2021). In
addition, AI can be used in learning management to
predict the student's final performance and, using
their history, indicate subjects that best fit their needs
(Salem, 2011).
Because it is an area of vast knowledge and
possibilities for diverse applications, choosing the
most appropriate technologies for the desired
objective is essential, as highlighted in (Mazza and
Milani, 2005). At this point, understanding the
potential of AI to name, calculate, measure, and
represent data, giving meaning to its use (Cope et al.,
2021), can bring more clarity about the opportunities
and challenges to be overcome.
In this context, the following central research
question motivated this study: RQ) How can AI
support student assessment in computing education?
To answer this question, this study used Kitchenham's
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method
(Kitchenham and Charters, 2007), selecting primary
studies from 2012 to 2022 on the research basis of
great relevance for Computing Education Research.
To report the research results, this paper is divided
into six sections. After this brief introduction, Section
2 presents the primary backgrounds for the research
and its analysis. Section 3 describes the SLR method.
Section 4 presents the results, discussed in Section 5.
Finally, Section 6 comments on the conclusions and
future works.
2.1 Computing Education Challenges
Considering education as a process that transforms
those who learn (Creasy, 2018), students' engagement
in this process is essential. However, student
engagement is regarded as one of the biggest
challenges in higher education (Quaye et al., 2019),
which is no different in computing education.
According to Hoed (2016), the difficulty in
abstracting the content of the subjects in the initial
periods of computing courses is a critical factor in
discouraging students from continuing the course.
For example, subjects focused on teaching calculus
and algorithms often represent bottlenecks for first-
year students.
The difficulty in assimilating the content is often
linked to the student's habit of memorizing the subject
in the classroom, motivated by a content-based
assessment process focused on punishing rather than
stimulating learning. As a result, failure in initial of
disciplines is one of the biggest causes of dropout in
computing courses.
In this scenario, new teaching methodologies and
practices, aligned with assessment models and
continuous feedback, can be allies to overcome many
challenges. According to Vihavainen et al. (2011),
assessment based on constant feedback helps in
computing learning, providing students with greater
motivation and self-efficacy and, consequently, more
significant engagement. As it requires a lot of effort,
this type of assessment is usually supported by
systems and information technology, especially in the
case of highly populated classes.
On the one hand, Yadav (2016) discusses the
difficulties of teaching computer science in a school
context, highlighting student assessment as one of the
main challenges. Among the points mentioned, the
difficulty in accurately measuring students' learning
is worth highlighting due to the lack of tools for
evaluating computational exercises. Furthermore, it is
noted that, given the interdisciplinary nature of the
questions, the accurate evaluation of these exercises
requires a lot of effort. As a result, teachers use
models for assessment purposes, which can reduce
students' creativity in carrying out tasks. On the other
hand, Hull and Du Boulay (2015) used an Intelligent
Tutor System (ITS) to provide continuous and
personalized feedback according to students' current
knowledge in an SQL course. As a result, they found
that students who used the STI had better results than
those who did not. These studies reinforce the
importance of the assessment modalities, considering
different aspects and models.
2.2 Assessment Modalities
It is possible to implement assessments in three
primary modalities: diagnostic, formative, and
Diagnostic assessment aims to identify students'
prior knowledge, skills, strengths, and areas for
improvement before instruction begins (Huhta,
2008). This information helps educators tailor their
teaching strategies to meet the specific needs of their
students. As main characteristics, we can point out
that it is usually conducted at the beginning of a
course or unit; it is not typically graded; instead, it
serves as a tool for instructional planning, helping set
realistic learning goals and benchmarks for
improvement (Huff & Goodman, 2007). Examples of
diagnostic assessment are pre-tests that assess
students' knowledge of a subject before starting a new
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
unit or course; surveys or questionnaires that gather
information about students' learning preferences and
study habits; skill assessments that evaluate students'
competencies in specific areas, such as writing or
math, to tailor instruction accordingly (Gorin, 2007).
Formative assessment is designed to provide
continuous feedback and information during the
instructional process rather than at the end (Huhta,
2008). The goal is to monitor student learning and
provide ongoing feedback that instructors can use to
improve their teaching and students to improve their
knowledge (Gallardo, 2021). This type of assessment
is usually informal and can be integrated into daily
teaching activities. It helps identify students'
strengths and weaknesses in real time, allowing for
immediate adjustments in teaching methods (Kemp &
Scaife, 2012). It also encourages student involvement
in their learning process through self-assessment and
peer feedback. Some examples are quizzes and short
tests that are not graded or have a low impact on the
final grade; classroom discussions where students are
encouraged to ask questions and express their
understanding; homework assignments that provide
insights into students' progress; peer review sessions
where students critique each other's work (Bennett,
Summative assessment evaluates student
learning, knowledge, proficiency, or success after an
instructional period (Huhta, 2008). This type of
assessment is typically used to assign grades and
measure achievement against predefined standards.
This assessment is usually formal and structured,
often high stakes, affecting students' grades or
progression. It also provides a way to compare
student performance across different educational
settings. More familiar examples of this kind of
assessment are final exams that cover the content
taught throughout the course, term papers or research
projects that require students to demonstrate their
understanding and synthesis of the material, and
standardized tests that measure student performance
against national or state benchmarks (Gallardo,
Each assessment type plays a crucial role in the
educational process, providing valuable information
that can help improve teaching strategies and enhance
student learning outcomes (Wiliam, 2000).
2.3 AI Technology in Education
According to McCarthy (2010), Artificial
Intelligence (AI) “is a science in which intelligent
programs are produced that can be used to understand
human intelligence.” At the same time, artificial
intelligence is inferior to human intelligence, as it
only performs calculations; still, it is superior,
considering these calculations are made at high speed
and with large numbers (Cope et al., 2021). To make
sense of AI calculations, Cope et al. (2021) point out
four transpositions between number and meaning to
determine what is possible to achieve with the
application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology
in education: Naming, Calculability, Measurability,
and Representability. AI for Naming is usually
related to the ontology of classifying data (Novak,
2010). AI to Calculate is determined by the algorithm
used, identifying what can be calculated, whether it is
possible to use a large amount of data, or whether
human intervention is required (Gulson and Sellar,
2022). Measurability defines how data will be
collected, for example, through short answers,
questionnaires, and essays, or still with automated
technology such as data sensors, motion detectors,
keystroke counters, clickstream records, engagement
log files, virtual and augmented reality pathways, or
QR code scans (Montebello, 2019). Finally, the
transposition of representativeness is defined as the
evidence of meaning materialized in text, image, and
sound, which is how the result of a model is
represented to users (Zhang et al., 2020).
Most definitions of artificial intelligence are
focused on its methods, assuming that the evolution
of these calculation methods can make AI results
more human-like. The best-known methods are
machine learning, deep learning in neural networks,
and quantum computing. According to (Cope et al.,
2021), these methods cannot exceed the limits of the
four mentioned transpositions, considering that AI
involves more than these methods.
Machine Learning uses statistical methods to
make predictions based on observed patterns. When
an image or text is tagged or classified using labels
applied by human “trainers,” this method is said to be
Supervised. In unsupervised machine learning, the
computer identifies statistical patterns, and human
trainers are asked to label the text or images where
these patterns occur (Zhai & Massung, 2016: 34–6).
Deep Learning and Neural Networks are
multilayer statistical sequences identifying patterns in
patterns (Krizhevsky, Sutskever, & Hinton, 2012;
Rumelhart, Hinton, & Williams, 1986). To function,
they require large amounts of data and computational
processing. Multiple layers of network analysis
produce less intuitively explainable results than the
single-layer patterns of first-order machine learning.
Quantum computing still holds promise, applying
ideas from quantum mechanics to computation and
replacing bits of 0 and 1 with qubits, determinable as
Opportunities and Challenges of AI to Support Student Assessment in Computing Education: A Systematic Literature Review
probabilities rather than defined numbers (Feynman,
1982; Harrow, 2015).
It is important to emphasize that Artificial
Intelligence will never be the same as human
intelligence. AI cannot replace teachers but support
them through new educational models, using its full
potential to help them (Cope et al., 2021).
2.4 Related Works
The authors of the current study are part of a research
group focused on innovative experiences in
computing education called NEXT (innovative
educational experiences in technology). To
investigate the use of innovative strategies aimed
specifically at student assessment, the group initially
carried out a systematic review with a focus on
student assessment models in the active learning
contexts and, after that, the group carried out an ad
hoc investigation for works that involved AI (due to
its growing impact on society) and student
assessment, motivated for the interest of a group
member concluding his undergraduate course in
computing engineering. From this initial research
step, four related works were analysed.
In (Lopes & Santos, 2021), the authors presented
a Systematic Literature Review on student
assessment models in the context of problem-based
learning (PBL). Of the 47 studies selected, the authors
identified that most studies use a conventional
assessment model, focusing on learning technical
content. In PBL, the authors observed that, in addition
to better absorbing technical knowledge, students
could develop soft skills, explore creativity, optimize
interpersonal relationships in group work, explore the
active resolution of practical problems, and leave the
conventional learning environment. However, the
study found few assessment models prepared for this
range of skills and provided no evidence of using AI
to support these models.
The study in González-Calatayud et al. (2021)
analyses the use of AI for student assessment using
the RSL method in the Scopus and Web of Science
databases. Of the 454 articles initially found, 22
studies are selected with a focus on identifying the
educational and technological impacts of the use of
AI and the type of assessment enhanced by AI in any
educational context. The authors conclude that AI has
many possibilities, mainly in tutoring, assessment,
and personalization of education. Still, they also point
out several challenges, such as the need to humanize
technology, which involves the preparation of IT
professionals, students, and teachers for future
education transformation. The current study focuses
on identifying the technological applicability of AI to
support student assessment models in computing
education. Therefore, it addresses a different
perspective from the study in (González-Calatayud et
al., 2021), which focuses on the educational impact of
the application of AI.
The study (Loras et al., 2021) presents a
Systematic Literature Review to determine what is
known about the study behaviours of computing
students and the role that educational projects play in
their training. After applying all criteria, 107 studies
were selected. The authors identified a common
tendency for students to focus only on a specific
subject, with introductory programming courses
predominating. This study did not consider the use of
technology to support student assessment.
The systematic mapping study in (Ouyang et al.,
2022) examines the functions of AI, technologies
used, and overall effects in 32 articles published
between 2011 and 2020 focusing on online higher
education. The results show the functions of AI,
emphasizing predicting the state of learning,
performance or satisfaction, resource
recommendation, automatic assessment, and
improvement of the learning experience. The study
also identifies that traditional AI technologies are
usually adopted (decision trees, neural networks,
machine learning), while more advanced techniques
(e.g., genetic algorithm, deep learning) are rarely
used. The effects generated by AI applications
highlight the quality of prediction and
recommendations and improvement in students'
academic performance and their online engagement.
According to Kitchenham and Charters (2007), a
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is a method
designed to identify, evaluate, and interpret all
available research relevant to a particular research
question, area, topic, or phenomenon of interest. This
study used the SLR method in three phases to conduct
this SRL: Planning, Conducting, and Reporting the
In the first phase, some activities were realized to
have a better understanding of the problem, such as
its context (computing education challenges),
motivation (AI technology in education), and
research concerning student assessments (related
work), as discussed in Section 2. Returning to the
central research question of the current study "How
can AI support student assessment in computing
education?", we defined two secondary questions to
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
guide the search and selection processes of primary
RQ1) What are the opportunities for using AI
in assessing students in computing, considering
these contexts (type of use and impact)?
RQ2) What are the main challenges of using
AI from the selected contexts?
To answer these research questions, a generic
search string was used, including search terms
concerning AI technologies, student assessment, and
practical characteristics of the studies, as shown in
Table 1.
Table 1: Search string.
Generic String
(“AI” OR “Artificial intelligence” OR “machine
learning” OR “data mining”) AND (“student
assessment” OR “student evaluation”) AND
erience” OR “case stud
” OR “ex
The search string was tested using an iterative
approach and refined with the help of two
researchers: one graduating student in computing
engineering, a researcher in AI, and one DSc., a
researcher in computing education.
With this string, the collection process was carried
out by extracting primary studies from four highly
relevant research bases with a high impact factor and
a wide variety of studies in computing education:
IEEE Transaction on Education (ToE), ACM
Transactions on Computing Education (ToCE),
Wiley Computer Applications in Engineering
Education (CAEE), and Education Resources
Information Centre (ERIC).
The search process was only automated through
the respective base engine, restricted to the range of
papers published from 2012 to 2022 (closed to new
publications). It is important to emphasize that,
despite the study focusing on computing education,
this term can vary enormously in the experience
reports on the subject, indicating, for example,
disciplines, specific courses, and environments. For
this reason, we chose not to include terms related to
this domain, leaving this aspect as one of the selection
To conduct this RSL, a three-step procedure was
carried out to select the articles that could answer the
research questions. First, articles from 2012 to 2022
were selected according to the research planning,
resulting in 90 articles. At this stage, 20 studies were
discarded for being outside this period, resulting 70
studies. Second, by reading the titles and abstracts,
most of these articles were discarded based on
exclusion criteria, resulting 30 studies. We defined
the following exclusion criteria: i) Lack of alignment
with the research theme; ii) Secondary studies
(another RSL or MS); iii) Articles with paid content;
iv) Duplicate or similar articles; v) Articles
unavailable for download or viewing; vi) Articles
with less than four pages; vii) Articles present in
book; viii) Articles not included in conference
proceedings. It is important to note that, due to the
nature of the research databases, all articles are
written in English. At the end of the selection
procedure, the following quality criteria were applied:
i) Well-defined methodology; ii) Proposal well
presented; iii) Practical application; iv) Commented
research limitations and threats; v) Completeness and
Clarity of content. Each quality criterion received an
evaluation, following the value scale: 0 (no attend),
0.5 (partially), and 1 (attend). The studies with a score
lower than 3 were excluded from the research,
resulting 20 qualified primary studies, as shown in
Appendix A. The PRISMA flow chart of study
selection process is shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: PRISMA flow chart of study selection process.
Fig. 2 shows results considering each research
source at the end of the selection process.
Figure 2: Articles by research source.
Opportunities and Challenges of AI to Support Student Assessment in Computing Education: A Systematic Literature Review
It is possible to see that the most significant
number of publications occurred in 2019 and 2020,
according to Fig. 3.
Figure 3: Number of studies on timeline.
This result signals an increase in studies that used
AI in education in recent years of research, showing
the growing importance of the topic for education.
Notably, in the years 2021 and 2022, the number of
articles continued to grow. However, some studies
from these years were excluded because they focused
on assessing the impact of remote teaching during the
COVID-19 pandemic. The complete list of selected
studies and the details of the selection process are
available at http://bit.ly/3HjtiFX.
Some limitations are mainly related to the study
selection process, which is usually challenging in
systematic literature surveys. To mitigate this threat,
highly representative research bases in computing
education were used in addition to defining quality
criteria and applying quality goals based on these
criteria. It is also important to emphasize the practical
approach of the studies, considered from the
definition of the search string, selecting studies that
presented proposals and their results in real
An inherent limitation of RSLs with a qualitative
characteristic is the possibility of misinterpretations
in selecting and analysing studies related to the
research questions. To mitigate the impacts of this
characteristic, this study used the strategy advocated
by Kitchenham and Charters (2007) of involving
more than one person responsible for selecting the
studies and a reviewer specialized in the research
topic, seeking to guarantee the quality of the analysis.
Analysing selected studies, most of them are related
to undergraduate students, 47.6% of the total.
Meanwhile, schools and graduate courses add up to
19% and 9.5%, respectively. Some studies did not
specify the academic level, equivalent to 23.8%,
concerning online courses or virtual learning
environments that did not identify the study area,
making the objective broader. It is important to note
that the total number of studies shown in the graph is
greater than the number of selected studies because
PS06 is related to undergraduate and graduate studies.
The teaching modality of the studies was
classified into three categories: face-to-face, virtual,
and hybrid. First, the face-to-face teaching modality
consisted of most studies, accounting for 65% of the
total and formed mainly by university students. Next,
with 25%, comes the modality of virtual teaching
environments, which can be found in websites, online
games, or online courses. The hybrid modality was
the one that least represented the selected studies.
Finally, diverse key words were identified in the
studies, as shown the word cloud in Fig. 4.
Figure 4: Context of the studies in key words.
From a word cloud, it is possible to observe that
most of the studies were inserted in the context of
engineering education. Another popular teaching
method was using serious games due to the ease of
obtaining student data while interacting with the
system, programming practices, programming
languages (such as SQL), and Massive Open Online
Courses (MOOCs). Many of the studies reported only
that they were using data from students at a university
and, therefore, were classified more generally as
Considering the four transpositions in (Cope et al.,
2021) no evidence was found about ontologies
(namability) in the selected studies. According to
Cope et al. (2021), pedagogical and domain
ontologies allow AI to track student progress and
provide feedback at the right time. However, current
digital learning environments, even e-learning
environments, are not adequately prepared to exploit
the naming capabilities of AI. Students' knowledge
and learning are still, for the most part, restricted to
traditional methods based on summative content tests.
In best-case scenarios, educational data mining can
provide trend analysis based on massive data
collected by the learning platform, which is still not
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
yet adapted to provide evidence of learning from
learner behaviour in the learning environment, such
as keystrokes and click streams.
Considering calculability transposition, it was
possible to verify the use of fuzzy logic, algorithms
such as K Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Bayesian
Networks, and prediction models such as
Personalized linear multi-regression (PLMR). Fuzzy
logic was frequently cited, having been used by
studies PS01, PS04, PS16, and PS17. The studies
PS02, PS08, PS10, and PS20 used the KNN
algorithm, one of the many supervised learning
algorithms used in data mining and machine learning.
About measurability, most of the data used came
from the interaction of students with educational
games. One example is the PS09 study, which,
through logs of students' gameplay in the game
Raging Skies, evaluated their knowledge in real-time
to change the game's difficulty according to each
student's performance. Another form of the
measurability transposition was related to online
courses, as highlighted in PS15, which used these
data to create a model for predicting student
Two main types of representability became
evident. First, the system returns the student's
evaluation, as reported in PS10, which predicts the
student's performance at the end of the semester. The
other type cited in PS04 uses the student's assessment
to provide personalized instruction and indicate the
materials they can study.
Regarding research questions, 90% of studies
indicated the opportunity to use AI in student
assessment, describing how this technology was
applied in this context. Only 65% of studies explicitly
mentioned any challenges related to the use of AI, not
always with a technological focus but considering
human and procedural factors as well. It is worth
highlighting that all studies had an applied view on
the topic under discussion.
As opportunities for using AI in the assessment of
computing students, five categories were identified
based on the thematic analysis applied to the studies
by the researchers, described in Section 5.1. These
opportunities are directly related to impacts on the
learning process, discussed at the end of this section.
From the perspective of challenges, we found little
evidence about them, discussed in Section 2.2.
5.1 RQ1. What Are the Opportunities
for Using Ai in Assessing Students
in Computing?
Assessment of Skills. Different approaches in this
category were identified, in general, focused on the
type of diagnostic evaluation to understand the
student's profile as a learner or professional. The
PS01 study, through fuzzy modelling and using data
from students' activities, teachers' opinions, and
interaction histories, classified the types of students'
learning into four categories: (i) Active or Reflective;
(ii) Sensory or Intuitive; (iii) Visual or Verbal; (iv)
Sequential or Global. By surveying these categories,
it is possible to understand the student's learning
profile better and act in a personalized way.
The purpose of PS02 was to evaluate students
according to their level of employability, classifying
them into most likely employable, likely employable,
and less likely employable. For this, it used the KNN
algorithm, academic data, and skills needed in a job,
such as communication skills.
Using the K-Means classification algorithm and
educational data from a virtual English classroom as
a dataset, PS05 identified and classified students into
different groups according to their knowledge, using
AI to diagnose students' performance levels per
Another example of AI being used to analyse
students' learning profiles, PS06 used data from
students' eye movements measured while they
attended a class. From these data, it was possible to
create a model with the Naïve Bayes algorithm, where
it is possible to automatically classify the type of
student learning with 71% accuracy. In addition, it
was also possible to assess the student's concentration
PS09 focused on formative assessment,
considering student interactions with the educational
game Raging Skies. The student's mastery level is
updated in real-time with Bayesian Knowledge
Tracing and Dynamic Bayesian Network algorithms.
Another example of a diagnostic evaluation, PS13
formulated a model using the DP-means algorithm
based on data from a pre-test on the DeepTutor ITS
platform to group students according to their learning
level, classifying them into high, medium, and low.
Assessment of Tasks. This category concerns the
studies that automatically evaluate students' tasks and
projects; therefore, obtaining a correct and fair
evaluation of student performance is particularly
challenging. PS17 developed a model using the Fuzzy
Opportunities and Challenges of AI to Support Student Assessment in Computing Education: A Systematic Literature Review
AHP algorithm to evaluate and interpret students'
projects. This case was assessed based on criteria
determined by respective experts, where each one
received a weight depending on the quality of the
PS08, on the other hand, used data mining
techniques to analyse the evaluations made on the
work of 672 students from 40 different courses, using
Random Forest, KNN, and Support Vector Machines
algorithms for the analysis. A grade was attributed to
each evaluation, making it possible to identify
possible correction errors, and repetitive exercises
with short answers in-creased long-term memory on
the studied subject, although requiring considerable
teacher effort.
PS18 created a system that automatically
generates this type of question automatically from the
teaching material using the algorithms of BERT,
CoreNLP, and natural language processing
PS20 used deep learning techniques to evaluate
students' work without using labels in the data (not
supervised), aiming for an accurate automated
feedback system and with near-expert quality
Assessment of Knowledge. Focusing on the
continuous diagnostic evaluation, the study PS04
proposes assessing the students' current knowledge to
personalize the teaching. The study presents
eLGuide, an ITS that can be used in any e-learning
environment. It uses the student's interaction with the
system so that, with Fuzzy Modelling, it can
understand the student's current knowledge and
provide feedback that will help them complete the
course satisfactorily.
Prediction of Performance. Focusing on the type of
diagnostic evaluation, predicting how the
performance of students should be at the end of the
term or academic year while the course is beginning,
can be very important since, when identifying a
student with a high risk of failure, it is possible to take
measures to prevent this from happening. PS03
proposed a methodology that classified students'
behaviour according to their daily or occasional
activities. For this, it used information obtained
through RFID tags present in the students and the
Bayesian Belief Network algorithm to predict the
students' final performance. PS10 showed that it is
possible to predict student performance even with
limited data. In this case, academic data such as
attendance, access to the virtual learning
environment, and the grades of 23 students in the
same class were used. Using the KNN algorithm, they
showed that it was possible to predict student
performance satisfactorily. PS07 and PS11 proposed
the analysis of the student's interaction with games to
create models to predict the students' final knowledge
level, for example, using Naïve Bayes algorithms and
support vector machines (PS07). PS12 created a
model using decision trees and K-means clustering
algorithms to estimate the students' results and
satisfaction with the course. Evaluation records,
demographic data, and satisfaction surveys were used
to calibrate the model. The PS14 created an
evaluation model to monitor the learning level during
the course based on Natural language processing
technologies, such as Word2Vec. PS15 and PS16
used Moodle (a learning management system) to
obtain information about students and used models to
predict student performance in online courses. PS15
used a personalized regression model, while PS16
used the FRBCS-CHI algorithm (Fuzzy Rule-Based
Classification System using Chi's technique) to
predict student performance in the first quarter.
Assessment of Questions in Content Tests.
Concerned about the quality of assessment questions,
PS19 proposed a system, LosMonitor, to help
teachers analyse and monitor the cognitive level of
questions. For this, the support vector machine
algorithm was used in a dataset with 1630 questions
together with the syllabus of 122 courses. The tool
classifies questions according to Bloom's Taxonomy
and notifies the professor when a question is not
aligned with the course objectives. In addition, it
presents graphs and statistics to monitor the quality
and cognitive level of the questions.
According to the studies analysed, evidence was
found that opportunities to use AI have good impacts
on the learning process, especially concerning
personalizing education, improving student
performance, and increasing the quality of the
assessment process.
Personalized teaching can make a difference in
student performance, providing an environment
dedicated to their needs. By evaluating and
classifying students' learning profiles, studies PS01
and PS06 were able to generate an educational
environment that met the specific needs of each
student. PS05 successfully achieved the same
objective by grouping students with similar
knowledge. In addition to having demonstrated that it
is possible to obtain the student's level of expertise in
real-time during gameplay, PS09 also showed that its
models provide insights into the possible learning
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
trajectories of students. Identifying students at risk of
failing was the concern of studies PS10 and PS16.
They successfully predicted students' final
performance, enabling teachers to guide struggling
students better.
The personalization of navigation in virtual
education environments brought by PS04 with
eLGuide provided better results in students' general
learning than those who did not participate in the
experiment. The continuous evaluation reported by
PS14 obtained highly reliable results. The monitoring
carried out by the tool made it possible for constant
feedback to be sent to the students to help them
maintain higher levels of motivation and better
understand their current level of knowledge. PS02
showed that it was possible to increase students'
employability during graduation. Its prediction of the
probability of a student's admission to a job proved
helpful, as this information makes it possible for
teaching centres to start improvement courses through
e-learning. PS03 achieved its objective with similar
success by allowing specialists to take preventive
actions when identifying students with difficulties.
Several studies have shown that it was possible to
carry out an automated assessment with Artificial
Intelligence and, even so, maintain a quality equal to
or better than a traditional one in a more
straightforward way and reduce the teachers'
workload spent on this type of activity. Despite using
different assessment models, PS07 made it possible
for teachers to know the student's knowledge
precisely on a given subject from the interactions in
the game and, therefore, eliminated the need for
additional tests, facilitating the application of
educational games in teaching. PS19, on the other
hand, showed that the information in LosMonitor
helped professors create questions of higher quality
and more aligned with the course syllabus. PS08
showed that it was possible to successfully identify
poorly classified evaluations, making it possible to
analyse, for example, which departments have the
highest number of errors. PS11 showed that using a
hybrid evaluation model (single-task and multi-task
models), satisfactory results can be achieved in
predicting students' competencies, surpassing the
individual models. PS12 showed that analysing
different sources of information results in a much
richer and more profound assessment of student
performance, something that teachers could not
quickly achieve through exercises. PS15 reported
improved performance in assessing the quality of
students' assignments in real-time, considering the
students' previous work and information such as
engagement and use of study materials. In PS17,
using Fuzzy AHP efficiently modelled the
ambiguities of human thinking and provided fair and
objective evaluations. PS20 showed a system that
predicted students' decisions in a Python course while
performing a task, allowing feedback whenever
necessary and making the assessment more
straightforward, faster, and more consistent.
5.2 What Are the Main Challenges of
Using AI from the Selected
Few studies commented on research challenges,
threats, and limitations concerning RQ2. Among
pieces of evidence, we classified the challenges into
three groups according to following systemic
The lack of participation of some students in
opinion polls (PS12).
Experiences carried out with small classes
Teachers did not always produce quality
material, influencing the results (PS08).
Data samples from students belonging to the
same school, which may have biased the result
Data preparation is a process that requires time,
effort, and specialized people (PS16).
For the result of a model to have greater
generalization capacity, it should have a more
significant amount of data, which was not
always available (PS13, PS15).
Decide fairly and assess students' performances
without making any errors in the assessment
and evaluation process (PS17).
The complexity of the natural language made
the evaluation difficult (PS08).
The results of the evaluation model were not
satisfactory for a small data set (PS13, PS15).
Challenges on the measurement models used to
calibrate student proficiency levels (PS09).
Limited use of network bandwidth (PS02).
Instability in the results of some algorithms
Difficulty in calibrating algorithm learning
Data cleaning had to be done manually (PS08).
Database with erroneously classified entries, or
even non-existent (PS12, PS16).
Opportunities and Challenges of AI to Support Student Assessment in Computing Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Little data available, which made it impossible
to use specific algorithms (PS13, PS15).
The accuracy of the model used was not
satisfactory (PS14).
Insufficient resources to run the algorithm on
larger datasets; Insufficient chosen taxonomy
to give full feedback (PS19).
Most of the studies analysed in this research focused
on evaluating undergraduate students due to the
greater complexity of activities, exercises, and
practices. Using AI to support student assessments,
teachers can have more information about students
and, with a smaller correction load, can dedicate
themselves to the teaching and learning process,
making interventions. In general, Artificial
Intelligence successfully supports assessment
processes and maintains results equal to or superior to
traditional assessments in several aspects.
Consequently, the number of works related to AI in
student assessment increases yearly, showing the
subject's growing importance in the academic field.
Considering how AI is applied, the algorithm most
used by the studies was the Fuzzy model, mainly due
to its characteristic of explaining uncertainty. It is
important to emphasize that intelligent tools do not
replace the role of teachers, so they are being used to
support them, improving the quality of the teaching-
learning process. The most highlighted challenges in
the studies are the technology category, related to AI
processes, and problems related to the data sample.
Due to missing or misclassified data, many studies
spend much more time than expected processing the
data, sometimes even manually, impacting the
breadth and agility of obtaining results.
As future works, this research intends to
investigate the assessment models in detail,
associating them with specific objectives beyond
better understanding the founded challenges to
provide guidelines that minimize them.
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Table 1: Selected studies.
ID Authors Title Year
Li, N.; Chen,
X.; Subramani,
S.; Kadry, S.N.
Improved fuzzy‐
assisted multimedia‐
assistive technology for
engineering education
Sood, S. K.;
Singh, K. D.
Optical fog‐assisted
smart learning
framework to enhance
students’ employability
in engineering
Verma, P.;
Sood, S. K.;
Kalra, S.
Smart computing based
student performance
evaluation framework
for engineering
Zafar, A.;
Albidewi, I.
Evaluation Study of
eLGuide: A Framework
for Adaptive e-Learning
De Morais, A.
M.; Araújo, J.
M. F. R.; Costa,
E. B.
Monitoring Student
Performance Using
Data Clustering and
Predictive Modelling
Pritalia, G. L.;
Wibirama, S.;
Adji, T. B.;
Classification of
Learning Styles in
Multimedia Learning
Using Eye-Tracking
and Machine Learning
Fernández, C.;
I.; Caballero,
R.; Freire, M.;
Manjón, B.
Predicting students'
knowledge after playing
a serious game based on
learning analytics data:
A case study
Opportunities and Challenges of AI to Support Student Assessment in Computing Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Table 1: Selected studies (cont).
ID Authors Title Year
Cook, J.; Chen,
C.; Reid-
Griffin, A.
Using Text Mining and
Data Mining
Techniques for Applied
Learning Assessment
Cui, Y.; Chu,
M. W.; Chen,
Analyzing Student
Process Data in Game-
Based Assessments
with Bayesian
Knowledge Tracing and
Dynamic Bayesian
Wakelam, E.;
Jefferies, A.;
Davey, N.; Sun,
The potential for
student performance
prediction in small
cohorts with minimal
available attributes
Henderson, N.;
Kumaran, V.;
Min, W.; Mott,
B.; Wu, Z.;
Boulden, D.;
Lord, T.; Frieda
Reichsman, F.;
Dorsey, C.;
Wiebe, E.;
James Lester, J.
Enhancing Student
Competency Models for
Game-Based Learning
with a Hybrid Stealth
Assessment Framework
Hung, J. L.;
Hsu, Y. C.;
Rice, K.
Smart computing based
student performance
evaluation framework
for engineering
Khayi, N. A.;
Rus, V.
Clustering Students
Based on Their Prior
Luo, J.; Sorour,
S. E.; Goda, K.;
Mine, T.
Predicting Student
Grade based on
Freestyle Comments
using Word2Vec and
ANN by Considering
Prediction Results
Obtained in
Consecutive Lessons
Ren, Z.;
Rangwala, H.;
Johri, A.
Predicting Performance
on MOOC Assessments
using Multi-Regression
ID Authors Title Year
Zhao, Q.;
Wang, J. L.;
Pao, T. L.;
Wang, L. Y.
Modified Fuzzy
Classification System
for Early Warning of
Student Learning
Çebi, A.; Karal,
An application of fuzzy
analytic hierarchy
process (FAHP) for
evaluating students'
Lu, O. H. T.;
Huang, A. Y.
Q.; Tsai, D. C.
L.; Yang, S. J.
Expert-Authored and
Questions for
PS19 Allamary, A. S.
LOsMonitor: A
Machine Learning Tool
for Analyzing and
Monitoring Cognitive
Levels of Assessment
Malik, A.; Wu,
M.; Vasavada,
V.; Song, J.;
Coots, M.;
Mitchell, J.;
Goodman, N.;
Piech, C.
Generative Grading:
Near Human-level
Accuracy for
Automated Feedback on
Richly Structured
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education