aspects of the penetration testing process that demand
minimal expertise and involve substantial manual ef-
fort. As a result, IoTective can be seen as a valu-
able supplement to these other tools, which excel in
more specialized and aggressive security testing. By
automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, Io-
Tective streamlines the initial stages of IoT device as-
sessment, enabling users to focus on more advanced
security analysis and exploitation techniques. The
use case demonstration illustrates IoTective’s ability
to automate the discovery of network interfaces and
devices, enhancing usability through flexible scan op-
tions and user-friendly reports.
In our future work, we would like to further en-
hance and extend IoTective by investigating more ef-
ficient solutions for capturing Bluetooth and Zigbee
network information, providing exploitation capabil-
ity, and incorporating support for additional commu-
nication protocols commonly used in smart home en-
vironments, such as Z-wave or other proprietary pro-
tocols. Additionally, we plan to establish a process
for regular updates and maintenance to ensure that
IoTective stays current with the latest security vul-
nerabilities, attack techniques, and changes in device
firmware and communication protocols.
The authors want to thank the anonymous reviewers
for their reviews and valuable suggestions to this pa-
per. This work was partially conducted within the
SFI-NORCICS (https://www.ntnu.edu/norcics). This
project has received funding from the Research Coun-
cil of Norway under grant no. 310105 “Norwegian
Centre for Cybersecurity in Critical Sectors.”
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IoTective: Automated Penetration Testing for Smart Home Environments