• RQ2. To what extent do existing online IDEs
meet these requirements?
• RQ3. To what extend, and with what effort can
existing online IDEs be integrated within APASs?
Based on these research questions, our initial step
involved conducting a comprehensive analysis of fea-
tures provided by various well known desktop IDEs.
Using this foundational analysis, we surveyed APASs
users to gain insights about their preferences regard-
ing different IDE features. Based on these derived
preferences, we evaluated existing online IDEs to cre-
ate an extensive list showcasing which requirements
are fulfilled and which programming languages are
supported by these IDEs. In a third step, we evalu-
ated whether these tools are available as open-source
or if they are of a proprietary nature. This helps to get
a complete picture of the online IDE landscape.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 provides an overview of related work.
Section 3 elaborates on the research methodology.
Section 4 presents the main findings of this study,
which are further discussed in Section 5. Section
6 outlines potential constraints of this study, and we
conclude in Section 7, summarizing the main insights
and reflecting on the broader implications of this re-
(Kusumaningtyas et al., 2020) compared several on-
line IDEs, specifically evaluating their internet data
usage and the availability of supporting libraries.
Eleven online IDEs that support Python program-
ming, offer free access, and do not require to login
were examined. The analysis revealed that Replit,
Codechef, and Ideone have the most comprehensive
library support. Notably, Replit was found to require
the least data transfer, offering a user-friendly inter-
face that effectively organizes code and output, and
is free from distracting advertisements. Thus, Replit
is recommended for users with limited internet re-
sources, especially for learning computer program-
ming during the pandemic.
(Sinanaj et al., 2022) compared ten online com-
pilers, assessing their service offerings and execu-
tion performance. The following service offerings
were analyzed: (1) Open Source, (2), Personal Ac-
count, (3), Cloud Storage, (4) Size Cloud Storage, (5)
File Size, (6) Programming Language Supported, (7)
Choice Compiler Version, (8) Intellisense, (9) Collab-
orative Real-Time, (10) Permalink Share Code and
(11) Debugging Code. Findings showed that On-
lineGDB, JDoodle, Replit, and Paiza.IO offered the
most services, with JDoodle, CodeInterview, Ideone,
WandBox, OnlineGDB, Judge0, and Replit leading in
performance. Based on a combined assessment of ser-
vices, performance, and user-friendliness, JDoodle,
OnlineGDB, and Replit were recommended as the top
choices for beginners, students, and teachers.
(Satav et al., 2011) presents a comparative study
of various desktop IDEs for C, C++, and Java, with
the goal of identifying key specifications for develop-
ing a comprehensive and optimal IDE. The findings
indicate that more popular IDEs tend to offer better
user support and provide many features to assist the
creation of source code.
(Hausladen et al., 2014) developed an online IDE
for embedded systems and defined the following
functional requirements: (1) Project and version man-
agement capabilities, (2) Control over the build pro-
cess including configuration of compilers, (3) Abil-
ity to download or flash the binary to the target hard-
ware connected to the client’s computer, (4) Debug-
ging capabilities, such as controlling the flow of exe-
cution with breakpoints, and inspecting variables and
memory locations, and (5) Standard source code edit-
ing features like syntax highlighting and code inden-
tation. Additionally, they defined the following non
functional requirements: (1) Stability and responsive-
ness, (2) Intuitive user interface and (3) Extensibility
regarding plugins.
(Tran et al., 2013) developed Ideol, an IDE that
significantly focuses on collaborative programming
and learning features. Key features include a real-
time interactive editor for simultaneous multi-user
editing and instant change viewing, a real-time dis-
cussion board with enhanced tagging and comment-
ing capabilities. Furthermore, it allows debugging,
along with an interactive execution tool to provide
support for C/C++ programming. Designed for a
wide range of users, from beginners to experts, Ideol
offers a user-friendly interface and is compatible with
HTML5-supported browsers on various platforms, in-
cluding partial tablet support.
The related work shows that few scientific re-
search has been conducted regarding the definition
of requirements of online IDEs. We found that some
developers of online IDEs defined specific functional
and non functional requirements for their developed
IDEs. Additionally, online IDEs have only been com-
pared regarding their internet data usage, availabil-
ity of libraries, performance and specific offered ser-
vices. However, a scientific requirements definition
and a detailed comparison of IDE features focusing
on supporting novice programmers is missing. We
seek to address this gap by first creating a require-
ments checklist for online IDEs including common
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education