Bridging Skills and Scenarios: Initial Steps Towards Using Faded
Worked Examples as Personalized Exercises in Vocational Education
Torben Soennecken
, Anan Sch
, Bj
orn Petrak
and Elisabeth Andr
Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany
Personalized Learning, Faded Worked Examples, Exercise Generation, Vocational Networking Education,
Scenario-Based Learning, Adaptive Educational Systems.
In this paper, we present a method for generating faded worked examples as personalized exercises aimed at
bridging the gap between knowledge of theoretical concepts and their application in the real world, which is
particularly important in vocational education. Previous works suggest that faded worked examples are effec-
tive learning material that can also adapt to learners of different levels. Yet, there is no formulated method for
automatically generating faded worked examples personalized to different learners in real-time. We develop
a method for generating faded worked examples from scenarios, changing the faded positions and degree of
fading based on the targeted skills and the learner’s proficiency level. We evaluate our method through a
user study involving 13 computer science students from a German university, who practice specific computer
networking skills. The results indicate significant improvement in the targeted skill over the untargeted one,
highlighting the potential of our approach in vocational education settings. Our study is an early but promising
step towards the future of personalized learning, paving the way for further research in adaptive and personal-
ized vocational training.
In vocational education, the primary goal is the suc-
cessful translation of theoretical concepts to real-
world application (Hippach-Schneider et al., 2007).
Practice exercises act as vital instruments for the
transfer of learning (Newell and Rosenbloom, 1993).
To achieve effective learning outcomes from prac-
tice exercises, it is crucial to limit the engagement of
working memory in non-learning related activities, in
line with the principles of Cognitive Load Theory as
proposed by Sweller (1988, 2010). Since the working
memory has a limited capacity, it is important to keep
it focused on learning.
To address the limited working memory, Atkin-
son et al. (2003) proposed using faded worked exam-
ples as learning material. Faded worked examples, as
exercises, provide learners with incomplete solutions,
fading out specific steps for them to identify and com-
plete. The flexibility in faded worked examples lies in
adjusting the extent and specific positions of fading,
enabling them to meet the unique needs of different
When working on a faded worked example based
on a real-world scenario, a learner must be able to
understand and use the various skills relevant to the
current problem state. Beyond just skill application,
deeper comprehension of the context and the ability
to exercise critical thinking are essential (Anderson
et al., 1995). Given the wide range of proficiency in
both skills and context, the exercises should be tai-
lored to meet the needs of the learners at all levels, al-
lowing for individual progression, as noted by Butler
et al. (2015). This underscores the need for automated
faded worked example generation.
The development of automatically generated
faded worked examples faces technical challenges.
Central to these challenges is the algorithm’s capac-
ity to intelligently select steps for fading that align
with the desired learning outcomes and to modulate
the level of fading to avoid cognitive overload. Our
proposed method adapts existing exercise generation
methods with novel techniques for customizing faded
worked examples, offering a more adaptive approach
to exercise creation and individualized fading.
Soennecken, T., Schütt, A., Petrak, B. and André, E.
Bridging Skills and Scenarios: Initial Steps Towards Using Faded Worked Examples as Personalized Exercises in Vocational Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0012565000003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 43-53
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we
carry out a user study, using the proposed method to
generate exercises in the form of faded worked ex-
amples, and evaluating whether learners learn the tar-
geted skills. We use the field of computer networking
within vocational education as our domain of inter-
est, due to its complexity and the limited exploration
it has received in the realm of personalized education.
The ill-structured (Renkl, 2023) nature of network-
ing, with its varied solutions and reliance on expert
heuristics, makes it an exemplary field for our pro-
posed method. In networking, a single scenario can
cover various skills, fitting our method that fades parts
of a scenario to focus on developing a specific skill.
In this paper, we assess the potential of automati-
cally generating faded worked examples and their ef-
fectiveness in focusing on certain skills in practice-
oriented scenarios. For this, we present the following
We develop an algorithmic approach for the au-
tomated generation of networking faded worked
examples as exercises, tailored to different target
We carry out a structured user study to evaluate
the effectiveness of the automatically generated
faded worked examples in enhancing the acqui-
sition of targeted networking skills.
Designing effective learning material is a focused
goal of educational literature. To achieve this, the
Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) provides the ground-
work for understanding the limits of cognition. CLT
studies the limited capacity of the working memory
in the brain, and thus suggests that learning materials
should minimize the use of the limited working mem-
ory for non-learning related activities (Cooper, 1990).
One practical implementation following the sug-
gestions of CLT is the worked example (Sweller,
1994). In this approach, the learner is presented with a
fully worked-out solution to a practice problem rather
than being tasked with solving the problem indepen-
dently (Atkinson et al., 2000). This leads to en-
hanced schema construction, equipping learners with
the ability to classify various problem structures and
efficiently select relevant problem-solving strategies,
aligning with established theories on schema induc-
tion and analogical transfer (Sweller et al., 1998; Gick
and Holyoak, 1983; Spencer and Weisberg, 1986).
When a beginner starts out on a task, worked ex-
amples have been demonstrated to be beneficial, as
they contribute to managing cognitive load and fa-
cilitate learning (Paas and van Gog, 2006; Kirschner
et al., 2006). For experts, however, worked examples
might present redundant information, thereby hin-
dering rather than promoting learning (Renkl et al.,
2004). This difference in the effectiveness of in-
structional techniques between beginners and experts
is known as the expertise reversal effect (Kalyuga,
2009) and calls for the personalization of the learn-
ing material.
As learners gain expertise, one should transition
from fully worked-out examples to examples that
offer less guidance, eventually leading the learner
to solve problems independently. This approach,
known as faded worked examples, involves pro-
gressively reducing the number of provided solution
steps (Atkinson et al., 2003). Research has demon-
strated that such a fading technique enhances learning
outcomes (Renkl et al., 2004) by providing the guid-
ance that is required for a learner to allow effective
learning. Importantly, it is not the position of a step
in a solution that is significant, but the fundamental
concepts that underpin that step, with learners learn-
ing most about the principles that were faded (Renkl
et al., 2004). The possible variety of fading a worked
example makes it suitable for personalization.
Effectively implementing faded worked examples
as personalized exercises requires an automated sys-
tem for constructing a diverse array of such exercises.
Early initiatives in automated exercise generation in-
clude the work of Sadigh et al. (2012), who proposed
a system for generating model-based problems using
mutation operators from generalized templates. This
technique of problem generation, which correlates the
complexity of the problem with the number of muta-
tion operators, has been a guiding principle for our
Andersen et al. (2013) built upon this by using
procedural programs to generate solvable domain-
specific problems and characterizing “traces” as a
proxy for difficulty. Later, Butler et al. (2015) in-
troduced a system capable of generating exercises
for composite concepts formed by combining funda-
mental concepts based on existing solution features.
The techniques of Andersen et al. (2013) and Butler
et al. (2015) innovatively automate learner progres-
sion within procedural and non-procedural domains.
Unlike generating real-time, personalized exercises,
these approaches are designed for learners to progress
through a set of static problems.
Waldmann (2014) and
am et al. (2023) in-
troduced methods for auto-generating solvable ex-
ercises in constraint programming, permitting auto-
matic assessment and grading. Our approach inte-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
grates the emphasis on guaranteeing solvability from
these methods. However, the methods are limited to
their domain and are therefore incompatible with the
demands of networking exercises.
In the domain of exercise generation, the reverse
solution generation methodology has been previously
highlighted. Taylor and Parberry (2011) employed
this approach in multi-solution puzzles, while Ahmed
et al. (2013) applied it within the field of natural
deduction to ensure problem solvability. Informed
by these studies, our proposed exercise generation
method adopts the reverse generation technique, em-
phasizing its potential to guarantee solvability in the
generated exercises.
Further advancements in the field include the work
of Srivastava and Goodman (2021), and Cui and
Sachan (2023), who contributed to the development
of algorithms for the automatic generation of per-
sonalized textual problems, primarily demonstrated in
language translation tasks. Nonetheless, these meth-
ods lack a robust domain model, leading to the poten-
tial generation of invalid problems, which is crucial
to avoid when exercises are automatically served to
In contrast, Polozov et al. (2015) introduced an ap-
proach that incorporates instructional (relating to tu-
tor requirements) and individual aspects (relating to
learner requirements), effectively preventing the cre-
ation of invalid problems by integrating a robust do-
main model during mathematical problem generation.
Smith et al. (2013) carried out one of the most com-
pelling studies on the generation of mathematical puz-
zles, a task that shares significant similarities with
practical vocational tasks in terms of an open solu-
tion space. They not only ensured the solvability of
the generated problems but also maintained solution
features (like preventing undesired shortcuts) over the
entire solution space.
The methods we introduced serve as a basis for
exercise generation, yet they need to be modified to
work with real-world networking scenarios. Several
methodologies are tailored to specific domains, mak-
ing them unsuitable for computer networks, our area
of interest (e.g. Waldmann (2014), Taylor and Par-
berry (2011)). Notably, some methods (Srivastava
and Goodman, 2021; Cui and Sachan, 2023) even risk
producing invalid problems. Additionally, the com-
putational demands of other approaches (e.g. Ander-
sen et al. (2013), Butler et al. (2015)) hinder on-the-
fly generation of personalized exercises. These chal-
lenges present an opportunity for continued research
and advancement in generating networking exercises
for vocational education, particularly through the use
of faded worked examples for individualized learning.
In this section, we introduce our method for gener-
ating faded worked examples as exercises, following
the notion of Renkl et al. (2004) that learners learn
most about faded principles. A key feature of our
method is its adaptability, allowing exercises to ad-
just according to the learner’s evolving proficiency.
This adaptability positions our method as a tool for
implementing personalized, progressive instructional
design (Tetzlaff et al., 2020). The generated exercises
are designed to be open-ended, supporting multiple
valid solutions.
To describe our method, we start with a general
overview and then provide a comprehensive descrip-
tion of its structure and steps. The process begins by
selecting an appropriate scenario, which is equivalent
to a worked example, and consists of components and
corresponding configuration values. The valid prop-
erties of the scenario serve as candidates for the ex-
ercise’s goals, which are selected based on the spe-
cific skills the learner needs to practice. From this
scenario, we fade out some configuration values, in-
validating the goals in the process, turning a worked
example into a faded worked example. The posi-
tions to fade are determined according to the skills the
learner needs to practice. Fading is done using muta-
tion operators on the scenario, a method inspired by
Sadigh et al. (2012). To adapt to the learner, the muta-
tion operators are selected depending on the learner’s
proficiency. Adopting the approach by Ahmed et al.
(2013), learners should solve the exercise by adapting
the mutated scenario to fulfill the goals, in a sense “re-
verting” back to the original scenario, although there
are multiple ways to solve the exercise.
In this paper, we apply the proposed generation
method to networking exercises, but the framework
can also be extended to exercises with variable solu-
tion characteristics having a bounded and verifiable
structure, such as step-by-step programming tasks
(Kumar, 2022), RAID (Redundant Array Of Indepen-
dent Disks) design scenarios, and mathematical puz-
zles (Smith et al., 2013).
3.1 Structure
We introduce the concepts and variables that formal-
ize an exercise. An exercise, denoted by E, comprises
a mutated scenario S
and a set of associated, verifi-
able goals G :=
, . . . , G
that the learner aims
to achieve within that scenario. The mutated scenario
, is the modified version of a starting scenario S,
and establishes the overarching context of the exer-
cise. A goal is a property of the scenario that the
Bridging Skills and Scenarios: Initial Steps Towards Using Faded Worked Examples as Personalized Exercises in Vocational Education
learner aims to solve, and can be verified automati-
cally, as was done in Sadigh et al. (2012). Mathemat-
ically, a goal can be seen as a function, mapping a
scenario to a truth value, indicating whether the sce-
nario fulfills the goal, as noted in Equation 1. As the
goals are derived from the properties of the initial sce-
nario S, they always hold true on S, but potentially not
for the mutated scenario S
. A scenario includes com-
ponents C :=
, . . . ,C
and their corresponding
sets of configurations CF
, . . . ,CF
, as
written in Equation 1. Every configuration CF
i, j
sists of a set of configuration values V
i, j
. The compo-
nents C
serve as the foundational elements of a sce-
nario, with their configurations CF
directing the inter-
action within the scenario. The configuration values
are what the learner has to provide to solve an exer-
To guide the learner in terms of what to explore
and edit, a configuration can be fixed by the system
(locked). Conversely, other configurations are left
modifiable (unlocked) for the learner to edit. This de-
sign helps communicate to the learner which compo-
nents and configuration values in the exercise should
be the focus of attention.
To illustrate, consider a scenario that describes a
computer network. Here, a component might repre-
sent a switch, a router, or a computer. The address-
ing configuration for a computer, for instance, might
specify the IPv4 address of the computer along with
its associated subnet mask. An exemplary goal could
be ensuring that two computers can communicate via
IPv4 with each other.
i, j
i, j
, . . . ,V
i, j
i, j
, . . . ,CF
S :=
, . . . ,
G :=
, . . . , G
, G
T, F
E :=
, G
3.2 Generation Parameters
To generate an exercise tailored to the skills a learner
needs to practice, we supply the necessary generation
parameters. Given the need to practice a certain type
of scenario T and set of skills K :=
, . . . , k
. Our
method incorporates two types of proficiency: skill
proficiency P (k
) [0, 100] and scenario type profi-
ciency P (T ) [0, 100]. Skill proficiency indicates
a learner’s foundational understanding of a particu-
lar skill, encompassing both declarative knowledge
and the ability to apply it in isolation. In the context
of networking, proficient learners can respond accu-
rately to questions such as “What is an IPv4 address?”
or “What is a valid IPv4 address for a computer within
the subnet”. In addition to being pro-
ficient in a skill, the learner must also recognize where
the skill should be applied to solve a scenario-based
exercise (Renkl et al., 1994). This contextual under-
standing is reflected by the scenario type proficiency.
For instance, within networking, a learner’s scenario
type proficiency would enable them to address prob-
lems like “In the presented network, what changes are
required for two specific computers to be able to com-
municate with each other?”. Hence, by integrating
both scenario type and skill proficiency in the gen-
eration process, we aim to create exercises that not
only reinforce specific skills but also promote the in-
tegrated application of these skills within complex, re-
alistic scenarios.
To relate skills to the exercise and the structure we
use, we associate a goal with the set of skills that are
required for a learner to address that goal. We also
associate the individual configurations with the skills
that are required to understand that configuration.
Networking often involves tasks like ensuring,
preventing, or modifying component reachability.
This property can be examined at different network-
ing layers (Zimmermann, 1980), each necessitating
unique skills and perspectives. With this in mind, the
goals can be changed to match the skills the learner
should practice. A network exercise could require
knowledge about virtual network traffic separation us-
ing VLANs (IEEE, 2018), configuration of addresses,
or static routes. Depending on the supplied skills K
and the learner’s proficiency P (k
), configurations of
different components will be faded, as shown in Fig-
ure 1.
Figure 1: Fading directs the exercise to certain skills. The
same starting scenario can be faded in different ways to ac-
commodate different requirements. The faded components
are the ones that are mutated from the original scenario in
terms of their configurations, which correspond to certain
skills, and highlighted in the figure.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.3 Generation Steps
3.3.1 Selecting Scenario
Before the generation process, we have a list of pre-
defined scenarios available. We select a scenario to
base the exercise on by considering the set of skills
K the learner should practice. The scenario needs to
contain this set of skills, which is queried with Q
We define skills as being contained within a scenario
by determining if there are goals that address these
skills, as shown in Equation 2. What skills a goal ad-
dresses is pre-defined based on its type and can be
queried with Q(G
). If there are many suitable sce-
narios, we choose an arbitrary one.
(S, K) :=
| (Q (G
) K) ̸=
(K) :=
S | Q
(S, K) ̸=
3.3.2 Selecting Goals
After selecting the scenario S of type T and its set of
supported goals, we set the number of goals included
within an exercise to match the learner’s scenario type
proficiency P (T ). Within our method, we approxi-
mate that the number of goals is correlated with the
complexity of an exercise. We find this approxima-
tion is suitable in our type of exercises, because new
goals increase the criteria the learner needs to con-
sider before filling in configuration values. We select
a suitable number of goals depending on the scenario
type proficiency, as shown in Equation 3. If there are
many suitable goal combinations, an arbitrary one is
chosen from Q
(S, K, P (T )).
(P(T )) =
1 P(T ) [0, 50]
2 P(T ) (50, 75]
3 P(T ) (75, 100]
(S, K, P (T )) :=
(S, K) | |G| = n
(P(T ))
3.3.3 Determining Faded Positions
As a next step, to determine the faded positions, we
consider the scenario S and the skills to be practiced
K along with their respective proficiencies P (k
). We
determine potential pairs of configurations and com-
ponents F (S, K) for fading based on the set of skills
associated with a configuration Q (CF
i, j
), as described
in Equation 4.
F(S, K) =
i, j
i, j
i, j
) K
Currently, we determine all potentially faded po-
sitions F (S, K) as actually faded positions.
3.3.4 Mutation
Finally, we obtain a mutated scenario S
by mutating
the positions determined for fading F (S, K) with the
mutation operator M, therefore constructing a chal-
lenging exercise E =
, G
. To mutate a configura-
tion, we choose M based on the learner’s proficiency
level within the skills that are required by that config-
In our study, we have three mutation operators,
, M
, and M
, that remove either one, two, or all
values from the configuration, respectively. The mu-
tation M to use at a position
i, j
F(S, K) is
selected from these three, depending on the learner’s
lowest proficiency level among all the relevant skills
i, j
= min
i, j
(P(k)), as described in Equation
M =
i, j
[0, 50]
i, j
(50, 75]
i, j
(75, 100]
Importantly, the mutations are designed such that
the learner can reverse them, namely by filling in the
correct configuration values, which means that the ex-
ercise is guaranteed to be solvable after the mutation.
Following this, our method unlocks all the configura-
tions that were mutated, so that the learner can fill in
these values. The configuration values that have not
been changed remain locked so that they are visible
but cannot be changed by the learner.
3.4 Example Generation
Consider a learner needing to practice skills related to
the configuration of addresses within a network setup.
For this purpose, the system chooses a network sce-
nario with a router connected to two computers, as
illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Diagram depicting the initial state of a network
Upon scenario selection, specific exercise goals
are formulated, informed by the valid properties of
the chosen scenario. This formulation is visualized in
Bridging Skills and Scenarios: Initial Steps Towards Using Faded Worked Examples as Personalized Exercises in Vocational Education
Figure 3. Two goals are selected, calculated from the
learner’s current scenario type proficiency of 60.
PC 2 reaches
Router 1 on Layer 3
PC 1 reaches
Router 1 on Layer 3
Router 1 reaches
PC 2 on Layer 3
Router 1 reaches
PC 1 on Layer 3
PC 2 reaches
PC 1 on Layer 3
PC 1 reaches
PC 2 on Layer 3
Make PC 1 reach
PC 2 on Layer 3
Make PC 2 reach
PC 1 on Layer 3
Scenario Type Proficiency
65 out of 100
Figure 3: Diagram illustrating the formulation of exercise
After setting the goals, the system identifies the
address configurations of the computer ports and
router ports for fading. Given the learner’s low com-
prehension of addresses, each configuration is mu-
tated by a singular value, as showcased in Figure 4.
Lastly, the method determines the mutated configura-
tions to be unlocked.
Figure 4: Diagram illustrating a scenario where configura-
tions have been mutated, highlighted in red. As the method
is targeting the skill of address configuration, the relevant
port configurations are selected for fading. To not over-
whelm the learner, only one value is mutated for each con-
figuration, creating an exercise.
The user study aims to test the efficacy of our pro-
posed method of generating faded worked examples
as exercises, with a particular emphasis on its abil-
ity to facilitate the learning of a specific skill from a
shared pool of scenarios that support multiple skills.
We use 11 scenarios throughout our study, all of
which are considered the same type of scenario, as
they share a similar, basic topology consisting of one
to two computer subnetworks. The study focuses on
two fundamental networking skills: IPv4 static rout-
ing and VLAN configuration. Each participant is as-
signed to practice one of these skills.
4.1 Research Question
The primary question guiding this user study is:
“Does our method for automatically generating faded
worked examples as exercises, tailored to specific
skills, enhance learning the trained skills compared
to non-trained skills?”.
4.2 Procedure
Introductory contents
Practice ipv4 in exercises
ipv4 goals
ipv4 vlan
Practice vlan in exercises
vlan goals
ipv4 vlan
Practice phase
Figure 5: Diagram showing the stages of the user study.
Learners in different conditions practice with different prac-
tice exercises, where the goals are focused on the trained
skill and the configuration values associated with the trained
skill are faded.
The study is conducted on-site at the university cam-
pus. The steps of the user study are depicted in Fig-
ure 5. Before participating, participants completed
a consent form. The study begins with introductory
content, which is a brief overview of computer net-
working skills, reinforcing the knowledge they have
previously acquired in their education. Subsequently,
they took a paper-based pre-test consisting of two ex-
ercises for each skill. These exercises permit partial
correctness, for instance, awarding one point for each
accurately identified value within a static routing en-
try. After the pre-test, participants engage in a 30-
minute learning session using the provided platform,
with access to written instructions about the introduc-
tory content. Following the learning phase, the partic-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
ipants take a post-test, which encompasses the same
topics and skills as the pre-test but with different ques-
tions. During the whole user study, participants are
not allowed to pose content-related questions to the
4.3 Learning Platform
The central component of the user study is the learn-
ing platform, which supplies networking exercises for
participants to practice. The platform is designed as a
distributed application, accessed via participants’ web
browsers. The network is depicted as a graph with
components as vertices. Participants can modify the
configuration of each component by selecting it and
entering values. The connections, on the other hand,
remain fixed. To visualize the learning platform, we
present two screenshots that show important user in-
teractions within the application.
The first screenshot (Figure 6) showcases the ap-
plication presenting two goals that require IPv4 ad-
dress configuration and IPv4 static routing for a valid
answer. Although VLAN is also part of the scenario,
it is locked, indicating that it is not required for the
current exercise. This is shown by a grey lock on the
vertex and dashed lines around the ports within the
network plan.
The second screenshot (Figure 7) demonstrates
how the application presents the assessment of sub-
missions. After a learner submits a solution attempt
for an exercise, the learning platform provides feed-
back on their performance by adjusting the color of
the goals to red or green to indicate incorrect or cor-
rect configurations. Because of the open-ended de-
sign of the exercises, we assess the correctness by de-
termining which goals are fulfilled, and which are not.
As outlined in Equation (1), our goals are properties
of the scenario and, therefore, can be used for an au-
tomated assessment. This method allows for partial
correctness: solving some goals but failing others.
4.4 Conditions
The study has two conditions. Each condition has a
trained skill, either IPv4 static routing or VLAN con-
figuration, with the other skill referred to as the un-
trained skill. Exercises generated for both conditions
originate from a shared pool of scenarios. The trained
skill is incorporated during the generation process for
goal selection and configuration mutation, as shown
in Figure 5. Throughout this process, all configura-
tions associated with a target skill are completely re-
set. The following parameters are used to generate
exercises for participants based on their condition:
) = 100
P(network-plan) = 75
4.5 Measured Variables
The normalized learning gain (NLG) of students was
measured based on the relative scores obtained from
the pre- and post-tests, as described in Equation 7
(Marx and Cummings, 2007).
Post Pre
Full Pre
if Post > Pre
Post Pre
if Post Pre
where Pre and Post are the scores from pre- and post-
test, Full is the full score on the test, and NLG is
the normalized learning gain, respectively. The pre-
and post-test each contain questions related to the two
mentioned skills. We sum the scores from each skill
in the test, and calculate a separate NLG for each skill.
4.6 Participants
For the goals of the user study, we require the partici-
pants to have basic background in computer science
and networking. Accordingly, we recruit 13 com-
puter science students from a German University by
approaching them on campus, and giving them a short
description of the experiment. The exercises within
the user study are relevant to their academic curricu-
lum, offering an inherent advantage to their participa-
tion. Participants were not paid for their participation.
We show the measured normalized learning gains,
separated between the trained and untrained skill, in
Figure 8. For the statistical evaluation, we employed
the one-tailed paired t-test, with the alternative hy-
pothesis that the NLG of the trained skill is higher
than the untrained skill. The decision to use the one-
tailed paired t-test was supported by the outcomes of
a Shapiro-Wilk test, which indicated the normality
of the data distribution (p = .118 for trained skills,
p = .379 for untrained skills). There was a signif-
icant difference in the normalized learning gain be-
tween the trained (M = 0.50, SD = 0.37) and un-
trained skills (M = 0.14, SD = 0.39); t(12) = 2.31,
p = .020, with a large effect size as indicated by
Cohen’s d = 0.92.
Bridging Skills and Scenarios: Initial Steps Towards Using Faded Worked Examples as Personalized Exercises in Vocational Education
Figure 6: Screenshot showing the application with two goals on the top right corner, addressing the skills IPv4 address
configuration and IPv4 static routes. Here, the learner is adding a default gateway to the routing table of the computer “PC 1”.
Figure 7: Screenshot displaying the assessment of a learner’s submission. The goals are color-coded (red or green) to indicate
incorrect or correct configurations, respectively, with corresponding icons.
5.1 Observations
In addition to the primary results, we explored the
potential of our methods for real-time exercise gen-
eration. While formal time measurements were not
conducted, the distributed system demonstrated effi-
ciency by delivering a newly generated exercise to the
web browser of participants within a delay of mere
seconds. Additionally, participants reported instances
of participant frustration in the conversation following
the experiment, which stemmed from the high diffi-
culty level of some exercises or the absence of explicit
hints during the problem-solving phase.
In this paper, we proposed and evaluated an au-
tomated faded worked example generation system
aimed at enhancing specific vocational skills. The
empirical evidence from our study showed a signifi-
cant difference in learning gains between trained and
untrained skills, which indicates the system’s ability
to generate exercises for different skills from a shared
pool of scenarios. This aligns with prior research by
Renkl et al. (2004) regarding the skill enhancement at
the faded positions of a worked example, and furthers
the evidence to the domain of networking.
The real-time generation capability of our sys-
tem, as evidenced during the study, makes it suitable
for serving personalized exercises matching the dy-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 8: Boxplot showing the Normalized Learning Gain
of the trained (faded in exercise) and untrained (unfaded in
exercise) skills. Each condition has one trained skill, and
one untrained skill. This plot combines the results from
both conditions.
namic learner’s needs. Notably, the system’s ability
to tailor exercises from a common pool of scenarios
for varied skills highlights its adaptability and cost-
However, our observations also revealed chal-
lenges faced by participants, notably frustration and
difficulty. This suggests a need to integrate more ex-
plicit instructional guidance, in line with Clark et al.
(2012). Presenting efficiently structured and fully-
explained worked examples before fading, as ex-
tensively researched by Sweller and Cooper (1985);
Cooper and Sweller (1987); Ward and Sweller (1990),
would provide a more structured learning pathway,
especially for beginners. Another step towards an effi-
ciently structured worked example could be including
the rationale behind the provided solution steps (van
Gog et al., 2004).
Additionally, providing corrective feedback
mechanisms, for example as hints, as proposed by
Shute (2008) and Stamper et al. (2013), would further
support learners, especially when they encounter
6.1 Limitations
There are two limitations to our work. First, the user
study only contained 13 participants, which means
that the effect size would be better estimated with
a larger population. Second, the study was carried
out on-site and with experimenters. This might have
caused the learners’ behavior to be different than in
self-study, which would be the main setting of such
learning platforms.
6.2 Future Work
Future research should focus on refining the selec-
tion of fading positions in exercises by considering
the steps in the solution path, rather than consider-
ing single configuration values alone. This is because
even though the configuration values that are mutated
can be attributed to some skills, the steps in a solu-
tion path can provide additional information. To more
closely relate to a real use case, our exercise genera-
tion approach should be coupled with knowledge trac-
ing (Abdelrahman et al., 2023), so that the learner’s
proficiency levels can be determined and correspond-
ing skills can be targeted by practice exercises. Focus
on explicit instructional support, direct feedback, and
hinting mechanisms would further enrich the learn-
ing process. First steps towards the automatic genera-
tion of feedback are given by O’Rourke et al. (2019),
who utilized the problem-generation model encoded
in Answer Set Programming to guide the learner. Fi-
nally, exploring the system’s transferability to other
educational domains and quantifying the effort re-
quired for such adaptations will be crucial for its
broader application.
This paper outlines a new method for generating vo-
cational education exercises based on practical sce-
narios and the concept of faded worked examples.
The contributions put forth are twofold: an algorith-
mic approach for generating faded worked examples
as exercises tailored to specific learner skills and a
user study conducted within the computer network-
ing domain to evaluate the approach. The prelimi-
nary results from the user study indicate potential ef-
fectiveness in enhancing the trained skills, but further
enhancements are needed in guidance and feedback,
along with broader domain testing.
We thank Luis Schweigard and Felix Rinderer for
their support in implementing and carrying out the
user study. This work was supported by using
ChatGPT-4, a language model developed by OpenAI,
assisting in the formulation of some parts of the text to
enhance the readability of the paper (OpenAI, 2023).
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