Student Perspectives on Ethical Academic Writing with ChatGPT:
An Empirical Study in Higher Education
Lukas Spirgi
, Sabine Seufert
, Jan Delcker
and Joana Heil
Institute for Educational Management and Technologies, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Chair for Economic and Business Education – Learning, Design & Technology, University of Mannheim, Germany
Keywords: Human-AI-Collaboration, AI Ethics, ChatGPT, Academic Writing.
Abstract: The emergence of ChatGPT has significantly reshaped the landscape of higher education, sparking concerns
about its potential misuse for academic plagiarism (Cotton et al., 2023). This study examines the use of
ChatGPT in academic writing among students at the University of Mannheim in Germany and St. Gallen in
Switzerland, using a proposed Human-AI collaboration framework with six levels of AI-enabled text
generation (Boyd-Graber et al., 2023). The survey of 699 students reveals varied ChatGPT usage across all
six levels, with Level 3 (Literature Search) being slightly more utilized. Students expressed mixed opinions
on ethical issues, such as the declaration of ChatGPT-generated content in academic work and the extent to
which ChatGPT is allowed at their university. The results of the study highlight students' concerns about
negative effects on grades, a lack of clarity about university policies on ChatGPT, and fears that hard work
will not be rewarded. Despite these issues, most students support open access to ChatGPT. The findings
suggest the need for clear ethical guidelines in academia regarding AI use and highlight the potential
stigmatization of AI, which could hinder technology acceptance and AI-related skills development.
The emergence of ChatGPT indicates the
incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in
professional and educational settings. AI appears to
be having an escalating impact on people's lives due
to greater interactions between humans and robots
(Kim, 2022). AI in Higher Education has been used to
provide personalized feedback on academic writing
(Knight et al., 2020). The developments in the field
of generative AI (such as ChatGPT) are accelerating
the transformation in the area of knowledge work
(Dell'Acqua et al., 2023). Generative AI can be
defined, according to (Lim et al., 2023, p. 2), 'as a
technology that (i) leverages deep learning models to
(ii) generate human-like content (e.g., images, words)
in response to (iii) complex and varied prompts (e.g.,
languages, instructions, questions)'.
The effectiveness of this AI has led to widespread
apprehensions in higher education, especially
pertaining to the potential misuse by students for
plagiarism through the utilization of AI-generated
content in unmonitored academic tasks (Lo, 2023).
Consequently, discussions in the public domain
frequently emphasize the viewpoints of educators and
university administrations. To date, there is a
restricted amount of research on the application of AI
in higher education (Garrel et al., 2023; Kim, 2022;
Lim et al., 2023).
2.1 Framework for
Human-AI-Collaboration in
Academic Writing
Artificial intelligence tools for academic writing can
be described as human-like robots. Initially, the term
robot referred to appearance in the sense of physical
presence, but it is increasingly used to describe
Spirgi, L., Seufert, S., Delcker, J. and Heil, J.
Student Perspectives on Ethical Academic Writing with ChatGPT: An Empirical Study in Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0012555700003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 179-186
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
human-like performance (Murphy, 2019).
Human-like capabilities can be characterized by
the breadth and complexity of their functionalities
(Dang & Liu, 2022). In the field of AI-based text
generation in academic contexts, the model proposed
by Boyd-Graber et al. (2023) can serve as a reference
framework. The Association for Computational
Linguistics, an international research community
focused on language models such as ChatGPT, has
published guidelines for the ethical use of AI-based
writing tools (Boyd-Graber et al., 2023). Within these
guidelines, different levels can be defined that
indicate increasing levels of AI performance in text
generation, which affects the novelty of the content
Level 1: Assistance Purely With the Language
of the Paper. The AI assistant performs the task of
paraphrasing and refining the author's initial content.
The human carries out the final correction.
Level 2: Short-Form Input Assistance. The AI
assistant serves as a writing aid for brief texts, while
the human is accountable for examining the produced
Level 3: Literature Search. The AI assistant acts
as a search tool, guiding the user while the human is
responsible for searching, reading, and discussing
references, similar to a typical search engine
(Alshami et al., 2023).
Level 4: Low-Novelty Text. The virtual assistant
is accountable for producing text that describes
widely accepted concepts or presents an automated
literature review summary. Subsequently, the human
reviewer is responsible for ensuring precision and
discerning whether to employ the generated text.
Level 5: New ideas. The AI assistant generates
research ideas and model results, while the human
develops these further by formulating theses for
discussion and defining the research problem.
Moreover, humans are tasked with searching for
reliable sources to support these ideas.
Level 6 New Ideas + New Text: The AI assistant
plays a dual role in generating and executing text,
whilst the human is responsible for verifying
accuracy and deciding whether to adopt the generated
text. In addition, the human is tasked with further
development, including formulating discussion
theses and defining research problems, as well as
searching for well-established sources to support
these ideas.
2.2 Ethical Guidelines for AI
Advancements in artificial intelligence present
significant opportunities and substantial challenges,
necessitating the ethical and responsible application
of AI. In their work, Bao et al. (2022) devised an
index to evaluate AI's potential advantages and risks.
The ethical application of AI is evidently of
paramount significance.
The ethical use of AI has led to the development
of various guidelines (Floridi & Cowls, 2019). Jobin
et al. (2019) conducted a meta-study examining and
comparing existing ethics guidelines for AI. They
created an overview of current principles and
guidelines for ethical AI to assess whether there is
global convergence in the principles of ethical AI and
the requirements for its implementation. Their
analysis revealed global alignment on five ethical
principles: 1) Transparency, 2) Justice and Fairness,
3) Data Protection and Privacy, 4) No Harm and
Solidarity and 5) responsible AI development.
The ethical guidelines emphasize the significance
of customizing them for specific AI systems and
application domains, as suggested by Jobin et al.
(2019). To tackle these issues competently, adopting
a particular perspective that resonates with the
respective stakeholder group is essential.
The objective of this investigation is to assess the
prevalence of using artificial intelligence tools for
academic writing. Additionally, this study aims to
scrutinize the ethical standards which are deemed
crucial by students. To explore the usage and ethics
of academic writing when employing ChatGPT, we
pose two research questions:
1. How frequently do students use ChatGPT for
the different levels according to the Human-AI-
collaboration framework in academic writing?
2. How do students perceive ethical guidelines for
the use of ChatGPT regarding transparency and
The ethical principles developed by Jobin et al.
(2019) for the use of AI were applied in this study and
specifically adapted for higher education. The
perspective of students is relevant. Therefore, we
focused on two aspects:
Transparency: The passages created with these
tools are clearly marked as such. The declaration of
originality at the end of a written work is adjusted and
specifies the use of such tools (with the aim of
acknowledging the human's contribution to AI).
These are often new ethical standards at Higher
Education Institutions. Consequently, we asked about
whether students are afraid of lowered grades for
declaring the use of ChatGPT. The consequence of
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the ethical aspect might lead to unfair evaluation from
the student's perspective. Furthermore, we analyzed
the awareness of the extent to which the use of
ChatGPT is permitted at the university and how clear
the communication is for students.
Justice, Fairness, and Equality: Free access for all
learners to avoid social inequalities using AI is an
issue many Higher Education Institutions are thinking
about whether ChatGPT 4.0 should be offered. As a
possible consequence, we wanted to know from
students whether the use of ChatGPT at university
means that hard work is no longer rewarded.
Furthermore, the other way around, we asked how
students perceive if teachers correct with ChatGPT in
terms of unfair or fair evaluation.
4.1 Online Survey and Sample
An online survey was chosen for the study to
comprehensively explore students' experiences with
AI. The survey was conducted digitally using the
'Qualtrics' platform from September to October 2023.
All questions were single-choice. In total, 699
students from the University of St. Gallen and the
University of Mannheim participated. The mean age
of the students surveyed was 21.4 years (SD = 2.94).
Students from different disciplines were surveyed at
both universities.
Table 1: Sample.
Characteristic Absolute Percentage
Female Students 348 49.8%
Male Students 341 48.8%
Diverse Students 10 1.4%
First Semester Students 317 45.4%
Bachelor Students 285 40.8%
Master Students 97 13.8%
University of St. Gallen 274 39.2%
University of Mannheim 425 60.8%
4.2 Development of Instrument
The questionnaire comprised two parts. In the first
part, two specific questions were formulated for each
level established in the theoretical framework
(Human-AI-collaboration) to assess usage intensity.
Respondents were prompted to rate their responses on
a seven-point scale, ranging from 1 (never) to 7
(always). The questionnaire explained in detail the
frequency of each choice. 'Never' (1) means that
ChatGPT is never used this way. 'Rarely' (2)
represents a use once per semester. 'Occasionally' (3)
means sporadic use, i.e. several times per semester.
'Sometimes' (4) means a of use about once a month.
'Frequently' (5) means using ChatGPT several times
a month in the defined way. 'Usually' (6) means once
a week. 'Always' (7) means constant use (several
times a week).
The study emphasized ethical considerations in
the second part, specifically transparency and
fairness. The choice to concentrate on these facets
arises from their pivotal importance for students.
Responses to ethical considerations were gauged
employing a five-point Likert scale, spanning from
'strongly disagree' (1) and 'disagree' (2) to 'neutral'
(3), 'agree' (4), and 'strongly agree' (5).
A total of 18 items were analyzed for this study.
5.1 Internal Consistency
The internal consistency of the constructed indices,
designed to assess the frequency of usage at each
level, was evaluated using Cronbach's Alpha
(Cronbach, 1951). Two questions were combined at
each level (1 6) to form an index, capturing the
nuances of usage patterns among university students.
Cronbach's Alpha is a measure of internal
consistency, reflecting the extent to which the items
within an index are correlated. The values obtained
for each index are all above 0.7, indicating an
acceptable to good level of internal consistency
(Cronbach, 1951). This suggests that the selected
items within each index reliably measure the intended
construct of usage frequency among university
Table 2 presents the computed indices for all six
levels, with the Cronbach's Alpha value. The index
calculated reflects the average usage by students.
Table 2: Frequency of use index.
Leve1 Index (SD) Cronbach's Alpha
2.56 (1.79)
α = 0.75
2 2.58 (1.77) α = 0.83
3 2.65 (1.79) α = 0.78
4 2.59 (1.74) α = 0.70
5 2.21 (1.58) α = 0.81
6 2.45 (1.69) α = 0.89
Student Perspectives on Ethical Academic Writing with ChatGPT: An Empirical Study in Higher Education
The index values have been calculated to range
from 2.21 to 2.65, signifying a frequency of use
between 'rarely' and 'occasionally'. The highest index
value is observed at Level 3, indicating that ChatGPT
is most used for literature searches.
Although the general average usage of ChatGPT
across all levels is low, the data suggests that a
significant number of respondents frequently use
ChatGPT for academic writing.
Table 3 illustrates the frequency of usage for
various scenarios, categorized from levels 1 to 6. The
table displays the percentage of respondents who
utilize ChatGPT in the described manner for each
defined type of use. The original 7-point scale has
been condensed into a 4-point to ensure clarity in the
table. Respondents who selected 'never' (1) in the
usage questionnaire are also represented as 'never' in
Table 3. 'Rarely' (2) and 'occasionally' (3) have been
merged into 'sporadically', indicating that ChatGPT is
used in this manner once or several times per
semester. Similarly, 'sometimes' (4) and 'frequently'
(5) are combined as 'often', indicating that ChatGPT
is used once to several times monthly. Those who
indicated 'usually' (6) and 'always' (7) are grouped as
'very often', indicating ChatGPT usage once or
several times a week. The most significant proportion
of students for all types of use is 'never', but there are
always at least 20% who 'usually' or 'mostly' use
ChatGPT in the ways described.
The two categories, 'generating keywords for
literature searches (brainstorming)' and 'using AI to
define terms and explain concepts', have the highest
proportion of students who say they use ChatGPT
often (28%) or very often (13%). This means that
these students use ChatGPT in the way described at
least once a week. The categories 'using AI for
concept development and design' and 'integrating AI-
generated concepts seamlessly into your text' have the
highest proportion of students who say they 'never'
use these methods (54% and 58%).
Table 3: Frequency of use of ChatGPT (N = 699).
Lev. Type of use of ChatGPT Never Sporadically Often Very often
- Spell and grammar check
39% 27% 23% 11%
- Translate text
46% 27% 19% 7%
- Develop coherent text based on provided keywords
34% 29% 25% 12%
- Apply the AI-corrected text directly in one's writing
53% 25% 16% 6%
- Generate keywords for literature searches (brainstorming)
34% 25% 28% 13%
- Identify pertinent literature sources with AI
51% 26% 18% 5%
- Utilise AI to define terms and explain concepts 33% 26% 28% 13%
- Incorporate AI-generated concepts seamlessly into your text
54% 26% 15% 5%
- Use AI for concept development and design 58% 23% 16% 4%
- Use AI for data analysis to generate new ideas
46% 29% 20% 5%
- Use AI to draft comprehensively on given topics and goals 42% 31% 19% 7%
- Enhance AI-generated drats with more precise prompts
46% 27% 21% 6%
Table 4: Ethical Aspects Transparency and Fairness (N = 699).
Lev. Item
disagree neutral agree
- In my opinion, ChatGPT should only be allowed if
the generated passages are marked as such.
6% 19% 34% 31% 11%
- I am afraid that the teachers will lower my work if I
declare that I use ChatGPT.
4% 11% 21% 42% 22%
- I am not currently aware of the extent to which the
use of ChatGPT is permitted at university
4% 15% 27% 39% 15%
- In my opinion, open access to ChatGPT for all
learners is essential
4% 10% 29% 39% 17%
- In my opinion, using ChatGPT at university means
that hard work is no longer rewarded.
19% 34% 21% 20% 5%
- I would find it unfair if teachers corrected my work
using ChatGPT.
6% 19% 26% 30% 19%
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
5.2 Ethical Aspects
Table 4 presents the students' views on specific
ethical aspects. The table shows the proportion of
students who agree or disagree with the statement.
The statements are divided into the criteria'
transparency' and 'fairness'.
All statements relating to the ethical aspect of
transparency are approved. This means that the
proportion of students who agree or strongly agree
with the statement is greater than the proportion of
students who disagree or strongly disagree with it.
The statement 'I am afraid that the teachers will lower
my work if I declare that I use ChatGPT' has the
highest agreement rate (agree = 42% and strongly
agree = 22%).
In the Fairnaiss category, two statements are more
likely to be agreed and one statement is more likely
to be disagreed. The statement 'In my opinion, the use
of ChatGPT at university means that hard work is no
longer rewarded' is the one that most strongly
disagrees with. 53% of respondents tend to disagree,
and only 5% strongly agree.
Students' average usage of ChatGPT is currently quite
diverse; most students follow low or medium
frequency. On the one hand, a subgroup of students
consistently refrain from using ChatGPT at every
level (between 20% to 41%). This may be attributed
to the relatively restrictive regulations imposed by
universities. Furthermore, students might be opting
for alternative AI tools like Deepl Write for assistance
in writing, which corresponds to a specific level of
usage (Level 2) in our framework. On the other hand,
a small segment of students (about 4-13%)
consistently utilize ChatGPT across all levels,
including the most advanced level, where ChatGPT
functions similarly to a co-author by generating new
ideas and text. This indicates a high frequency, almost
to the point of being a regular pattern or habit.
On average, students use ChatGPT the most at
Level 3 (Index 2.65). At this level, ChatGPT is
predominantly employed for keyword searches in
literature research. ChatGPT is particularly suitable
for brainstorming, as the factual accuracy of the
output is less critical than, for instance, when
explaining theories. There are no significant
differences in the frequency of ChatGPT usage across
the various levels of the Human-AI Collaboration
When analyzing the data, it is noticeable that
some students (15%) do not use ChatGPT in any of
the usage scenarios described. This means that
despite the considerable hype surrounding AI text
generators, some students do not yet have confidence
in this new technology and do not use it.
The following three topics focus on the ethical
guideline 'transparency' and possible consequences
for students following this issue:
Marking ChatGPT Passages: This survey data
reflects a range of opinions on whether ChatGPT-
generated passages should be marked. While a
significant portion of respondents are neutral, there is
a notable presence of both agreement and
disagreement, suggesting a nuanced and mixed
viewpoint on this issue. Further research and context
may be needed to understand the reasons behind these
opinions and their potential implications. Some
students might believe marking is essential for
transparency and accountability, helping users
distinguish between human and AI-generated
content. Furthermore, marking could allow accurate
assessment of a student's own understanding.
Marking might empower users to make informed
decisions about engaging with AI-generated content.
On the other hand, opponents argue that marking
restricts creative freedom and experimentation with
AI tools. Concerns about grading or assessment
biases against AI-generated content may influence
opinions (see item: Influence on the grade). The
approving position is the most substantial group.
Concerns about the transparency of academic
accomplishments may arise, as it may become
difficult to distinguish between work produced solely
by students and work assisted by AI.
In discussions about technology and ethics,
neutrality can often be seen as a balanced and
cautious approach (Green, 2021). Respondents in the
neutral group may be taking a middle-ground
position, considering both the potential benefits and
concerns associated with marking AI-generated
Fear of Lowered Grades for Declaring the Use
of ChatGPT: A substantial majority of respondents
express concerns about their work being negatively
affected by declaring the use of ChatGPT. This group
constitutes 65% of the total respondents (agree and
strongly agree) and is the highest value of all six
ethical topics. Some students may worry that using
ChatGPT could be viewed as a form of cheating or
academic dishonesty, which could result in penalties
or lower grades. Furthermore, students might be
concerned that teachers or evaluators could have
biases against AI-generated work, leading to unfair
Student Perspectives on Ethical Academic Writing with ChatGPT: An Empirical Study in Higher Education
assessment or grading. Worries about how disclosing
ChatGPT usage might affect teachers' perceptions of
students' capabilities and dedication to their work.
Educational systems often place high expectations on
students to excel. The fear of potentially lower grades
could add to the pressure students already feel.
Awareness of the Extent to Which the Use of
ChatGPT is Permitted at University: A significant
proportion of respondents (19%) indicate that they are
not aware of the extent to which the use of ChatGPT
is permitted at their university. Both universities
provide guidelines to the students on how ChatGPT
could be used for academic writing. However,
University policies on AI tool usage could be
complex and challenging to understand fully. The
policies have recently been introduced, giving
students insufficient time to become aware.
Furthermore, it could be an indicator that more than
communication is needed. Students should be
provided with training on responsible AI tool usage.
The ethical guideline 'fairness' is discussed with
the following three aspects:
Importance of Open Access to ChatGPT for all
Students: The data suggests a notable level of
support and a significant neutral stance towards
permitting ChatGPT usage at universities. While
there is some opposition, it is not the dominant
viewpoint. Optimistic respondents might view
ChatGPT as a valuable tool in academic studies.
ChatGPT can be tailored to individual needs,
allowing students to receive personalized assistance
and support in their coursework. Some students might
appreciate ChatGPT's ability to assist in improving
writing skills and generating content for assignments.
Supportive respondents may believe that exposure to
AI technology is essential for students to be prepared
for future career opportunities as AI becomes
increasingly prevalent in many professions.
ChatGPT Impact on Rewarding Hard Work:
About a quarter of the students (25%) express
agreement with the idea that ChatGPT usage may
reduce the rewards for hard work. This group believes
that technology may make it easier to achieve
academic success without putting in as much effort.
Some respondents may worry that using ChatGPT
could be seen as a form of academic dishonesty or
cheating, which could undermine the value of their
hard work. Concerns may arise about the fairness of
evaluating students when some have access to AI
tools that can generate high-quality content,
potentially giving them an advantage over those who
do not use such tools. Students who put significant
effort and time into their coursework may feel that the
availability of AI-generated content devalues their
hard work and dedication. There could be concerns
that AI-generated work might disrupt the meritocratic
nature of education, where success is traditionally
based on individual effort and abilities. Some
students may worry that relying on AI tools for
assignments could hinder the development of critical
thinking and problem-solving skills, which are
essential aspects of the learning process. There may
be concerns that students feel pressured to use AI
tools like ChatGPT to keep up with their peers, even
if they prefer not to. Additionally, some students may
worry that using AI tools could conflict with the
educational values of effort, learning, and personal
Unfairness if Teachers Correct With ChatGPT:
The data shows a wide range of opinions on whether
using ChatGPT to correct work is considered unfair.
This indicates that the topic of AI tool usage in
educational assessment is complex, and opinions vary
widely among respondents. The 'Agree' and 'Strongly
Agree' categories collectively make up 49% of
respondents, indicating that almost half of the
respondents find it unfair if teachers rely on ChatGPT
to correct their work.
Some students may believe that using ChatGPT
for corrections could lead to generic, automated
feedback lacking the personal touch and tailored
guidance teachers can provide. Concerns about the
accuracy of AI tools like ChatGPT in assessing and
correcting complex or subjective assignments may
lead to perceptions of unfairness. Students might
worry about AI bias in assessments, as AI systems
may not account for diverse perspectives, cultural
nuances, or individual learning styles (Jobin et al.,
2019). Concerns that AI-generated corrections might
inadvertently introduce bias or reinforce existing
biases in evaluations. Students may feel that relying
on ChatGPT for corrections undermines the expertise
and knowledge of teachers, potentially diminishing
the value of their education. Worries that students
may not learn as effectively if AI tools are used for
corrections, as they might not receive explanations or
insights into their mistakes. There may be concerns
that students' engagement and motivation to improve
their work could decrease if they receive automated
corrections without the opportunity for meaningful
interaction with teachers. Overall, it might reduce the
teacher-student connection and the potential for
mentorship and guidance.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Balancing fears (e.g., fear that using AI tools may be
perceived as academic dishonesty, leading to lower
grades, unfair grading by AI-based correction tools)
and potential positive effects (e.g., free use of
ChatGPT as a powerful tool for academic studies) is
essential for responsible AI integration in education.
The overarching ethical aspect 'transparency' is
crucial in addressing these concerns and ensuring
responsible AI integration in education. Additionally,
the ethical principle of 'fairness' is central to
discussions about equal access, the impact on hard
work, and the potential biases associated with AI
tools. To alleviate concerns and promote responsible
AI usage in education, universities should provide
clear guidelines, educational resources, and open
discussions to empower students to make informed
decisions and navigate the evolving landscape of AI
in academia.
Limited communication or education around the
ethical and practical use of AI tools in education can
contribute to these concerns. Students may feel that
they lack guidance on how to navigate this issue
Developing norms and guidelines for the ethical
use of generative AI for academic writing currently
presents a significant and complex challenge for
universities. The requirement to label AI-generated
content in academic work can contribute to
strengthening and upholding ethical, academic, and
pedagogical standards. Clear marking helps preserve
academic integrity by distinguishing between
students' own work and machine-generated content
(Boyd-Graber et al., 2023). It aids in adhering to
ethical standards in academic work. Teachers can
better assess the quality of AI-generated content and
evaluate how well students use and understand these
AI systems. This measure could also promote
students' awareness of responsible AI use and its
impact on their learning processes.
However, the results of our studies reveal
substantial arguments against labelling AI-generated
passages in academic work. Labelling could
stigmatize the use of AI in academic work, implying
that its use is inherently less valuable or legitimate.
Mandatory labelling could discourage students from
exploring and using new technologies, inhibiting
technology acceptance and the development of
necessary AI-related competencies. Regarding
human contribution, defining precisely what
constitutes AI-generated content may be challenging,
especially when students heavily edit and customize
AI outputs. Demanding labelling could be interpreted
as distrust in students' ability to handle AI
independently and responsibly. From students'
perspective, there is also a valid concern that open
communication about using AI in their work might
lead to less favourable evaluations or a loss of trust
on the part of teachers.
A significant dilemma appears between
establishing ethical academic integrity standards by
declaring ChatGPT-generated outputs and nurturing
students' AI competencies to learn how to utilize AI
tools effectively. In further research efforts, we aim
to delve deeper into this student perspective to
explore solutions that enable AI's ethical and
responsible use in higher education while
simultaneously supporting the development of
necessary AI competencies rather than hindering
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CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education