Virtual Reality-Based Adapted Handball Serious Game for Upper Limb
Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injured Patients
J. Albusac
1 a
, V. Herrera
1 b
, Oscar Dominguez-Oca
, E. Angulo
1 c
A. de los Reyes-Guzm
2 d
and D. Vallejo
1 e
Department of Technologies and Information Systems, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Biomechanics and Technical Aids Unit. Hospital Nacional de Parapl
ejicos de Toledo, Spain
Upper Limb, Rehabilitation, Virtual Reality, Serious Games, Handball.
In this paper, we present a virtual reality-based serious game that simulates the training of a wheelchair hand-
ball goalkeeper. It is designed to complement traditional therapy for upper limb rehabilitation and trunk mo-
bility improvement in spinal cord injury patients. The proposal is underpinned by a multi-layered architecture
that provides a therapeutic environment that enhances patient motivation and satisfaction through gamification
techniques. The architecture also provides precise kinematic recording during exercise performance, since the
recorded data is essential for therapists to objectively assess each patient’s progress. Particularly, the recorded
can be used to assess the extent of movement, how fast and smooth it is, the number of repetitions and their
consistency, as well as the accuracy and precision of movements, balance, and posture control. The seri-
ous game was tested in the Hospital Nacional de Parapl
ejicos de Toledo, involving patients and healthcare
professionals. The collected data are publicly available. This preliminary evaluation has been focused on
assessing its functionality and safety. Following the exercise sessions, all participants were asked to complete
a short questionnaire to measure their motivation, sense of achievement, satisfaction and overall comfort and
well-being in the virtual environment. Future plans include expanding the patient sample and monitoring the
long-term progress and impact of VR therapy on the recovery of mobility in the affected limbs.
Individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) confront
substantial physical challenges daily. Annually, be-
tween 250,000 and 500,000 people worldwide sus-
tain a spinal cord injury, predominantly due to pre-
ventable circumstances such as road traffic accidents,
falls, or violence (WHO, 2021). A significant num-
ber of individuals with SCI often rely on wheelchairs
for mobility, depending on the severity of their injury
and the resulting impairment in leg function, and they
may often experience limited mobility in their trunk,
arms, and hands. These limitations further complicate
daily activities, posing challenges for independent liv-
ing and overall quality of life.
In this sense, rehabilitation plays a crucial role in
enhancing the quality of life for individuals with SCI.
Through consistent and targeted rehabilitative exer-
cises, it is possible to regain some degree of mobility,
improve motor functions, and promote overall physi-
cal well-being (Spooren et al., 2011). Persistence in
rehabilitation is vital; a committed approach can facil-
itate more effective recovery, helping individuals nav-
igate their daily lives with increased confidence and
capability. Traditional therapeutic approaches, while
fundamental, often involve repetitive and routine ex-
ercises, which can, over time, diminish a patient’s mo-
tivation and engagement to rehabilitation programs.
This drawback can adversely impact the consistency
of practice, which is essential for recovery and im-
provement in individuals with SCI (Shahmoradi et al.,
Recognizing this challenge, there has been a pro-
gressive introduction of technology in the field of re-
habilitation in recent years. The integration of inno-
vative therapeutic strategies, such as adaptive sports
and technology-augmented exercises, can further en-
rich the rehabilitation process, making it more en-
gaging and sustainable for SCI patients (Herne et al.,
2022). Technological integration aims to mitigate
the monotony of traditional therapy, incorporating en-
gaging, varied, and personalized exercises to main-
Albusac, J., Herrera, V., Dominguez-Ocaña, O., Angulo, E., Reyes-Guzmán, A. and Vallejo, D.
Virtual Reality-Based Adapted Handball Serious Game for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injured Patients.
DOI: 10.5220/0012554600003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterpr ise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 337-347
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tain patients’ interest and commitment. By enhanc-
ing the appeal and interactivity of rehabilitation ac-
tivities, technology facilitates a more patient-centered
approach, promoting improved consistency and out-
comes in the recovery process (Doumas et al., 2021).
Building on the technological advancements in
rehabilitation, serious games and exergames have
emerged as one of these innovative therapeutic strate-
gies (Proenc¸a et al., 2018). These applications use
gamification principles, incorporating elements of
play into the rehabilitation process to create an im-
mersive and motivating environment for individuals
with SCI. They enrich the therapy experience, trans-
forming conventional exercises into interactive and
purposeful activities, and promote a sense of achieve-
ment and progress, encouraging patients to actively
participate in their recovery process (de Los Reyes-
an et al., 2021). By transforming therapeutic
tasks into game-like experiences, these approaches fa-
cilitate higher levels of patient engagement and sat-
isfaction, which are essential for maintaining consis-
tency and enhancing the effectiveness of rehabilita-
tion programs.
The success of rehabilitation relies not only on
consistent practice, but also on performing exercises
accurately, which requires the therapist’s guidance.
In addition to enhancing motivation, incorporating
advanced technologies offers benefits like precise
recording of the patient’s tracking. Hence, the ob-
tained data is highly valuable for the patient to per-
form the exercises accurately, and for the therapist to
objectively analyse the rehabilitation sessions and the
patient’s progress (Herrera et al., 2023a).
Within the diverse spectrum of technologies used
for serious games and exergames, Virtual Reality
(VR) holds a distinctive place, offering immersive
environments that can be tailored to meet the indi-
vidual needs and rehabilitation goals of persons with
SCI (Herrera et al., 2023b). VR creates dynamic,
customizable spaces, allowing therapists to adjust the
complexity and type of exercise, as well as accurate
recording of kinematics during execution. In partic-
ular, sport-based VR rehabilitation is a transforma-
tive approach to the rehabilitation of individuals with
SCI (de Los Reyes-Guzm
an et al., 2021). This ap-
proach combines the advantages of VR with the bene-
fits of physical activity to create an engaging and per-
sonalized therapeutic environment. In recent years,
sport-based VR rehabilitation has incorporated vari-
ous sports, however, there has yet to be a development
in adapted handball exercises within this innovative
form of therapy. Adapted handball, particularly ori-
ented towards the training of goalkeepers, inherently
exercises the trunk, arms, and hands. Its unique na-
ture encourages enhanced trunk stability (especially
in patients with injuries to the C5, C6, and C7 cervi-
cal levels) and improved mobility in arms and hands,
making it an ideal component for upper limb rehabil-
Our proposal aims to fill this gap by designing
and developing a VR-based serious game specifically
for the training of goalkeepers in adapted handball,
which also serves as an adjunct to traditional reha-
bilitation methods. The system allows the patient to
perform exercises without additional components at-
tached to hands and arms, and to interact with virtual
elements through their hands. The proposal encom-
passes accurate kinematic recordings, allowing ther-
apists to objectively analyze patient progress using
supportive data. This development has been incorpo-
rated into the Rehab-Immersive platform used at the
Hospital Nacional de Parapl
ejicos de Toledo (HNPT).
The platform hosts a collection of immersive serious
games that support the upper limb rehabilitation pro-
cess (Herrera et al., 2023a) (Herrera et al., 2023b).
Experiments conducted in a real-world setting,
such as the HNPT, focused on evaluating function-
ality with patients and therapists. The results show
the system’s ability to record movements made dur-
ing therapeutic exercises, offering the capability to in-
dividually analyze the mobility of the left and right
hand, arms, and head, thereby inferring trunk mobil-
ity. Additionally, a progressive improvement in per-
formance is observed among individuals as they be-
come more accustomed to the virtual environment.
The rest of the paper is structured as follow: Sec-
tion 2 reviews some of the relevant previous works
related to the main topic addressed in this paper. Sec-
tion 3 introduces the adapted handball solution based
on VR for upper limb rehabilitation. Section 4 de-
scribes the experimentation and results obtained. The
paper concludes with conclusions and future work in
Section 5.
Recent advancements in game-based virtual reality
(VR) have significantly impacted upper-limb rehabil-
itation post-stroke, combining gamification elements
with therapeutic exercises. A systematic review and
meta-analysis of 20 clinical trials highlighted the ef-
fectiveness of game-based VR in improving motor
function and quality of life in stroke survivors, indi-
cating a promising direction for rehabilitation prac-
tices (Dom
ellez P, 2020). Complementing
this, a study involving the Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect
system integrated with conventional therapy showed
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
notable improvements in upper limb motor functions
in subacute stroke patients, suggesting an added value
of interactive gaming in rehabilitation (Ikbali Afsar
et al., 2018).
Pereira et al.s exploration into VR for hand reha-
bilitation physiotherapy further underlines the diver-
sity of approaches being explored in this field, empha-
sizing on the adaptability of these systems to different
patient needs, based on a study with able-bodied par-
ticipants testing the hardware and software’s usabil-
ity (Pereira et al., 2020).
Meanwhile, the efficacy of VR in sports training,
particularly in handball, has been explored by Vogt
et al. in the context of balance training and muscu-
loskeletal injury rehabilitation. Although VR showed
positive effects in healthy adults, it did not signifi-
cantly outperform traditional balance training in reha-
bilitation settings, pointing to a nuanced understand-
ing of VR’s role in sports-focused rehabilitation (Vogt
et al., 2019).
The broader applicability of VR and gaming in-
terventions in enhancing upper extremity function
post-stroke is evident in studies that have reported a
28.5% average improvement in motor functions, with
a 10.8% greater benefit observed when gaming ele-
ments were incorporated compared to visual feedback
alone (Karamians et al., 2020). This is supported by
another study involving VR training with upper ex-
tremity tasks using the HTC Vive HMD, where pa-
tients demonstrated significant functional improve-
ments and high satisfaction, affirming the feasibility
and effectiveness of fully immersive VR rehabilita-
tion (Lee et al., 2020).
Feedback from physiotherapists and game design-
ers has been instrumental in shaping VR game con-
tent, as seen in a study involving chronic stroke pa-
tients. This study reported significant improvements
in shoulder, wrist, and elbow movements, though not
uniformly across all tested ranges, suggesting the po-
tential of VR games in enhancing specific motor func-
tions (Shahmoradi et al., 2021).
The role of serious games in upper limb rehabili-
tation is further emphasized by Provenc¸a et al., who
analyzed 38 studies on technological gaming plat-
forms for patients with neuromotor disorders. Al-
though only a fraction of these studies reported im-
provements, this emerging paradigm in rehabilitation
signifies a shift towards integrating serious gaming
technologies into therapeutic practices (Proenc¸a et al.,
2018). This is corroborated by another review that
found serious games to be more effective than conven-
tional treatments in upper limb recovery post-stroke,
highlighting their long-term effectiveness in main-
taining improvements (Doumas et al., 2021).
Exploring serious games further, a randomized
controlled trial using the Leap Motion Controller
for patients with multiple sclerosis demonstrated sig-
nificant improvements in coordination and dexter-
ity, illustrating the potential of these technologies
in diverse patient populations (Cuesta-G
omez et al.,
2020). In a similar vein, Herne et al.s assessment
of stroke survivors’ engagement with a VR-based
serious game underscored the importance of feed-
back and personalized experiences to optimize en-
gagement (Herne et al., 2022), while Baluz et al.s
development of the Rehabilite Game received posi-
tive feedback from both physiotherapists and patients,
pointing to its suitability as a complementary therapy
tool (Baluz et al., 2022).
Innovative approaches like the wearable multi-
modal serious games for hand movement training in
stroke patients, which combine various sensor tech-
nologies for movement classification, have shown an
81.0% accuracy rate and heightened patient enthusi-
asm compared to conventional methods, further indi-
cating the growing potential of such tools in rehabil-
itation (Song et al., 2022). Finally, a study on a VR
prototype using hand gestures for interaction in up-
per limb rehabilitation revealed a preference for hand-
based interaction among participants, especially those
with motor problems, suggesting its potential in en-
hancing motivation and facilitating home-based exer-
cise therapy (Juan et al., 2023).
3.1 Architecture
A schematic overview of the developed system archi-
tecture for upper limb sports practice and rehabilita-
tion is presented in Figure 1. It features a multi-layer
architecture, each layer being independent, serving a
clear function, and interconnected within the overall
The system involves two main actors: patients and
therapists who supervise the rehabilitation process.
The top layer, or presentation layer, is where patients
directly interact. Patients can immerse themselves in
a virtual environment using a VR headset, specifically
the Oculus Quest 2 model. This device allows patients
to experience a realistic recreation of a sports hall and
a visual interface to configure training that includes a
series of exercises. The layer also facilitates train-
ing calibration by allowing patients to stretch their
Virtual Reality-Based Adapted Handball Serious Game for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injured Patients
Hand Interaction
Data Logging
User Interaction Reception
Data Analysis
Exercise Result Viewer
Overview of the
Patient’s Evolution
Presentation & Sensor Layers
VR - Headset
Hand L/R
Type of injury
Data Layer
Presentation Layer
Hand, head & trunk
Persistence Layer
Figure 1: General architecture of the developed system.
arms fully, marking the maximum horizontal and ver-
tical reach, with the system subsequently adapting
ball throws to the patient’s limits. Virtual worlds’ sig-
nificant advantage is the ease of creating accessible
spaces tailored to each patient’s unique needs.
On the other hand, the application layer manages
the control logic, comprising various controllers: a)
The Game Controller oversees the game dynamics
and overall training, controlling the virtual environ-
ment elements and interacting with the physics en-
gine. b) The Hand Tracking module accurately tracks
the patients’ hands. Most VR headsets have associ-
ated controllers equipped with accelerometers and gy-
roscopes, enabling precise hand movement registra-
tion. However, for patients with spinal cord injuries,
using these controllers is not feasible due to motor
limitations and grip difficulties. Therefore, hands-
free interaction and accurate hand tracking during ex-
ercises are essential. Moreover, the system continu-
ously monitors head position, determinable through
the VR headset sensors, and infers the trunk position
through inverse kinematics. c) The Hand Interaction
Controller is crucial for modeling the real hand’s in-
teraction with virtual elements, like the thrown balls,
necessitating the determination of intersections be-
tween hands and balls, representing a save to be
This layer communicates with the data layer,
which receives information from the tracking module
and virtual element interactions, recording kinematics
during exercises and achievements made during train-
ing. All this information becomes part of the patient’s
clinical history in the persistence layer.
Lastly, in a separate application, the therapist can
analyze all recorded data, objectively determining the
patient’s progress in the rehabilitation process. This
analysis involves evaluating performance based on
achievements and a detailed examination of the three-
dimensional space kinematics of hands, head, and
3.2 Immersive Environment for
Exercise Execution
In the design of the virtual training space, achieving
an appropriate level of realism is crucial to ensure
that the patient experiences an almost full sense of
immersion. This aims to give the patient the feeling
of being transported to a typical environment where
handball sports practice takes place. In such a set-
ting, lighting is essential, especially considering that
ball throws occur and the objective is to intercept as
many as possible. Thus, the illumination of moving
objects and shadow projections should be optimized
to provide clear visibility for the participant undergo-
ing the exercise. Adequate visibility empowers the
user to precisely ascertain the position and distance
of the target.
A handball court was designed in accordance with
the official dimensions specified by the International
Handball Federation (IHF), measuring 40 meters in
length and 20 meters in width (see Figure 2). Tra-
ditional handball goals have dimensions of 2 meters
in height and 3 meters in width. However, the hand-
ball goal featured in the virtual environment adheres
to adapted handball standards, measuring 1.60 meters
in height and 3 meters in width, catering to users who
engage in the sport from a wheelchair (see Figure 3).
Regarding illumination, Baked Lightmaps have
been implemented in Unity. Baked Lightmaps is a
rendering technique used to enhance realism and ef-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Design of the immersive training environment.
Figure 3: Comparison of handball and adapted handball
ficiency in representing lighting in 3D scenes. These
lightmaps store precomputed lighting information and
apply it to the scene. The primary advantage of this
lighting technique is its ability to reduce the com-
putational load on the CPU and GPU in real-time.
As the lighting is precomputed and stored within the
lightmaps, there is no need to perform intricate light-
ing calculations for every frame, thus enhancing game
Additionally, Dynamic Lights have been incorpo-
rated, which are computed for every frame and re-
spond in real-time to changes in the scene. A series
of Spotlights have been introduced and emit light in
a specific direction, forming a cone of light. These
lights are ideal for simulating light sources with a de-
fined direction, such as the spotlighting in the scene.
The use of these types of lights has been minimized
to prevent excessive resource consumption that could
lead to a decline in application performance. An un-
wanted decline in system performance may lead to
observable disruptions, such as dropped frames and
interrupted playback. These technical inconsistencies
not only hamper the smooth operation of the appli-
cation but also induce physical discomfort in users,
manifesting as sensations of dizziness or disorien-
tation. Such adversities compromise the immersive
quality of the user experience, detracting from its
overall enjoyment and appeal.
3.3 Throwing and Interception of
Virtual Balls
The developed system features two game and train-
ing modes for physical exercise practice: a) Maxi-
mum Number of Saves; in this mode, players are chal-
Figure 4: Ball and cannon prefabs designed in the applica-
lenged to make as many saves as possible within a
fixed time limit. The patient’s skill is gauged based
on the quantity of saves achieved during this period,
providing a measure of their performance. b) Maxi-
mum Time; this mode sets a limit on the number of
goals that can be conceded. The focus here is on
the length of time the patient can keep playing be-
fore reaching this limit. The duration of the exercise
session extends with each successful save, turning the
number of saves into a determinant of the overall ex-
ercise time.
In all these training modes, there are two funda-
mental aspects for them to take place: i) the throw-
ing of balls and ii) the interaction between the pa-
tient’s real hands and the virtual balls, an event trans-
lated as a goalkeeper’s save. For these two aspects,
there are three key components: a) cannons responsi-
ble for throwing the balls, b) the virtual balls, and c)
the user’s hands performing the exercise.
The system represents several moving cannons
positioned on the handball court in the classic posi-
tions where real players usually stand. At this point, it
is worth introducing the concept of a prefab. A prefab
is a type of resource that allows creating, configuring,
and reusing objects in a Unity scene. Using prefabs is
ideal when the same object needs to be used multiple
times. Prefabs ensure that objects sharing the same
prefab have the same properties and configurations.
Handball balls and the cannons that will propel these
balls are managed using prefabs. Figure 4 displays
the designed prefabs.
The ball throws are determined by the trajectory
drawn between a cannon, whose position determines
the starting point, and an endpoint calculated from
one of the shooting areas. As illustrated in Figure
5, the upper half of the goal is divided into an array
of regions or zones, spanning from the base of the
player’s trunk to their head. These zones are labeled
from A1 to A5 and B1 to B5. The regions located
at the extremes: A1, A5, B1, and B5, require greater
trunk mobility. Recording saves and goals in each of
these zones allows the therapist to identify strengths
and weaknesses in the patient’s limb movements, dif-
ferentiating between the left and right hand and arm.
To draw the ball throwing trajectory, a subrou-
tine in Unity has been implemented, utilizing the Lerp
Virtual Reality-Based Adapted Handball Serious Game for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injured Patients
Figure 5: Target points where the ball throws are directed.
function. The Lerp function (meaning linear interpo-
lation) is a useful tool for interpolating between two
values over a period of time. The algorithm 1 shows
a simplified implementation of the Lerp function for
trajectory animation. In the Lerp function, each argu-
ment represents:
Starting Point: represents the cannon’s position
from which the throw is made.
End Point: represents the throw’s final position
at the goal.
t: represents the interpolation value. A value of
0 represents the Starting Point, a value of 1 rep-
resents the End Point, and any value between 0
and 1 produces an interpolation between the two
Data: Starting point, End point, Movement
speed, Total distance
Result: New position after interpolation
Initialization: Set initial value for
while Update is called do
distanceTraveled += movementSpeed *
float t = distanceTraveled / totalDistance;
Vector3 newPosition =
Vector3.Lerp(startingPoint, endPoint, t);
transform.position = newPosition;
Algorithm 1: Simplified use of the Lerp function.
On the other hand, the handball ball’s prefab con-
tains a vital component for game logic. This element
is the Collider. A Collider defines a Game Objects
collision shape, in this case, the ball. It is used to de-
tect collisions and trigger events when other objects
come into contact with the Collider. The handball
used in this project implements a Sphere Collider, at-
taching a spherical collision shape to the ball.
Finally, the user’s hands in the handball scene are
represented by the Custom Hand component. This
component, in turn, consists of a Collider that will
be set up to manage interaction with the balls. In the
Collider, the isTrigger property is activated so that the
OnTriggerEnter function always runs when there is a
collision with another Collider. It is necessary to en-
sure in the OnTriggerEnter function that the colliding
Collider is the handball. To address this issue, Unity
tags are used to distinguish between virtual compo-
nents. Thus, only the intersections between the virtual
hands (which match the real ones in position and ro-
tation) and the virtual ball are counted as a new save.
If there is an intersection with an object that has a dif-
ferent tag, it does not trigger the event, and therefore,
it does not result in the recording of a new save
The user interacts at all times through their hands,
without the need to hold joysticks or external con-
trollers. This forms a natural mode of interaction,
closely mimicking real sports practice. This detail is
crucial for patients with spinal cord injuries who have
motor limitations and difficulty in executing grips cor-
rectly. Some patients even have serious difficulties
in lifting weights, making hand-free interaction a top
priority requirement.
3.4 Recording of Kinematics
In the realm of rehabilitation and therapeutic exer-
cises, leveraging advanced technologies such as com-
puter vision algorithms from the Meta API and Ocu-
lus Quest 2 has revolutionized the capture of detailed
kinematic data. This sophisticated approach employs
deep neural networks to predict and locate the posi-
tions of a person’s hands and other significant land-
marks like the joints of the hands. The resultant data
is a comprehensive 3D model that encapsulates the
nuanced configuration and surface geometry of the
hands and fingers, offering a 26 degree-of-freedom
pose reconstruction.
This tool facilitates a recording of movement and
orientation of various body parts, providing therapists
with a profound window to analyze the exercises ex-
ecuted by patients. Such precise data aids in deliv-
ering an objective evaluation of a patient’s progress,
bridging the gap between subjective observations and
quantifiable metrics.
In our proposal, the dataset generated is rich and
multifaceted, encompassing several relevant compo-
nents that contribute to a comprehensive understand-
ing of the user’s movements. Fundamental variables
such as Frame and Time establish a foundational con-
text, anchoring each data point within a coherent se-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 6: Patient and therapist testing the developed soft-
ware during the experimentation session.
For capturing the intricacies of head movements,
variables like HeadPosition x, HeadPosition y, Head-
Position z, HeadRotation x, HeadRotation y, and
HeadRotation z are employed. They detail both the
spatial position and the angular orientation of the
user’s head during the interaction.
On the other hand, the intricate movements and
orientations of the user’s hands are captured using a
series of variables. For the right hand, aspects such
as its detection, position in space, orientation, veloc-
ity, and wrist rotation are detailed by HandDetect-
edR, HighConfidenceR, RHandPosition x, RHandRo-
tation x, and RWristTwist, among others. The left
hand’s kinematics mirror this structure, with variables
like HandDetectedL, LHandPosition x, and LWrist-
Twist playing analogous roles.
The experimental session conducted at the HNPT in-
volved a total of 9 participants, consisting of 3 SCI pa-
tients and 6 healthy individuals (HNPT staff).All the
patients had a chronic cervical SCI (more than one
year after the injury). Additionally, the patient with
ID:1 regularly engages in adaptive sports, ensuring a
commendable overall mobility.
Before starting the experimentation, participants
were thoroughly briefed on the nature of the exer-
cises. Subsequently, with the VR headset on, they
underwent an initial immersion into the virtual world
to get acquainted with it, without any data being
recorded yet.
Each participant, seated in a traditional chair or
wheelchair, underwent individual assessments and
participated in exercises designed to measure their
progress. The primary objective was to prevent a
specified number of shots from becoming goals. The
goalkeeper, whether a patient or a therapist, aimed to
maximize their successful saves. The system tracked
the duration the goalkeeper remained active. The ex-
ercise persisted until the predetermined number of
goals were conceded by the goalkeeper (15 in par-
ticular). As the goalkeeper’s duration in the exer-
cise extended, due to successfully preventing goals,
the difficulty level progressively heightened with balls
launched at faster speeds and greater frequencies.
On the other hand, the healthy individuals partic-
ipating in the study are experienced in rehabilitating
SCI patients. They are professionals specializing in
fields such as biomedical engineering, occupational
therapy, and physical therapy. The gameplay mechan-
ics and objectives for these individuals were identical
to those applied to the patients, maintaining a consis-
tent approach across all participants in the study.
4.1 Sample Description
This section outlines the data pertaining to the partic-
ipants, including their age, patient type, and type of
injury. Table 1 summarizes the general characteristics
of each participant.
Table 1: Participant data in the HNPT study.
ID Age Type Injury
1 47 Patient SCI
2 31 Healthy -
3 24 Healthy -
4 20 Patient SCI
5 45 Healthy -
6 44 Healthy -
7 29 Healthy -
8 23 Healthy -
9 22 Patient SCI
Two groups of subjects are distinguished: 88.9%
of the participants had occasionally used VR de-
vices previously. Furthermore, 11.1% used them fre-
quently. 100% of the subjects had used a VR device
at some point. It is also noteworthy that 33.3% of
the study participants were HNPT patients, and the
remaining 66.6% were healthy individuals.
44.4% of the participants were aged between 20
and 25 years, 44.4% were between 25 and 30 years
Virtual Reality-Based Adapted Handball Serious Game for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injured Patients
old, 11.1% were between 30 and 40 years old, and
the remaining 33.3% were above 40 years old.
4.2 Results
After conducting the study, the results obtained are
displayed in Table 2. This table presents the dura-
tion times of each participant in each of the two series
conducted, along with the number of saves made in
each series. The longer the duration time, the better
the performance. The last column displays the per-
centage of improvement or worsening that the partic-
ipants achieved in the number of saves made. Finally,
the last row presents the arithmetic mean of all the
measurements recorded.
As can be seen in the table, the degree of improve-
ment is positive in 8 out of 10 cases, with an over-
all average improvement of 29%. Only two subjects,
5 and 8 (both healthy subjects), showed worse per-
formance and results after the second session. The
main cause was fatigue after a short time elapsed be-
tween sessions S1 and S2. In the case of SCI patients,
subjects 1, 4 and 9, the degree of improvement was
42.8%, 31.2% and 33.3% respectively, the arithmetic
mean being 35.7%.
On the other hand, it was observed that the aver-
age time taken in S1 was 80 seconds, whereas in S2, it
averaged at 90 seconds. This indicates an overall in-
crease in time, showing a progression from S1 to S2
and, in consequence, a better performance. Among
the patients, particularly subjects 1, 4, and 9, there
was a variance in the degree of time growth noticed.
The patients exhibited a diverse range of time incre-
ments, with a mean growth of approximately 31.84%.
Specifically, P1 showed an increase of 27.27%, P4
had an increase of 53.97%, and P9 recorded a growth
of 14.29%.
In Figure 7, a mosaic layout presents the kine-
matic recordings for each of the subjects who partici-
pated in the study. The red dots represent movements
of the right hand, the blue dots denote movements of
the left hand, and the yellow dots depict head move-
ments. Among the subjects, those identified by IDs
1, 4, and 9 are patients with SCI, while the rest are
healthy participants. This visual representation serves
to compare and contrast the motion patterns and ten-
dencies between the two groups.
In general, it appears that patients with spinal cord
injuries tend to demonstrate a higher concentration of
movements in the center of the chart for both hands,
potentially reflecting a limitation in the range of mo-
tion. Additionally, their head movements display a
notable restriction in breadth, focusing their attention
on specific areas without encompassing the full vi-
sual field. On the other hand, healthy participants
exhibit a broader dispersion of movements with both
hands, suggesting an enhanced capability to respond
to stimuli from various directions. Their more dis-
persed head movements indicate an aptitude for ac-
tively tracking the trajectory of the ball across diverse
directions and elevations.
All data collected during the experiment are
publicly available in the GitHub repository:
Rehab-HandballVR. The repository is organized into
nine folders, each corresponding to an individual
participant in the experiment. Each folder contains a
Historical.CSV file detailing the number of throws,
saves, and goals detected, as well as a TrackingData
subfolder, which includes a CSV files with the
kinematics recorded for each exercise performed.
4.3 Participant Feedback
At the end of the exercise sessions, each participant
was asked to complete a simple questionnaire consist-
ing of three questions designed to measure their mo-
tivation, sense of achievement and satisfaction, and
comfort/well-being in the virtual space.
Q1 - ”After playing, I feel motivated to continue
playing or to return to the game at another time.
Participants could respond with a value between 1-5,
where 1 signifies ”strongly disagree” and 5 the oppo-
Q2 - ”I have experienced a sense of accomplish-
ment and satisfaction upon completing the exercises.
The response format is the same as Q1, with a value
between 1-5.
Q3 is designed to measure the user’s degree of
comfort and well-being: ”I have experienced dizzi-
ness, disorientation, or balance difficulties while play-
ing. Possible answers are: a) I have not experi-
enced any symptoms at all, b) I have experienced mild
symptoms, c) I have experienced moderate symp-
toms, d) I have experienced significant symptoms, e)
I have experienced very intense symptoms.
Figure 8 graphically summarizes the responses to
the above questions. Regarding motivation, 7 out of
9 participants gave the highest score for motivation
level, while 2 rated it 4, still above the average. In
response to Q2, 5 of the 9 participants experienced the
highest level of achievement and satisfaction, 3 rated
it 4, and only one rated it 3. Finally, the results for
Q3 indicate that the immersive experience was highly
enjoyable, with only one participant experiencing a
moderate sensation of dizziness during the exercises.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Summary of the evaluation session at HNPT.
Identifier Time S1 (seconds) Saves S1 Time S2 (seconds) Saves S2 Degree of Improvement
1 99 49 126 70 42.8%
2 100 38 102 49 28.9%
3 96 45 108 54 20%
4 63 16 97 37 31.2%
5 96 51 65 20 -31.4%
6 77 28 122 56 100%
7 64 19 68 23 21%
8 74 25 66 21 -16%
9 56 12 64 16 33.3%
Average 80 31 90 40 29%
Figure 7: 2D representation of participants’ hand and head positions during the second training session.
This paper presents a VR-based serious game de-
signed for upper limb rehabilitation, replicating hand-
ball goalkeeper training for wheelchair users. It acts
as a complement to traditional therapy methods, pro-
viding patients with a more appealing and motiva-
tional environment for exercise.
A key strength of this work is the accurate record-
ing of kinematics during exercise performance. The
data gathered are crucial for therapists to objectively
assess patient progress. Parameters such as range
of motion (ROM), movement speed and smoothness,
repetition count and consistency, as well as the ac-
Virtual Reality-Based Adapted Handball Serious Game for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injured Patients
Figure 8: Graphical representation of the responses
provided by participants regarding motivation, sense of
achievement and satisfaction, and comfort/well-being.
curacy and precision of movements, balance, or pos-
tural control can be calculated from this data. For
patients, this information is invaluable as it informs
them whether they are performing the movements
correctly, a vital aspect since the success of rehabil-
itation partly relies on exercise precision.
The system has been tested in a real-world setting
at the Hospital Nacional de Parapl
ejicos de Toledo
with SCI patients and has also been validated by ther-
apists. The conducted experimentation has some lim-
itations, such as a small participant sample and a sin-
gle exercise session in one day. However, the initial
goal of this preliminary work was mainly to analyze
the correct functionality of the system and ensure it
provides a safe testing environment for patients.
After verification by the HNPT staff regarding the
system’s safety for patients and the reliability of the
data collected, future sessions are planned to involve
larger patient samples and regular repetitions to eval-
uate the effectiveness and impact of the proposal on
mobility recovery.
This work has been founded by the Spanish Ministry
of Science, Innovation and Universities under the Re-
search Project: Platform for Upper Extremity Reha-
bilitation based on Immersive Virtual Reality (Rehab-
Immersive), PID2020-117361RB-C21 and PID2020-
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Virtual Reality-Based Adapted Handball Serious Game for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injured Patients