Table 3: Detection accuracy of Multi-view CNN on short videos from FakeAVCeleb (train and test on 1, 000 videos of (500
, 500 R
) cutted into 1s frame length with an overlap 50%, the classes number for classification is set to 2).
Modality View Accuracy (train/test) Precision (train/test) Recall (train/test)
Visual XY 85.76%/80.22% 88.12%/82.17% 89.64%/79.96%
Visual XT 85.47%/83.04% 88.45%/87.68% 87.22%/84.93%
Visual TY 88.15%/88.21% 91.31%/88.93% 88.72%/92.76%
Visual XY T 94.88%/90.05% 96.21%/93.52% 95.23%/90.41%
Audio − 100%/100% 100%/100% 100%/100%
Audio + Visual XY T + Audio 98.77%/97.91% 99.06%/97.96% 98.90%/98.72%
that could further integrate the audiovisual features at
multiple levels of abstraction. Such a multimodal sys-
tem could benefit from the inherent strengths of each
modality, potentially leading to a more resilient detec-
tion mechanism against sophisticated deepfake ma-
nipulations. These efforts will contribute to the over-
arching goal of ensuring the authenticity and trust-
worthiness of digital media.
The authors thank Angers Loire M
etropole (ALM) for
the Ph.D grant of Abderrazzaq Moufidi.
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IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering