An Evaluation of General-Purpose Optical Character Recognizers and
Digit Detectors for Race Bib Number Recognition
Modesto Castrill
1 a
, David Freire-Obreg
1 b
, Daniel Hern
1 c
Oliverio J. Santana
1 d
, Francisco Ortega-Zamorano
2 e
, Jos
e Isern-Gonz
1 f
Javier Lorenzo-Navarro
1 g
SIANI, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Universidad de M
alaga, Spain
Race Bib Number Recognition, OCR, General Object Detection.
Bib numbers are used in mass competitions to identify participants, especially in long-distance races where
runners commonly wear tags to verify that they pass mandatory checkpoints. In this paper, we delve deeper
into the use of existing computer vision techniques for recognizing the digits present in bib numbers. Our anal-
ysis of bib recognition involves evaluating OCRs (Optical Character Recognition) techniques and a YOLOv7
digit detector on two public datasets: RBNR and TGCRBNW. The results reveal that the former scenario is
solvable, while the latter presents extremely in-the-wild challenges. However, the findings suggest that more
than relying solely on RBN for runner identification, other appearance-based cues, e.g., clothing and acces-
sories, may be required due to various circumstances, such as occlusion or incomplete bib recognition. In any
case, all those cues do not necessarily imply that the same person is wearing the RBN across the competition
track, as they are not biometric traits.
Since the early 90s, timing systems have been an es-
sential tool for organizers of massive running events
to keep track of runners at specific locations along the
course track. However, these systems do not control
the real presence of the runner, but rather the presence
of the tag they carry, and strictly, they do not verify
the participant’s identity. This has led to incorrect
classification results and insurance policy problems
for organizers. The computer vision community has
started to address the participant identification prob-
lem, mostly focusing on solving the Racing Bib Num-
ber (RBN) automatic recognition problem (Ben-Ami
et al., 2012), i.e., recognizing the precise number ex-
hibited in the bib. However, this solution suffers from
the same drawbacks as tag-based systems. Biometrics
could be an alternative, but it has yet to be applied
more extensively in this challenging scenario.
In this paper, we do not make use of biometrics.
Instead we explore using state-of-the-art computer vi-
sion techniques to recognize RBNs in running compe-
titions, considering real-life datasets used in the liter-
ature to which we have been granted access. The sce-
nario comprises significant challenges, such as varia-
tions in illumination conditions, runner’s image reso-
lution, body pose, and image sharpness, among oth-
ers. RBN recognition is a valid modality in a flexible
multimodal approach for runner recognition, which
should also integrate biometric traits, such as face
and body appearance or gait recognition. However,
all those mentioned modalities present the risk of be-
ing unavailable at a particular moment. The mid-term
expectations offer exciting possibilities for improving
participant identification and can be a game-changer
for the running event industry.
In summary, the main contribution of this paper
is evaluating existing RBN recognition benchmarks,
defining a new digit-based instead of RBN-based met-
ric focus, and proposing relevant features for real-
world or in-the-wild benchmarks.
Castrillón-Santana, M., Freire-Obregón, D., Hernández-Sosa, D., Santana, O., Ortega-Zamorano, F., Isern-González, J. and Lorenzo-Navarro, J.
An Evaluation of General-Purpose Optical Character Recognizers and Digit Detectors for Race Bib Number Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0012562400003654
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 910-917
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In sports, computer vision is an active field tackled by
recent surveys (Mendes-Neves et al., 2023) and well-
established workshops such as CVsports and MM-
Sports. Several studies have primarily focused on
analyzing the individual athlete’s movements to find
ways of improvement (Li and Zhang, 2019; Thomas
et al., 2017) or studying team sports to collect statisti-
cal data, increasing the team’s performance (Liu and
Bhanu, 2019; Thomas et al., 2017). Despite the active
research in computer vision for sports, our focus is di-
verse, as in this paper we are just interested in iden-
tifying mass runner competition participants by their
RBN. This section summarizes existing proposals for
recognizing runners using computer vision.
2.1 RBN Detection and Recognition
As previously discussed, RBN recognition is the
main approach for participant identification in run-
ning competitions, with most previous research pri-
marily focusing on marathon-like scenarios (Kamlesh
et al., 2017). Although such competitions are now or-
ganized everywhere, the amount of publicly available
data is limited. The RBN dataset most widely used as
a benchmark in the literature (Ben-Ami et al., 2012)
includes 217 high-quality images captured by profes-
sional photographers, with 290 annotated RBNs. The
proposed approach detects faces in the images and
estimates the RBN Region of Interest (RoI) to de-
tect text using the Stroke Width Transform (SWT)
and Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Annotated
RBNs correspond to those individuals whose face was
correctly located by a face detector, being eligible to
estimate an RBN RoI. This means that other RBNs
may be present in the dataset images.
The approach described in (Boonsim, 2018) also
adopts the initial face detection step but focuses on
morphological operations applied to the torso area of
the detected runners. In (Shivakumara et al., 2017),
upper body detection is performed and the runner is
segmented using GrabCut to restrict the text detection
and recognition area. This approach is evaluated on
their own dataset of 212 images captured in marathon
competitions. The same research group has more re-
cently described a unified method for detecting text
from marathon runners and sports players in video,
achieving high accuracy in text extraction in that sce-
nario (Nag et al., 2020). In (de Jes
us and Borges,
2018), the focus is on text detection, skipping the pre-
vious face/body detection, which may undoubtedly be
affected by the runner’s poses, reducing the number of
possible RBNs.
In the past few years, the community has explored
using deep learning for RBN recognition. The ap-
proach in (Wong et al., 2019) uses the convolutional
network YOLO (You Only Look Once) (Bochkovskiy
et al., 2020) for RBN detection and a convolutional
recurrent neural network (CRNN) for text recogni-
tion. A similar approach is described in (Apap and
Seychel, 2019), where a convolutional neural net-
work (CNN) is used for RBN detection, followed by a
CRNN for classification. Both approaches report re-
sults on the different literature datasets. The YOLO
architecture is also adopted in (Carty et al., 2021) for
RBN detection, applying a Tesseract OCR for the bib
number recognition, which achieves promising results
on a private dataset. In (Nag et al., 2019), runners
are detected using a Single Shot Multibox Detector
(SSD), and their body parts are extracted to locate
the RBN. Finally, a CRNN is applied for classifica-
tion. In (Kamlesh et al., 2017), a re-identification ap-
proach based on RBN recognition is applied, using
TextBoxes (Minghui Liao and Bai, 2018) for RBN de-
tection and a CRNN for classification. This approach
is evaluated on their non-public dataset.
RBN digit recognition may be considered a sub-
problem of the overall problem of text recognition
in natural scene images and video, which usually
needs the previous step to spot the pieces of text to
be located and later decode each separate character.
The literature describes two main approaches for text
recognition: 1) the combination of a recurrent neural
network (RNN) on top of a CNN and a connection-
ist temporal classification (CRNN+CTC), and 2) the
combination of a CNN and an attention RNN (Luo
et al., 2019). Tesseract, one of the most widely used
OCRs, adopted the first approach, i.e., the combi-
nation of RNN on top of CNN and CTC for RBN
recognition, as mentioned earlier. The use of the
two-steps method applied to RBN recognition is pre-
sented in (Ivarsson and Mueller, 2019), reporting the
performance in datasets captured during marathon-
like events. The FOTS (Fast Oriented Text Spotting)
method proposed in (Liu et al., 2018) simultaneously
detects and recognizes text, in contrast to the previous
methods, which perform these tasks separately. This
is done because there is a high correlation between
the features used for detection and recognition.
2.2 Biometrics
Although body information has been used to deter-
mine the Region of Interest (RoI) for RBNs through
face, upper body, or body part location. The use of fa-
cial and body recognition or clothing appearance, to
determine the identity of runners has rarely been em-
An Evaluation of General-Purpose Optical Character Recognizers and Digit Detectors for Race Bib Number Recognition
ployed. One of the few references that combine fa-
cial appearance with RBN recognition for improving
identification performance is (Wro
nska et al., 2017).
This multimodal strategy may be well-suited for the
task at hand, as both face and RBN occlusions are
frequently present, and the target pose may introduce
difficulties for both face and RBN detection.
While the marathon-like scenario, with daylight
conditions, reduces the presence of wild variations
in the problem dataset, the re-identification in the
ultra-running scenario proposed in (Penate-Sanchez
et al., 2020) aims to define a new benchmark for
state-of-the-art re-identification approaches based on
body/clothing appearance. The final evaluation of
top-ranked re-identification approaches suggests rel-
evant challenges in the scenario. More recently, Choi
et al. utilized gait traits, extracting arm swing features
from the silhouette, to overcome issues such as RBN
recognition, face occlusion, and clothing appearance
similarity (Choi et al., 2021).
As mentioned earlier, this paper focuses not on bib
detection but on bib number recognition. Therefore,
in the experimental evaluation, we assume that the
bounding box of the bib number has already been ob-
tained using one of the aforementioned detection ap-
proaches. The main emphasis of this study is on text
recognition, precisely digit recognition. In this sense,
the present study allows us to evaluate the ideal bib
number recognition performance, which may be con-
sidered as an upper bound of the reachable perfor-
mance in a real application scenario where firstly the
bib detection step is required. Previous literature on
bib recognition has utilized various OCR techniques
or deep learning strategies for character classification.
General object detectors are, in principle, less spe-
cialized for text recognition tasks than OCRs, as they
are designed as flexible solutions for any object de-
tection task. However, two remarkable features of
bib number text might make general object detectors
suitable for the task: 1) the RBN text to recognize is
composed of digits, i.e., just ten classes or categories
are needed to be trained, and 2) the RBN text is not
manuscript, i.e., not written by hand, and thus there
is great homogeneity in the typography. In this sense,
we are interested in exploring whether a fine-tuned
general object detector, trained with non manuscript
digits, may outperform OCRs in the task of RBN
In this sense, we will evaluate as baseline two
freely available OCRs in the experimental evaluation
below, focusing on recognizing only digits whenever
possible. Specifically, we have selected two open-
source alternatives: Tesseract
, which has been used
for this specific problem in the literature, and Easy-
, which integrates CRAFT (Baek et al., 2019)
for character region cropping and CRNN for text
Furthermore, to test the hypothesis that an object
detector trained to detect digits improves OCR perfor-
mance, we have adopted the YOLO (You Only Look
Once) architecture, specifically YOLOv7 (Wang
et al., 2023) using a digit dataset. For this aim,
we have adopted the Street View House Numbers
(SVHN) dataset (Netzer et al., 2011), which is com-
posed of only street numbers captured in varying
real-world conditions sharing similar features with
RBNs, see Figure 1. The ground truth dataset con-
tains bounding boxes per digit in the street number.
This strategy is based on reported experiences by the
community training a digit recognizer with SVHN
with RetinaNet (Lin et al., 2017) and YOLOv4
digit spotting within the same scenario.
Even if the chosen scenario of application is dif-
ferent, we have adopted just the SVHN training sub-
set for training, not fusing it with the rest of available
samples in the SVHN data collection. We launched
a 200-epoch training with a learning rate of 0.01 in
a GTX 3080 with a batch size of 32 and an image
width of 640. The default YOLOv7 data augmenta-
tion strategies were adopted, except for deactivating
the possibility of augmenting data by flipping the im-
age, since most digits are not symmetric.
The fine-tuned YOLOv7 detector will provide a
collection of digit-bounding boxes. Assuming only
the bib number area is processed, any detected digit
will be considered belonging to the bib number. We,
therefore, compound the recognized bib number by
first sorting the digit bounding boxes along the x-axis;
see Figure 3.
The experimental evaluation focuses on the two pre-
viously mentioned approaches for recognizing RBNs.
Firstly, we investigate the usage of general-purpose
OCRs, such as Tesseract and EasyOCR. Secondly,
we fine-tune the general object detection architecture
YOLOv7 using SVHN annotated street number sam-
ples to create a dedicated digit detector and classifier.
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 1: Samples from SVHN dataset (Netzer et al., 2011). Similarly to RBNs, both possibilities, i.e. clearer and darker
fonts, are present in the data collection.
Figure 2: Upper row: samples from RBNR dataset (Ben-Ami et al., 2012). Bottom row: samples from TGCRBNW
dataset (Hern
andez-Carrascosa et al., 2020).
Figure 3: Three digits are detected: 4, 2, and 8. Their re-
spective x-coordinates are sorted to compose the recognized
bib number: 428.
4.1 Datasets
Although various datasets are referred to in the liter-
ature for detecting and/or recognizing race bib num-
bers (RBNs) in running competitions, most are con-
sidered private, and we have not obtained permis-
sion to include them in the experimental evalua-
tion. Therefore, we assess the different approaches
using the only publicly available datasets acces-
sible to us: RBNR (Ben-Ami et al., 2012) and
andez-Carrascosa et al., 2020).
Both datasets consist of images of long-distance
runners, but RBNR comprises photographs of
marathon runners, while TGCRBNW contains frames
extracted from videos of ultra-distance trail runners.
Their main distinction is that TGCRBNW comprises
images captured in low-light conditions. Further-
more, as shown in Figure 2, the RBNR dataset sam-
ples have larger and different fonts. The authors
of TGCRBNW (Hern
andez-Carrascosa et al., 2020)
claim that despite containing only a single font, their
dataset is more extensive and more challenging for
detecting and recognizing race bib numbers. In fact,
the RBNs are annotated even if they are not easily
recognized by humans in the image, as seen in the
bottom row of Figure 2. We will evaluate this claim
in the experiments below.
An Evaluation of General-Purpose Optical Character Recognizers and Digit Detectors for Race Bib Number Recognition
Figure 4: Upper row: cropped samples from RBNR dataset (Ben-Ami et al., 2012). Bottom row: cropped samples from
TGCRBNW dataset (Hern
andez-Carrascosa et al., 2020).
4.2 RBN Recognition
As mentioned earlier, the experimental evaluation fo-
cuses on RBN recognition. It skips the RBN detection
step, as both datasets provide ground truth in rectan-
gular bounding boxes around the RBNs. Before lo-
cating and recognizing the text, we decided to enlarge
the bounding boxes by 50% of their dimensions in
width and height. This preprocessing was adopted as,
in some cases, the RBN bounding box has been de-
fined very tightly, and some bib digits do not appear
whole in the cropped area. Examples of the resulting
samples for both datasets are shown in Figure 4.
After enlarging the annotated bounding boxes, we
first evaluate the performance of our approach on the
RBNR dataset using the same metrics as the origi-
nal dataset authors defined in (Ben-Ami et al., 2012).
Those metrics are adopted to provide with the preci-
sion the ratio of correctly recognized RBNs out of the
total number of recognized RBNs, and with the recall
the ratio of correctly recognized RBNs out of the total
number of annotated RBNs. The reader must observe
that in their work, Ben-Ami et al. assume that detect-
ing a face triggers the RBN RoI estimation. There-
fore, the metrics do not consider the RBN detection
but the full recognition of the RBN digits. This means
that, for the first RBN present in Figure 4, it will be
considered a correct recognition only if the system
outputs 3628. The computation of those metrics re-
quired the number of correctly recognized bibs or true
positives (TP) when all its digits were identified, the
number of incorrectly recognized bibs or false posi-
tives (FP), when at least one but not all the digits were
identified, and the number of non-classified bib num-
bers or false negatives (FN), those without any digit
located. The recall (R), precision (P), and F-score (F)
are defined respectively as:
P =
T P + FP
R =
T P + FN
F = 2 ·
P · R
P + R
The results achieved for RBNR dataset are sum-
marized in Table 1. We compare the performance of
our approach, which uses the fine-tuned YOLOv7-
based digit detector, with the mentioned OCRs and
the latest published result for this dataset that we
are aware of (Nag et al., 2020), which refers to the
work (Bartz et al., 2018).
Among the OCRs, Tesseract produced signifi-
cantly poor results, but EasyOCR provided fairly
competitive results compared to the latest reported
state-of-the-art for RBNR (Bartz et al., 2018), al-
though still lower. However, the results achieved by
the specifically trained digit detector significantly out-
performed any other approach applied to this dataset.
Table 1: Bibs recognition results for RBNR.
Approach P R F
EasyOCR 0.67 0.54 0.60
Tesseract 0.33 0.05 0.08
See (Bartz et al., 2018) 0.76 0.77 0.77
YOLOv7 0.91 0.91 0.91
With those results, we decided to explore the er-
rors of the YOLOv7 digit detector, focusing specifi-
cally on FPs, to understand why they occur. As men-
tioned above, FPs are outputs that do not match the
annotated RBN completely. Upon observing the FPs
in the evaluation, we noticed that in most cases, even
when the entire bib number is not recognized, most
detected digits are correctly identified, as shown in
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 5: Partially recognized bib numbers, just three digits of four were detected by the digit detector in both samples. The
previously adopted metric considers both cases as FPs. A metric evaluating the digit recognition performance provides a
better insight into the approach validity.
Figure 6: Images that reported a digit FP according to RBNR ground annotation. Upper row: the YOLOv7 digit detector
confused a 3521 with 3527. Second row: bibs annotated as 80653, 891, 359, and 764 were recognized as 80635, 0891, 3594,
and 3764, respectively. Indeed, those recognized bibs must be considered correct.
Figure 5. Fixing a detection confidence threshold of
0.5, we found that in both images, out of the eight dig-
its present, only two of them were not located. As the
bib number is not correctly matched, they are counted
as FPs. That consideration is not fair to establish a
real usability of the digit detector. Therefore, we pro-
pose a novel metric approach to evaluate the perfor-
mance more precisely for the RBN recognition prob-
lem: considering digit recognition instead of bib num-
ber recognition. By adopting this evaluation strategy,
the values for precision (P), recall (R), and F-score (F)
for the YOLOv7 fine-tuned digit detector significantly
increase to 0.992, 0.975, and 0.984, respectively.
These results suggest that the RBNR dataset is rel-
atively simple for current general object detectors. An
example of the type of FNs in the digit detector is vis-
ible in the previously mentioned Figure 5. As for the
still remaining digit FPs, only ve bib numbers were
reported to have digit FPs. However, upon closer in-
spection, it was revealed that only one of them was a
true digit FP, while the rest correspond to annotation
errors, as seen in Figure 6. This means that the actual
value of precision (P) would be indeed higher, indi-
cating that the RBNR dataset is certainly trivial for
current general object detectors.
Now that we have established that RBNR is a rel-
atively simple dataset for existing tools, we evaluated
the best approaches for bib number recognition on
TGCRBNW. Before discussing the results, it is im-
portant to note that TGCRBNW contains 3223 an-
notated bibs captured in both low-light and daylight
conditions, with a split of 69% and 31%, respectively.
Those images correspond to video frames, thus there
is no human photographer behind the camera adjust-
ing the camera settings for each sample. Additionally,
it is worth mentioning that the bib number is not nec-
essarily visible in the images, as the human annotators
had access to the whole runner tracklet to annotate the
identity, i.e., his/her bib number. The results of bib
number recognition are summarized in Table 2.
Indeed, those results are significantly worse than
those achieved for the RBNR dataset, suggesting
that the TGCRBNW dataset is considerably more
challenging. A first impression suggests that the
YOLOv7-based recognizer has a lower precision (P),
i.e., it exhibits a higher number of false positives
(FPs). However, if, similarly to the consideration
made for RBNR, we adopt a digit-based metric in-
An Evaluation of General-Purpose Optical Character Recognizers and Digit Detectors for Race Bib Number Recognition
stead of a bib number-based metric, the reported pre-
cision (P), recall (R), and F-score (F) for the YOLOv7
detector are 0.776, 0.779, and 0.778, respectively,
which suggests promising performance also in severe
conditions. We remind again that among the 3223 bib
numbers contained in TGCRBNW, only 1000 were
captured in daylight. The reported values, as seen in
Table 3, suggest a slightly easier scenario with day-
light illumination conditions; however, there is still
much room for improvement.
Table 2: Bibs recognition results for TGCRBNW.
Approach P R F
EasyOCR 0.259 0.002 0.004
YOLOv7 0.216 0.047 0.077
Table 3: Digits recognition results for TGCRBNW includ-
ing overall and daylight and nightlight splits metrics.
Complete 0.776 0.779 0.777
Nightlight 0.714 0.714 0.714
Daylight 0.825 0.831 0.827
In this paper, we analyzed RBN recognition using
two available datasets: RBNR and TGCRBNW. To
achieve this, we evaluated two well-known general-
purpose OCRs and a specific digit detector trained
with samples from a different scenario, specifically
street numbers, using a general object detection ar-
chitecture. After an initial evaluation of RBNR, we
defined a new digit-based metric instead of an RBN-
based one to get more precise evidence of the par-
tially recognized RBNs. The results suggest that
the scenario defined by datasets similar to RBNR
is now solvable. However, the scenario presented
by TGCRBNW poses a real in-the-wild benchmark,
likely due to challenging features such as illumina-
tion conditions (nightlight, shadows, etc.), RBN reso-
lution, and motion blur, among others.
In any case, relying solely on RBN for recognition
is not enough due to the presence of occlusions, which
are common in such scenarios. Integrating other cues,
such as biometric traits, might help achieve coherent
recognition of specific runners, especially if a video
stream is available instead of single frames. However,
this concept is beyond the scope of the present paper.
This work is partially supported by the the Span-
ish Ministry of Science and Innovation under
project PID2021-122402OB-C22 and by the ACIISI-
Gobierno de Canarias and European FEDER funds
under projects ProID2021010012, ULPGC Facilities
Net, and Grant EIS 2021 04
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An Evaluation of General-Purpose Optical Character Recognizers and Digit Detectors for Race Bib Number Recognition