Multimodal Deepfake Detection for Short Videos
Abderrazzaq Moufidi
, David Rousseau
and Pejman Rasti
Centre d’
Etudes et de Recherche pour l’Aide
a la D
ecision (CERADE), ESAIP, 18 Rue du 8 Mai 1945,
elemy-d’Anjou 49124, France
Laboratoire Angevin de Recherche en Ing
enierie des Syst
emes (LARIS), UMR INRAe-IRHS, Universit
e d’Angers,
62 Avenue Notre Dame du Lac, Angers 49000, France
Deepfake, Multimodality, Multi-View, Audio-Lips Correlation, Late Fusion, Spatiotemporal.
The focus of this study is to address the growing challenge posed by AI-generated, persuasive but often
misleading multimedia content, which poses difficulties for both human and machine learning interpretation.
Building upon our prior research, we analyze the visual and auditory elements of multimedia to identify
multimodal deepfakes, with a specific focus on the lower facial area in video clips. This targeted approach sets
our research apart in the complex field of deepfake detection. Our technique is particularly effective for short
video clips, lasting from 200 milliseconds to one second, surpassing many current deep learning methods that
struggle in this duration. In our previous work, we utilized late fusion for correlating audio and lip movements
and developed a novel method for video feature extraction that requires less computational power. This is
a practical solution for real-world applications with limited computing resources. By adopting a multi-view
strategy, the proposed network can leverage various weaknesses found in deepfake generation, from visual
anomalies to motion inconsistencies or issues with jaw positioning, which are common in such content.
In an era marked by the rapid advancements in artifi-
cial intelligence, the democratization and sophistica-
tion of multimedia content manipulation have opened
up new creative possibilities and practical applica-
tions (Masood et al., 2023; Zhang, 2022). How-
ever, this increased accessibility also poses a signifi-
cant challenge in detecting multimedia manipulations
that are becoming increasingly elusive, with poten-
tial consequences for both human judgment and au-
tomated systems (Ilyas et al., 2023; Prajwal et al.,
2020; Zhou and Lim, 2021). Specifically, the ma-
nipulation of multimedia content, such as convincing
deepfakes designed to disseminate false information
and fake news, involves meticulous alterations of both
video and audio channels. For instance, a deepfake
featuring a politician delivering a speech may employ
techniques like lip sync for video modification and the
use of an impersonator’s voice (Prajwal et al., 2020;
Ling et al., 2022). With recent advancements in text-
to-speech (TTS) (Jiang et al., 2023; Jia et al., 2018)
and voice conversion (VC) algorithms (Huang et al.,
2021), the synthesis of human speech is becoming in-
creasingly accessible, suggesting a future where au-
dio plays an equally crucial role as video in deepfake
Another commonly employed technique is face
swapping, wherein an individual’s facial features in
a video undergo a seamless replacement with those
of another person, often leveraging Generative Ad-
versarial Networks (GANs) to achieve photorealistic
outcomes (Sanderson and Lovell, 2009; Korshunova
et al., 2017; Nirkin et al., 2019). Voice conversion
serves as an extension to the capabilities of deepfakes,
enabling the alteration of one’s voice to closely em-
ulate the vocal characteristics of another individual
(Huang et al., 2021). When integrated with visual ma-
nipulations, this technology has the potential to gen-
erate even more compelling synthetic media.
Text-to-speech synthesis has achieved a high level
of realism, making synthetic voices increasingly dif-
ficult to distinguish from human ones. This advance-
ment allows the generation of lifelike audio content
from text inputs (Jiang et al., 2023; Jia et al., 2018).
While these developments are remarkable, they high-
light the necessity for robust detection mechanisms to
ensure the credibility of multimedia channels in the
evolving landscape of synthetic media.
Conventional approaches to identify video manip-
ulations frequently hinge on 3D deep learning mod-
els (Zhou and Lim, 2021; Zi et al., 2020), which
Moufidi, A., Rousseau, D. and Rasti, P.
Multimodal Deepfake Detection for Short Videos.
DOI: 10.5220/0012557300003720
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2024), pages 67-73
ISBN: 978-989-758-693-4; ISSN: 2795-4943
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
may pose practical challenges in real-world situations
characterized by limited computational resources. Al-
ternatively, some methods resort to 2D models ap-
plied to video frames, overlooking the temporal infor-
mation inherent in videos (Ilyas et al., 2023; Zi et al.,
2020; Khalid et al., 2021a).
An overlooked and crucial aspect in this domain
is the identification of manipulated short utterances
within both visual video and audio content (Zhou and
Lim, 2021). The limited data available in short se-
quences amplifies the difficulty of reliable detection,
as algorithms face challenges in discerning patterns
from constrained information. This underscores the
pressing requirement for models that are both effi-
cient and effective. Notably, there is a notable absence
of existing efforts specifically dedicated to addressing
the challenge of detecting deepfakes in short utterance
audio and video sequences. Consequently, our work
stands as the inaugural and reference study directly
tackling this distinctive and urgent issue.
In this context, we revisit the multimodal deep
learning model presented in (Moufidi et al., 2023),
originally created for biometrics task under short-
utterances circumstances and that we adapt to Deep-
fake recognition. This innovative approach employs
2D decomposition to split a video into three dis-
tinct views, allowing an efficient spatiotemporal fea-
ture extraction at a minimal computational cost. To
thoroughly validate our contributions, we conduct
comprehensive evaluations across various benchmark
datasets, thereby affirming the effectiveness of our
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 reviews existing literature in audio
and visual deepfake detection, emphasizing the lim-
itations and computational challenges of current ap-
proaches. Section 3 elaborates on our multimodal
deep learning model for multimodal deepfake de-
tection. Section 4 describes the experimental de-
sign, datasets used, and evaluation metrics. Section
5 presents a comprehensive analysis of our results,
followed by Section 6 that concludes the paper and
discusses future research directions.
The realm of deepfake generation has witnessed the
emergence of numerous techniques leveraging mul-
tiple modalities, including audio, visual, and their
fusion (Masood et al., 2023). These networks for
generating deepfakes have raised substantial concerns
due to their potential use in spreading misinforma-
tion, manipulating public opinion, and fabricating
identities. Consequently, researchers have responded
by proposing a diverse array of countermeasures (Zi
et al., 2020; Thing, 2023).
For instance, A. Pianese et al. (Cozzolino et al.,
2023; Pianese et al., 2022) adopted a unique approach
to address audio deepfake detection by leveraging a
Person of Interest (POI) concept. This methodol-
ogy essentially parallels the foundational principles
of speaker verification systems. It seeks to measure
the similarity between the voice being analyzed and
a pre-existing reference set of the claimed identity.
To achieve this, they incorporated two distinct non-
supervised techniques: centroid-based testing and
maximum-similarity testing (Cozzolino et al., 2023;
Pianese et al., 2022). However, one inherent limita-
tion of this approach is the necessity for a comprehen-
sive reference set for each identity being analyzed.
In another strand of audio deepfake detec-
tion, researchers have experimented with handcrafted
features like Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients
(MFCC). These coefficients are processed through
various 2D neural network architectures, such as
VGG16 and EfficientNet, among others (Afchar et al.,
2018; Chollet, 2017). A somewhat related approach
has been to employ mel-spectrograms as features
and feed them into transformer-based neural net-
works (Ilyas et al., 2023). While these methods have
demonstrated promise, they are not without complex-
ities, especially when compared to Time Delay Neu-
ral Networks (TDNN), which have shown to excel in
tasks requiring temporal analysis (Desplanques et al.,
Visual-based detection methods have seen a di-
verse range of strategies. Some leverage 3D networks
for in-depth sequence analysis (Zhou and Lim, 2021;
Zi et al., 2020), while others prioritize image-based
methods with an emphasis on facial features (Ilyas
et al., 2023; Zi et al., 2020). A noteworthy exam-
ple is the late fusion architecture rooted in DST-Net
by H. Ilyas et al. (Ilyas et al., 2023). Yet, even such
advanced approaches frequently encounter difficulties
in accurately analyzing ultra-short video sequences.
When it comes to visual modality, researchers
have ventured into the use of 3D networks for se-
quence detection as well as image-based networks.
These networks are designed to analyze the visual as-
pects of a deepfake, primarily focusing on facial fea-
tures (Zi et al., 2020). Expanding the scope to mul-
timodal systems, H. Ilyas et al. unveiled a late fu-
sion architecture based on Dense Swin Transformer
Net (DST-Net) (Ilyas et al., 2023). This intricate de-
sign extracts features separately from each modal-
ity—audio and visual—and then fuses them at the
classification level to make a binary decision on the
IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
realness of the media. The visual deepfake detec-
tion of the video was based on major voting, in other
words, their 2D network analyses each frame from the
sequence and based on the maximum classes gotten,
the network decides if the video is fake or real. Un-
fortunately, this method does not take into account the
temporal information and neither the possibility of the
presence of deepfake short utterance in the video.
Adding another layer of complexity, Zhou et al.
proposed a system that exploits the intrinsic synchro-
nization between audio and visual elements, specifi-
cally focusing on the lips’ movement and the corre-
sponding audio. They employed a multimodal neural
network and experimented with three types of fusion
mechanisms based on attention mechanisms (Zhou
and Lim, 2021). Despite its efficiency, this method
presents a considerable computational burden due to
the use of 3D networks and attention mechanisms, in
addition, it is mainly destined for one language.
We extend the work (Moufidi et al., 2023), an
architecture designed to mitigate the computational
costs associated with the SOTA methods. This ex-
tension allows us to extract spatio-temporal features,
thereby improving detection accuracy. This approach
dissects videos into three distinct views: one spatial
and two temporal.
In scenarios with abundant data, deep learning, espe-
cially CNNs, proves invaluable due to its capability to
autonomously discern and extract pivotal features, a
feat often surpassing the performance of hand-crafted
methods. Building on (Moufidi et al., 2023) devel-
oped deep learning model for biometric identification
tasks, we have incorporated specific enhancements
to address the unique challenges presented by deep-
fake detection in audio-visual data. These enhance-
ments, detailed in the subsequent sections, refine the
model’s architecture and functionality, where we have
changed the number of classes to 2 (Real Audio - Real
Video and Fake Audio - Fake Video) or 4 (Real Audio
- Real Video, Fake Audio - Fake Video, Real Audio
- Fake Video and Fake Audio - Real Video), ensuring
optimized performance for this application.
3.1 Audio-Visual Fusion
In our approach to deepfake detection, we opt for a
late fusion technique inspired by the prior research in
biometric tasks (Moufidi et al., 2023). This architec-
ture is presented in Figure 1. The decision to employ
late fusion is motivated by several factors. Firstly,
it offers a more straightforward implementation com-
pared to alternatives like early or hybrid fusion, effec-
tively balancing information derived from both audio
and visual modalities.
Secondly, the networks used for feature extraction
in each modality are already pre-trained on expansive
datasets. For audio, we use x-vectors trained on the
VoxCeleb dataset (Chung et al., 2018), and for the vi-
sual aspect, we utilize ResNet18 trained on ImageNet
(Deng et al., 2009). This allows us to concentrate
solely on fine-tuning the fusion and classification lay-
ers, streamlining the overall training process.
Additionally, by dividing the video into multiple
views, XY representing the spatial view, TY and XT
incorporating the spatio-temporal respectively views
across the y-axis and x- axis, we enhance our detec-
tion capabilities. This multi-view framework permits
the identification of specific features such as jaw lo-
cation thanks to the XY view, motion jitters TY view,
and common artifacts that deepfake generators often
struggle to simulate convincingly.
Lastly, the computational efficiency of a multi-
view architecture makes it a more practical choice for
feature extraction than using 3D CNNs, particularly
in real-world applications.
The primary focus of the current study is on the per-
formance of the model under the constraints of short
utterances. This evaluation is of particular importance
given the increasing sophistication of deepfake gen-
eration techniques, which now have the capability to
manipulate even brief segments of audio-visual data.
To evaluate (Moufidi et al., 2023) network, we
exclusively consider videos from the classes R
(Real Video - Real Audio) and F
(Fake Video -
Fake Audio) from FakeAvCeleb dataset (Khalid et al.,
2021b), labeled respectively as real and fake audiovi-
sual. These sequences are split to frame lengths rang-
ing from 0.2ms, 0.6ms and 1s with an overlap of 50%.
We have ensured that there was an equal partition be-
tween fake and real labels. For all experiments, we
only selected the lips part by using the Mediapipe tool
offered by Google (Lugaresi et al., 2019).
The system’s visual input consists of the lower fa-
cial region, selected for its computational efficiency.
The 2D decomposition allows for an economical ex-
traction of spatiotemporal information from the video
footage. Despite this optimization, our approach
yields superior detection accuracy relative to current
state-of-the-art models, as indicated in Table 1.
Multimodal Deepfake Detection for Short Videos
Figure 1: Multi-view CNN late fusion architecture for audio-lips correlation (Moufidi et al., 2023). For multimodal deepfake
detection, the number of classes are set to 2 or 4, in addition, we only tune the fusion layers (all layers except 2D ResNet-18
and x-vectors).
Table 1: Comparison of SOTA performance with our proposed approach (Moufidi et al., 2023) on various time segments from
FakeAVCeleb on balanced 1,000 samples (500 F
, 500 R
) subset, the train-test split was set to 80% 20%.
Accuracy (%)
200 ms 600 ms 1s
XceptionNet (Soft-Voting) (Zi et al., 2020) 77.33 77.69 73.34
Multi-View CNN (Ours) (Moufidi et al., 2023) 93.19 97.68 98.55
4.1 Multi Class Detection
In this subsection, our emphasis is on evaluating our
network’s performance on short segments containing
four distinct classes. The goal is to determine whether
the network’s performance remains consistent when
at least one real modality is present, in other words,
there are four main labels:
Fake Video - Fake Audio (F
Fake Video - Real Audio (F
Real Video - Fake Audio (R
Real Video - Real Audio (R
For this purpose, we selected a dataset comprising
equally distribution among four subsets: F
, R
and R
, token from FakeAVCeleb (Khalid
et al., 2021b). We then segmented the lip portions
of videos from these categories into frame lengths of
0.2s, 0.6s, and 1s, with a 50% overlap between con-
secutive frames. The dataset was further divided into
training and testing sets following an 80 20% split,
and the classification layer was set to 4 classes.
The results displayed in Table 3 confirm a huge
decrease in detection accuracy compared to the sce-
nario with only two classes, as outlined in Table 1.
These observations indicate that the inclusion of a real
modality tends to strongly influence our network’s de-
termination of a video’s authenticity. To deeply un-
derstand the dominance of one modality over another,
we carry out an experiment in the upcoming sub-
section to pinpoint the modality where our network
demonstrates lower detection accuracy. Additionally,
we explore the contribution of each view in improving
the overall performance.
4.2 Investigation on the Role of Each
View and Modality
The performance enhancements observed in our
model can be attributed to a synergistic combination
IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Table 2: Detection accuracy of Multi-view CNN on short
videos from FakeAVCeleb (train-test split 80% 20% on
2, 000 videos of (500 F
, 500 F
, 500 R
and 500
), the classes number for classification is set to 4).
Window length Accuracy (train/test)
200ms 85.95%/74.04%
600ms 82.89%/82.00%
1s 88.68%/85.96%
of view decomposition and the specific architecture
employed for each modality. To delve deeper into the
impact of each view—namely, XY , XT , TY —and
their fusion, we conducted a dedicated experiment.
For this evaluation, we considered a balanced dataset
consisting of 500 real videos (R
) and 500 fake
videos (F
), segmented into 1-second frame lengths
with overlapping intervals. The data was partitioned
into training and testing sets at an 80 20% ratio,
and the experiment was designed with two distinct
The findings, presented in Table 3, illuminate the
crucial roles played by individual views and modal-
ities in the system’s performance. Notably, the tem-
poral view (TY ), capable of accounting for issues like
motion jitters, outshines the spatial (XY ) and the spa-
tiotemporal (X T ) views. The relatively poorer per-
formance of the spatial view equipped with a self-
attention model can be explained by the focus on the
lower part of the face—a known challenging aspect
for many state-of-the-art deepfake detection methods,
as cited in (Thing, 2023; Tolosana et al., 2022).
When fusing all visual views, we observe a
marked increase in detection accuracy, thereby show-
casing the model’s prowess in resolving the ambiguity
or confusion that could arise from individual views.
Moreover, our results indicate that the audio modality
holds a distinct edge in detection accuracy, contribut-
ing to an overall performance lift of 7.86% when in-
tegrated with the visual modality.
Navigating the intricate landscape of fake video de-
tection necessitates a methodological framework that
is both efficient and nuanced. In tuning the pre-
existing model, cited as (Moufidi et al., 2023), we
have not only successfully adapted it for fake video
detection but also advanced our understanding of
how different modalities contribute to the detection
process. One of the primary strengths of the ar-
chitecture lies in its utilization of pre-trained net-
works: ResNet-18 for ImageNet and x-vectors for
VoxCeleb2. These well-established, data-rich train-
ing sources confer upon our model a robust initial
feature set. Moreover, we adopt a computationally
economical approach by using a 2D scheme for vi-
sual sequences and a 1D scheme for audio, thereby
circumventing the need for more resource-intensive
Our research goes beyond mere detection to dis-
sect the relative contributions of each sequence view:
XY , X T , and TY . The temporal motion jitters, be-
longing to TY view, emerges as the most accurate in
detecting fake videos. This likely capitalizes on the
inherent difficulties that deepfake algorithms have in
accurately reproducing the temporal dynamics of hu-
man behavior. Conversely, the spatial view XY under-
performs, which is consistent with existing literature
(Thing, 2023; Tolosana et al., 2022) indicating that
the lower facial region presents substantial challenges
for deepfake detection systems.
The fusion of these three views adds an additional
layer of complexity, further refining the model’s de-
tection capabilities. Such a fusion approach effec-
tively exploits both spatial and temporal information,
without the need for resource-intensive 3D models.
Importantly, the incorporation of audio via x-vectors
lends a significant boost to the model’s performance.
This may be attributed to the transfer learning ad-
vantages offered by VoxCeleb2, or it could point to
a more fundamental characteristic of deepfake gener-
ation algorithms—that they are currently more profi-
cient in visual manipulation than in audio.
Despite these promising outcomes, the architec-
ture’s performance is not without limitations. Most
notably, its efficacy diminishes when applied to short
utterances. This finding is significant and indicates
a key area for future research: optimizing the model
to maintain high detection rates irrespective of video
In this study, we have expanded upon the prior work
in late fusion biometric recognition (Moufidi et al.,
2023) to address the detection of deepfake videos us-
ing two distinct modalities. The model has demon-
strated superior performance compared to the SOTA
on the FakeAVCeleb dataset. Additionally, we have
delved into the influence of three views in video de-
composition and the role of modalities in augmenting
detection accuracy. Notably, our findings highlight
a substantial contribution from the audio modality in
comparison to its visual counterpart.
Our future perspective aims to enhance this syn-
ergy by considering the joint detection framework
Multimodal Deepfake Detection for Short Videos
Table 3: Detection accuracy of Multi-view CNN on short videos from FakeAVCeleb (train and test on 1, 000 videos of (500
, 500 R
) cutted into 1s frame length with an overlap 50%, the classes number for classification is set to 2).
Modality View Accuracy (train/test) Precision (train/test) Recall (train/test)
Visual XY 85.76%/80.22% 88.12%/82.17% 89.64%/79.96%
Visual XT 85.47%/83.04% 88.45%/87.68% 87.22%/84.93%
Visual TY 88.15%/88.21% 91.31%/88.93% 88.72%/92.76%
Visual XY T 94.88%/90.05% 96.21%/93.52% 95.23%/90.41%
Audio 100%/100% 100%/100% 100%/100%
Audio + Visual XY T + Audio 98.77%/97.91% 99.06%/97.96% 98.90%/98.72%
that could further integrate the audiovisual features at
multiple levels of abstraction. Such a multimodal sys-
tem could benefit from the inherent strengths of each
modality, potentially leading to a more resilient detec-
tion mechanism against sophisticated deepfake ma-
nipulations. These efforts will contribute to the over-
arching goal of ensuring the authenticity and trust-
worthiness of digital media.
The authors thank Angers Loire M
etropole (ALM) for
the Ph.D grant of Abderrazzaq Moufidi.
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Multimodal Deepfake Detection for Short Videos