resent a significant step towards the goal of custom-
designed proteins well-focused on specific functions.
We outline that fine-tuning the ProGen Condi-
tional Transformer toward specific protein families
can enable the generation of new proteins that retain
and can also expand their functional characteristics,
with possible relevant applications in pharmacology
(e.g., for the design of new anti-microbic drugs), or
in industrial applications (e.g., for the production of
textiles, biofuels or foods).
In perspective, ProGen model can be fine-tuned on
more complex tasks. For instance, the generation of
functionally characterized protein molecules that can
interact with a specific molecular target (i.e., a target
protein). This is a challenging task, but it represents
our next objective.
This research was supported by the “National
Center for Gene Therapy and Drugs based on
RNA Technology”, PNRR-NextGenerationEU pro-
gram [G43C22001320007].
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BIOINFORMATICS 2024 - 15th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms