While BCI technology has gained a lot of attention
in recent years, there are still many unanswered
questions and areas that require further research. This
study can be seen as a preliminary study for many
potential studies to be conducted in the future. By
addressing the gaps in the current literature,
researchers can build upon the findings of this study
and expand our knowledge of BCI technology,
potentially leading to new and innovative
applications in the future.
Initially, the focus of this study was on identifying
four specific classes, namely A, B, C, and Rest.
However, in future studies, the potential exists to
expand the number of classes to encompass the
entirety of the alphabet.
Moreover, we employed a common dataset that
was divided into training and testing sets in our study.
However, there is potential for further exploration on
how to improve the detection performance of models
trained on data collected at different times when
tested on data gathered at a later point. By doing so,
real-time applications can be developed, particularly
for individuals with communication difficulties who
may lack the ability to speak and could benefit from
a system that allows them to communicate their
words through BCI technology.
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