Table 3: Comparative analysis of CSA and MILP.
Algorithms: CSA MILP
Waiting cost (C) 50 0
NOB cost (C) 250 100
Normal handling cost (C) 9870 9870
Late departure cost (C) 140 120
Total service cost (C) 10320 10090
Computation time (sec) 84.73 912.55
pense of increased computation time, which is 912.55
seconds (more than 15 minutes) for the one-week sce-
nario. On the other hand, the total service cost for
CSA is near-optimal (10320) and closely resembles
MILP. However, CSA solves the problem in just 84.73
seconds, a 10× performance improvement. Note that
for larger problem instances (i.e., more ships or in-
creased planning horizon) using MILP becomes pro-
hibitive due to the exponentially growing complexity
of the problem. Based on the aforementioned compar-
ative analysis and discussion, it can be inferred that
the recently developed CSA-based approach for the
multi-quay combined BAP and QCAP is highly effec-
tive and capable of delivering a solution that is close
to optimal within a reasonable computation time.
This study investigates the multi-quay combined
berth allocation problem (BAP) and quay crane allo-
cation problem (QCAP) with the objective of mini-
mizing the total service cost for arriving vessels. To
solve the multi-quay combined BAP and QCAP, a
MILP model is formulated and solved using both an
exact method and our developed metaheuristic solu-
tion based on the cuckoo search algorithm (CSA).
Evaluation results using real data from the Port of Li-
massol, Cyprus, confirmed the efficiency of the CSA,
as compared to the exact method (MILP), since it
was able to provide near-optimal results for the tested
scenario at a fraction of the computation time. The
MILP takes too much time (912.55 seconds) to solve
the problem; however, the CSA method solves the
same problem in only 84.73 seconds and the achieved
objective value (10320) is only 1.02% away from
the optimal solution (10090 euro). This makes the
CSA method more suitable for addressing real-world
problems with increased complexity where using the
MILP becomes prohibitive.
The future plan is to further evaluate CSA’s per-
formance for larger problem instances of the multi-
quay combined BAP and QCAP (with a larger num-
ber of ships and/or planning horizon). We also plan to
implement and compare other popular computational
intelligence methods such as genetic algorithm and
particle swarm optimization.
This work was supported by the European Union’s
Horizon Europe program for Research and In-
novation through the aerOS project under Grant
No. 101069732 as well as by the European
Regional Development Fund and the Republic of
Cyprus through the Cyprus Research and Innovation
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VEHITS 2024 - 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems