Implementing Learning Analytic Systems in Educational Institutions:
The Importance of Transparent Information for User Acceptance
Lynn Schmodde
, Marius Wehner
, Paulin Zahn
and Jasmin Georgy
Chair of Business Administration, Esp. Digital Management and Digital Work, Heinrich-Heine-University,
Universitätsstr. 1, Düsseldorf, Germany
Keywords: Education, Learning Analytics, Fairness, User Perceptions.
Abstract: Learning analytics (LA) systems have to meet high standards to ensure effective implementation in
educational institutions, but knowledge about which factors play the most important role for users is limited.
With two studies, we investigate the importance of different attributes of LA systems (Study 1) and the
influence of different information fragments (i.e., benefits, drawbacks, and auditing information of the LA
system) on users’ (i.e., students and teachers) perceived fairness and attractiveness of the institution (Study
2). In Study 1, we conducted a choice-based conjoint analysis to examine the relative importance of fairness,
accuracy, audits, and methods of use. Our results show that both students and teachers consider fairness to be
the most important feature. In Study 2, we conducted an experimental video vignette study to examine how
different fragments of information influence perceived fairness (i.e., informational justice) and attractiveness
of the institution. We show that more information increases students’ and teachers’ acceptance, even when
potential drawbacks are communicated, although the results of the teacher sample are less pronounced overall.
In recent years, digitalization and the implementation
of algorithm-based systems increased rapidly
(Fischer et al., 2023; Mai et al., 2022). This
development can also be observed in educational
institutions (Winter et al., 2021). Schools and
universities started to offer online learning, resulting
in teachers having to assess student performance
online. Learning analytics (LA) systems can improve
this process and support teachers and students to
make the learning process more effective (Martin and
Ndoye, 2016). LA involves the process of measuring,
collecting, analyzing and reporting data about
learners and their environment (Siemens and Baker,
2012). The data is used to improve understanding of
learning processes and to optimize both the learning
experience itself and the learning environment in
which it takes place (Ifenthaler and Drachsler, 2020).
LA systems can measure learners’ activity and
consistency in using the learning platform, but also
provide information on how well students complete
their exercises and prepare for exams (Mai et al.,
2022). Based on this, predictions are made and LA
systems can help identify at-risk learners and support
learning success (Siemens and Long, 2011).
Despite this, LA systems are not yet widespread,
particularly in Germany, and the process of
implementing a LA system is not well understood
(Ifenthaler et al., 2021). Discussions often include
concerns about the fairness and accuracy of the
analysis (Roberts et al., 2016). Although algorithms
and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) can increase
the objectivity of decisions (Kaibel et al., 2019),
biased training datasets can lead to unfair tendencies
and systematically discriminate against certain
groups (Köchling and Wehner, 2020; Greller and
Drachsler, 2012).
Exploring factors that mitigate perceived
uncertainties is crucial for safe implementation of
these systems. Current literature highlights a gap in
understanding the conditions under which users are
Schmodde, L., Wehner, M., Zahn, P. and Georgy, J.
Implementing Learning Analytic Systems in Educational Institutions: The Importance of Transparent Information for User Acceptance.
DOI: 10.5220/0012555000003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 297-304
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
receptive to learning platforms with integrated LA
(Schumacher and Ifenthaler, 2018). Furthermore,
little is known about how educational institutions can
enhance users’ perceptions of fairness in LA systems
(Roberts et al., 2016).
Hence, first, it is important to know what LA
systems should look like from the users’ perspectives
and to assess how to minimize users’ concerns about
fairness and accuracy, thereby giving credit to a user-
centered design and making users feel more
comfortable implementing LA systems in their
educational routines (Lawson et al., 2016). Based on
this knowledge, systems can be designed to be
efficient and supportive. Yet the significance of
different aspects of LA systems, including audits, has
not been thoroughly studied (Schumacher and
Ifenthaler, 2018). Therefore, we investigate the
relative importance of auditing LA systems for users
in comparison to other features, such as fairness,
accuracy, and methods of use, with a choice-based
conjoint analysis (Study 1).
Second, in Study 2, we conducted an experimental
vignette study to examine the role of transparent
communication of a newly introduced LA system for
users’ perceived fairness and organizational
attractiveness. Transparent information is crucial for
introducing new technologies to convey the context
of their usage and functionality (Lawson et al., 2016).
Following the reasoning of justice theory, the
communication of information creates a sense of
being actively involved in decisions (Colquitt, 2001).
This can foster a more favorable assessment of
emerging technologies, thereby promoting increased
acceptance of LA systems within educational settings
(Greenberg, 1994).
Educational learning platforms gather log data
associated with learners’ behaviors and actions
(Almosallam and Ouertani, 2014), enabling
automated analysis and enhancing information
accessibility about learners (Mai et al., 2022). This
information can be used to promote learner reflection
or to predict learning success (Greller and Drachsler,
2012). LA facilitates information-based interventions
for students, which enables adaptive and personalized
learning. In this study, we only focus on algorithmic
LA systems that can predict learners’ success.
Although LA systems offer various benefits for
enhancing learning processes, they come with
challenges that might decrease users’ perceptions of
fairness and their acceptance of the system.
In education, data about learners is sensitive,
which is the reason why the use of data is a critical
issue (Khalil and Ebner, 2015). Furthermore, LA
systems are trained by existing data. If this training
data is biased LA systems replicate or even reinforce
biases (Mehrabi et al., 2022), resulting in potential
discrimination based on gender, origin, or religion
(Köchling et al., 2021). Hence, it is crucial to avoid
biases from a technical perspective, but users also
need to have the feeling of a fairly treating system.
The acceptance of LA systems can also depend on
the accuracy of the algorithm, as errors can also arise
from inaccurate data used by algorithms and lead to
errors in user evaluation (Mehrabi et al., 2022). These
errors are often unnoticed and therefore cannot be
reported (Kim, 2017).
Due to these concerns regarding the use of LA
systems, it is useful to conduct an audit. Audits aid in
early problem detection and bias prevention (Calders
and Zliobaite, 2013; Riazy et al., 2020; Rzepka et al.,
2022). A regular audit is also recommended in the
European Artificial Intelligence Act (European
Commission, 2021).
To measure the effects of addressing the concerns
on the user perceptions, we followed the reasoning of
justice theory and measured perceived fairness by
using one dimension of justice (Starke et al., 2022).
Justice refers to “perceptions of fairness in decision-
making” (Colquitt and Rodell, 2011) and can be
categorized into four dimensions (Colquitt, 2001). In
our research, the dimension of informational justice
was of particular interest, which describes the extent
to which justification and truthfulness are provided
during procedures (Colquitt and Rodell, 2011). We
assume that communicating information about LA
systems will make users feel more involved in
decisions (Colquitt, 2001). In addition, research by
Shapiro et al. (1994) found that detailed explanations
are perceived as more satisfying. Accordingly,
information about the LA system can lead to the
development of trustworthiness (Colquitt and Rodell,
2011) and, hence, acceptance of the system. Further,
Langer et al. (2018) found that reactions to
technologies are positively influenced by more
Based on these assumptions, we propose that
transparent communication of relevant information
enhances the acceptance of LA systems. Furthermore,
we assume that perceived fairness positively
influences students’ and teachers’ reactions to LA
systems and, in turn, increases institutional
In this study, institutional attractiveness reflects
individuals’ attitudes towards the educational
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
institution (Chapman et al., 2005), which is a key
precondition for intentions and behavior according to
the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991).
University students and teachers have freedom in
selecting their educational institution and employer.
If a university lacks characteristics and support
deemed suitable by students and teachers, they may
find this university less attractive and choose another
university. Thus, attractiveness of an institution is
crucial to remain a competitive university (Platz and
Holtbrügge, 2016).
This leads to our two research questions
concerning the implementation of a new LA system:
First, which factors of LA systems do students and
teachers rate to be important? Second, how do these
information elements influence the perceived fairness
and the institutional attractiveness of a university?
3.1 Study Design and Sample
We conducted our Study 1 and 2 between autumn
2022 and spring 2023. In Study 1, we employed a
choice-based conjoint analysis, a popular
experimental research design for evaluating the
importance of certain factors due to its similarity to
real-life situations and ability to elicit spontaneous
decision-making (Balderjahn et al., 2009; Karren and
Barringer, 2002; Shepherd and Zacharakis, 1999). In
our study, participants were asked to imagine their
educational institution implementing a LA system.
They chose between two systems in several rounds,
selecting their preferred option. The systems differed
in randomized attributes, visually represented with
icons and pictures for clarity (see Table 1).
The first attribute methods of use varied across
two levels, therefore differentiating between LA
systems that give a grade recommendation and the
ones that additionally forecast the learning success.
The type of audit differed in the verification of the
system within the educational institution, by third
parties or no verification at all. Fairness of the
analysis included an equal treatment of all learners
regardless of origin, gender or religion or an
accidental unequal treatment. The fourth attribute
described the accuracy of the analysis, which varied
between the correct evaluations of seven, eight or
nine out of ten learners.
The specifications of attributes allow 36 (2 x 2 x
3 x 3) possible combinations of a LA system. As more
than 20 rounds can overwhelm the participants, we
used a fractional factorial design and applied twelve
rounds in our survey (Balderjahn et al., 2009). We
tested the number of rounds with the preliminary
counting test in Sawtooth based on 300 versions.
For the recruitment of our sample, we employed a
European ISO-certified online sampling provider
(ISO 20252:2019). Our sample consisted of 440
participants from Germany, including 212 teachers
= 44.82) and 228 students (M
= 21.23). 70%
of the sample were female. We made a distinction
between teachers and students because teachers
benefit from the results of the LA process and are
expected to take action based on those results, while
students provide the data that is analyzed (Greller and
Drachsler, 2012). This highlights the need to
understand the preferences of both groups.
3.2 Results
To analyze the results, we used the Sawtooth
Software Lighthouse Studio 9.15.0 and evaluated our
data using Hierarchical Bayes (HB) model and
counting analysis. While the HB model shows the
importance (I) of the attributes in a ranking, the
counting analysis rates the levels within the attributes
(Orme and Sawtooth Software, Inc., 2002).
All groups (i.e., students and teachers) rated
fairness (I = 34.95[SD = 14.47]) as the most important
attribute of a LA system. The type of audit (I =
28.87[SD = 11.61]) was ranked second, followed by
accuracy of the analysis (I = 28.23[SD = 10.61]). The
least important attribute was the method of use (I =
7.95[SD = 8.42]).
The counting analysis revealed the preferred
levels of the different attributes. Table 1 shows the
results of the level being selected of the times it
occurred. All groups preferred a system with equal
treatment of all learners regardless of origin, gender,
or religion (0.70), audits verified by third parties
(0.59), the correct evaluation of nine out of ten
learners (0.62) as well as LA systems that provides
grade recommendation as well as a prediction of the
learning success (0.52).
4.1 Study Design and Sample
While Study 1 highlighted the factors that are
important for students and teachers when introducing
a new LA system, Study 2 focuses on the extent to
which communicating these information about LA
systems may increase fairness perceptions and the
institutional attractiveness of a university.
Implementing Learning Analytic Systems in Educational Institutions: The Importance of Transparent Information for User Acceptance
Table 1: Level rank of attributes.
We used a video vignette study, which is
recommended to gain insights into the perceptions
and attitudes of individuals (Shapiro et al., 1994). In
these videos, the principal of a fictitious university,
played by a trained actress, announced the
implementation of a new LA system.
A total of eight vignette videos were included,
resulting in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial between-subject
design to examine the effects of different
combinations of information on users’ perceptions of
LA. Every participant watched only one of the eight
videos. Each video aimed to manipulate the stimulus
information in the following ways: (1) it highlighted
the benefits of the LA system, including personalized
feedback opportunities, (2) it discussed possible
drawbacks of the LA system, such as the potential
biases in algorithmic predictions, and (3) it provided
supplementary details about an external audit of the
LA system and explained that gender discrimination
or ethnical discrimination against groups of people
can be ruled out. Participants in one vignette (video 1:
used as the reference category in the analysis) were
solely informed about the implementation of a LA
system, without any elaboration on its benefits,
drawbacks, or the auditing
We assessed participants’ perceived fairness
using three items from the informational justice scale
(Colquitt, 2001) (e.g., “Was the principal of the
university open in her communication with you?”;
Cronbach’s alpha = .87). Participants’ perception of
the institutional attractiveness was measured with
three items adapted from Aiman-Smith et al. (2001)
(e.g., “The described university would be a good
university to study at”; Cronbach’s alpha = .94). Both
scales were Likert scales (1 = strongly disagree; 7 =
strongly agree).
The vignette study was conducted with two
samples. We employed a European ISO-certified
online sampling provider (ISO 20252:2019) to recruit
students from German universities (n = 458; M
30.33; female = 57%). The second sample included
teachers from educational institutions in Germany (n
= 269; M
= 42.85; female = 58%), with participants
recruited through social networks and the sampling
4.2 Results
We analyzed the impact of the seven videos, each
presenting various manipulation combinations, in
contrast to the reference category (i.e., video 1
without further details on the LA system).
Detailed results are shown in Table 2. Although
we found negative direct effects on institutional
attractiveness, our results show that more information
(i.e., benefits, drawbacks, audit) for students led to
positive indirect effects on the institutional
attractiveness. These relationships were mediated by
perceived informational justice, which highlights the
underlying mechanism governing users’ responses to
the provided information. Those vignettes containing
information about the external audit of the LA system
(i.e., Video 2, 4, 6, and 8) demonstrated the most
substantial increase in informational justice
Icons Attributes and levels I
The algorithm treats all learners equally (regardless of gender, origin,
The algorithm may inadvertently disadvantage learners (due to gender,
origin, religion).
A third
review of the s
stem took
lace. 0.59
There was a review of the system by the teaching institution. 0.56
No review of the s
stem took
lace. 0.35
The algorithm correctly assesses 9 out of 10 learners. 0.62
The al
orithm correctl
assesses 8 out of 10 learners. 0.50
The algorithm correctly assesses 7 out of 10 learners. 0.38
Methods of use
The algorithm gives a grade recommendation and additionally predicts
learning success (successful completion of the course).
The al
ives a
rade recommendation. 0.48
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2: Results of the student sample (Note. B = unstandardized effect; SE = standard error; b = standardized
effect; N (students) = 458, N (teachers) = 269. Reference category: Information that LA is implemented without further details
(video 1).
Student Sample Teacher Sample
Direct Effects of the Video Vignettes B SE b p B SE b p
Video 2 Audit Informational Justice .64
.20 .01 .42
.12 .16
Video 3 Benefits Informational Justice .64
.20 .01 .05
.01 .88
Video 4 Benefits+Audit Informational Justice .76
.24 .01 .10
.03 .74
Video 5 Benefits+Drawbacks Informational Justice .66
.21 .01 .08
.02 .78
Video 6 Benefits+Drawbacks+Audit Informational
.78 (.21) .24 .01 .82 (.31) .22 .01
Video 7 Drawbacks Informational Justice .64
.20 .01 .47
.13 .13
Video 8 Drawbacks+Audit Informational Justice .64
.20 .01 .16
.05 .59
Video 2 Audit Institutional Attractiveness -.38 (.22) -.09 .08 -.12 (.29) -.03 .68
Video 3 Benefits Institutional Attractiveness -.42 (.22) -.10 .05 -.17 (.29) -.04 .55
Video 4 Benefits+Audit Institutional Attractiveness -.38 (.22) -.09 .08 -.36 (.29) -.08 .22
Video 5 Benefits+Drawbacks Institutional
-.69 (.22) -.16 .01 -.48 (.28) -.12 .09
Video 6 Benefits+Drawbacks+Audit Institutional
-.43 (.22) -.10 .05 -.39 (.30) -.09 .20
Video 7 Drawbacks Institution Attractiveness -.40 (.22) -.09 .07 -.70 (.30) -.15 .02
Video 8 Drawbacks+Audit Institution Attractiveness -.82 (.22) -.19 .01 -.67 (.29) -.16 .02
Effect of Mediator on Outcome Variable
Informational Justice Institution Attractiveness .98
.71 .01 .76
.63 .01
Indirect Effects
Video 2 Audit Institution Attractiveness .62 (.20) .14 .02 .32 (.21) .07 .10
Video 3 Benefits Institution Attractiveness .63 (.21) .15 .01 .03 (.23) .01 .88
Video 4 Benefits+Audit Institution Attractiveness .74 (.22) .17 .01 .08 (.23) .02 .74
Video 5 Benefits+Drawbacks Institution
.65 (.22) .15 .01 .06 (.22) .01 .68
Video 6 Benefits+Drawbacks+Audit Institution
.76 (.21) .17 .01 .63 (.25) .14 .02
Video 7 Drawbacks Institution Attractiveness .63 (.22) .14 .01 .12 (.23) .03 .56
Video 8 Drawbacks+Audit Institution Attractiveness .63 (.23) .14 .01 .36 (.21) .08 .06
perceptions, subsequently contributing to higher
institutional attractiveness ratings.
To compare the two groups of teachers and
students, we conducted a multi-group comparison in
which we compared three models, an unconstrained
model, a measurement invariance model, and a
structural weights model (Steinmetz, 2013). The
results show that the measurement invariance model
(χ²(10) = 82.069, p = .86) does not differ significantly
from the unconstrained model (χ²(72) = 87.48, p =
.20), which in turn shows that both teachers and
students understood the constructs in the same way.
The structural weights model (χ²(25) = 125.58, p =
.01), on the other hand, differs significantly from the
measurement invariance model, which means that the
model is different overall, that is, the groups differ
significantly in their responses. This means that a
group comparison makes sense
The results show differences in the effects
between the two groups. For the direct effects on
informational justice, the results of the students show
clear positive directions, while only video 6 (i.e., the
provision of information on all available information)
led to an increase in the perception of fairness for
teachers. In both groups, however, informational
justice was positively related to institutional
attractiveness. Concerning the direct effects of the
videos on institutional attractiveness, we observed
negative effects for the students, when potential
drawbacks were mentioned (videos 7 and 8). With
regard to indirect effects, the results show that video
6 with all information had a positive indirect effect on
institutional attractiveness in both groups.
Implementing Learning Analytic Systems in Educational Institutions: The Importance of Transparent Information for User Acceptance
By conducting two empirical studies, we investigated
the relevance of different characteristics of LA
systems as well as the role of transparent information
for fairness perceptions at educational institutions.
The results show that especially the fairness aspect is
a sensitive and relevant characteristic, and great
importance should be attached to ensuring a fair
evaluation by the systems. Furthermore, we found
that transparent communication can increase fairness
perceptions and thus also the perceived attractiveness
of an institution.
In particular, the results of our conjoint analysis
underline the fairness aspects and show the
importance of external audits for both teachers and
students. In contrast, the methods of use are not
highly relevant, suggesting this does not need to be
prioritized during system implementation. However,
ensuring proper verification and technical bias
prevention is still crucial.
The results of our vignette study shed light on the
role of transparent information about the benefits and
drawbacks of LA for students. We also show that
information about an existing system audit by an
external institution has an additional positive
influence on perceptions. This shows that users
perceive LA systems more positively the more
information they receive—even if they are made
aware of possible drawbacks. Although it may seem
counterintuitive to point out drawbacks of the LA
system, informing users of potential drawbacks is
paramount, especially from an ethics perspective.
At the same time, our results show that students
perceive a system to be fairer when they receive
information that the LA system has been audited,
which raises the need for universities to seek audits of
their LA systems. Not only will this ensure that LA
systems are functioning well from a technical and
fairness perspective, but it will also help students
assess whether they accept this new technology.
The results imply that teachers are apparently less
easily influenced by the information provided to
them, or that they themselves already have clearer
opinions on the topic of LA. Another explanation may
be that teachers see their profession as a job that they
have to do anyway, even if new LA systems are
introduced. Students, on the other hand, might change
their educational institution if they do not like the LA
system or if the provided information about the LA
system is insufficient. In sum, our results suggest that
it is important to provide students and teachers with
all available information, as they are both affected by
new LA systems.
Our findings have practical implications for
higher education institutions, planning to implement
LA and aiming to maximize users’ acceptance. Given
that literature is still in its infancy with regard to
reactions to LA systems, our study adds to this
literature by showing that revealing different
information fragments to users has distinct
implications for their perceptions and assessments of
the institution. This has practical implications for the
design and auditing of LA systems prior to their
implementation and underscores the need to
transparently communicate benefits, drawbacks, and
the audit that has been performed by institutions.
In particular, both studies have highlighted the
crucial role of audits, preferably by an external body,
which in turn can ensure a fair assessment of students.
The recommendation by the European Commission
(2021) to audit systems based on artificial intelligence
can therefore be supported and underlined as relevant
by our findings.
Our research is not without limitations. First, we
conducted our studies with German-speaking
participants. An exploration of our research questions
in other countries with their own peculiarities (i.e., the
state of digitization in educational instructions) would
be an interesting and important avenue for future
Second, the novelty of LA systems presents a
challenge for users, particularly concerning their
usage scenarios. Despite employing visual aids in our
studies to improve understanding, many users may
lack prior experience with LA systems, hindering
their full comprehension and empathetic engagement
(Köchling and Wehner, 2020; Simbeck, 2023).
Third, in Study 1, to avoid overwhelming the
participants (Balderjahn et al., 2009), we focused on
just four attributes derived from existing literature
and discussion surrounding LA. However, it is crucial
to acknowledge the potential existence of other
significant attributes and factors, which might emerge
through additional research or during actual LA
system implementation.
In order to ensure a meaningful use of LA systems in
educational institutions, LA systems have to be
accepted by all users. In Study 1, we investigated the
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
importance of different attributes of a LA system and
found that the fairness of the LA system and an
external audit are most important for students and
teachers. In Study 2, we investigated the influence of
different information fragments on users’ perceived
fairness and institutional attractiveness of a
university. Our results show that all users value more
information about the LA system, even though
possible drawbacks were communicated. However,
the results for students and teachers differ
significantly, indicating that students who are
affected by the predictions of LA systems are more
sensitive to the provided information in comparison
to teachers. Future research is needed to investigate
successful ways of implementing LA systems and to
highlight the positive aspects for all user groups.
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