model’s capability to discern intricate patterns via
global training distinguishes it from conventional
benchmarks, emphasizing its utility for real-world ap-
plications that necessitate precise and robust time se-
ries predictions.
In exploring the capacity of global deep learning
models to predict demand at newly established charg-
ing stations, which were previously unobserved, the
adaptability of the N-HiTS Model to unfamiliar data
from various stations is examined. The results empha-
size its consistent ability to generalize across diverse
datasets, showcasing its reliability in delivering accu-
rate forecasts for a wide range of datasets.
Lastly, additional analysis of the N-HiTS model’s
generalization performance is provided. By exploring
the effects of varying training lengths on the model, a
deeper understanding of its strengths and limitations
is gained. The experiment highlights the superior ro-
bustness of global learning while shedding light on
the intricate and sometimes unpredictable behavior of
local learning. These insights provide valuable guide-
lines for the implementation of global deep learning
models across diverse contexts and requirements.
The forecasting of EV charging demand using his-
torical data at the level of individual charging sta-
tions remains challenging. The presence of substan-
tial noise within the demand curve of single charg-
ing stations, alongside the limited availability of high-
quality time series within each dataset, as demon-
strated by the data analysis, continues to pose a hur-
dle. Despite these challenges, the study provides
a foundational framework for understanding the dy-
namics of EV charging demand forecasting and of-
fers insights into the potential of global deep learning
models in tackling this complex task.
Future Research. As previously mentioned, one of
the pivotal challenges encountered in this study is
the volatile nature of data. One potential strategy
to alleviate these concerns is to expand the forecast-
ing framework to encompass broader geographical
and temporal dimensions. This could aid in dampen-
ing the inherent noise seen within individual demand
curves, enabling more reliable analysis of cross-series
learning by global deep learning models.
Drawing from the insights provided by (Oreshkin
et al., 2020), there is growing interest surrounding the
application of zero-shot learning for time series fore-
casting. Leveraging pre-trained models across dis-
parate time series could open new horizons in terms
of forecast accuracy and model adaptability.
Lastly, inspired by the methodology presented by
(Yi et al., 2022), clustering time series based on com-
mon attributes offers an intriguing prospect. This
method holds the potential to enhance cross-learning
capabilities among models, thereby fortifying their
generalization capabilities.
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VEHITS 2024 - 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems