Figure 12 shows SQLite performance versus Em-
bedDB for the SQL queries in Table 3 where the query
execution code was either developer produced or au-
tomatically generated by the translation tool.
Figure 12: SQL Query Performance.
EmbedDB has faster scan performance than
SQLite that translates into a speedup factor for SQL
queries involving key filtering of about six times.
SQLite outperforms for queries dominated by sec-
ondary data lookup with high selectivity (queries 3
and 5), but EmbedDB remains competitive while con-
suming less memory. There is no performance differ-
ence between developer created versus automatically
generated SQL execution code. Query 4 with a join is
not currently supported by the translator.
EmbedDB is a key-value, time series database sup-
porting embedded and sensor devices, especially de-
vices with hardware resources too small to execute
other systems. Its database API consumes minimal
resources and enables high performance data opera-
tions with limited coding by developers. Experimen-
tal results demonstrate its high performance on small
devices, and competitive performance with SQLite
for time series analysis on the Raspberry Pi.
Ongoing work is improving EmbedDB’s perfor-
mance with specific focus on adding data com-
pression and further improving the efficiency of
SQL query processing. EmbedDB is available
as open source for researchers and developers at
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EmbedDB: A High-Performance Time Series Database for Embedded Systems