Towards an Algorithm-Based Automatic Differentiation of
Liability Cases by Analyzing Complaint Texts
Insa Lemke and Nadine Schlüter
Research Group Product Safety and Quality Engineering, University of Wuppertal, Gaußstraße 20, Wuppertal, Germany
Keywords: Complaint Management, Liability Management, Algorithm, Decision Support System.
Abstract: Effective complaints management is important to maintain customer loyalty and offers the opportunity to feed
knowledge back into product development and production. However, with products and supply chains
becoming increasingly complex, the picture is often unclear when it comes to handling complaints. This
applies in particular to the handling of legal liability issues. The challenge arises from the correct classification
of the various legal bases in connection with the receipt of a customer complaint. To this end, we introduce
the concept of an algorithm that uses automatic text recognition to analyze the text of a complaint and
determine whether a liability case may exist under German law. This paper presents the different development
steps and phase components of the algorithm as well as the current implementation status.
Inadequate complaint management can result in
significant financial losses and risks for
manufacturing companies (Hardin, 2015). Defective
products that have already been launched on the
market not only jeopardize customer loyalty but also
increase the likelihood of legal consequences.
(Cieśla, 2023; Stauss & Seidel, 2019). Both
manufacturers and sellers face multiple challenges
concerning product liability-related repercussions.
On the one hand, it is important to identify any
liability risks that could arise from complaints as
quickly as possible. On the other hand, those
responsible in the supply chain as well as the correct
countermeasures must be identified and initiated as
quickly as possible (Schmitt & Linder, 2013; Stauss
& Seidel, 2019; Yilmaz, Varnali & Kasnakoglu,
To tackle this issue, this paper presents the
development of an algorithm that automates the
assessment of complaint texts for potential product
liability cases resulting from customer complaints.
The "AlGeWert" project aims to automate aspects of
complaints management in industry to enhance the
certainty of action in complaints processing. The
following sections deal with the development and
presentation of the current prototype status.
Section 2 introduces the problem and discusses
relevant obstacles and criteria. Section 3 examines the
current state of the art pertaining to automated
complaints processing, specifically exploring the
incorporation of liability-relevant considerations in
research. Section 4 discusses the algorithm's various
components and their methodological contexts. In
section 5, we present the current state of
implementation and explain how the separate phases
are executed. We discuss the achievements and
limitations of the current state of work in section 6.
Finally, section 7 provides a summary and an outlook
on the following project components.
In the modern era of industrialization, demand for
faster product availability, and international supply
chains, the requirements for product development are
changing (Anagun, Bolel, Isik & Ozkan, 2022;
Cieśla, 2023). Additionally, increasingly complex
products not only challenge their design and
manufacturing, but also complaint management
Lemke, I. and Schlüter, N.
Towards an Algorithm-Based Automatic Differentiation of Liability Cases by Analyzing Complaint Texts.
DOI: 10.5220/0012569100003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 603-611
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(Agren et al., 2019; Anagun et al., 2022). Effective
processing and assessment of customer complaints
during the use phase can bring numerous benefits.
However, this task is frequently viewed as tedious
and unprofitable (Stauss & Seidel, 2019). Inadequate
complaint management not only misses opportunities
to improve customer loyalty and use feedback to
enhance products, but also poses risks in identifying
liability issues for manufacturers and retailers due to
faulty products in the market. Personnel without
training in legal matters may face challenges in
differentiating between various scenarios.
The presented problem focuses on liability cases
arising from defective products in Germany and
German law, which have three legal bases. Liability
cases are considered under the statutory warranty that
applies when a purchase contract is concluded, as
well as the Product Liability Act (based on the
European Product Liability Directive) and the
German Civil Code (BGB). These legal bases differ
in terms of time limits, types of defects, and severity,
among other factors. Additionally, each of these bases
considers varying responsibilities and draws
dependent responsibility. Although a distinction
between these three legal bases is theoretically
possible, the practical application proves challenging.
To address the issue of automated complaint
processing and the identification of potential liability
cases, the "AlGeWert" project aims to develop an
algorithm capable of conducting precise analysis of
complaint texts. By performing an automated analysis
of the complaint text, algorithms should be able to
identify potential liability cases quickly and
accurately. This approach should not only expedite
prompt responses to customer inquiries but also assist
in the early identification of legal liabilities. Through
the reduction of human errors and subjective
interpretations, objective and standardized analysis is
made certain.
Before explaining the concept and practical
application of the algorithm to be developed, the next
section examines the current state of automated
complaints management and the handling of liability
cases in complaints processing.
Responding quickly and handling complaints
efficiently can provide important insights for product
development and customer retention. However, the
focus is not always on the legal or liability imply-
cations. This section examines various projects and
publications that have already dealt with improving the
processing of complaints in industrial companies.
In a literature review, Zaby and Wilde (2018)
examine previous research on complaint
management, particularly from a customer
relationship management perspective. Despite an
extensive literature review, they conclude that there
is a great need for a comprehensive review of
complaint management, but only a few publications
address the topic. However, there are a handful of
publications that address the need for complaint
management to improve customer satisfaction and
product safety and quality.
Behrens, Wilde, and Hoffmann (2007) recognize
the need to include suppliers and customers in value
chains. This is the only way to establish a product
quality control process. They combine their approach
with the so-called 8D method, which is a common
standard in Germany, especially in the automotive
industry, to improve complaints. The 8D method uses
a fixed sequence of steps that lead to the identification
of the causes of problems and complaints, but it does
not yet offer the possibility of specifically querying
aspects that would consider the possibility of liability
cases occurring.
Schmitt and Lindner (2013) point out that an
examination of complaint management can also
provide valuable information beyond customer
relationship management, particularly regarding
product quality and continuous improvement. They
present their own approach to technical complaint
management, but do not specify legal sources and
liability-related requirements.
Hake, Rehse, and Fettke (2021) analyze the
potential for automation of the 8D method in medical
technology. They consider legal regulations, but do
not address product liability perspectives due to the
higher standards applied to this field.
Hedge (2023) emphasizes the significance of
reliability-focused product development in curbing
customer complaints, lowering warranty expenses, and
mitigating negative publicity resulting from defective
products. The concept also factors in product liability,
yet it does not delve further into the practicality of
complaints and their relevant assessment.
Stauss and Seidel (2019) highlight the importance
of incorporating liability-relevant data in complaints
management. Nonetheless, they fail to specify the
practical implementation and disregard automated
Based on the research presented, it is evident that
automated complaint processing can offer substantial
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
assistance in handling procedures. Additionally,
sources indicate that considering liability-related
criteria is critical to the success of complaint
However, no explicit examples detailing the
implementation of this consideration exist. The
AlGeWert project aims to close this gap by showing
how an algorithmic process can be implemented to
ensure automatic text analysis to check complaints for
liability-relevant factors.
The AlGeWert algorithm is based on a structure of
different processes where several elements influence
each other. The interplay of these elements affects the
automated analysis outcome. The subsequent code is
not the sole determinant of the analysis result. To
ensure a secure and reliable data interpretation
system, the algorithm is to be linked to external
databases, including a well-curated information base.
For practical purposes, we assume that an accurately
maintained database of customer and order
information serves as the primary source of data for
the algorithm. Equally significant is the integration
with an organizational system that charts the value
chain of each potential product under consideration
and clearly outlines the roles, as well as references to
collaborating suppliers, vendors, etc. The latter point
is a distinct work package of the project, not to be
discussed in detail at present due to the current focus
and scope of this paper. For now, the algorithm's
explanation assumes availability of a system capable
of identifying the manufacturers and suppliers
involved in an affected product. As input text for the
algorithm, complaint messages in the form of freely
worded email messages are considered. It is crucial to
combine these messages with a well-maintained
database of the current project status, as the quality of
such text can vary greatly in terms of content,
spelling, and grammar.
After presenting basic information, subsequent
sections will address the individual algorithm phases
that the AlGeWert algorithm undergoes when
analyzing a complaint text.
4.1 Determine Customer Data
At the start of the analytical process, the algorithm
uses simple comparison mechanisms to determine
whether the order number is the first indicator, since
it is the primary key that allows a direct link to the
relevant order. If the order number is absent, the
algorithm executes several iterations to locate the
relevant order through other means. First, it examines
the complaint text for the customer number, then for
the name, and lastly for an address. Figure 1 depicts
the structured hierarchy for matching customer data
in the text.
Figure 1: Matching hierarchy to identify the order data.
If customer data is not found or the information
does not match the database, there may be two
reasons: the complaint lacks necessary data, or the
product was purchased from another vendor.
However, this does not automatically eliminate
liability, making a manual review or consultation
with the customer necessary. In this case, the
algorithm stops here and provides a note to the
processing staff.
If the algorithm identifies customer data
successfully, it proceeds to the next stage.
4.2 Synchronizing Order Data
In the second stage, the algorithm retrieves
information from the database by utilizing the data
obtained after comparing the complaint text with the
database. The data searched for may vary slightly
depending on whether the customer or order
information has previously been identified. The
process is illustrated in Figure 2.
The most straightforward way to obtain
information is by identifying an order number. In this
scenario, the algorithm can access the corresponding
order and product directly. If there are numerous
products purchased under an order, the complaint text
is used to compare with their names. If no product
Manual checking
Process Order
Check for
Not found
Not found
Not found
Not found
Towards an Algorithm-Based Automatic Differentiation of Liability Cases by Analyzing Complaint Texts
Figure 2: Processing the found customer information.
name is found within the complaint text, all purchased
products are verified against the latter criteria and a
note is presented at the end for all potential cases. If
no order number is found, the scenario becomes
similar. In the case of multiple orders found, the
complaint text is compared or checked for a purchase
date. If the algorithm still cannot uniquely identify an
order, it will check all customer orders and provide
relevant user information at the end.
4.3 First Decision Phase
After extracting the customer and order data in the
first two phases, the algorithm can proceed with
evaluating the complaint and determining the liability
risk. The algorithm consists of two distinct decision
phases, each based on different methods. Technical
term abbreviations will be explained when
introduced. The first decision phase utilizes a
comparison, similar to the preceding steps, which
involves a straightforward comparison of
information. The AlGeWert algorithm's first decision
phase, as displayed in Figure 3, utilizes the customer's
residential location (extracted from customer
information) and purchase date (extracted from order
Figure 3: First Decision Phase of the AlGeWert Algorihtm.
As Section 2 has already illustrated, there are
three distinct laws that establish criteria for
manufacturers and sellers in Germany to be held
liable in the case of defective products. However, all
of these laws can only be fully enforced if the buyer
is also living in Germany. It should be noted that this
does not automatically imply an absolute absence of
liability if the customer does not reside in Germany.
In this situation, however, it is impractical for the
algorithm to make an automated decision as it
necessitates consideration of various marginal
criteria. Consequently, the process concludes by
referring to the requirement for a manual check.
Likewise, if the purchase date surpasses three years,
it is a crucial period where the expiration of this
duration generally implies that the manufacturer and
seller are no longer accountable for defects within the
product. However, it cannot be completely ruled out
that certain product groups may have different time
limits. If the purchase date is more than three years
ago, the algorithm will require a manual check. If
neither of the above two points apply, the algorithm
proceeds to the next step of determining the error
4.4 Determining Failure Information
Previous project research indicates the relevance of
identifying the specific defect type for classifying
different legal bases. While it is feasible to examine a
product liability case under multiple legal bases,
considering the defect type remains the most practical
approach for an automated preliminary assessment.
Nevertheless, straightforward comparison
mechanisms prove insufficient for this purpose; it is
inadequate to rely solely on keyword identification.
For this reason, the algorithm requires a Natural
Language Processing (NLP) model to identify the
type of complaint. The aim is to distinguish three
main aspects and determine whether the faulty
1. is damaged and no longer functions,
2. has damaged other property of the customer
due to the fault or
3. has led to personal injury.
A rather small NLP structure is required, since
only the failure categories "Product Defect",
"Property Damage" & "Personal Injury" need to be
determined. Initially, a bag-of-words model is used in
combination with the pre-trained SpaCy pipeline,
eliminating the need for pre-processing or tagging.
This NLP model is then used to examine the entire
complaint text received in order to identify the failure
Complaint text
Order Information
Process through
decision structure
Check for
Order Information
Check for customers
Customer Information
Check for purchase
Process with NLP
Not Germany
> 3years ago
< 3years ago
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
based on the problem description. This requires that
the defect is at least partially described - i.e., whether
the product is defective or has already caused other
damage. The complaint text will then be categorized
into one of the three mentioned failure types, along
with the purchase date, to facilitate the production of
meaningful assessments during the second decision
4.5 Second Decision Phase
The NLP framework analysis offers insights into the
type of failure and the required action. Relevant
criteria from various liability cases guide the
algorithm's assessment of potential risks. The
algorithm determines the liability scenarios
associated with the defect and the link with the date
of purchase. In this manner, objective criteria can be
utilized to evaluate and analyze the potential
occurrence of various legal grounds. The process for
the ultimate determination of potential liability cases
is depicted in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Second decision phase using an NLP framework.
After the second decision phase, there are two
courses of action. If the algorithm links the pertinent
information and concludes that there is no potential
risk of liability, it will terminate and display the
message "No liability risk could be identified".
However, if there is a potential risk of liability
according to one of the three legal bases, the
algorithm will proceed to the subsequent iteration. To
identify potential liability cases more precisely,
liability risks that have been identified are
temporarily stored and compared with the process or
value creation model during the following phase.
4.6 Identification of Responsibilities
When the algorithm detects a potential liability case,
it is crucial to determine which party in the value
chain may be held accountable or affected. Under
German law, liability for defects depends on their
nature and severity. The manufacturer, retailer, or
seller may be held responsible. The primary
determining factor, based on legal grounds, is who is
primarily responsible and to what extent the affected
party was informed. This is detailed information that
the algorithm cannot assess, as it is uncertain whether
documentation on these aspects even exists.
However, the algorithm can determine the product
involved, the suppliers and other manufacturers
involved in the value creation process, and which
party would be responsible in the event of a liability
case. As previously stated in Section 4's introduction,
this publication and project presentation assume that
a documented value chain process exists for each
product, including various companies and suppliers
Figure 5: Connecting the identified liability risks to the
responsible parties in the value chain.
The responsible parties are linked not by specific
individuals, but through the submission of filings
made by individual companies involved in the value
chain or departments dealing with respective liability
cases. The structure of this step can vary depending
on the number of companies involved in the value
chain and the possibility of duplication for the
manufacturer and seller. The primary objective of the
assignment is not to undertake a binding allocation of
Complaint text
extraction through
Type of damage:
Product defect
Personal injury
Damage to
customer property
Identification of
possible liability
No risk
Risk identifiable after
Warranty, product liability or
producer liability laws
Check for criteria identifying
responsibilities in the value
Purchase date
Value chain with allocation of
possible liability
Information about responsible
parties to user feedback
Receive information about the
responsibility structure in the
respective liability case
Towards an Algorithm-Based Automatic Differentiation of Liability Cases by Analyzing Complaint Texts
tasks. It is primarily about presenting information in
the subsequent edition of the guide, specifying the
departments to notify when addressing complaints
and the pertinent factors to consider when sharing
information. The algorithm's analytical process
concludes after this sixth phase, and this data is
transmitted to the user in the next and decisive step.
4.7 Assistance for Users
After the algorithm completes its previous phases, it
generates a recommendation or information to be sent
to the user. The project aims to increase action
certainty in complaint handling and processing.
Therefore, the main target group consists of
employees responsible for processing complaints.
The algorithm operates by having an employee
process multiple complaints and also check for any
corresponding liability risks. The process is
completed through an interface where the employee
inputs the raw complaint text and receives procedural
instructions at the end. These procedural instructions
are based on the results determined in the previous six
phases of the algorithm and vary based on the number
of review loops conducted. If the first phase of
customer data determination yields no results, the
user receives a corresponding message as detailed in
section 4.1. Should a complaint risk be identified, the
user is notified with all relevant information at the
final customer information:
1. order information
2. date of purchase
3. identified product
4. identified failure
5. liability risks
6. responsible party in processing
This information can provide an initial indication
of the severity of the complaint and the triggering
failure, as well as next steps. It is important to note
that the AlGeWert algorithm is not a substitute for
legal expertise, but rather a tool to aid in gathering
information. If a liability risk is identified through a
complaint, all relevant information is compiled and
made available to the appropriate legal department for
review, if necessary. Section 5 will present the
practical implementation of the algorithm and its
current processing status, following a detailed
conceptual overview in the previous sections.
The individual components of the AlGeWert
algorithm were presented in the previous sections.
Once the conceptual phase has been completed, the
next step is to implement it in practice and test its
functionality. According to the seven-phase concept,
the AlGeWert algorithm has been partially
implemented as a functional prototype. The practical
implementation involves linking multiple software
systems that interact with each other. Python serves
as the programming environment for transferring the
algorithm into a practical application. The initial
stage of extracting customer data involves using basic
matching mechanisms to compare an exemplar
database for the project and its contained information.
In this case, a SQL database is utilized, which is
managed through the open-source and freely
available program, MySQL. One reason for selecting
this database is that it can be effortlessly integrated
and queried with Python. On the contrary, MySQL is
a widely employed software, indicating that the
algorithm can be utilized partially in practical
scenarios. At present, the database encompasses
customer and order information that is easily readable
by the algorithm.
Table 1: Exemplary Order Table in Database.
Table 2: Exemplary Customer Data in Database.
Both Tables 1 and 2 show sample extracts from
the database used. For privacy reasons and to simplify
the presentation, only imaginary example data is used
here. The databases initially follow a simple structure,
and that the customer number is decisive for creating
the link between customer and order.
Customer_ID Order_Date Product_Name Product_Number Order_Number
KN01 2020-04-30 SweepSentry 1014 202009
KN02 2019-01-20 SparkleBot 1006 201902
KN03 2019-10-24 SweepSentry 1014 201917
KN04 2022-07-06 DustDevour 1008 202209
Customer_ID Last_Name First_Name Street_Adress Post_Code City Country
KN01 Mehl Pascal
Straße 49
55490 Woppenroth (DE) Germany
KN02 Gäpfert Jonas
Straße 152
55288 Gabsheim (DE) Germany
KN03 Kläckner Marietheres Am Leerberg 37 42879 Remscheid (DE) Germany
KN04 Schmidt Emma Scheibeng 14 1190 Wien (AT) Austria
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
As for the completion of the AlGeWert algorithm,
all phases are now being evaluated in detail.
Information extraction and the first decision phase are
already implemented. The second decision phase can
also be considered implemented, since the decision
mechanism and the relevant criteria have already
been developed and can be stored in the source code.
However, the NLP structure has not been fully
implemented at this stage of the research. In initial
tests, the bag-of-words model has successfully
recognized the different types of failure. Systematic
validation through corresponding tests is being
planned, but cannot yet be published at the current
stage of the project. Therefore, the phases of failure
detection and the second decision phase have not yet
been completed. To enhance the NLP model, we will
gather a set of genuine and/or realistic raw complaint
texts to train the model. This will be done without any
use of machine translation tools. The only phase yet
to be implemented is the identification of value chain
responsibilities, as the type of failure must be fully
functional before proceeding. Moreover, a suitable
file format for updating the related value chain
processes with data input, without any manual source
code changes, must also be identified. The
"Assistance for Users" phase is comparable to the
second decision phase. The implementation has
already occurred in principle. When the algorithm
categorizes the existing complaint during the first,
second, or third phase, it offers feedback to the user
on how to proceed. However, this phase is only
regarded as complete if all information is effectively
utilized and processed. Hence, the status assigned to
this phase is "ongoing."
Figure 6 displays the current stage of
development, referencing both the implemented
processes that are currently operational and the
algorithm phases that have not yet been practically
A significant part of the algorithm has already
been or is being implemented in a Python
environment to create a user-friendly application.
However, a few more steps need to be implemented
before the algorithm is complete and can be validated
as a whole.
The previous sections have outlined the structure
and practical implementation, as well as the current
project status, of the AlGeWert algorithm. Section six
will discuss how these findings can be contextualized
in scientific literature, detailing both challenges and
successes attained.
Figure 6: Current implementation status of the AlGeWert
phases in practical application.
The design of the AlGeWert algorithm is intended to
provide the user with information about the liability-
relevant risk of a complaint by means of a fast and
automated text analysis. In the last sections, both the
structure and the practical implementation status were
The algorithm is basically feasible and can
already provide initial assistance to users. The
technical implementation is not yet complete, as one
of the most complex aspects - the detection of failure
types by the NLP structure - is still under
development. Nevertheless, the project team sees the
biggest challenge in extracting the right information
from legal texts and correctly feeding it to the
decision algorithm. A clear demarcation of the terms
of use is necessary in this context. It is important to
note that the current use case is limited to the internal
processing of data based on the liability principles
applicable in Germany.
Although it has already been mentioned that the
algorithm cannot replace legal expertise anyway, the
project aims to produce the most concrete and
accurate information possible and to ensure that the
Towards an Algorithm-Based Automatic Differentiation of Liability Cases by Analyzing Complaint Texts
algorithm does not produce false statements. For this
reason, it has been decided to initially filter according
to the objective criteria of "place of residence" and
"date of purchase", and to always add a disclaimer
when assessing the type of failure, which excludes
complete legal certainty.
For the time being, the extraction of information
considering legal criteria to distinguish the types of
failures can be seen as complete. However, it remains
a task within the project to always keep an eye on
current developments and changes in the relevant
case law and to revise the decision structure in case
of doubt.
What is also missing from the algorithm's process
flow is the integration of a retrospective process step
that allows the information gained from a liability-
relevant complaint to be fed back into the product
development process. The potential to use such data
as a source of information for product development is
recognized here; the main task is how to process the
information accordingly.
This paper presents a concept for the development of
an algorithm for the automated evaluation and
verification of information with respect to liability
risks. After identifying the problem, the current state
of the art was reviewed and the lack of possibilities
for concrete retrieval of liability-relevant information
in complaint processing was highlighted.
Subsequently, the conceptual structure of the
algorithm was presented, which is divided into the
following phases:
1. Customer data extraction
2. Order data extraction
3. First decision phase
4. Determining failure information
5. Second decision phase
6. Identification of responsibilities
7. Assistance for users
The result is an algorithm, already partially
implemented, that makes it possible to check
complaint texts for liability-relevant content. It does
this by comparing information extracted from a
written customer complaint with an underlying
decision structure, which allows it to differentiate
between different liability scenarios based on
objective criteria such as "customer's residence" and
"date of purchase". An NLP framework is used to
implement a decision structure that identifies failure
information and categorizes the type of failure. This
links the relevant legal bases to the given complaint.
The algorithm is designed to suggest user instructions
to employees working with it, ensuring fast and
efficient handling of customer complaints. For further
prospects, the research project aims to implement and
complete the failure detection in such a way that it can
be used reliably. This requires testing the NLP model
with sufficient data and validating it through
systematic tests under the same conditions.
Integrating the value chain into work processes is
necessary to ensure the algorithm's full functionality.
The authors appreciate the German Research
Foundation (DFG) for the support of the Project
"AlGeWert" (funding code: SCHL 2225/7-1).
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Towards an Algorithm-Based Automatic Differentiation of Liability Cases by Analyzing Complaint Texts