tions, particularly considering that MotionMixer em-
ploys displacement-based representations with values
that are typically very low. It can be observed that the
adversarial attacks algorithms learn to exert the most
variation in ∆s to the last frame, in order to fool the
models. Additionally, in the case of MotionMixer, the
last displacement is replaced with the positions of the
last frame for this evaluation, that’s why the ∆s drop
to zero for the last displacement frame.
We observed that models are easily fooled by adver-
sarial attacks as same as in the initial stages of CNNs
on image classification. Furthermore, we showed
that 3D spatial transformations also behave as no-
gradient-based attack methods and have strong ef-
fects on the model performance. As a future direc-
tion, we plan to use these methods as data augmenta-
tion for more realistic scenarios such as small short-
period rotations or spatio-temporal windowed noise.
We also plan to explore black-box methods since we
observed white-box attacks worked successfully and
also a white-box method using the gradients to guide
the 3D spatial transformations.
The research leading to these results is funded by the
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and
Climate Action within the project “ATTENTION –
Artificial Intelligence for realtime injury prediction”.
The authors would like to thank the consortium for
the successful cooperation.
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