than the original RHS. Furthermore, FRHS exhibits
superior performance in tasks chk, cs, h, le, m2, mom,
s2, and vp.
These results indicate that the proposed method
achieves better outcomes for the majority of the hand-
writing tasks. Additionally, in specific categories
such as Mini-COG, MMSE, and Trail Making Test,
the proposed method FRHS outperforms the original
In conclusion, this study introduced a new tech-
nique for the early detection of neurodegenerative
dis- eases through handwriting analysis.
Specifically, the method proposed by this work, a
filtered version of the Random Hybrid Strokes
technique called Filtered Random Hybrid Strokes
(FRHS), aims to improve early dementia prediction
performance from hand- writing data.
In fact, the results obtained show that, for most
tasks, FRHS outperforms the original RHS. Further-
more, it is noteworthy that the proposed technique
improves prediction performance for all writing
tasks belonging to the Mini-COG, MMSE and Trail
Matrix Test categories.
Hence, the proposed technique not only outper-
forms the existing approach in terms of f1-scores,
but also proves to be particularly good for filtering
and data augmentation. Ultimately, FRHS holds
great promise for improving early dementia
diagnosis and handwriting analysis.
This article and related research have been
conducted during and with the support of the Italian
National Inter-University Ph.D. course in
Sustainable Develop- ment and Climate Change.
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have also been conducted with the support and
funding of the Ministero della Salute’s project
”AmICA: Assis- tenza olistica Intelligente per
l’aCtive Ageing in eco- sistemi indoor e outdoor”
project, under Traiettoria 1, specifically ”Active
Healthy Ageing - Tecnolo- gie per l’invecchiamento
attivo e l’assistenza domi- ciliare” (T1-MZ-09).
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