Applying Text Analytics Methodology to Analyze Project Reports
Irina Arhipova
, Liga Paura
, Nikolajs Bumanis
, Gatis Vitols
, Vladimirs Salajevs
Aldis Erglis
, Gundars Berzins
and Evija Ansonska
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies,
Liela Street 2, Jelgava, LV 3001, Latvia
Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, University of Latvia, Aspazijas bulv. 5, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia
{aldis.erglis, gundars.berzins, evija.ansonska},
Keywords: Text Mining, Text Gap Analysis, Word Co-Occurrence Analysis, Unique Terms Identification.
Abstract: The goal of this article is to develop a support methodology for Driving Urban Transition (DUT) partnership
to ensure that the knowledge gathered from ERA-NET Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (EN-UAC,
2023) projects, to repeatedly identify the requirements of programme entities and define specific topics for
future calls. Fifteen projects under the Horizon 2020 ERA-NET initiative have been analysed to detect
similarity between projects, uniqueness of the projects, project compliance with DUT and SRIA, and gap
between projects and DUT, SRIA methodology. A particular focus in the analysis was on the project
“Individual Mobility Budgets as a Foundation for Social and Ethical Carbon Reduction” (MyFairShare). Text
mining methods were used for documents analysis. The similarity between the documents detected by the
cluster algorithm and they were compared using words, as a result, the documents were combined into three
clusters: “Strategy implementation and network infrastructure”; “Transport accessibility and policy” and
“Urban city mobility”. The identification of unique terms shown the terms energy, ecosystem and climate are
unique for DUT&SRIA and are not found in 15 EN-UAC project applications and the next specific topics for
future calls can be within the subject of energy, climate and ecosystem.
The objective of numerous European, national,
regional, and local transportation strategies and
measures is to offer economical, reachable, secure,
and dependable urban access and linkage while
imposing minimal or no harm on the environment.
Over time, the European Commission, along with
member states, regional and local governing bodies,
private enterprises, and other parties involved, have
diligently worked to propel the progression of
mobility and transportation systems. Nevertheless,
despite these endeavours, sustainability predicaments
persist, underscoring the immediate requirement for a
profound shift toward a carbon-neutral, equitable, and
emission-free transportation network to climate-
neutral and smart cities (Clerici Maestosi et al., 2021).
The 15-Minute City (15minC) (Moreno, 2019),
Downsizing District Doughnuts (DDD) and Positive
Energy Districts (PED) are three innovation pillars or
new approaches for urban greening (Clerici Maestosi
et al., 2021). In 121 European metropolitan areas the
15-minute walking city (15-MWC) index was
evaluated and authors concluded the cities in the UK,
Portugal, France, and Italy have a lower 15-MWC
index and worst accessibility to their daily needs
compared to West Germany (Bartzokas-Tsiompras &
Bakogiannis, 2023). Along with the research on the
15minC, the researches on walking accessibility
(Bartzokas-Tsiompras et al., 2023; Ione Avila-
Palencia et al., 2022) and the behaviour of the
Arhipova, I., Paura, L., Bumanis, N., Vitols, G., Salajevs, V., Erglis, A., Berzins, G. and Ansonska, E.
Applying Text Analytics Methodology to Analyze Project Reports.
DOI: 10.5220/0012555100003717
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2024), pages 89-95
ISBN: 978-989-758-695-8; ISSN: 2184-5891
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
inhabitants (Arhipova et al., 2023) remains even more
The urgent and essential transformation of our
planet demands an immediate and critical shift in
society. This shift necessitates individuals to re-
evaluate their behaviours and outlooks, which in turn
involves a process of learning. Within the framework
of transitioning toward entirely new socio-economic
practices as envisioned by sustainable urban mobility,
learning goes beyond the mere acquisition of
Establishing an environment that encourages the
exploration of diverse forms of knowledge and
various ways of understanding is vital to cultivate
learning centred on sustainability. This learning
revolves around the notion of accessibility and
connectivity (ACUTE, 2023).
The goal of this article is to develop support
methodology for Driving Urban Transition (DUT)
partnership to ensure that the knowledge gathered
from ERA-NET Urban Accessibility and
Connectivity (EN-UAC, 2023) projects and beyond is
accessible as assistance for all stakeholders within the
forthcoming Horizon Europe Partnership Program
(DUT, 2023). This support aims to drive the urban
transition toward a future that is both sustainable and
conducive to a high quality of urban living.
In order to fulfil the goal of the article, it is
essential to repeatedly identify the requirements of
programme entities and define specific topics. This
involves addressing research gaps, implementation
deficiencies, using existing outcomes as a foundation
for future calls, staying abreast of new developments
and trends in urban accessibility and connectivity
innovations and social practices, and exploring
potential synergies with other funding programmes.
Usually the text is viewed as a means of conveying
meaning, but it can also be seen as a structured
sequence of words or an unstructured collection of
words. These words can be represented in ways that
enable analysis without being limited by grammatical
structure. Texts can be subjected to statistical
examination by exploring the interrelationships
between words within a specific text and comparing
these relationships to those observed in other texts
(Robinson & Silge, 2017). The utilization of
computational methods involves:
complementary enhancement to qualitative
analysis approaches;
scalability, capable of processing numerous
documents (such as proposals, mid-term
reports, final reports, etc.);
application of text analysis method: unordered
bag of words;
employment of data mining techniques to
unearth novel insights for upcoming calls:
ordered string of words;
manual customization options, allowing for the
definition of stop-words and precision;
while not flawless, it operates in a semi-
automated manner.
The set (=corpus) of 15 ERA-NET Urban
Accessibility and Connectivity (EN-UAC) project’
proposals (Basecamp, 2023), Driving Urban
Transitions to a Sustainable Future Roadmap 2022
(DUT, 2023) and JPI Urban Europe’s Strategic
Research and Innovation Agenda texts (=documents)
is analysed (SRIA 2.0., 2023).
The process of text analytics or text mining
involves multiple sequential steps (see Figure 1). The
initial step is text normalization by eliminating
punctuation, cases, and numbers. It is essential to
remove common words, often referred to as
stopwords, as they can obscure the more significant
and relevant ones. This includes removing standard
English stopwords (Vijayarani et al., 2015).
The next step is words frequency analysis: data
visualization by generating Wordclouds. After that
follows text similarity analysis: the idea is to measure
the similarity between two words or texts in order to
cluster documents into distinct groups. The ultimate
goal is to pinpoint a specific collection of documents
that maximizing the level of similarity. A similarity
model can be employed not only for clustering
documents but also for clustering words.
Word co-occurrence analysis step is necessary to
check co-occurrence between DUT/SRIA and
projects' proposals the combinations of files (entities
in corpus) are created, for example, DUT
MyFairShare project proposal text, SRIA 2.0
MyFairShare project proposal text (Arhipova et al.,
2022), etc. and for each combination:
a corpus, containing two files is created;
out of each file, 10 most used terms are
the list of unique words is created, using 10
most used terms from each file;
unique term combinations are created using
unique words;
each combination is then checked for
belonging to corpus entities;
FEMIB 2024 - 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
the results are stored as matrix where
X=Y=unique word and XY value equals to the
number of occurrences of particular
As the result of word co-occurrence analysis, the
matrix, as .csv file, is passed as input file to
visualization software Gephi (Gephi, 2023).
The last step of the process of text analytics is
unique terms identification and text gap analysis. The
word frequency provides representations of content
that include commonly occurring terms. However, to
identify topics that are specific to each text, it is
necessary a different approach.
The most commonly employed method for
achieving this is by utilizing the term frequency-
inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) measure,
which stands for term frequency-inverse document
frequency (Robinson & Silge, 2017).
Word frequency, text similarity analysis, unique
terms identification, and text gap analysis was done
using R (R Core Team, 2021) and R Text Mining
Package tm (Feinerer, Hornik, 2020).
Figure 1: The text analytics scheme.
Fifteen projects under the Horizon 2020 ERA-NET
Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (EN-
UAC) initiative have been analysed, with particular
focus on the MyFairShare project titled “Individual
Mobility Budgets as a Foundation for Social and
Ethical Carbon Reduction” (MyFairShare, 2023).
The research devised a theoretical notion of
“equitable” mobility budgets, considering an
individual's social and spatial circumstances (such as
socioeconomic status and proximity to places of
interest). These budgets assist individuals in
comprehending the consequences of their mobility
decisions, and also provide policymakers with
insights into necessary interventions to alleviate
excessive strain on local mobility budgets (Arhipova
et al., 2023) (for example, by enhancing carbon-
neutral accessibility to various destinations).
3.1 Word Frequency and Association
Word frequency analysis is done by visualizing data
through Wordcloud generation for EN-UAC projects
proposals, Driving Urban Transitions (DUT, 2023) to
a Sustainable Future Roadmap 2022 and JPI Urban
Europe’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
(SRIA 2.0., 2023) texts (see Figure 4).
The most commonly recurring 20 words (based on
relative frequency) within the texts of 15 EN-UAC
project proposals, DUT, and SRIA 2.0 were
extracted. An instance of this can be observed in the
MyFair Share project, outlined as follows: mobility
(4.9%), budget (3.8%), different (1.6%), policy
(1.5%), measure (1.1%), climate (1.0%), fair (1.0%),
impact (1.0%), lab (1.0%), living (1.0%), transport
(1.0%), etc. (see Figure 2)
Figure 2: Created word cloud of EN-UAC project
Correlation was used for the word association
analysis to evaluate six more frequent words in
MyFairShare project (mobility, budget, policy,
climate and fair) around the prominent themes.
The output had shown that mobility and budget
occur in 38% and 56% of the time with the word
calculator, respectively. The most frequent word
association with correlation 0.56 is between words
mobility and budget. The word climate correlated
with words awareness (0.62), protection (0.45) and
change (0.33). The fair correlated with words
distribution (0.37), specific (0.36) and determining
(0.36). This indicates the project main content can be
to determinate mobility budget and it fair distribution.
Applying Text Analytics Methodology to Analyze Project Reports
Figure 3: Created wordcloud of DUT document.
The most frequently five words for DUT are urban
(4.2%), the Positive Energy Districts Transition
Pathway or ped (2.0%), city (2.0%), energy (1.5%)
and innovation (1.4%) (see Figure 3).
Figure 4: Created wordcloud of SRIA 2.0. document.
The most frequently five words for SRIA 2.0. are
urban (8.0%), innovation (2.0%), city (1.5%), agenda
(1.4%), and strategic (1.4%) (see Figure 4).
3.2 Similarity Analysis
The goal of the text similarity analysis is to measure
the similarity between words or texts, enabling the
grouping of documents into distinct clusters. The
objective is to identify a specific set of documents that
maximise similarity levels. In order to measure the
similarity between texts, the hierarchical cluster
algorithm is used for clustering words and
documents. Ward’s or minimum variance method
was used to analyse distance between clusters, which
is popular in linguistic field (Szmrecsanyi, 2012).
The hierarchical clustering results by project
proposals text is shown by dendrogram (see Figure
Figure 5: Dendrogram of 15 EN-UAC projects proposal,
DUT and SRIA 2.0. texts.
Figure 6: Dendrogram of 15 EN-UAC projects proposal,
DUT and SRIA 2.0. words.
Based on the comparison with DUT and SRIA
2.0, it can be concluded that the projects exhibiting
the highest similarity are as follows: CATAPULT and
SmartHub, then Ex-TRA, ASAP, DyMoN,
GeoSence, MyFairShare, TuneOurBlock,
SortedMobility, ITEM, JUSTICE, SRIA and DUT
(see Figure 4).
Similarity models can be used not only for
document clustering but also for word clustering. The
clustering result by EN-UAC project proposals, DUT
and SRIA 2.0 words is shown by dendrogram (see
Figure 6).
According to the clustering result the projects
proposals, DUT and SRIA 2.0 words are divided to
the tree clusters. Terms grouped near to each other are
more frequently found together. It can be inferred that
words sharing the greatest similarity can be grouped
together into the following clusters of similarity:
cluster: approach, system, impact, base, tool,
challenge, case, potential, support,
development, service, design, include,
knowledge, stakeholders, solution, work,
sustainable, exit, provide;
FEMIB 2024 - 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
cluster: public, transport, accessibility,
cluster: mobility, city, urban (see Figure 6).
The names of the clusters’ can be: 1st cluster
“Strategy implementation and Network
infrastructure”; 2nd cluster “Transport accessibility
and policy” and 3rd cluster “Urban city mobility”.
Based on the words analysis between DUT and
SRIA documents three clusters in total with ten most
frequent words was found (see Figure 7).
Word Urban is higher in the plot compere to other
words that appear urban are more common within the
corpus. Word PED (Positive Energy Districts
Transition Pathway) is only occurs in DUT document
and as well as word energy is more frequent in DUT.
Figure 7: Dendrogram of DUT and SRIA 2.0. words.
The results show that the most common words for
DUT and SRIA are urban, city, innovation, energy &
transition, but for ENUAC projects - mobility & city.
The compliance or main subjects for
DUT&SRIA&EN-UAC projects are Strategy and
model development, implementation & network
infrastructure; Transport accessibility & policy;
Urban city mobility.
3.3 Word Co-Occurrence Analysis
The word co-occurrence analysis (Lancia, 2007)
between DUT, SRIA 2.0 and 15 projects' proposals
are executed. Co-occurrence analysis is focused on to
find out words relationship network and words, which
are frequently used together. Force Atlas algorithm is
used for graphs’ layout calculation.
The weight of each connection is the visually
differentiated: the stronger the line, the stronger the
connection (i.e., more occurrences), while the
position of the term depends on its
Figure 8: Compliance of MyFairShare project proposal to
Figure 9: Compliance of MyFairShare project proposal to
SRIA 2.0.
Compliance and gap of MyFairShare project
proposal, DUT and SRIA 2.0., using word co-
occurrence analysis, is given in Figure 8 and Figure
3.4 Unique Terms Identification and
Text Gap Analysis
While word frequency provides representations of
content that include commonly used terms, the
identification of topics specific to each text is
achieved using the TF-IDF measure, which stands for
term frequency-inverse document frequency.
For topics identification that are specific to each text
the TF-IDF measure is used and is calculated as TF
and IDF product:
Applying Text Analytics Methodology to Analyze Project Reports
log 
𝑁𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑢𝑠
𝑁𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑢𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑠
𝑁𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑠 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑁𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
Based on the analysis, the gap between DUT,
SRIA, and 15 EN-UAC projects can be observed in
the following 10 words: energy, regenerative,
ecosystem, neutral, climate, transformation,
economy, dilemma, transition and joint (Figure 10).
The highest TF-IDF (tf-idf) values
SRIA documents were PED, energy, CURE, climate
and 15minC (Figure 10). Comparison with DUT
Roadmap text & word co-occurrence analysis shows
that energy & transition are words with a lower co-
occurrence of two adjacent terms in a text corpus. The
similar result is found in the identification of unique
terms for DUT&SRIA: energy, ecosystem & climate.
The gap between DUT&SRIA and ENUAC projects
lies within the subject of energy, climate and
Figure 10: TF-IDF of unique terms for DUT & SRIA
Figure 11: TF-IDF of unique terms for MyFairShare
The top 10 unique words for MyFairShare project
are budget, fair, living lab, protection, climate,
scenario, guidance, distribution and constraint
(Figure 11).
Published research suggest that text mining methods
significantly reduced manual work compared to
conventional methods as well as also enables us to
interpret initial information of the projects proposals,
to estimate bias of the documents and to understand
the connections between them.
Our analysis indicates the most common words
for DUT and SRIA are urban, city, innovation, energy
and transition and for EN-UAC projects are mobility
and city. Based on text analysis the compliance or
main subjects for EN-UAC projects are strategy and
model development, implementation and network
infrastructure; transport accessibility and policy;
urban city mobility.
The identification of unique terms for
DUT&SRIA shows that the terms energy, ecosystem,
and climate are not found in 15 EN-UAC project
applications. For MyFairShare project words budget,
fair, living lab, protection, and climate were with
higher tf-idf value and the terms budget and fair are
unique and not found in the other projects.
Data analysis suggests also that the gap between
DUT&SRIA and EN-UAC projects is within the
subject of energy, climate and ecosystem.
As the number of evaluated projects within the
EN-UAC programme rises, text analysis methods
will facilitate faster and more scalable comparative
assessments among them compared to traditional
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the Horizon 2020 ERA-NET Cofund
Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (EN-UAC)
projects “Individual Mobility Budgets as a
Foundation for Social and Ethical Carbon Reduction”
(MyFairShare) and “Accessibility and Connectivity
knowledge hub for Urban Transformation in Europe”
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Applying Text Analytics Methodology to Analyze Project Reports