challenge that still needs to be faced is the prediction
of work accidents for each of the 5,570 (five thousand
five hundred and seventy) cities in the country, which
we intend to do in future contributions. In this prob-
lem, there is a greater granularity in data, consider-
ably increasing the number of training instances. Fur-
thermore, not all economic activities are developed in
all cities in the country, which will need to be ana-
lyzed in the data preprocessing stages.
Another possibility for future work is the use of
time series analysis techniques to forecast the number
of occupation accidents. To this end, it is necessary
to perform appropriate transformations in the occu-
pational accident dataset, evaluate the granularity of
the information, and choose the correct experimental
Given the importance of the government’s preven-
tive action strategies to safeguard workers’ health, the
continuity of research seems to be essential.
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems