Ensuring User Privacy in the Digital Age: A Quality-Centric
Approach to Tracking and Data Protection
Vitalijs Teze
and Erika Nazaruka
Faculty of Computer Science, Information Technology and Energy, Riga Technical University, 10 Zunda Embarkment,
Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Digital Privacy, User Tracking, Data Protection, Privacy Risk Assessment, GDPR Compliance, Web
Analytics, Online Security, Privacy-Focused Software.
Abstract: In the contemporary digital landscape, the pervasive practice of user tracking and the consequent erosion of
data protection present significant challenges to user privacy. This paper introduces 'Privacy Risk Assessor' a
software tool designed to evaluate and enhance online privacy. Addressing the dynamics of user tracking, the
tool analyses websites for privacy-threatening metrics in the context of existing tracking mechanisms.
Employing a methodological approach, the tool's architecture enables efficient processing and adaptability to
tracking techniques and privacy regulations. The research focuses on key metrics of quality attributes
including security, usability, trust, reliability, and performance, providing actionable insights into privacy
risks. An evaluation was conducted on a dataset of 492 Latvian websites, with an emphasis on diverse privacy-
related factors. The study revealed insights into prevalent privacy practices and underscored the tool's
effectiveness in real-world scenarios. The 'Privacy Risk Assessor' stands out for its possibility to be integrated
into web development process, offering developers and end-users ability to proactively measure potential
privacy threats.
The digital age presents both vast opportunities and
significant privacy challenges, particularly through
browser fingerprinting and tracking technologies that
threaten privacy. This paper explores how
advertising-driven data collection, especially the
transition to behavioural advertising, commodifies
user data without clear consent, monitoring user
behaviour in a complex ecosystem.
In response to these challenges, we indicate the
existence of legislative landscape, notably the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
(European Parliament, 2018) in the European Union,
designed to empower users and safeguard privacy.
Additionally, the ePrivacy Directive (2002/58/EC)
(European Parliament, 2002), also known as the
"Cookie Law," amended by Directive 2009/136/EC
(European Parliament, 2009), explicitly addresses
cookies, and requires consent for storing or accessing
information on a user's device. However, the existing
legal frameworks, while providing a basis for
recourse, fall short of preventing data misuse.
This backdrop sets the stage for the introduction
of 'Privacy Risk Assessor' (hereinafter, PRA), a tool
developed to tackle these privacy challenges head-on.
Unlike reactive privacy tools currently in the market,
PRA offers a proactive, automated approach to
privacy protection. It is designed to dynamically
measure privacy threats and provide statistics of
potentially threatening behaviours a given sites poses
to its user.
This paper outlines the PRA's architecture, its
adaptability to different web environments, and its
role in assessing privacy risks across 492 Latvian
websites. It contributes to digital privacy puzzle by
offering both theoretical perspectives and practical
tools to address contemporary privacy challenges.
Our main contributions include proposing privacy
evaluation metrics for analyzing potential website
privacy threats, developing a tool that visits and
calculates these metrics for a set of websites for
Teze, V. and Nazar uka, E.
Ensuring User Privacy in the Digital Age: A Quality-Centric Approach to Tracking and Data Protection.
DOI: 10.5220/0012565800003687
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2024), pages 299-306
ISBN: 978-989-758-696-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
further evaluation, which we share with those
interested in contributing
, and performing data
collection and analysis through an experiment that
measures request data from Latvian websites.
Section 2 of this paper delves into the evolution of
digital privacy concerns, existing solutions, and
legislative measures like GDPR, identifying gaps in
current approaches to digital privacy.
In Section 3 we describe the architecture of the
PRA explaining its modular design and integration
Section 4 outlines several key metrics developed
to assess privacy risks on websites. These metrics
include the analysis of third-party domains, cookies,
and requests to third-party domains, among others.
Section 5 details the methodology for calculating
the proposed metrics, describing the process of data
collection and analysis
Section 6 describes the practical application of
PRA in evaluating 492 Latvian websites. It discusses
the findings from this evaluation, showcasing the
tool's ability to effectively analyze and report on
digital privacy metrics.
Section 7 evaluates the effectiveness of our
developed metrics in identifying privacy risks and the
broader significance of these results for enhancing
digital privacy protections and legislative
Section 8 highlights the contributions of the PRA
to the field and suggests avenues for future research
and development in digital privacy protection.
The digital era has brought significant challenges to
user privacy and data protection. The issue at hand is
the pervasive use of browser fingerprinting and user
tracking technologies that pose a substantial threat to
individual privacy. With every online interaction,
users potentially expose personal information to
various entities, ranging from benign data collectors
to malicious actors. The advent of sophisticated
tracking mechanisms, such as cookies, web beacons,
and fingerprinting scripts, has made it exceedingly
difficult for users to maintain anonymity and control
over their personal data (Boda et al., 2012; Elbanna
& Abdelbaki, 2018; Laperdrix et al., 2019;
Nikiforakis et al., 2013).
In the realm of web interactions, cookies serve as
a fundamental mechanism to preserve the state across
otherwise stateless HTTP sessions(Kristol &
Montulli, 1997), thereby enhancing user navigational
experiences. GDPR represents a paradigm shift in the
approach to web privacy, mandating that explicit
consent be obtained for the storage of cookies not
indispensable to a website's core functionalities.
Advertising has been one of the primary drivers
for the development and deployment of tracking
technologies. The transition from traditional
advertising to behavioral targeting has led to a
complex ecosystem where user data is a valuable
commodity (Beales, 2010; Provost et al., 2009; Wu et
al., 2009; Yan et al., 2009). The ability to deliver
personalized advertisements hinges on the extensive
collection and analysis of user behavior, often
without explicit consent(Confessore, 2018; Dehling
et al., 2019; Ur et al., 2012).
Despite the benefits of personalized content, the
implications for user privacy are profound. Research
has demonstrated that even seemingly innocuous data
can, over time, be aggregated to construct detailed
and invasive user profiles (Estrada-Jiménez et al.,
2017; Woensdregt et al., 2019). These profiles can
then be exploited for various purposes, not all of
which align with the users' best interests.
The introduction of privacy legislation, such as
GDPR in the EU, represents a significant step towards
empowering users and protecting privacy (European
Parliament, 2018; Porter, 2019). However, while
these regulations offer a framework for legal
recourse, they do not inherently prevent the collection
or misuse of data.
Efforts to combat these privacy issues have led to
the development of a range of solutions. From ad
blockers and privacy-focused browsers to anti-
tracking extensions, these tools aim to give users
more control over their data (Bennett, 2019; Brave,
2019; Brave Browser, n.d.). Yet, none provide
complete privacy protection. The limitations of these
tools often stem from the reactive nature of their
development; as new tracking methods emerge,
privacy tools must adapt accordingly(Fishback, 2019;
Kristol & Montulli, 1997; Sullivan, 2018).
Recent studies have unveiled advanced tracking
techniques that pose additional challenges to user
privacy, notably through Domain Name System
(DNS) CNAME redirections. This method, known as
CNAME cloaking, enables third-party trackers to
masquerade as first-party entities, thereby bypassing
traditional cookie policies and ad-blockers. Such
practices have been identified to facilitate the
exfiltration of sensitive cookies, including those
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
carrying authentication information, to third-party
domains without user consent. This discovery
underscores the limitations of current browser and
regulatory defenses, emphasizing the need for more
comprehensive solutions to protect against such
invasive tracking methods (Ren et al., 2021).
Another significant development that complicates
the digital privacy landscape is the innovative use of
first-party cookies for tracking (Chen et al., 2021) that
involves third-party scripts executing code to directly
set cookies without utilizing the conventional "Set-
Cookie" headers, underscoring the dynamic nature of
tracking strategies, adapting to navigate the evolving
web privacy frameworks.
The need for a proactive and automated approach
to privacy protection is clear. This is where the
software tool proposed in this research comes into
play. Unlike existing solutions, this tool is designed
to measure privacy threats in a more dynamic and
user-centric manner. It employs a strategy that
measures potential tracking threats and calculates
metrics allowing to make cumulative evaluation.
Within the website development lifecycle, privacy
often receives insufficient attention, risking GDPR
non-compliance and associated penalties. The PRA
tool, primarily aimed at enterprise use, facilitates
automated privacy threat analysis to heighten
awareness among developers and users. Its modular
architecture ensures adaptability to new tracking
technologies and legal requirements, making it ideal
for both extensive and specific website evaluations.
Integrated into CI/CD pipelines, it offers continuous
privacy monitoring. Developed with Node.js for
efficient asynchronous processing and MongoDB for
flexible data management, it streamlines privacy
assessments across diverse data types.
The PRA software employs a modular
architecture for scalability and efficient processing,
consisting of interlinked components for various
functions: a Server Module for API call handling, a
Database Client Module for database interactions, a
Database Helper for data manipulation, an API
Module for request processing, a Worker Factory for
asynchronous tasks, Site Retriever and Helper
Modules for website listing, a Site Visitor Module for
orchestrating site visits, a Navigation Module using
Puppeteer for real user simulation, an Analysis
Module for data processing and privacy risk
evaluation, a URL Module for URL tasks, a
WHOIS(Daigle, 2004) Module for site ownership
information, and a Configuration Module for system
settings management. Module interdependencies are
shown on Figure 1.
Figure 1: Modular architecture of PRA.
Our proposed tool employs passive observation to
study initial user-website interactions without direct
engagement, underlining the importance of GDPR-
compliant essential cookies for website functionality.
This approach forms the basis for evaluating
websites' adherence to GDPR consent requirements.
We suggest that transmitted data volume correlates
with privacy risk, as each bit's addition exponentially
increases potential data uniqueness, highlighting the
importance of scrutinizing website-third-party
exchanges that elevate privacy risks. Analysing these
interactions, especially involving third-party cookies,
is key to distinguishing between necessary and
excessive cookie use, directly affecting privacy
compliance assessment. We observe that first-party
websites may engage third parties without needing to
maintain session state via cookies, questioning the
necessity of third-party cookies for functionality
versus tracking. The pattern of data exchange
suggesting user tracking upon initial website visit
underscores privacy concerns, necessitating thorough
investigation into data collection and usage purposes.
Thus, focusing on cookie analysis, particularly
third-party cookies, aims to differentiate essential
from non-essential cookie uses to uphold user
privacy. The study prioritizes metrics related to third-
party domain interactions, offering insights into data
exchanges that may compromise privacy by enabling
user profiling and targeted communication. This
approach informs our scrutiny of privacy preservation
practices and regulatory compliance.
Ensuring User Privacy in the Digital Age: A Quality-Centric Approach to Tracking and Data Protection
Each metric within the framework is calibrated
such that a value of zero denotes the absence of
detectable privacy threats, reflecting a baseline of
optimal privacy conditions. Conversely,
incrementally higher values are indicative of
escalating privacy risks. This scaling ensures that the
metrics serve as quantitative indicators of potential
privacy infringements.
Number of Distinct Third-Party Domains
Addressed (M01): This metric quantifies the distinct
third-party domains interacted with by the website.
While certain requests to these domains may be
benign, such as retrieving fonts or images, others may
involve more intrusive activities like tracking the
user. These tracking requests might transmit browser
data to third parties, potentially without the user's
explicit consent. The distinction between harmless
and privacy-invasive requests underlines the
importance of this metric in evaluating a website's
approach to user privacy.
Number of Distinct Third-Party Cookie Domains
(M02): This metric quantifies the unique third-party
domains referenced in the 'domain' property of
cookies. It assesses the diversity of external entities
interacting with the user via cookies, providing
insight into the breadth of third-party engagement and
potential data sharing channels.
Number of Third-Party Cookies (M03): This
metric enumerates cookies whose 'domain' attribute
differs from the visited site's domain. It is crucial for
evaluating the extent of third-party tracking activities
embedded within a site, highlighting the presence of
external entities that may be collecting user data.
Number of Cookies Set by Third-Party Requests
(M04): This metric tallies the cookies set in response
to third-party requests. It provides a measure of the
direct impact of third-party interactions on the user's
browser, indicating the level of third-party influence
in terms of cookie-based tracking and data storage.
Number of Third-Party Frames Addressed
(M05): This metric reflects the count of third-party
requests made via usage of frames build into the
website’s markup.
Covert Third-Party Cookie Number (M06): This
metric assesses the extent to which cookies, typically
associated with third-party services, are set under
domains that match the visited site, potentially
masquerading as first-party cookies. This is important
for evaluating the transparency of cookie usage and
for identifying tracking practices that may not be
clear to users.
Number of Cookies Set via CNAME Cloaking
(M07): This metric counts the number of cookies
where the cookie's domain is different from the
domain resulting from any CNAME redirection
applied to the request that set the cookie. It aims to
identify tracking mechanisms that exploit DNS
CNAME redirections to bypass conventional third-
party cookie policies, highlighting a sophisticated
method of tracking that masquerades third-party
requests as first-party. This metric is crucial for
uncovering covert tracking practices that may not be
immediately apparent, further enhancing the tool's
capability to assess privacy risks associated with
modern web tracking techniques.
Domain Transparency (M08): This binary metric
evaluates the clarity of domain ownership based on
WHOIS lookup results. When the owner is a
recognizable company, it implies a commitment to
transparency. Conversely, domains registered to
private individuals with GDPR-masked data or
unidentifiable ownership may suggest an intentional
effort to obscure domain ownership. The inability to
identify the domain owner results in the flag being
User Consent Compliance (M09): This binary
metric assesses data collection before explicit user
consent, focusing on third-party cookies being set by
requests made at the initial site visit. Activity of
potential data collection without consent signals non-
compliance with consent norms, triggering the
metric's flag.
Third-Party Request Diversity Index (M10
): This
metric employs the Shannon Diversity Index
(Kiernan, 2023)calculated by the Formula 1,
H = -Σp
* ln(p
) (1)
commonly used in ecological studies, to analyze the
diversity of third-party domains addressed by a
website. Each domain's frequency of requests
contributes to the index, providing a quantifiable
measure of diversity. A higher index value indicates
a more varied range of third-party requests,
potentially signaling a greater likelihood of
unintended user data exposure. This metric facilitates
comparative analysis of the third-party interaction
landscape across different websites.
Cookies Set by Third-Party Requests Diversity
Index (M11): Adopting the Shannon Diversity Index,
this metric is applied to evaluate the variety of
cookies set in response to third-party requests, based
on the association of each cookie to its originating
third-party domain. The diversity index here
quantifies the range of different entities setting
cookies during a site visit. A higher diversity index
suggests a broader spectrum of cookies from various
domains being stored, which can be indicative of
extensive third-party involvement and varied data
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
collection practices. This metric is instrumental for
comparing cookie-setting behaviors across multiple
Third-Party Request Execution Time (M12): This
metric aggregates the cumulative execution time,
measured in milliseconds, of all third-party requests
initiated by a website. While many of these requests
may operate asynchronously and thus do not directly
contribute to perceived loading delays, the total
execution time serves as an approximation of the
resources allocated to activities that may involve user
tracking. By quantifying the time spent on third-party
requests, this metric provides an insight into the
extent of external interactions and their potential
impact on both website performance and privacy
While no single metric conclusively indicates
tracking, analyzing them collectively offers a
comprehensive view of a website's potential privacy
threats. This holistic approach enables a comparative
analysis between websites with divergent behavioral
patterns. For instance, a website characterized by an
absence of third-party requests and cookies, coupled
with transparent domain ownership, would inherently
be deemed less intrusive from a privacy perspective.
In contrast, a website engaging in multiple requests, a
portion of which culminates in the setting of cookies
through CNAME Cloaking, warrants scrutiny. Such
behavior suggests a greater potential of utilizing a
sophisticated approach to user tracking, meriting
further investigation. This dichotomy underscores the
importance of a composite metric analysis in
identifying websites that pose significant privacy
risks. Subsequently, sites exhibiting concerning
patterns should be subjected to an in-depth analysis,
either manual or automated, to elucidate the nature
and extent of potential privacy infringements.
Summarized metric evaluation matrix is presented
in Table 1.
Table 1: Privacy Risk Metric Evaluation Values.
Metric No-Ris
Value Elevate
0 > 0
M08, M09 0 1
Recording Third-Party Requests: All outbound
requests to third-party domains are recorded and
stored. This facilitates the computation of the
'Number of Distinct Third-Party Domains Addressed'
metric by enumerating unique second-level domain
names targeted by these requests.
Measuring Response Times: The temporal
difference in milliseconds between the initiation of a
request and the receipt of its response is calculated.
This enables the derivation of the 'Third-Party
Request Execution Time'.
Mapping and Analyzing Request Diversity: Each
third-party request is cataloged in a map keyed by the
second-level domain name, incrementing a
corresponding integer count per request. Applying
Shannon’s Diversity Index formula to this map
facilitates the calculation of the 'Third-Party Request
Diversity Index'.
Assessing Cookie Setting Behaviors: Analysis of
responses for 'set-cookie' headers and subsequent
storage of identified cookies aids in determining the
'Number of Cookies Set by Third-Party Requests'
Counting Total Number of Third-Party Cookies:
The aggregation of the 'Number of Cookies Set by
Third-Party Requests' metric with the count of third-
party cookies obtained via the Chrome Devtools
Protocol (Google, 2023) yields the 'Number of Third-
Party Cookies' metric.
Evaluating Third-Party Cookie Domain
Diversity: The creation of a map correlating second-
level domain names in cookies' 'domain' property to
their quantity enables the computation of both
'Number of Distinct Third-Party Cookie Domains'
and 'Cookies Set by Third-Party Requests Diversity
Index' metrics.
Third-Party Frame Analysis: For sites containing
multiple frames, those addressing URLs with second-
level domains divergent from the visited site
contribute to the 'Number of Third-Party Frames
Addressed' metric.
Assessing User Consent Compliance: Given the
software's single, non-interactive site visitation
approach, the presence of third-party cookies at site
load without user consent yields a '1' for the 'User
Consent Compliance' metric, while their absence
results in a '0'.
Identifying Covert Third-Party Cookies: The
system maintains a record of cookie names associated
with common advertising or tracking services (e.g.,
'_ga' from Google Analytics, '_fbp' from Meta's
Facebook Pixel). Cookies matching these names with
a 'domain' property aligning with the visited site's
domain are classified as 'Covert Third-Party Cookies'.
Ensuring User Privacy in the Digital Age: A Quality-Centric Approach to Tracking and Data Protection
Table 2: Metric Descriptive Statistics.
M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M06 M07 M08 M09 M10 M11 M12
Median 7 0 0 0 000001.466 0 3795
Mean 8.614 0.551 1.24 1.268 0.763 0.783 2.071 0.162 0.301 1.424 0.108 8889.99
7.08 1.088 3.602 3.609 1.319 1.308 15.225 0.369 0.459 0.772 0.314 22101.263
Variance 50.121 1.185 12.978 13.027 1.741 1.71 231.808 0.136 0.211 0.597 0.099 4.885×10
0 0 0 0 000000 0 0
49 8 45 45 10 6 153 1 1 3.19 1.991 273491
Identifying cookies that use CNAME Cloaking:
Each cookie-setting request from sites is analysed by
conducting a DNS query to check for CNAME
redirection. If found, we compare the redirection's
target domain with the cookie's domain attribute.
Discrepancies suggest CNAME Cloaking, enabling
accurate identification and counting of such cookies.
To evaluate the capabilities of the PRA tool, a set of
492 Latvian websites was compiled for analysis. This
dataset was sourced from Netcraft's compilation of
top sites in Latvia
and included all sites within the
'.lv' domain zone listed in BuiltWith's top 1 million
Table 2 shows descriptive statistics for metrics
from Section 4, calculated as per Section 5
methodologies after site evaluations. These metrics
are aggregated into a correlation heatmap in Figure 2,
offering key insights into potential privacy threats
through their interrelations.
Firstly, there are positive intuitive correlations
among several pairs of metrics, notably between the
number of third-party cookies (M03) and the number
of cookies set by third-party requests (M04).
Additionally, the number of distinct third-party
domains addressed (M01) shows positive correlations
with several other metrics, suggesting that sites
interacting with more third-party domains are likely
to have higher instances of third-party cookies and
potentially a more diverse range of third-party
Furthermore, the execution time of third-party
requests (M12) displays varying degrees of
correlation with other metrics. This variation
indicates that while the execution time is influenced
by the number and diversity of third-party requests, it
is not solely dependent on them.
Figure 2: Collected metric correlation heatmap.
In the interpretation of results, our analysis of privacy
metrics across 492 Latvian websites reveals insights
into third-party domain interactions, cookie usage,
and tracking mechanisms. Metrics M01 and M03
show that most sites engage with a limited number of
third-party domains and set few third-party cookies,
suggesting a general tendency towards minimizing
external dependencies. However, the presence of
outliers indicates that a subset of websites extensively
uses third-party cookies and domains, potentially
increasing privacy risks.
The skewness observed in metrics M02, M04, and
M05 towards lower values, with notable exceptions,
highlights a concentration of websites that either limit
third-party engagements or employ a more
consolidated approach to user tracking. This could
reflect a cautious stance on privacy or a focused use
of third-party resources. The variability in the
presence of covert third-party cookies (M06) and the
use of CNAME cloaking (M07) points to
sophisticated tracking techniques on some sites,
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
emphasizing the need for advanced detection
Domain transparency (M08) and user consent
compliance (M09) serve as binary indicators of
websites' commitment to privacy norms, with our
findings suggesting a mixed landscape of adherence.
The diversity indices (M10 and M11) and third-party
request execution time (M12) further differentiate
websites, showing a broad spectrum of practices from
minimal to extensive third-party integrations, which
could impact both privacy and user experience.
Normalization of metrics underscores the relative
privacy threat of each site, with la.lv, tavacena.lv, and
azeta.lv identified as the top three posing the highest
potential risks.
Our tool's methodology aimed to detect cookie
setting via JavaScript and tracking with the Canvas
HTML element, yet found no such instances among
the websites analyzed. This outcome prompts a
critical examination of whether the lack of detected
tracking is due to our method's limitations or truly
reflects website practices. This uncertainty
emphasizes the need for further research to refine
detection techniques or verify these initial findings,
marking a crucial direction for future work in digital
privacy assessment.
The data collection process encompassed the
comprehensive capture of request parameters, request
bodies, and cookie expiration dates. Future iterations
of the research and the continued development of the
tool will explore the analysis of payload content and
the identification of data flows. This advancement
aims to deepen our understanding of how data is
managed and transferred across sites, offering further
insights into privacy practices and potential
The tool from our research can be integrated into
corporate development and audit processes, allowing
organizations to assess websites for privacy risks.
This is key in preventing data leaks by identifying
threats from employee internet usage, thereby
strengthening an organization's cybersecurity, and
protecting sensitive data from unauthorized exposure.
In conclusion, our study presents a comprehensive
privacy risk assessment across 492 Latvian websites,
utilizing the Privacy Risk Assessor tool to analyze
and quantify privacy threats through various metrics.
The findings reveal a spectrum of practices regarding
third-party engagements, cookie usage, and tracking
mechanisms, highlighting the importance of robust
privacy protection measures. This research
underscores the need for ongoing vigilance and
refinement of privacy assessment tools to address
sophisticated tracking techniques and comply with
evolving privacy regulations.
Further investigation is warranted to enhance the
tool's detection capabilities, particularly in
identifying JavaScript-based cookie setting and
Canvas element tracking. The absence of these
practices among the evaluated websites poses
questions about measurement methodologies or the
actual prevalence of such tracking techniques,
pointing towards areas for future research.
The potential integration of the Privacy Risk
Assessor into enterprise development and audit
processes suggests a proactive approach to
safeguarding digital privacy and preventing corporate
data leaks. By enabling companies to assess the
privacy risks of websites accessible to their
employees, this tool contributes significantly to the
broader discourse on digital privacy and security,
advocating for a more transparent, consent-based
online environment.
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