Usability and User Experience Questionnaire Evaluation and Evolution
for Touchable Holography
Thiago Prado de Campos
1,2 a
, Eduardo Filgueiras Damasceno
1 b
and Natasha M. C. Valentim
2 c
Universidade Tecnol
ogica Federal do Paran
a, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Paran
a, Brazil
Questionnaire, Touchable Hologram, Holography, Expert Evaluation, Validation, Usability, User Experience.
Augmented and Mixed Reality enables applications where users engage in natural hand interactions, simu-
lating touch, termed touchable holography solutions (THS). These applications are achievable through head-
mounted displays and are helpful in training, equipment control, and entertainment. Usability and User eXpe-
rience (UX) evaluations are crucial for ensuring the quality and appropriateness of THS, yet many are assessed
using non-specific technologies. The UUXE-ToH questionnaire was proposed and subjected to expert study
for content and face validity to address this gap. This study enhances questionnaire credibility and acceptance
by identifying clarity issues, aligning questions with study theory, and reducing author-induced bias, offering
an effective and cost-efficient approach. The study garnered numerous contributions that were analyzed qual-
itatively and processed to refine the questionnaire. This paper introduces the UUXE-ToH in its initial version,
details expert feedback analysis, outlines the methodology for incorporating suggestions, and presents the en-
hanced version, UUXE-ToH v2. This evidence-based process contributes to a better understanding of usability
and UX evaluation in the THS context. UUXE-ToH can impact the quality of life of users of solutions applied
to education, health, and entertainment by helping develop better products.
Touchable holography, an innovative technology fa-
cilitating gesture and mid-air touch interaction by
projecting digital content into the natural environ-
ment (Kervegant et al., 2017), is experiencing rapid
evolution alongside advancements in Augmented
Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR). The Mi-
crosoft Hololens™ and Meta Quest3™ exemplify this
progress, enabling users to engage with holograms
through hand gestures and contributing to the emer-
gence of Touchable Holographic Solutions (THS).
This paradigm shift eliminates traditional screens, in-
troducing novel approaches like head-mounted dis-
plays and touch interactions without physical feed-
back. Regardless of the display technology, holo-
grams emulate real-world entities, responding to
gaze, gestures, and voice commands (Microsoft Inc,
2022). The seamless integration of synthetic elements
blurs the boundary between the real and virtual worlds
in AR and MR, enhancing user experiences. Touch-
able holograms find diverse applications, from equip-
ment control to entertainment, utilizing natural and
flexible interactions facilitated by gesture-based inter-
faces, encompassing pointing, pantomimic, and ma-
nipulation gestures (Aigner et al., 2012). Hologra-
phy’s absence of haptic feedback is a notable draw-
back, but ongoing efforts to enhance audiovisual feed-
back and explore air-based solutions show promise
for natural touch simulation.
Ensuring the effectiveness of THS demands a
comprehensive evaluation, focusing on both Usabil-
ity and User eXperience (UX). Usability assesses the
ease of use (Nielsen, 2012), effectiveness, efficiency,
and satisfaction of using an artifact with a specific
purpose and context (ISO, 2018). UX is a person’s
quality of experience when interacting with the in-
teractive artifact (Hassenzahl, 2011). UX focuses on
user preferences, perceptions, emotions, and physical
and psychological responses that occur before, dur-
ing, and after use (Bevan et al., 2015).
Recognizing the absence of dedicated evaluation
technologies for THS, a Systematic Mapping Study
(SMS) conducted by Campos et al. (2023) high-
Campos, T., Damasceno, E. and Valentim, N.
Usability and User Experience Questionnaire Evaluation and Evolution for Touchable Holography.
DOI: 10.5220/0012564100003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 449-460
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
lighted the reliance on multiple generic tools, such
as the System Usability Scale (SUS) (Brooke, 1996)
and User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) (Laugwitz
et al., 2008). Most THS studies used at least three
existing questionnaires. However, these don’t fully
cover unique aspects of AR/MR, like immersion and
presence. Combining multiple evaluation technolo-
gies may confuse users and cause overlapping of as-
sessed aspects. To address this gap, we proposed
the “Usability and UX Evaluation in Touchable Holo-
grams (UUXE-ToH)” questionnaire, composed of ob-
jective sentences and open-ended questions to cover
the evaluation of the main aspects of usability and
UX, including dimensions of AR/MR.
New technologies should undergo initial stud-
ies to identify strengths, limitations, and challenges,
contributing to technique refinement before industry
adoption (Shull et al., 2001). For survey question-
naires, ensuring validity and reliability is crucial for
assessing their viability, enabling use in future case
studies, and potentially applying them in final solu-
tions. To affirm the UUXE-ToH suitability for as-
sessing THS usability and UX, a content and face
validation study involving 13 experts was performed.
This study validated the questionnaire and provided
valuable insights for refinement, including enhanc-
ing question clarity, sentence structure, and additional
guidance for future evaluators. Therefore, this study
is motivated by the central research question: How
can the UUXE-ToH questionnaire be refined and im-
proved based on expert qualitative feedback?
Feedback meetings with experts were recorded
and transcribed, with participant comments on the
evaluation form and notes within UUXE-ToH joined
to the transcript. Qualitative analysis followed the
first two steps of the Grounded Theory (GT) method
proposed by Corbin and Strauss (2014) , encompass-
ing open coding (1) and axial coding (2). The first
step involved categorizing data based on each par-
ticipant’s response, while the second grouped codes
based on their properties and relationships, forming
categories representing their characteristics. Notably,
selective coding was omitted, as this study focused
on the initial validation and improvement of UUXE-
ToH, with open and axial coding proving sufficient to
comprehend experts’ opinions.
This paper unfolds the evolution of the UUXE-
ToH questionnaire, from its inception to the second
version, shaped by expert insights. Beyond detail-
ing the questionnaire’s evolution, the paper addresses
a critical gap in touchable holography evaluation. It
brings the refined UUXE-ToH and a methodologi-
cal approach that enriches our understanding of Aug-
mented and Mixed Reality user interactions.
The paper’s subsequent sections include a re-
view of related work (Section 2), an overview of the
UUXE-ToH questionnaire (Section 3), a detailed ac-
count of the content and face validation study with ex-
perts (Section 4), a presentation of suggestions from
the study (Section 5), a demonstration of the process-
ing of expert suggestions (Section 6), and an introduc-
tion to the second version of the UUXE-ToH ques-
tionnaire (Section 7). The final considerations are
presented in Section 8.
Ensuring the accuracy and replicability of research re-
sults depends heavily on the validity and reliability
of the instruments, primarily questionnaires. Validity,
covering face, content, construct, and criterion types,
focuses on measuring what the instrument intends to
measure, while reliability, including equivalence, sta-
bility, and internal consistency, ensures applicability
(Bolarinwa, 2015). Content validity is crucial to en-
sure the questionnaire items’ relevance, representa-
tiveness, and comprehensiveness concerning the con-
struct measured (Koller et al., 2017). Face valid-
ity addresses the appearance and initial acceptability
of the questionnaire, identifying clarity, format, and
style issues (DeVellis and Thorpe, 2022). Content
and face validation are inseparable, and their results
allow adjustments to the questionnaire before moving
on to other validation stages (Costa, 2021). A liter-
ature search identified validity and reliability studies
for questionnaires assessing usability, UX, or dimen-
sions in AR/MR environments. Below, we highlight
selected questionnaires and their associated studies.
The Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease of Use
Questionnaire (USE), developed by Lund (2001), was
submitted to a study with 151 participants aimed to
evaluate your psychometric properties (Gao et al.,
2018). The USE, consisting of 30 items on a 7-
point Likert scale, measures usability across four di-
mensions: usefulness, ease of use, ease of learning,
and satisfaction. The participants assessed Microsoft
Word and using the USE and the SUS.
The study revealed high reliability for the overall USE
score (Cronbach’s alpha = .98). Validity was estab-
lished through significant correlations between USE
dimensions and SUS scores (r between .60 and .82,
p <.001). A factor analysis unveiled a four-factor
model, deviating from the original.
The UEQ underwent a psychometric evaluation
to establish its validity through two usability studies.
In the first study, 13 participants performed tasks re-
lated to a sales representative scenario. Task-oriented
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
aspects (Perspicuity, Efficiency, Dependability) were
expected to negatively correlate with task completion
time, while non-task-related aspects (Novelty, Stimu-
lation) showed no substantial correlation. The study
validated these hypotheses, indicating initial validity
for the questionnaire. In the second study, 16 students
participated in a usability test with tasks in a CRM
system, and correlations between UEQ scales and the
AttrakDiff2 questionnaire were examined. The ex-
pected correlations were confirmed, further support-
ing the UEQ’s validity.
The Presence Questionnaire (PQ) and Immersive
Tendencies Questionnaire (ITQ) were developed to
measure presence in a virtual environment (VE) and
individuals’ tendencies for immersion, respectively.
PQ had 28 items, and ITQ had 29. The questionnaires
underwent evaluation through four experiments in-
volving 152 participants performing tasks in different
VEs. Reliability analyses yielded Cronbach’s Alpha
values of 0.81 for ITQ and 0.88 for PQ. Content valid-
ity was established by deriving PQ items from factors
identified in the literature about presence. Construct
validity was supported by positive correlations with
VE task performance, ITQ scores, and negative corre-
lations with Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ)
scores (Kennedy et al., 1993). Factors were identi-
fied for both questionnaires through cluster analyses.
The statistically derived constructs of the PQ do not
perfectly match the original factors.
This short review underscores the need for im-
proved validation processes to ensure the relevance
of measured constructs. However, based on the pub-
lications found and cited above, no details about the
content and face validation process carried out in the
USE, UEQ, PQ, and ITQ questionnaires were identi-
fied. In response, this article distinguishes the UUXE-
ToH questionnaire by presenting the results of an ex-
pert validation study to confirm its constructs’ suit-
ability and sentences to evaluate THS.
The formulation of the UUXE-ToH questionnaire was
a meticulous process, initiated by consciously choos-
ing a questionnaire as the evaluation method. This de-
cision was driven by its practicality, ease of data col-
lection, and impersonal nature (Skarbez et al., 2017).
Drawing on established models for questionnaire de-
velopment, the process prioritized defining constructs
based on theoretical reviews (DeVellis and Thorpe,
2022). Then, the constructs for the questionnaire were
described based on the SMS of Campos et al. (2023)
and an Exploratory Search (Marchionini, 2006) of
common usability and UX aspects in the literature.
This process involved merging usability and UX cri-
teria into a cohesive set, ensuring a comprehensive
evaluation framework.
Initially, based on the exploratory search, 18 as-
pects were carefully defined, covering critical dimen-
sions: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Learnability, Memo-
rability, Error Prevention and Recovery, Controllabil-
ity, Satisfaction, Overall Usability, Pleasure and Fun,
Trustworthiness, Usefulness, Beauty and Aesthetic,
Desirability, Value, Creativity and Novelty, Emo-
tional, Stimulation, and Overall UX. After, based on
essential dimensions of AR/MR environments (Skar-
bez et al., 2021) that were poorly explored in eval-
uation technologies found in the SMS, we intro-
duced into the set two specific aspects, Immersion
and Presence, providing distinct perspectives in eval-
uating THS, resulting in 20 aspects representing the
questionnaire’s constructs. Immersion focused on
the objective enhancement of the manipulation func-
tion (Slater, 2018), while Presence delved into users’
subjective experiences (Berkman and Akan, 2019),
capturing their sense of virtual elements seamlessly
blending into the real world.
With the constructs set in place, the next phase in-
volved creating an item pool for the questionnaire. A
sample comprising 67 assessment items was gener-
ated to measure the 20 selected constructs (Figure 1).
The process included creating sentences by merging
original formulations with content adapted from iden-
tified questionnaires. The UUXE-ToH questionnaire
adopts a 7-level Likert scale for response accuracy
and enhanced user engagement, providing three gra-
dations for agreement and disagreement. This scale
aligns with established usability assessment question-
naires and ensures a more nuanced and precise re-
flection of respondents’ evaluations (Finstad, 2010).
The inclusion of ”Not Applicable” (NA) and ”I Don’t
Know How to Answer” (IDK) options supply diverse
contexts and user uncertainties.
Additionally, three open-ended questions follow
the objective items, strategically designed to gather
qualitative feedback, allowing users to articulate
their experiences and propose constructive sugges-
tions. The questionnaire deliberately avoids grouping
sentences and labeling constructs, prioritizing user
simplicity and familiarity. The complete UUXE-
ToH questionnaire can be accessed at this link:
Usability and User Experience Questionnaire Evaluation and Evolution for Touchable Holography
Figure 1: Part of UUXE-ToH v1.
Approved by the Research Ethics Committee, the
study aimed to analyze the UUXE-ToH through con-
tent and face validation by experts. The study oc-
curred remotely from June to August 2023, involv-
ing experts from Brazilian laboratories and research
groups related to Human-Computer Interaction, Us-
ability, UX, Software Engineering, AR, and MR.
Participants underwent a video instruction call,
receiving information about UUXE-ToH and the
study’s goals. The UUXE-ToH questionnaire and on-
line forms for participant characterization and evalua-
tion were provided. Participants had one to six weeks
to complete the forms for assessment. Afterward,
they participated in a second video call for general
feedback. Electronic forms data were processed and
analyzed using Atlas.ti
software and the GT method,
specifically open and axial coding.
Thirteen experts (P1 to P13) holding Ph.D. or
Master’s degrees across diverse academic back-
grounds, including Computer Science, Design, En-
gineering, and Sciences, participated. The majority
were male, with ages ranging from 21 to 60. Pro-
ficiencies included Usability, UX, and experience in
AR/MR. Expertise levels varied, providing a compre-
hensive perspective on the UUXE-ToH questionnaire.
The qualitative analysis resulted in categories pre-
sented in the following subsections (Figure 2).
5.1 Suggestions for Sentences
This was the biggest category of experts’ feedback.
Therefore, it was divided into subcategories: Rewrit-
ing, Terms Explain or Standardization, Discarding,
Unifying, Modifying or Rethinking, Sorting and
Proximity, Adding New, and Others.
5.1.1 Rewriting
The experts presented many suggestions related to
sentence writing. Overall, recommendations included
substituting complex words with user-friendly al-
ternatives, incorporating examples and explanations,
and improving assertiveness (see comments from P8,
P9, and P7). Additionally, spelling and grammar er-
rors were identified. Criticism and suggestions for
standardization were directed at repeated terms across
sentences (see comments from P1, P2, and P10).
P8 (31-40y, MSc.) “Depending on the type of
user, there should be a definition in parenthe-
ses of a ‘mixed environment.
P9 (51-60y, phD.) “In 23, the ‘mixed environ-
ment’ concept is introduced. It is worth think-
ing about whether users can easily understand
it. Consider using a less specific description.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: TreeMap of expert’s feedback that provides improvement actions in UUXE-ToH.
P7 (31-40y, MSc.) “Here, ‘I did not make
mistakes when trying (...). I suggested that
instead of ‘mistake,’ use the word ‘difficulties’
so the user does not feel frustrated.
P1 (21-30y, phD.) “Some terminology issues.
For example, sentence 2 says, ‘The solu-
tion recognized all my gestures and touches
in holograms. Then, sentence 4 says, ‘The
holography always correctly selected the ob-
ject I wanted to interact with. So, it’s stan-
dardizing, right?”
P2 (41-50y, phD.) “Is holography the same
thing as a hologram? (...) better standardize.
(...) will the user know the difference?”
P10 (21-30y, MSc.) “Regarding standardiza-
tion, I think it would be interesting to adopt
a term. For example, if you adopt a ”holo-
graphic solution. So, use ”holographic solu-
tion” in the entire questionnaire. I saw a ”so-
lution.” I also saw ”interactive system.””
5.1.2 Discarting
Here, we group suggestions for discarding sentences
for various reasons. For example, some experts con-
sidered sentence 20, related to the Overall Usability
construct, unnecessary as others already helped mea-
sure ease of use (see comments from P7 and P10).
Another expert warned that sentence 31, related to
lighting conditions, was not something the end user
should evaluate (see P12’s comment). There was also
a suggestion to remove sentences related to auditory
feedback (see P3’s comment).
P7 (31-40y, MSc.) “I found the holographic
solution easy to use. In my opinion, there
would be no reason to keep question 20. It
seems to me that questions 10 and 20 are very
similar. I would leave just one of them.
P10 (21-30y, MSc.) “Perhaps sentence 20
could be excluded to shorten the question-
naire, as it may already be included in others.
P12 (51-60y, phD.) “Sentence 41 doesn’t
seem to provide very relevant information for
P3 (31-40y, phD.) “You could eliminate some
sentences. Depending on the experiment,
there is no sound.
5.1.3 Unifying
This category groups explicit suggestions to unify or
merge sentences. An expert suggested unifying sen-
tences 5 and 6 because they relate to time (see P5’s
comment). Another suggested combining sentences
40 and 41 related to innovation and modern resources
(see P7’s comment). Another indicated that sentences
55 and 56 are one because pleasant and fun could be
considered a single user desire (see P12’s comment).
Usability and User Experience Questionnaire Evaluation and Evolution for Touchable Holography
P5 (31-40y, MSc.) “As it is about time, think
sentences 5 and 6 could be just one.
P7 (31-40y, MSc.) “The sentences 40 and 41
could be transformed into one. Innovative,
technological... This could become a single
sentence, for have fewer questions, okay?”
P12 (51-60y, phD.) “I think it could be just
one sentence. Does someone want to have fun
with the interaction or want it to be pleasant?
Does anyone have fun with the mouse?”
5.1.4 Modifying Structure or Rethinking
Suggestions were made to modify the structure of cer-
tain UUXE-ToH sentences. For example, someone
suggested that sentence 38 become an open question
(see P8’s comment). Another suggestion in this re-
gard was to replace sentences about Emotions with
an open question (see P7’s comment). For sentence
54 concerning discomfort, an expert recommended
adding an empty field to allow the user to describe the
type of discomfort experienced (see P3’s comment).
P8 (31-40y, MSc.) “This question will be con-
ditioned on the user knowing other tools to
compare. It gains more when asked openly.
P7 (31-40y, MSc.) “Here is a sequence of sen-
tences related to feelings. Instead of having
these, there could be a question that asks what
sensations he felt when using it.
P3 (31-40y, phD.) “In sentence 54, the user
would place it on the scale and open a field to
report this discomfort.
5.1.5 Sorting and Proximity
Suggestions were made to rearrange specific sen-
tences. For example, concerning sentences for Learn-
ability, someone suggested that sentences 11 and 12
be reversed in order of presentation (see P8’s com-
ment). It was also suggested that sentence 23 be
brought closer to other sentences about gestures (see
P4’s comment).
P8 (31-40y, MSc.) “In item 11, ”I can use it”
or ”I was able to use it” without prior instruc-
tions would be manual, which is different from
item 12, tips and guidance. Maybe change the
order of 12 and 11, ask if it was presented, and
then if it needed to be used.
P4 (51-60y, phD.) “Shouldn’t sentence 23,
(...), be close to the gestures items?”
5.1.6 Adding New Sentences
Experts also suggested new sentences for UUXE-
ToH. For example, it was suggested that more sen-
tences be added to the Memorability construct (see
P6a’s comment). Another sentence was indicated to
the Immersion construct to evaluate problems of pass-
ing through the holographic object (see P3’s com-
ment). Also, a direct and objective sentence was sug-
gested to assess Satisfaction (see P6b’s comment).
P6a (21-30y, BS.) “I think you only have one
sentence about memorization. There could be
at least one more sentence. For example: ‘I
can easily remember one or more elements of
the solution’ or ‘It is easy for me to remember
the sequence of steps to use the solution.
P3 (31-40y, phD.) “If you crossed the line
when interacting. Regarding passing through
the object. It’s because sometimes we get con-
fused by distance. Suppose you want to touch
the object and pass by it.
P6b (21-30y, BS.) “There could be a straight-
forward satisfaction question. ‘I was satisfied
using the solution.
5.2 Suggestions About Structure and
In this category, we have included suggestions related
to questionnaire structure (like constructs, scale, and
answer options) and related to the presentation (like
grouping, labeling, and sorting). The following sub-
categories were created to facilitate the analysis.
5.2.1 Constructs Set
This subcategory encompasses the comments about
the suitability of the constructs for evaluating SHTs.
One expert proposed excluding Overall Usability and
General UX constructs, suggesting they could be
assessed through other aspects of the questionnaire
(see P10’s comment). Additionally, a recommen-
dation was made to introduce a dedicated Comfort
construct (see P2’s comment) covering existing sen-
tences, given its importance in interactions involving
arm movement and wearable devices.
P10 (21-30y, MSc.) “Could general usabil-
ity not be obtained from the usability subcon-
structs? (...) wouldn’t extracting the general
UX from the other constructs be better?”
P2 (41-50y, phD.) “I believe this sentence (54)
is much more linked to a dimension of com-
fort. This item is close to an item on the effi-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ciency construct, about physical fatigue. Per-
haps this sentence and the 7 one could be
grouped into a separate dimension, such as
5.2.2 Labeling Constructs and Sorting
Experts were divided regarding labeling groups of
sentences to identify the constructs assessed by the
questionnaire. Some thought that labeling was bene-
ficial to the end user, and those who believed that it
could overload the user with terms that the user is not
familiar with. Some suggested that sentences could
be grouped into themes (not necessarily constructs),
and these groups identified with words that are easy
for the end user to understand (See comments from
P8 and P9). Grouping and labeling could also allow
other researchers to remove parts of UUXE-ToH that
they do not consider necessary for their evaluation
context (see P12’s comment). Regarding the order of
presentation of the constructs, the majority did not see
any problems with the proposed order. However, an
expert reinforced that pragmatic aspects should come
before hedonic aspects (See P10’s comment).
P8 (31-40y, MSc.) “I think maybe grouping
them into themes.
P9 (51-60y, phD.) “Many sentences could be
grouped by subject.
P12 (51-60y, phD.) “You should make these
divisions of the questionnaire more explicit.
People can remove parts of the questionnaire
if they are not interesting.
P10 (21-30y, MSc.) “I recommend to group
the pragmatic and then the hedonic aspects.
5.2.3 Likert Scale and Answer Options
This category grouped suggestions related to users’
response options. For example, about the Likert scale,
one of the researchers suggested that the manual for
using UUXE-ToH must contain instructions on how
the results should be analyzed, warning not to use the
average (see P10’s comment). Another expert opined
that the IDK option could serve as an escape for the
respondent to avoid expressing their opinion on a sen-
tence (see P1’s comment).
P10 (21-30y, MSc.) “Regarding the Likert
scale, there should be a guide to indicate use
median and not average.
P1 (21-30y, phD.) ‘Sometimes, he will dis-
agree with something, but instead of disagree-
ing, he responds IDK so as not to disagree,
and ends up biasing the answer. It can be an
escape valve for the user. So it would be best
to consider whether you will keep it.
5.3 Considerations About Sentences
In this category, comments that presented positive or
negative considerations about specific sentences, re-
inforcing their relevance or indicating a problem with
the sentence, were grouped. For example, sentence
06 was considered very useful despite having specific
applicability (see P8’s comment). Regarding sentence
19, one of the experts pointed out that the loss of mo-
bility may not impact carrying out the task (see P4’s
comment). In sentence 50, the term ”interesting” was
considered too vague by one of the experts (see P12a’s
comment). This same expert found it difficult to dif-
ferentiate surprise from admiration in sentences 66
and 67 (see comment P12b). These considerations,
although not explicit suggestions are essential for de-
cisions to be made with the sentences to which they
are related.
P8 (31-40y, MSc.) “In sentence 6, there is a
need for specific practical applicability. But it
is very useful!”
P4 (51-60y, phD.) “This may not have influ-
enced the execution of the task... review the
focus and importance of the question.
P12a (51-60y, phD.) “Interesting is too vague
a term to ask.
P12b (51-60y, phD.) “I don’t know how to
differentiate surprise from admiration well in
this context.
5.4 Perceptions of Similar Sentences
The experts also sought to identify whether the sen-
tences were similar and whether they seemed to eval-
uate the same thing. In this sense, several sentences
were highlighted, such as sentences 2 and 28 (see P3’s
comment), 4 and 35 (see P8’s comment), and 9 and
10 (see P5’s comment). An expert also thought that
sentence 20 was a synthesis of sentences 9 to 14 (see
P11’s comment).
P3 (31-40y, phD.) “28 is similar to 2.
P8 (31-40y, MSc.) “4 I found similar to 35.
P5 (31-40y, MSc.) “9 and 10 are similar.
P11 (41-50y, phD.) “At twenty, I found the
holographic solution easy to use. It seemed
like a synthesis of what had already been con-
sidered in 9 to 14.
Usability and User Experience Questionnaire Evaluation and Evolution for Touchable Holography
5.5 Doubts
5.5.1 Doubts About Specific Sentences
Certain sentences raised concerns for potential con-
fusion among end users or generated doubts among
experts due to poorly chosen words. For example,
in sentence 5, “little time” raised concerns (see P7a’s
comment). In sentence 27, “occlusion” also raised
doubts (see comments from P8 and P1). Sentence 51
also caused doubts for some experts, as the person
would have already used the solution when filling out
the questionnaire (see comments from P7b and P11).
P7a (31-40y, MSc.) “What would be a short
time? (...) what is considered a short time?
Wouldn’t it be better to put the time allocated
for the activity?”
P8 (31-40y, MSc.) “Occlusion was a difficult
term that I had to look for meaning.
P1 (21-30y, phD.) “I don’t know what occlu-
sion is.
P7b (31-40y, MSc.) “This question (51), I
don’t quite understand if it’s for people who
have never used this solution. I was a little
confused because I understand that the person
has already used this solution, so they actually
wouldn’t like to be able to use it. Maybe they
can use it in another situation.
P11 (41-50y, phD.) “I was wondering if it
made sense because here he is already using
it, right? So perhaps, if he would like to use
this solution frequently or daily, it would be
more in that direction.
5.5.2 General Doubts
This category comprises experts’ concerns applica-
ble to multiple sentences or the entire questionnaire.
The primary issue is using varying terms, occasion-
ally synonymous with holographic solutions, lead-
ing to potential confusion (see comments from P2
and P11). Similarly, the terms “task” and “activities”
also raised doubts about their meaning (see P3’s com-
ment). There was also a doubt whether Learnability
was about the activity to be carried out or about the
solution (see P10’s comment).
P2 (41-50y, phD.) “I was unsure between
holography and hologram (...) Is holography
the same as hologram? Will the user know the
P11 (41-50y, phD.) “(...) Sometimes, you use
‘the holographic solution’; Others, just ‘the
solution. Also, you use ‘hologram, and it
seems to me in the sense of replacing the ‘so-
lution’ term. This might confuse those who are
using it.
P3 (31-40y, phD.) “Some sentences said ‘type
of task, and others said ‘tasks. Others, ‘ac-
tivities. Could it be a task that has multiple
actions? Could it be a sequence of tasks or
actions? It’s just a matter of writing. Some
sentences are in the singular, and others are in
the plural. Make it clear to the participant.
P10 (21-30y, MSc.) “Is Learnability a con-
cept related to the holographic solution or the
activities? What are you trying to measure
5.6 Suggestions About Open Questions
The first question was what received the most sug-
gestions. Experts recommended adding a neutral an-
swer option or a scale to enhance respondent flexibil-
ity. (see comment from P2a). It was also suggested
that this question be divided into positive and nega-
tive reports (see P2b’s comment). In question 3, the
experts suggested adding comments and criticisms to
the question and changing the pronoun to allow opin-
ions about other people’s experiences (see comments
from P3 and P8).
P2a (41-50y, phD.) “I would leave the ‘neu-
tral’ option. Another possibility would be to
use a 7-point scale (e.g., very negative, neg-
ative, somewhat negative, neutral, somewhat
positive, positive, very positive). This would
even make it possible to test the correlation
between the overall experience and the other
P2b (41-50y, phD.) “It would be worth divid-
ing it into two questions: ’What was positive?’
and ’What was negative?’. This way, there
would be no risk of people talking only about
the positive or negative points.
P3 (31-40y, phD.) “In the last question, you
could mention comments and criticisms too.
P8 (31-40y, MSc.) “In question 3, replace the
pronoun ‘your. Because the user can speak
and make suggestions for other user profiles.
For example, I have a family member with vi-
sual impairment, and I can make suggestions
to improve their experience.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
5.7 Miscellaneous Suggestions
This category grouped suggestions that did not fit in
the previous categories. Some are aimed at the ini-
tial instructions for applying the questionnaire, such
as instructing the user to contact the researcher if they
have any questions (see P3’s comment) or even giving
users time to ask questions about the questionnaire
before starting to answer it. (see P7’s comment).
P3 (31-40y, phD.) “An instruction to contact
the researcher in case of doubt could be inter-
P7 (31-40y, MSc.) “One tip is to allow time
for users to ask you their questions.
After classifying the experts’ feedback, the next step
was to process all this input, analyzing what was pos-
sible and feasible to apply in UUXE-ToH. All classi-
fied comments were exported to a spreadsheet to facil-
itate the process, and an additional column was used
to identify which sentence or question the comment
was related to. Then, for each sentence in UUXE-
ToH, the comments with perceptions, considerations,
and suggestions about that sentence were analyzed.
Thus, it was possible to evaluate the comments.
We considered whether we could keep/remove, cor-
rect, modify, or move the sentence in UUXE-ToH.
For each comment, we indicate in another column
whether it was entirely, partially accepted, or rejected
and the respective action taken based on the evalua-
tion of the comment. For example, sentence 20 pre-
sented 14 comments in different categories (Consider-
ations, Perception of Similarity, Discard Suggestion,
and Miscellaneous Suggestions). Analyzing all the
comments together, it was decided to eliminate this
sentence and the respective construct (as just this sen-
tence represented it).
After analyzing the comments related to specific
sentences, the remaining comments were processed
by category. For example, all suggestions regarding
the Likert scale were analyzed. One suggested that
information on how the results should be analyzed in
the UUXE-ToH instruction manual be included. This
information was then added to the UUXE-ToH in-
struction manual. Below, we list some of the main
decisions made based on qualitative analysis of expert
6.1 Removal Constructs
The Overall Usability construct, represented by sen-
tence 20 only, was removed. The experts considered
that Overall Usability could be inferred through other
constructs related to the usability criterion, such as
Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Learnability. Further-
more, the writing of sentence 20 would have been
very close to the points evaluated by sentences 9, 10,
and 13. Similarly, the General UX construct was re-
moved, represented solely by sentence 52 (I liked us-
ing the solution).
6.2 Adding a New Construct, Comfort
Experts suggested the creation of a new construct
called Comfort. This construct was created by com-
bining sentences 7, 8, and 54. The first two refer to
the absence of physical and mental fatigue, respec-
tively, and were previously allocated to the efficiency
construct, considering human effort as user resources
spent to achieve the goals. Sentence 54 explains the
absence of discomfort with the equipment necessary
to use the solution. This sentence represented the
physical component of the Satisfaction construct, a
result of the physical experience of using the solution.
Combining the three sentences into a single construct
highlights an essential aspect of solutions involving
user movement and wearable devices.
Comfort is related to ensuring that the user works
less but obtains a satisfactory or even maximized re-
sult. Whether from a physical or mental point of view,
the solution must reduce the effort required to achieve
the user’s objective. Wearable devices must be er-
gonomic and not painful for the user.
6.3 Modifying Emotion’s Sentences
The sentences for the Emotions construct were re-
formulated. Instead of four sentences, the construct
now has ve sentences representing the families of
primary (or universal) emotions most commonly ref-
erenced by researchers: Happiness, Disgust, Sadness,
Fear, and Anger. Thus, the sentences for this con-
struct sought to assess whether the user felt positive
emotions or did not feel negative emotions. Each sen-
tence presents the most common name for the primary
emotion or one that could be related to the use of
interactive solutions and, in parentheses, some other
gradations of the same emotion family. For example,
sentence 64 became: “I felt happy (content, joyful)
when using the holographic solution. In contrast,
a new sentence was added: “I did not feel sadness
(disappointment, disillusion) when using the holo-
Usability and User Experience Questionnaire Evaluation and Evolution for Touchable Holography
graphic solution. Disgust was presented in the sen-
tence “I did not feel aversion (repulsion) for the holo-
graphic solution”. With this reformulation, responses
in agreement with the sentences of the emotion con-
struct indicate that the end user had positive feelings
or the absence of negative feelings during the experi-
ence with the holographic solution.
6.4 Discarding and Adding Sentences
Some sentences from UUXE-ToH have been re-
moved. For example, in the Learnability construct,
sentences 9 and 10 were removed because we under-
stand, as pointed out by the experts, that sentence 13
already dealt with the ease of learning the gestures
necessary for the interaction. In the Immersion con-
struct, sentence 31 was removed because it was under-
stood that the solution’s suitability to different light-
ing levels in the environment would not be a task to be
evaluated by the end user. Sentence 41, for example,
was removed because we understand, according to ex-
perts’ considerations, that “modern” does not mean
good. Furthermore, being modern does not neces-
sarily provide relevant information. Some sentences
were also removed because they were very similar to
others that already addressed the topic, such as sen-
tence 49, which was very similar to sentence 21. In
total, 14 sentences were removed from UUXE-ToH.
On the other hand, experts also suggested adding
new sentences to the constructs. In Memorability, a
new sentence was added to check whether the user
finds it easy to remember the sequence of steps to use
the solution and perform the main operations. In the
Immersion construct, a sentence was added to verify
the absence of problems with passing through a holo-
gram during the interaction (“I did not pass through a
hologram I wanted to interact with”). In Motivation,
a new sentence was added to check user engagement
when not noticing time passing during use. New sen-
tences were also added to the Satisfaction and Emo-
tions constructs.
6.5 Rewriting Sentences
UUXE-ToH sentences were revised based on expert
feedback, including simple adjustments like standard-
izing terms for common concepts. For example, sen-
tence six was modified from “This solution increases
my productivity when performing this type of task”
to “This holographic solution increases my produc-
tivity when performing this type of activity. Other
sentences were changed to make the end user’s under-
standing easier, such as changing some words and/or
adding explanatory phrases. For example, sentence
23 of the immersion construct replaced the words
“quickly updated” with “in real-time,” giving the user
a better parameter to understand the sentence, which
also gained an additional phrase to explain the defini-
tion of a mixed environment.
6.6 Changes in Open Questions
The first open question underwent important changes.
Firstly, the options for marking, positive or negative,
were replaced by a 7-point semantic differential scale,
with the paired terms negative-positive so that the user
could indicate their experience in general terms. This
scale can be used to analyze the correlation between
the constructs in the objective part of the question-
naire and the general experience. Furthermore, in-
stead of just one open field to report the experience,
two fields were provided: one to describe the positive
experience and another to the negative experience.
A new question was added, resulting from con-
verting sentence 38 into an open question. Thus,
instead of just the user indicating whether the holo-
graphic solution is better than other solutions for the
same activity, it allows the evaluator to understand in
what sense the solution was considered (or not) bet-
ter than another for the user. This type of feedback is
much more enriching because it brings insights into
understanding what the user values in solutions for
that type of activity.
6.7 Grouping and Labeling
Although we believe that users should not know
which aspects make up Usability and UX or what they
are called, we understand that grouping the sentences
and labeling these groups can make it easier to under-
stand and complete the questionnaire. This can help
the user to differentiate sentences that may seem the
same at first, such as sentences 1 (Effectiveness) and
5 (Efficiency). Grouping also provides spacing (neg-
ative space) between sequences of sentences, which
is vital in layout, bringing less confusion and helping
the user focus on one group of sentences at a time.
7 UUXE-ToH v2
By compiling all the experts’ feedback, the new ver-
sion of the questionnaire (UUXE-ToH v2) now has
the following structure. The introduction now fea-
tures a glossary defining ”holographic solution” and
”hologram. The initial evaluation section, ”Evalua-
tion by Aspect, encompasses 60 sentences catego-
rized under Usability and UX dimensions. (Figure 3).
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Part of UUXE-ToH v2.
The sentences continued to be evaluated using the 7-
point Likert scale. However, the answer option IDK
was removed. Some sentences that could be removed
by the applicator depending on the context or condi-
tion of the holographic solution were identified and
labeled as optional.
The second part of the assessment was identified
by ”Global Feedback” and now has a total of six ques-
tions, the first being a question with a semantic dif-
ferential scale (negative-positive) of seven levels and
five open questions, with space for the user to de-
scribe your experience, perceptions, and suggestions.
The second version of UUXE-ToH can be obtained at
In conclusion, this study marks a significant step in
developing an assessment questionnaire for touch-
able holography, with the UUXE-ToH questionnaire
emerging as a promising instrument after content and
face validation by experts. The constructive feedback
from experts was pivotal in refining and enhancing
the questionnaire. Qualitative analysis of the content
provided in interviews and forms gave us a compre-
hensive understanding of correcting and improving
the questionnaire. We learned important lessons, es-
pecially concerning the writing of sentences, always
seeking to maintain clarity and words that best reach
users’ understanding, including standardizing key ter-
minology to avoid doubts or different interpretations
between sentences. We also credit the reorganization
of some sentences into a new construct (Comfort),
and the modification of sentences in the Emotions
construct to the feedback received by the experts.
8.1 Limitations
While providing valuable insights into the content
and face validation of the assessment questionnaire
for touchable holography, this study faces limitations
that warrant acknowledgment. The modest sample
size raises concerns about generalizability, and the
opinions of experts, though insightful, might repre-
sent only a partial perspective. Additionally, the par-
ticipant pool, which comprises leaders of Brazilian
research groups, introduces potential regional bias.
Diverse expertise and experience levels among par-
ticipants could introduce variability in assessments,
with some experts lacking direct exposure to THS
technology, potentially restricting evaluations to the-
oretical knowledge or analogies with similar applica-
tions. When interpreting findings and assessing the
questionnaire’s applicability in specific contexts, re-
searchers should consider these limitations, including
sample size, geographic focus, and varied participant
knowledge levels. Expanding the participant pool and
conducting cross-cultural validations could enhance
the questionnaire’s robustness and broaden its overall
8.2 Future Works
For future work, the evolved UUXE-ToH question-
naire, now validated for content and face by experts,
will be employed in practical experiments involv-
ing THS. One study will aim to assess the question-
Usability and User Experience Questionnaire Evaluation and Evolution for Touchable Holography
naire’s reliability and validity through internal consis-
tency verification and factor analysis. Following this,
UUXE-ToH will evaluate the user experience across
THS solutions with varying technical qualities, inves-
tigating how constructs’ outcomes may reflect device
variations. Additionally, the questionnaire will be
tested in a scenario where potential users assess its ac-
ceptance. These studies will allow a practical applica-
tion of the UUXE-ToH in diverse contexts, contribut-
ing to a deeper understanding of user interactions in
touchable holography and offering insights into the
acceptance and effectiveness of THS across different
technical landscapes.
We thank the funding and support of the Coordina-
tion for the Improvement of Higher Education Per-
sonnel (CAPES)—Program of Academic Excellence
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems