BIM, e.g., by DSLs, the only related work we were
able to identify is by Alves et al. (2017). In particular,
Alves et al. introduce a DSL for embedding real-time
sensor data into BIM models. Yet, their work - similar
to what was discussed previously - neither addresses
pre-configuration nor subsequent model-based auto-
commissioning of BCS.
In our paper, we have presented a metamodel
with relevant tooling support for model-based
pre-configuration of BCS for model-based auto-
commissioning of BCS, a crucial precursor in estab-
lishing DTs of buildings. Our current implementation
allows for both the configuration and extraction of a
structural design plan for operators. The results of
our evaluation using the TAM are promising in that
– despite its for now limited functionality – our pro-
posal is appreciated and will be used once it reaches
the necessary TRL, e.g., TRL7.
In future work, we plan to extend our graphical
DSL to capture further relevant information regarding
auto-connecting, i.e., twinning, physical and virtual
replicas by extracting a device configuration for a DT
middleware that allows for the automated and seam-
less establishment of bidirectional data exchange with
the physical entity. Further, we plan to extend our
proposal by a textual DSL for model-based BCS pro-
gramming thereby also delivering [R5] for eventually
deploying such code-based runtime artifacts.
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems