vacy concerns forced us to abandon the LOGGIT soft-
ware which was a cornerstone in our pipeline archi-
tecture. We did our best to comply with this require-
ment as soon as possible.
The aim of our contribution is to provide a real-
world scenario or use case which might be useful for
other companies when dealing with similar issues.
We iteratively refactored our pipeline architecture
several times in order to find a balance between our
requirements in terms of reliability and the sometimes
convoluted rules of the Data Protection Authority.
We discussed each iteration and the choices we
made. Our pipeline has been up and running since
the first iteration and we had no data loss due to the
While we are still missing the visualization feature
of the previous tool (LOGGIT), we managed to provide
a basic monitoring facility. In order restore the pre-
vious web interface facility, our basic plan is to index
the data stream into an Elastic stack (e.g., OpenSearch
+ OpenDashboard) and replicate the LOGGIT visual-
izations. We consider the addition of a monitoring
and visualization interface as our next future goal.
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What to Do when Privacy Issues Screw It Up: Ingestion Refactoring in a Big-Data Pipeline