Tangible or Digital? A Comparison Between Two Tools for Designing
Asymmetric Role-Playing Games for Learning
elle Guigon
1,2 a
, Mathieu Vermeulen
2 b
, Mathieu Muratet
1 c
and Thibault Carron
1 d
CNRS, LIP6, Sorbonne Universit
e, 4 Pl. Jussieu, F-75005 Paris, France
CERI SN, IMT Nord Europe, 764 Boulevard Lahure, F-59000 Douai, France
Serious Game, Design, Scenario, Multiplayer, Technology Enhanced Learning.
The design of serious games is a complex process, particularly when it comes to scripting. We are particularly
interested in asymmetrical multiplayer serious games, i.e. where several identified roles have different tasks
and objectives. These games are usually collaborative to be closer to real-life work or learning situations.
Few methods and tools have been designed to assist in the making of scenarios for this type of game. Our
aim here is to compare two tools for this purpose: one tangible and one digital, both based on the same
conceptual model, and to compare the advantages and the limitations of these two tools. We also want to make
suggestions to help choose between them depending on the context. We base these comparisons on qualitative
experiments carried out with the two tools. The results tend to show that the use of a tangible tool is preferable
in the ideation phase, at the very beginning of scenario design, because it appears to be quicker to familiarise
yourself with. The digital tool, on the other hand, would be more effective in the long term, to manage several
scenarios and update its content.
These days, students have few opportunities to con-
front real-life professional situations that they could
only approach through internships and group projects.
However, studies show that there is a skill transfer
from virtual world to reality (Rose et al., 2000; Tork-
ington et al., 2001). As Freitas (Freitas and Neumann,
2009) points out, role-playing is effective before tak-
ing a job to avoid mistakes in the real world. Indeed,
serious games have been developed in this field. Fa-
bricatore (Fabricatore, 2000) proposes the following
definition of a serious game:
[...] a virtual environment and a gaming expe-
rience in which the contents that we want to
teach can be naturally embedded with some
contextual relevance in terms of the game-
playing [...].
They provide a way of tackling realistic situations
with the advantage of being able to replay the si-
tuation several times for learning purposes (Marfisi-
Schottman et al., 2013). Thus, serious game seems
suitable for students to confront professional situa-
tions because this type of activity would be com-
plicated to repeat in real-life conditions. We there-
fore want to focus on serious games that are multi-
player, to incorporate the cooperative aspects of the
professional world. The definition of cooperation and
its distinction from collaboration is not unanimous
as shown by Casta
ner (Casta
ner and Oliveira, 2020).
Here, we will use the term “cooperation” as described
by Roschelle (Roschelle and Teasley, 1995), to know:
Cooperative work is accomplished by the divi-
sion of labour among participants, as an activ-
ity where each person is responsible for a por-
tion of the problem solving. We focus on col-
laboration as the mutual engagement of par-
ticipants in a coordinated effort to solve the
problem together.
In the field of games, it is common to use the term
cooperation to talk about games that we consider, ac-
cording to this last definition, to be collaborative. In
addition to being cooperative, the games we are ad-
dressing are “asymmetric”. We therefore chose to use
this term to describe the type of game that interests
us. This means that the different players will not have
Guigon, G., Vermeulen, M., Muratet, M. and Carron, T.
Tangible or Digital? A Comparison Between Two Tools for Designing Asymmetric Role-Playing Games for Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0012558900003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 34-42
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the same role to play (Meyer et al., 2021; Li et al.,
2017; Bortolaso et al., 2019). Each role will have its
own pedagogical objectives, tasks and skills. We call
this type of game Role Learning Games (RLG). The
aim is for players to understand how these roles work
together, to learn to manage their time and to take ac-
count of the actions of other players and their influ-
ence on their own work. However, Marfisi (Marfisi-
Schottman, 2023) points out the problem that exis-
ting authoring tools for designing serious games are
either not available to teachers or require development
Our general problem is: how can we help tea-
chers and educational engineers build a RLG sce-
nario? This type of game is still underdeveloped and
this can be explained by the lack of tools and methods
to help design them (Guigon et al., 2021). Neverthe-
less, a model (RLG Model) (Guigon, 2022) has been
built for this purpose (Figure 1 is an overview of the
model). It has been reified in the form of two tools:
a tangible one (RLG Kit) and a digital one (RLG
Maker). This model defines that a RLG (in orange on
the figure) contains at least one mission (black). And
each mission includes at least two quests (blue): one
for each role. To achieve the educational objectives
of each quest and obtain rewards, the role will have
to complete tasks (red) of various kinds. However, it
is essential to have at least one task in common with
another role by quest. This common task allows and
highlights the cooperative side of the game (green).
These are the main characteristics of this model.
Mission M1
Quest Q1
Task Q1T1
Quest Q2
Mission M2
Task Q2T1
Mission M1
Figure 1: RLG Model overview.
The model was reified into two tools, one tangible
and one digital, to evaluate it and to tackle different
constraints in different contexts. What are the benefits
and the limits of these two types of tools?
We can suppose on one hand that a tangible tool
offers more flexibility, facilitates collaborative design
and is better suited for brainstorming (Pernin et al.,
2012) or will be the quicker to familiarise yourself
with (Sutipitakwong and Jamsri, 2020) or to perform
the activity (Cuendet et al., 2012; Schneider et al.,
2011). Moreover, (Roy and Warren, 2019) grants ad-
vantages of tangible cards that could apply to our Kit,
that is to say:
Facilitating creative combinations of infor-
mation and ideas
Providing a common basis for understan-
ding and communication in a team
Providing tangible external representations
of design elements or information
Providing convenient summaries of useful
information and/or methods
Are semi-structured tools between blank
Post-it notes and detailed instruction ma-
On the other hand, the digital tool could allow de-
signers to share their scenario with other designers
(Emin et al., 2010; Marfisi-Schottman et al., 2010) or
to create them without worrying about creating incon-
sistencies (Marne and Labat, 2014). Another advan-
tage is to analyse user data (Oliver-Quelennec et al.,
2022). We assume that they will complement each
other and provide advantages inherent in their format.
This lead us to our research question: how can we
help designers choose the appropriate tool for script-
ing RLG? The designers we are targeting are teach-
ers and educational engineers because they can help
teachers implement this type of resource in the class-
room. To answer this question, we will first present
the two tools and then describe the experiments that
have been set up to evaluate them. We will then be
able to draw up a comparison of these tools to help
designers in their choice.
The RLG Model was reified in the form of two tools
in order to evaluate it. These tools have been tested
with teachers several times allowing continuous im-
2.1 RLG Kit
This Kit comes in the form of a set of wooden puzzle-
type pieces (see Figure 2), rewritable and magnetic.
Tangible or Digital? A Comparison Between Two Tools for Designing Asymmetric Role-Playing Games for Learning
Figure 2: Some tiles of the RLG Kit: educational objectives, background, role & quest, and some tasks.
The puzzle shape was carefully chosen, implicitly in-
fluencing the designers to use them in a certain or-
der by following the nesting of the pieces. To de-
fine this order, five experiments were previously con-
ducted with the target audience. The experiments pre-
sented below (see subsection 3.1) led to the addition
of an expansion to the basic Kit, allowing the addition
of more fun features such as non-player characters,
additional roles and resources for instance.
Some tiles were also added after replicating
the scenario of commercial asymmetric multiplayer
board games (such as ROOT, The Werewolves of
Miller’s Hollow, CS Files and Scotland Yard) with the
RLG Kit. These tiles are, for example, steps allowing
you to segment the scenario, the possibility of block-
ing another player in one of their tasks if the game is
rather competitive, or the possibility of choosing be-
tween several tasks during your turn.
The Kit also contains a paper booklet to guide de-
signers step by step on the tiles to fill. This book-
let is in two parts. The first part guides the user on
the essential steps to complete to build the skeleton of
the game. The second part details the tiles of the ex-
pansion of the Kit and explains how to improve your
game. In addition, an example sheet shows how to
place the tiles together and use the tool to its theo-
retical maximum potential (comparing tasks between
roles, for instance). The sources of the files are avail-
to reproduce the Kit using a fablab (a.k.a. digital
manufacturing laboratory).
2.2 RLG Maker
RLG Maker is a digital adaptation of the RLG Kit.
It has been designed to be as close as possible to the
tangible version and thus to reduce the time of adap-
tation and understanding of a new tool (see Fig. 3). In
addition, its format makes it possible to further guide
users by arranging the tiles in the recommended order.
Furthermore, some options inherent to certain tiles
are available by clicking on them. An important op-
Download the Kit design files: https://bit.ly/RLGkit
tion has been added to this version: the scenario
backup. Indeed, it is possible to stop the scenario at
any time and download the backup file of your project
(in json format). This allows the designer to resume
their work later by importing their file and to share
it. Therefore, this also allows the users to work on
multiple scenarios thanks to multiple files.
To guide the designer, the booklet used for the Kit
has been adapted to the digital version and can be
downloaded from the tool. However, to avoid having
to search in a PDF, the tile boxes have placeholders to
give examples of the expected content, and tooltips
appear when hovering the tiles or boxes to explain
what is expected. Then, to help users follow the right
order in filling the tiles, a tutorial was implemented
following the experiment presented in section 3.2. It
also explains how to browse the tool depending on the
hardware used (mouse, pad or keyboard).
The tool is accessible online
. It is planned to
make RLG Maker sources available with each new
major update. The tool is currently available in En-
glish and French and can easily and quickly be trans-
lated into other languages.
To validate these tools and improve them as well as
the underlying model, qualitative experiments were
set up for each. Note that this research is placed
in the epistemological paradigm of pragmatic con-
structivism (Avenier and Thomas, 2015). Indeed, we
reproduce ecological situations with our end users
(teachers and instructional designers in our case).
Thus, we place them at the heart of our experiments
to study the construction of asymmetrical LG. To do
that, we developed, collaboratively with end users, a
model and tools to build those games and collect data
about their use. Model and tools allow us to study if
the users have a better understanding of the creation
RLG Maker: http://rlgmaker.imt-nord-europe.fr/
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Some tiles of RLG Maker: educational objectives, background, role & quest and some tasks.
of RLG. Moreover, we work in the field of Technol-
ogy Enhanced Learning (TEL) focused on IT.
Then, we apply the principles of Design-Based
Research (DBR) (Wang and Hannafin, 2005). Each
stage of the design process for these tools has gone
through several iterative phases, thanks to experi-
ments with end users. For example, the order in which
the design stages are carried out, or the use of the tools
(usefulness, usability and acceptability) have been the
subject of several experiments followed by improve-
ments. All of this has led to refinements to the un-
derlying model at each iteration. The Kit experiments
presented here were all part of the same iteration, and
it was modified following these experiments. Further-
more, we comply with the ten principles of the DBR
set out in the article by (Mandran et al., 2022). We
use the THEDRE (Traceable Human Experiment De-
sign Research) method and its associated framework
to guide us in the DBR. .
Each group was audio-recorded and the sessions
were filmed. The organization of the sessions was
similar: they began with a briefing phase of around
15-20 minutes on the presentation of this type of
game, we explained what was expected from the ses-
sion, and the testers filled out a form to find out
their level of mastery and knowledge on the subject.
Then, the scripting period lasted an hour on average.
The leader, identical for all sessions, only intervened
when participants called for help. Finally, for half an
hour, the volunteer groups could present their project,
followed by a debriefing to find out how they felt
about the tool, what they liked and what needed to be
improved. Everyone also completed Brooke’s SUS
questionnaire (Brooke, 1996) to assess the usability
of the tool.
3.1 RLG Kit Experiments
There were three experiments with the RLG Kit. This
tool being a reification of the RLG Model, the main
goal was to evaluate the tool, the elements that com-
pose it and therefore, if the model allows the design
of a RLG.
Table 1 presents a summary and comparative view
of the experiments. The duration of the experiments
was not identical because it depended on the partici-
pants’ available time. The first session took place in
the teacher’s free time. For the second experiment,
it was divided into two 45-minute sessions because
it took place during their lunch break. For the last
experiment, it took place during a seminar gathering
teachers and educational engineers from engineering
We can see in Table 1 that two of the experiments
led to the outcome of two games, one for high school
and one for middle school (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: Games made with the RLG Kit in class.
Tangible or Digital? A Comparison Between Two Tools for Designing Asymmetric Role-Playing Games for Learning
Table 1: Experiments conducted with the RLG Kit.
Experiments 1st 2nd 3rd
Testers 1 teacher (high school) 8 teachers (middle
15 teachers (engineer-
ing school, divided into
5 groups)
Duration (hours) 3 1,5 2
Material 1 RLG Kit 1 RLG Kit 5 RLG Kits
Goal Create an asymmetrical
serious game scenario
for a high school course
using the Kit
Create an asymmetrical
serious game scenario
to revise the French A-
levels with the Kit
Discover the Kit and
create fictional scenar-
ios with the Kit
Subject French French, mathematics,
technology, physics-
chemistry, life and
science studies
English, composite ma-
terials, law, industrial
engineering, optics,
mathematics and elec-
trical engineering, IT
Game set up with students Yes Yes No
3.2 RLG Maker Experiment
RLG Maker has so far been tested once with eight
educational engineers who work in higher education
and will be tested a second time with teachers from
engineering schools. As for the RLG Kit, we evalu-
ate the RLG model through another reification, RLG
Maker. RLG Maker is a web application developed in
Javascript and the Angular Framework. In addition to
this, for this experiment, a paper guide (similar to the
one downloadable from the tool) was offered to the
participants. As the latter was used, this means that
the tool did not answer all of their questions. This
explains why a tutorial incorporated into the tool was
subsequently implemented.
During this experiment, there were eight educa-
tional engineers, divided into teams of two to design
a scenario for an hour (see Figure 5). This experiment
took place during a seminar bringing together educa-
tional engineers from a group of French engineering
Here are the positive and negative points of each
tool that we have observed through experiments with
qualitative data. These observations were cross-
referenced with sentences during the debriefing or
during the session. For the record, we call the puz-
zle pieces “tile” and the white boxes that make them
up “box”.
Figure 5: Experiment with RLG Maker.
4.1 RLG Kit
4.1.1 Pros
Thanks to the experiments, a few observations were
1. We could see that the main advantage of the RLG
Kit is its quick handling. It was observed in eve-
ry experiment. Indeed, being able to manipulate
puzzle pieces is done without any difficulty.
2. The tool seems suited to part of our target audi-
ence which is teachers (seen in every experiment).
Erasable markers are available to fill in the boxes
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
of the tiles. In addition, the pieces are magnetic
so they can easily be used on a whiteboard.
3. The format of the Kit allows several people to
handle the tiles at the same time (seen in every
4. This format seems to arouse interest and motiva-
tion among designers who seem eager to write on
the tiles and manipulate them (seen in every ex-
5. Finally, the fact that all designers can partici-
pate in the construction of the scenario on the
tool seems to favour the scenario conceptualisa-
tion phase. That is to say that everyone can give
their ideas and write them on the tiles (seen in ev-
ery experiment). The scenarios produced with the
Kit and RLG Maker (the online tool) for the same
duration seem more accomplished with the Kit.
Indeed, the paper guide advises you to take a cer-
tain number of basic steps to build your scenario
and these steps are more advanced with the users
of the Kit than with RLG Maker for the same du-
ration of the experiment.
4.1.2 Limits
Here are observed limitations of this tool:
6. The fact that the Kit is erasable is a strong point
for its reusability, but becomes a weakness if you
want to store it between two design sessions. It
was observed during the 2nd experiment. Indeed,
by storing the tiles or handling them carelessly,
the tiles can then be erased without the possibility
of going back as easily as with a keyboard short-
7. Being a tangible tool, it is really made for in-
person design sessions. Lending the Kit to work
separately is possible but not recommended due to
the tiles being erased during storage (seen in the
2nd experiment).
8. The number of tiles is limited per Kit, so you
would have to add tiles if you want to create a
very large game (seen in the 3rd experiment).
9. The complete Kit with extension is made of wood,
so its weight and size must be taken into consid-
eration. Even if it fits in a briefcase, if you want
to have several copies to develop several games
in parallel, it can become bulky and heavy to
transport (seen during the preparation of the 3rd
experiment). One Kit fits into a box measuring
43x32x13,5cm, or 19 litres.
In addition, certain limits were not observed during
the experiments but are known, namely:
With one Kit it is only possible to create one game
at a time, if you wish to create several simultane-
ously, you must therefore acquire more Kits.
It is possible to upgrade the Kit by creating new
tiles but this takes time and requires materials and
access to specific machines (seen after the three
experiments for the creation of the expansion).
4.2 RLG Maker
4.2.1 Pros
Here are some advantages observed during the exper-
10. The main observed advantage of this tool is that
participants could save their scenarios . It is en-
tirely possible to stop your scenario at any time,
download the save file, then re-import it to mod-
ify it next time. This functionality was used by
the leader to analyse the scenarios created by the
participants. It was then possible to analyse every
activity performed in the tool, chronologically.
11. Some participants could use the tool without
opening the paper booklet. Indeed, there are
tooltips and placeholders to explain every tile and
12. Changes to the tool can be implemented very
quickly depending on the modifications to be
made, for instance: a text modification, adding a
field to a tile, changing a color is quick and easy.
Being able to improve the tool after this experi-
ment has proved useful.
13. Contrary to the Kit, since the tool is digital, it does
not take up space. Only a computer or a tablet
with an internet connection is needed to launch it.
It is then possible to work on it and download the
backup without connection. It is therefore possi-
ble to use it easily. For this experiment, there were
four groups but this caused no transport problem
for the experiment leader.
Even if it was not observed during this experi-
ment, we can note that since this is a digital tool, there
is no limit on the number of tiles available.
4.2.2 Limits
Some weak points have been observed with this tool:
14. Handling was more difficult for the users. Indeed,
manoeuvrability was not optimal during this ex-
periment so they had to learn how to move, zoom
in and out, and use some features. These were not
present in the tangible format and that take time
when getting started with the tool.
Tangible or Digital? A Comparison Between Two Tools for Designing Asymmetric Role-Playing Games for Learning
15. Even if the time between the end of the instruc-
tions and the moment when users started writing
on the tiles is rather similar between the two tools
(between 4 and 9 mins for RLG Maker and be-
tween 3 and 9 mins for the Kit), users of RLG
Maker used this time to familiarise themselves
with the tool while those with the Kit took this
time to read the guide and find an idea for a sce-
nario. RLG Maker’s users struggled more moving
forward and seemed more lost when implement-
ing the scenario in the tool.
16. Since the tool is on a computer, only one de-
signer can manipulate it at a time. Communica-
tion is therefore important so that other designers
can get involved in the construction of the sce-
nario. During the experiment, the two members of
a group opened the tool on their laptop, only one
implemented the scenario but the second wanted
to help her teammate find elements in the tool so
she searched how to do it on her own computer
(see Figure 5).
The following remarks were not observed during the
experiment but are known limitations:
The first constraint for its use is the need to have a
computer (or a tablet) with an internet connection
to load the tool.
If the computer encounters a battery problem or
other technical problem, it is possible to lose all
its data if the designer has not saved his scenario
regularly. In fact, there is no database attached
to the tool to avoid any General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) problems.
4.3 Recommendations According to the
Our problem is to help teachers to choose the most
suitable to their goals. Table 2 takes into account the
observations we made during the experiments with
the RLG Kit and RLG Maker. In this table, the pres-
ence of the “+” symbol means that this tool is appro-
priate to the proposed characteristic. When there is a
“++” symbol it means that the tool in question is more
suitable than the other regarding this aspect. The “-”
symbol means that this tool is not appropriate for this
Considering the criteria in this table, we can see
that the two tools seem complementary: where one
reaches its limit, the other supports this aspect and
are quite balanced.
One possible use to take advantage of the bene-
fits of both tools would be to start by using the RLG
Kit during the conceptualisation phase, so that all de-
signers can interact with the material (seen in 3.) and
help with scenario design (as seen in section 4). Once
the first design session has been completed, then im-
plement the scenario obtained in RLG Maker to save
it (as seen in 10.) and be able to modify it remotely
or separately. All designers could then have access
to it and consult it as they wish. Note that it is advis-
able, according to the experiments carried out, to have
between two or three designers with the RLG Kit, if
there are more then it is preferable to divide the quests
of the different roles. Indeed, during the experiment
with middle school teachers, there were eight design-
ers and the game had four roles. As each of the roles
covered a different discipline: French, Mathematics,
History and Science, then the teachers of these disci-
plines worked separately on the quest that concerned
them. However, before dividing up the work, they had
to agree on the plot of the game and when the differ-
ent roles would cooperate. Then, they built their quest
around these common tasks.
Concerning RLG Maker, the experiment was only
carried out with pairs and it seems to work well. We
assume that it would be possible for a maximum of
three people to use the tool on the same device. Be-
yond this number, users might be more comfortable
using another device such as a projector.
Table 2: Comparison of the usage characteristics of the
RLG Kit and RLG Maker.
RLG Kit RLG Maker
Face-to-face ++ +
Remote - ++
Manipulability ++ -
Easy to use ++ +
Conceptualisation ++ +
++ +
Design in
several times
- ++
simultaneous scenarios
- ++
Transportability + ++
To conclude, this paper presented two tools to as-
sist in the design of asymmetric role-playing games
for training, mainly intended for teachers and educa-
tional engineers. The aim of this article was to com-
pare these two tools, the RLG Kit (tangible) and RLG
Maker (digital) to understand the advantages and lim-
itations of each of them.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
We have outlined the advantages and limitations
of the two RLG scenario design tools based on exper-
iments with the target audience. Then, we have pro-
posed a comparative table to help designers choose
between the two tools based on the context and their
constraints. Each of them having its strengths, it is
then possible to benefit from all these advantages by
combining the two tools. That is to say, to use the tan-
gible Kit in the conceptualisation phase to involve all
the designers as much as possible, then to implement
the scenario on RLG Maker to be able to continue the
work, if necessary, remotely and to save the scenario
in a more lasting way. Indeed, as in Model Driven
Engineering, one of our future objectives is to be able
to load the scenario into a gaming environment like
Unity or Godot.
We can confirm that the advantages of the cards
cited by (Roy and Warren, 2019) in the Introduction
were, for the most part, found during the Kit experi-
(Pozzi et al., 2022) offered teachers a game to de-
sign collaborative learning activities using a board in
three different formats. Each format had its advan-
tages and disadvantages, but their hybrid augmented
reality format could be the most advantageous by
combining the qualities of the tangible and digital for-
mats. This could be a new avenue for our project and
worth studying in detail.
We are currently looking for a way to automati-
cally recognise the pieces of the tangible Kit to au-
tomatically implement the tiles and their content in
RLG Maker using a photo, for example. This would
avoid having to copy what is already written on the
In the meantime, we are continuing experiments
with RLG Maker because we are in a process of
continuous improvement (in accordance with Design-
Based Research). The next experiment will test a new
functionality which aims to check the scenario. This
will ensure that the quests can be completed at the
same time for all the roles, and if the players can carry
out common tasks simultaneously. To date, there has
not yet been a game developed with RLG Maker since
the experimentation aimed to test the tool to improve
it and not to produce one or more games, but our ob-
jective is to promptly develop one with it. These im-
provements may have an influence on the tool itself
(ergonomics, accessibility for example), but also on
the Kit and the model if new elements appear with the
This work was funded by the French government as
part of the France Relance recovery plan through the
eofil project
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